Monthly Archives: June 2024

June 14: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Sophie of Prussia, Queen of Greece; Credit – Wikipedia

June 14, 1753 – Birth of Ludwig I, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine in Prenzlau, Duchy of Zweibrücken, now in Brandenburg, Germany
Ludwig succeeded his father in April 1790 as Ludwig X, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt. After the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, Hesse-Darmstadt was raised to the Grand Duchy of Hesse, with Ludwig becoming its first Grand Duke. In 1816, during the Congress of Vienna, the Grand Duchy of Hesse became the Grand Duchy of Hesse and by Rhine.
Unofficial Royalty: Ludwig I, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine

June 14, 1828 – Death of Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach at Castle Graditz in Graditz, Kingdom of Prussia, now in Saxony, Germany; buried in the Weimarer Fürstengruft in the Historical Cemetery in Weimar, Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, now in Thuringia, Germany
When his father died in May 1758, Karl August became Duke of Saxe-Weimar and Duke of Eisenach at just nine months old. His mother served as regent.  In 1809, the two duchies were united as one, and Karl August became Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. Six years later, following the Congress of Vienna, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach was elevated to a Grand Duchy with Karl August as its first Grand Duke of Saxe-Eisenach.
Unofficial Royalty: Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach

June 14, 1870 – Birth of Queen Sophie of Greece, wife of King Constantine I of Greece, born Princess Sophie of Prussia in the Neues Palais in Potsdam, Kingdom of Prussia now in Brandenburg, Germany
Full name: Sophie Dorothea Ulrike Alice
Sophie was the daughter of Friedrich III, German Emperor, King of Prussia and Victoria, Princess Royal, and a granddaughter of Queen Victoria. She married the future King Constantine I of Greece. The Greek, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish Royal Families descended from their marriage. Sophie’s granddaughter via her son King Paul of Greece was named after her. Princess Sophia of Greece married King Juan Carlos of Spain and her name was changed to the Spanish version, Sofia. Sofia’s younger granddaughter via her son King Felipe VI of Spain is named Sofia.
Unofficial Royalty: Sophie of Prussia, Queen of Greece

June 14, 1894 – Birth of Grand Duchess Marie-Adélaïde of Luxembourg in Berg Castle in Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg
Full name: Marie-Adélaïde Thérèse Hilda Wilhelmine
Marie-Adélaïde was the eldest of the six daughters of Grand Duke Guillaume IV of Luxembourg and Infanta Marie Anne of Portugal. At the time, female succession was not allowed in Luxembourg but Grand Duke Guillaume IV changed that. In 1912, when her father died,  Marie-Adélaïde became the first reigning Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. In the early days of World War I, Germany violated the neutral stance of Luxembourg and invaded the country. Marie-Adélaïde issued a formal protest, which was not effective in preventing the military occupation by Germany. Marie-Adélaïde developed a rather friendly relationship with the Germans, including hosting Wilhelm II, German Emperor at the palace. This caused her political opponents in Luxembourg to call her pro-German. Members of the parliament began to call for her abdication in January 1919. After consulting with the Prime Minister, Marie-Adélaïde abdicated on January 14, 1919. Her sister Charlotte succeeded her. After her abdication, Marie-Adélaïde entered a Carmelite convent in Modena, Italy. Eventually, she became a nun, joining the Little Sisters of the Poor in Rome, taking the name Sister Marie of the Poor. Her health began to worsen so she left the convent and settled at Hohenburg Castle in Bavaria, Germany where she died of influenza on January 24, 1924, at the age of 29.
Unofficial Royalty: Grand Duchess Marie-Adélaïde of Luxembourg

June 14, 1976 – Death of Hereditary Prince Knud of Denmark, son of King Christian X of Denmark, in Gentofte, Denmark; buried at Roskilde Cathedral in Roskilde, Denmark
In 1947 when King Christian X died and his elder son became King Frederik IX, Knud was the heir presumptive. Danish succession law did not allow for female succession, so King Frederik IX’s three daughters, including the current monarch Queen Margrethe II, were not in the line of succession. It was expected that Knud and then his elder son Ingolf would become king. However, the 1953 Danish Act of Succession allowed for a female to become queen if she did not have any brothers. With the passage of that act, Knud and his son Prince Ingolf went from being first and second in the line of succession to being fourth and fifth after the three daughters of King Frederik IX. The 2009 Act of Succession now allows for the eldest child to become monarch regardless of gender. To compensate for the change in the succession, Knud was given the title Hereditary Prince of Denmark, and both Knud and his elder son Ingolf were granted fixed annuities and additional flexible annuities for life.
Unofficial Royalty: Hereditary Prince Knud of Denmark

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Royal News Recap for Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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United Kingdom

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June 13: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

June 13, 1873 – Birth of Prince Enrico of Bourbon-Parma, Titular Duke of Parma at Wartegg Castle in Rorschach, Switzerland
Prince Enrico of Bourbon-Parma was the titular Duke of Parma from 1907 until he died in 1939. As he was mentally disabled, his younger brother Elia served as regent.
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Enrico of Bourbon-Parma, Titular Duke of Parma

June 13, 1877 – Death of Ludwig III, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine at Schloss Heiligenberg in Seeheim, Grand Duchy of Hesse and by Rhine, now in Hesse, Germany; initially buried in the Landgrave’s Crypt in the Stadtkirche Darmstadt in Darmstadt, Grand Duchy of Hesse and by Rhine, now in Hesse, Germany, in 1910, his coffin was  transferred to the Altes Mausoleum at Rosenhohe Park in Darmstadt, Grand Duchy of Hesse and by Rhine, now in Hesse, Germany
After his second marriage to Anna Magdalena Appel, Ludwig III retired from public life, and his eventual successor, his nephew, the future Ludwig IV, largely took over the tasks and business of the Grand Duchy of Hesse and by Rhine. Ludwig III and his second wife lived very quietly at Schloss Braunshardt in Weiterstadt for the remainder of his life.
Unofficial Royalty: Ludwig III, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine

June 13, 1886 – King Ludwig II of Bavaria is found drowned at Lake Starnberg, south of Munich, Kingdom of Bavaria, now in the German state of Bavaria; buried at St. Michael’s Church in Munich, Kingdom of Bavaria, now in the German state of Bavaria
On June 13, 1886, Ludwig went for a walk on the grounds of Berg Castle on Lake Starnberg in Berg, Bavaria, accompanied by Dr. von Gudden and several attendants. Ludwig and his doctor went out again that evening, this time without attendants, but never returned. Several hours later, King Ludwig II’s body was found in the water of Lake Starnberg, along with that of Dr. von Gudden. His death remains a mystery. It was ruled a suicide by drowning, but no water was found in his lungs during an autopsy. One belief is that Ludwig was murdered while trying to escape as he was about to be deposed. Another is that he died of natural causes, possibly due to the extremely cold temperature of the water.
Unofficial Royalty: King Ludwig II of Bavaria

June 13, 1882 – Birth of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia, daughter of Alexander III, Emperor of All Russia, at Peterhof Palace near St. Petersburg, Russia
The youngest of the six children of Alexander III, Emperor of All Russia and Dagmar of Denmark (Empress Maria Feodorovna), and the sister of Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia. Olga had a very unsuccessful marriage to her second cousin Duke Peter Alexandrovich of Oldenburg. After waiting years, Olga’s brother Nicholas II finally annulled the marriage and allowed Olga to marry the commoner Nikolai Alexandrovich Kulikovsky, and the couple had two sons. Olga and Nikolai refused to leave Russia after the Russian Revolution. They finally left in 1919 and lived for a period with Olga’s mother in Copenhagen, Denmark. After World War II, the Soviet Union notified the Danish government that Olga was accused of conspiracy against the Soviet government. Because she was fearful of an assassination or kidnap attempt, Olga decided to move her family across the Atlantic to the relative safety of Canada where Olga lived out the rest of her life.
Unofficial Royalty: Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia

June 13, 1900 – Death of Peter II, Grand Duke of Oldenburg at Rastede Castle in Oldenburg, Grand Duchy of Oldenburg now in Lower Saxony, Germany; buried in the Ducal Mausoleum in Saint Gertrude’s Cemetery in Oldenburg
Peter became Grand Duke upon his father’s death in February 1853. He sided with Russia during the Crimean War. Later, during the Second Schleswig-Holstein War, Peter laid claim to part of the territory seized by Prussia. In a treaty with Prussia, signed in February 1867, Peter gave up his claims. In exchange, he received the district of Ahrensbök and the Prussian part of the former Principality of Lübeck. This expanded territory gave Oldenburg direct access to the Baltic Sea. He also fought with Prussia in the Franco-Prussian War.
Unofficial Royalty: Peter II, Grand Duke of Oldenburg

June 13, 1918 – Execution of Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia, son of Alexander III, Emperor of All Russia, brother of Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia, in Perm, Russia; his remains have never been found
Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich was the first of the eighteen Romanovs who were killed during the Russian Revolution.  Like several other male members of the Romanov family, Michael was arrested by the Bolsheviks. Michael and his British secretary Nicholas Johnson were sent to Perm, 3,000 miles east of St, Petersburg.  On June 13, 1918, they were taken from their room, transported into the woods, and shot. In 1981, Grand Duke Michael and Nicholas Johnson were canonized as New Martyrs of Russia by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. The remains of Michael and his secretary have never been found.
Unofficial Royalty: Execution of Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia
Unofficial Royalty: Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia

June 13, 1965 – Birth of Infanta Cristina of Spain, daughter of King Juan Carlos of Spain, at Our Lady of Loreto Clinic in Madrid, Spain
Full name: Cristina Federica Victoria Antonia de la Santísima Trinidad de Borbón y de Grecia
Cristina is the second of the three children the former King Juan Carlos I and Sofía. She was a member of the Spanish Sailing Team at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, where she was also the Spanish flag-bearer in the opening ceremonies. In 1997, Cristina married Iñaki Urdangarín Liebaert, a former professional and Olympic handball player. The couple had three children and separated in 2022. In 2011, Urdangarín was accused of diverting public funds for his own benefit, through a non-profit organization. Cristina was investigated and later tried for fraud and acquitted of corruption. Despite the acquittal, she was nonetheless stripped of her title of Duchess of Palma de Mallorca by her brother King Felipe VI as a result of the case. Urdangarín was sentenced to six years and three months in prison.  In 2018, the Supreme Court in an appeal reduced Urdangarín’s sentence to a term of five years and ten months.
Unofficial Royalty: Infanta Cristina of Spain

June 13, 1982 – Death of King Khalid of Saudi Arabia in Ta’if, Saudi Arabia; buried at Al Oud Cemetery in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Khalid was the son of the future King Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia and Al Jawhara bint Musaed bin Jiluwi Al Saud, one of Abdulaziz’s many wives. On March 25, 1975, 68-year-old King Faisal, Khalid’s half-brother, was shot and killed by his 30-year-old nephew Prince Faisal bin Musaid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud at the Royal Palace in Riyadh. Khalid, who did not even want to be Crown Prince, succeeded to the throne of Saudi Arabia. Khalid suffered from ill health and was reluctant to take on the role of King of Saudi Arabia. In 1970, while he was Crown Prince, Khalid suffered a massive heart attack and in 1972, he had cardiac surgery at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio in the United States. After he became king, Khalid had a second cardiac surgery in 1978 at the Cleveland Clinic. In 1980, King Khalid had a minor heart attack. Because of King Khalid’s ill health, his half-brother and successor Crown Prince Fahd was often in charge of ruling the country. On June 13, 1982, Khalid suffered a fatal heart attack.
Unofficial Royalty: King Khalid of Saudi Arabia

June 13, 2015 – Wedding of Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Hellqvist at the Royal Chapel at the Royal Palace of Stockholm
Carl Philip and Sofia met in the summer of 2009, and by the spring of 2010, the media was beginning to speculate that the two were involved. In August 2010, the Royal Court confirmed the two were in a relationship. Sofia attended many family functions, including the weddings of Carl Philip’s two sisters, although she was not seated with the royal family. They lived together in Stockholm for some time and maintained a private life. On June 25, 2014, the Swedish Royal Court announced that the couple was engaged and that the wedding would take place on June 13, 2015, in the Royal Chapel at the Royal Palace in Stockholm.
Unofficial Royalty: Wedding of Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Hellqvist

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Royal News Recap for Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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United Kingdom

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June 12: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

King George V of Hanover; Credit – Wikipedia

June 12, 1878 – Death of King George V of Hanover in Paris, France; buried in the Royal Tomb House under St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle in Windsor, England
George succeeded his father, born Prince Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, the fifth son of King George III, as King of Hanover and Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, as well as Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale, in the Peerage of Great Britain, and Earl of Armagh, in the Peerage of Ireland, in 1851. King George V of Hanover reigned for only 15 years, being exiled from Hanover in 1866 as a result of his support for Austria in the Austro-Prussian War. On September 20, 1866, Hanover was annexed by Prussia. George never abdicated from the throne of Hanover and he and his wife Marie lived in exile in Gmunden, Austria and Paris, France where George died at the age of 59. A funeral service was held at the Lutheran Church in the Rue Chacat in Paris and then King George’s remains were transported to England and buried in the Royal Tomb House under St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle
Unofficial Royalty: King George V of Hanover

June 12, 1952 – Birth of Prince Karl Emich of Leiningen, a disputed pretender to the Headship of the Russian Imperial Family and the throne of Russia since 2013, in Amorbach, then in West Germany, now in the German state of Bavaria
Karl Emich, also known by his Orthodox Russian name Nikolai Kirillovich Romanov, is the great-great-grandson of Alexander II, the great-grandson of Kirill Vladimirovich, and disputed pretender to the Russian throne from 2013 – present.
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Karl Emich of Leiningen

June 12, 1968 – Birth of Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg, wife of Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, born Sibilla Weiller in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Full name: Sibilla Sandra Weiller y Torlonia
Sibilla Weiller is a descendant of Spanish and British monarchs. See descent below:
King Alfonso XIII of Spain m. Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg (granddaughter of Queen Victoria) > Infanta Beatriz of Spain m. Prince Alessanadro Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi > Olimpia Torlonia m. Paul Weiller > Sibilla Weiller. She married her distant cousin, Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, the youngest child of Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg and Princess Josephine-Charlotte of Belgium. The couple have four children.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg

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Royal News Recap for Monday, June 10, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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United Kingdom

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Christmas Message – December 25 – United Kingdom

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

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A family watches as King Charles III gives his first Christmas Message on December 25, 2022, in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. The King paid tribute to his late mother Queen Elizabeth II.

At 3:00 PM British Time on December 25, the British Monarch’s pre-recorded Christmas Message is broadcast throughout the United Kingdom. It is also broadcast in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and other Commonwealth nations at times convenient to those countries. In the United States, C-SPAN broadcasts the message at times that vary depending on the network’s schedule. On the internet, the Christmas Message is embargoed until 3:00 PM British Time. The Christmas Message is now written by the Monarch sometimes with input from family and advisors.

History of the Christmas Message

King George V giving the 1934 Christmas Message; Credit – Wikipedia

John Reith, the founding Director-General of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), suggested to King George V that he make a short speech on BBC radio in 1922, the founding year of the BBC. King George V considered the new radio just entertainment and declined. Ten years later, John Reith again asked King George V to make a speech, and with the encouragement of his wife Queen Mary and Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, he agreed. On December 25, 1932, King George V read the first Christmas Message, written by the renowned English novelist, short-story writer, poet, and journalist Rudyard Kipling.

Embed from Getty Images
On December 25, 1952, Queen Elizabeth II gave her first Christmas Message at Sandringham House

The Christmas Message has been broadcast every year since 1932 with several exceptions. There was no Christmas Message in 1936 because King Edward VIII had abdicated the throne just two weeks prior, on December 10, 1936. Because Queen Elizabeth II was weeks away from the births of Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, there was no Christmas Message in 1959 and 1963. In 1969, it was decided to forgo the Christmas Message because a repeat of the documentary film Royal Family, televised in the summer in connection with the investiture of Charles, Prince of Wales, was already scheduled for the holiday period. Instead, Queen Elizabeth II issued a written Christmas Message in 1969.

Queen Elizabeth II giving the first televised Christmas Message in 1957; Credit – Wikipedia

On December 25, 1957, Queen Elizabeth II gave the first televised Christmas Message in the Long Library at Sandringham House.

The Christmas Message

A family watching as Queen Elizabeth II gives what would be her last Christmas Message on December 25, 2021, in the White Drawing Room at Windsor Castle. The Queen marked the death of her husband Prince Philip earlier in the year.

The text of the Christmas Message usually reflects current issues and concerns along with the monarchy’s milestones and the Monarch’s personal feelings about Christmas. Several months before Christmas, the Monarch decides upon a theme, and related videos and photos are collected for inclusion in the broadcast. Queen Elizabeth II mostly wrote the text of her Christmas Messages, sometimes receiving input from her husband Prince Philip and her staff. King Charles III writes his own Christmas Messages without any input.

The Christmas Message is recorded a few days before Christmas. The location is usually Buckingham Palace, but recordings have also been made at Windsor Castle and Sandringham House. In 2003, a special broadcast from Combermere Barracks, the Household Cavalry Barracks in Windsor, was arranged at Queen Elizabeth II’s request. In 2022, King Charles III gave his first Christmas Message at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor.

Traditionally, the Christmas Message broadcast begins with the British national anthem God Save the King/Queen except for 1968, 1986–2000, 2002, and 2007 when the national anthem was played at the end of the Christmas Message.

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Works Cited

  • Hardman, Robert. (2007). A Year With The Queen. Simon and Schuster.
  • The Christmas Broadcast. The Royal Family. (n.d.-c).
  • Wikimedia Foundation. (2024). Royal Christmas message. Wikipedia.

June 11: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

King George I of Great Britain; Credit – Wikipedia

June 11, 1183 – Death of Henry the Young King, son of King Henry II of England, at Martel Castle in Turenne, France; buried at Rouen Cathedral in Rouen, France
When Henry was 15, his father adopted the French practice of ensuring the succession by declaring his heir the junior king and he was crowned at Westminster Abbey. Despite his rank of junior king, King Henry II refused to grant Henry land or allow him to participate in the government. With his mother Eleanor of Aquitaine and his brothers Richard (the future King Richard I of England) and Geoffrey, he nearly overthrew King Henry II in 1173. In 1182–83, Henry had a falling out with his brother Richard when Richard refused to pay homage to him on the orders of King Henry II. As he was preparing to fight Richard, Henry became ill with dysentery (also called the bloody flux), the scourge of armies for centuries. It was clear that Henry was dying and he repented his sins by prostrating himself naked on the floor before a crucifix. Henry the Young King died holding a ring his father had sent as a sign of his forgiveness for rebelling against him. Henry was so popular that the people of Le Mans and Rouen almost went to war for the custody of his body. He had requested to be buried in Rouen Cathedral, but as his body traveled through Le Mans, the bishop ordered his body to be buried at the cathedral there. The Dean of Rouen Cathedral had to resort to legal means to bury Henry according to his wishes.
Unofficial Royalty: Henry the Young King

June 11, 1456 – Birth of Anne Neville, Queen of England, daughter of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick, wife of King Richard III of England, at Warwick Castle in Warwick, England
Anne was the wife of Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales (son of King Henry VI) and the wife of King Richard III. Born Lady Anne Neville, she was the younger of the two daughters of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick and Lady Anne Beauchamp. Anne’s father, known as “the Kingmaker,” was one of the major players in the Wars of the Roses, originally on the Yorkist side but later switching to the Lancastrian side. Both Anne’s parents were descendants of King Edward III of England.
Unofficial Royalty: Anne Neville, Queen of England

June 11, 1488 – Death of James III, King of Scots, killed in the Battle of Sauchieburn in Scotland; buried at Cambuskenneth Abbey in Stirlingshire, Scotland
James was killed in the Battle of Sauchieburn. The circumstances of James III’s death were greatly exaggerated and romanticized by the 16th-century chroniclers. Supposedly, he was murdered when he went to seek refuge in a cottage shortly after the battle in Milltown near Bannockburn. Most likely, James III, King of Scots had already died on the battlefield.
Unofficial Royalty: James III, King of Scots

June 11, 1560 – Death of Marie of Guise, Queen of Scots, second wife of James V, King of Scots and mother of Mary, Queen of Scots, at Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland; buried at the church in the Convent of Saint-Pierre in Reims, France
On August 7, 1548, five-year-old Mary, Queen of Scots set sail for France where she would be raised with her future husband François, Dauphin of France. She would not return to Scotland for thirteen years. Mary’s mother Marie of Guise remained in Scotland as the principal member of the Council of Regency. 1560, 44-year-old Marie died of dropsy (edema). Marie’s body was embalmed and placed in a lead coffin. It lay in St. Margaret’s Chapel in Edinburgh Castle until March 18, 1561. On that day, the coffin was secretly carried from the castle at midnight and taken to Leith where the coffin was placed onboard a ship bound for France. Mary, Queen of Scots attended her mother’s funeral in France in July 1561.
Unofficial Royalty: Marie of Guise, Queen of Scots

June 11, 1726 – Birth of Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain, Dauphine of France, 1st wife of Louis, Dauphin of France, the son of Louis XV, King of France, at the Royal Alcazar in Madrid, Spain
In 1744, Maria Teresa married Louis, Dauphin of France, the son of Louis XV, King of France. Maria Teresa Rafaela soon became pregnant. On July 19, 1746, she gave birth to a daughter, named Marie-Thérèse by her husband in honor of his adored wife. Maria Teresa Rafaela initially recovered from childbirth but then her condition deteriorated quickly and she died on July 22, 1746, aged 20, at the Palace of Versailles. Maria Teresa’s husband Louis never succeeded to the French throne. He died of tuberculosis on December 20, 1765, at the age of 36.
Unofficial Royalty: Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain, Dauphine of France

June 11, 1727 – Death of King George I of Great Britain at the Prince-Bishop’s Palace in the Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück, now in Lower Saxony, Germany; originally buried at the chapel of Leine Castle in the Electorate of Hanover, now in Lower Saxony, Germany; in 1957, his remains were re-interred at the Berggarten Mausoleum at Schloss Herrenhausen in Hanover, Germany
On June 3, 1727, King George I, also Elector of Hanover, set out for another visit to Hanover. During the journey, George became ill and lost consciousness. It was noticed that his face had become distorted and his right hand hung limply at his side, a sign that he had suffered a stroke. The courtiers decided to continue with the journey to Hanover, where George died in the Prince-Bishop’s Palace in the Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück. Following the instructions of George’s son, now King George II, George was buried in the chapel at Leineschloss in the Electorate of Hanover. He was the first British monarch since King Richard I in 1199 to be buried outside England. The castle and the chapel were severely damaged during World War II, and in 1957, King George I’s remains were re-interred at the Berggarten Mausoleum at Schloss Herrenhausen in Hanover, Germany, near his mother’s burial site.
Unofficial Royalty: King George I of Great Britain

June 11, 1903 – Assassination of King Alexander I of Serbia and his wife Queen Draga by a military coup d’etat at the Stari Dvor (Old Palace) in Belgrade, Serbia; buried at St. Mark’s Church in Belgrade, Serbia
On June 11, 1903, 26-year-old Alexander I, King of Serbia and his 38-year-old wife Queen Draga were brutally shot, mutilated, and thrown out a window at the Stari Dvor (Old Palace) in Belgrade, Kingdom of Serbia.
Unofficial Royalty: Assassination of King Alexander I and Queen Draga of Serbia
Unofficial Royalty: King Alexander I of Serbia
Unofficial Royalty: Draga Mašin, Queen of Serbia

June 11, 1914 – Death of Adolf Friedrich V, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in Berlin, Kingdom of  Prussia, now in Brandenburg, Germany; buried in the New Crypt at the Johanniterkirche in Mirow, Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, now in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
A great-grandson of King George III of the United Kingdom, Adolf Friedrich was 14th in line of succession to the British throne at the time of his birth. He was the highest-ranking person in the British succession who did not hold any British titles. Adolf Friedrich was the heir apparent to the throne of Mecklenburg-Strelitz for 43 years and succeeded to the Grand Ducal throne on May 30, 1904, following his father’s death. His reign lasted for only ten years. In March 1914, the Grand Duke fell ill and underwent an operation in a private hospital in Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia, now in the German state of Brandenburg. He never fully recovered and died at the hospital.
Unofficial Royalty: Adolf Friedrich V, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

June 11, 1928 – Birth of Queen Fabiola of Belgium, wife of King Baudouin of the Belgians, born Fabiola de Mora y Aragón in Madrid, Spain
Full name: Fabiola Fernanda Maria de las Victorias Antonia Adelaida
Born to a Spanish aristocratic family, Fabiola was the fifth of the six children of Gonzalo de Mora y Fernández, Riera y del Olmo, 4th Marquess of Casa Riera, 2nd Count of Mora and his wife Blanca de Aragón y Carrillo de Albornoz, Barroeta-Aldamar y Elío. Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, was her godmother. In 1960, Fabiola married King Baudouin of the Belgians, who had been king since his father King Leopold III abdicated in 1951. Unfortunately, King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola lost five children to miscarriages and never had children. On December 5, 2014, Queen Fabiola died and was buried with her husband at the Church of Our Lady of Laeken.
Unofficial Royalty: Queen Fabiola of Belgium

June 11, 1934 – Birth of Prince Henrik of Denmark, husband of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, born Count Henri de Laborde de Monpezat in Talence, Gironde, France
Full name: Henri Marie Jean André
Prince Henrik’s parents were members of the French nobility. After a brief stint in the military, Henrik entered the French foreign services. At the time he met Princess Margrethe of Denmark, the eldest of the three daughters of King Frederik IX of Denmark in 1965, Henri was working as the third secretary at the French embassy in the Department of Oriental Affairs in London. On June 10, 1967, Princess Margrethe married Henrik at the Holmens Kirke in Copenhagen,  Denmark. The couple had two sons. Later in life, Henrik suffered from dementia. he died peacefully in his sleep on February 13, 2018, at the age of 83.
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Henrik of Denmark

June 11, 1968 – Birth of Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, son of Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein, in Zurich, Switzerland
Full name: Alois Philipp Maria
Alois is the eldest son of Prince Hans-Adam II. At the time of his father’s accession in 1989, he became The Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein. In 1993, Alois married Duchess Sophie in Bavaria and the couple had four children. Alois works for the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation, which oversees and manages the various assets of the Princely Family. In 2004, Prince Hans-Adam II appointed Alois as his “permanent representative for exercising the sovereign powers due to him, in preparation for his succession to the throne.” Alois now performs all his father’s duties both within the principality and internationally, however, Hans-Adam remains Head-of-State.
Unofficial Royalty: Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein

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Royal News Recap for Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9, 2024

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June 10: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; Credit – Wikipedia

June 10, 1437 – Death of Joan of Navarre, Queen of England, second wife of King Henry IV of England, at Havering Palace in London, England; buried at Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury, Kent, England
At the time of their marriage, a second marriage for both, Henry IV was about 37 and Joan was about 35, but they had no children together. Joan got along well with her stepchildren especially Henry of Monmouth, Prince of Wales, the future King Henry V of England.  Henry IV died in 1413 and King Henry V held his stepmother in the highest regard as shown by his appointing “his dearest mother” as regent several times. Joan lived quietly through the reign of King Henry V and into the reign of his son King Henry VI. She died at her favorite residence, Havering Palace in the village of Havering-atte-Bower in what is now the London Borough of Havering, and was buried with King Henry IV at Canterbury Cathedral.
Unofficial Royalty: Joan of Navarre, Queen of England

June 10, 1688 – Birth of James Francis Edward Stuart, “The Old Pretender”, son of King James II of England, at St. James Palace in London, England
Upon the death of his exiled father in 1701, James was recognized by King Louis XIV of France as the rightful heir to the English and Scottish thrones. Spain, the Vatican, and Modena recognized him as King James III of England and VIII of Scotland and refused to recognize William III, Mary II, or Anne as legitimate sovereigns. As a result of James claiming his father’s lost thrones, he was attainted for treason in 1702 and his titles were forfeited under English law. After James II lost his throne, the Jacobite (from Jacobus, the Latin for James) movement formed. The goal of the Jacobites was to restore the Roman Catholic Stuart King James II of England/VII of Scotland and his heirs to the thrones of England and Scotland. 1719, James Francis Edward Stuart married Maria Clementina Sobieska. The couple had two sons: Charles Edward Stuart, The Young Pretender, Bonnie Prince Charlie and Henry Benedict Stuart, Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. After James’ failures to regain the throne, attention fell upon his son Charles Edward, The Young Pretender, whose Jacobite Rising of 1745 culminated in the final devastating loss for the Jacobites at the Battle of Culloden. James Francis Edward Stuart died at his home, the Palazzo Muti in Rome, on January 1, 1766, aged 77.
Unofficial Royalty: James Francis Edward Stuart
Unofficial Royalty: The Jacobite Succession – Pretenders to the British Throne

June 10, 1711 – Birth of Princess Amelia of Great Britain, daughter of King George II of Great Britain, at Herrenhausen Palace in Hanover, Kingdon of Hanover, now in Lower Saxony, Germany
Full name: Amelia Sophia Eleanora
Amelia never married. After the death of her mother in 1737, Amelia became the constant companion to her father. She also acted as hostess for her unmarried brother Prince William, Duke of Cumberland, who had a career in the Royal Army. Amelia followed her brother’s military campaigns and was always quite worried about him when he was at the front. Amelia was the last surviving child of her parents and lived for the first twenty-six years of the reign of her nephew King George III whose father Frederick, Prince of Wales had predeceased his father King George II.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Amelia of Great Britain

June 10, 1713 – Birth of Princess Caroline of Great Britain, daughter of King George II of Great Britain, at Herrenhausen Palace in Hanover, Kingdon of Hanover, now in Lower Saxony, Germany
Full name: Caroline Elizabeth
Princess Caroline was not only her mother’s namesake but her favorite child. She was known in the family for telling the truth and was always consulted when there were disagreements between the royal siblings because she could be counted on telling exactly what happened.  After the marriage of her eldest sister Anne to Willem IV, Prince of Orange, Caroline became her mother’s main confidant and she remained so for the rest of her mother’s life. Princess Caroline never married. When her mother died in 1737, Queen Caroline expressly left her three youngest children, all teenagers, in the care of her daughter Caroline.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Caroline of Great Britain

June 10, 1811 – Death of Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden in Karlsruhe, Grand Duchy of Baden, now in Baden-Württemberg, Germany; buried in St. Michael’s Church in Pforzheim, Grand Duchy of Baden, now in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Originally, Margrave of Baden, Karl Friedrich was the first Grand Duke of Baden. In 1805, he fought on the side of the French, gaining territories from the Austrian Empire. In 1806, he joined the Confederation of the Rhine, and upon the end of the Holy Roman Empire, Karl Friedrich declared himself sovereign, as Grand Duke of the newly created Grand Duchy of Baden. He continued to support the French, and in the Peace of Vienna in 1809, and gained more territory from the Kingdom of Württemberg. Through his efforts, Karl Friedrich had quadrupled the size of the Grand Duchy of Baden by the end of his reign.
Unofficial Royalty: Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden

June 10, 1835 – Birth of Ferdinando IV, the last Grand Duke of Tuscany in Florence, Grand Duchy of Tuscany, now in Italy
Full name: Ferdinando Salvatore Maria Giuseppe Giovan Battista Francesco Luigi Gonzaga Raffaello Ranieri Gennaro
In 1859, the Grand Ducal family was forced to flee Florence because of the wars caused by the Italian unification movement, and the family took refuge in Austria. On July 21, 1859, Leopoldo II abdicated in favor of his son Ferdinando IV who was Grand Duke of Tuscany in name but never really reigned. Ferdinando was unable to return to Florence to claim his throne, and an elected Tuscan National Assembly formally deposed him on August 16, 1859. Ferdinando hoped to recover his throne because France and Austria had promised to recognize his rights. However, neither France nor Austria was willing to take any steps to bring about his restoration. The Grand Duchy of Tuscany was annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1860, as a part of the unification of Italy. In 1861, Vittorio Emanuele II, King of Sardinia was proclaimed the first King of the new, united Kingdom of Italy, and Ferdinando’s hopes to reclaim the throne were ended. Ferdinando spent the rest of his life in exile in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
Unofficial Royalty: Ferdinando IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany

June 10, 1838 – Birth of Marguerite Bellanger, mistress of Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, born Julie Justine Marine Leboeuf on June 10, 1838, in Saint-Lambert-des-Levées, Maine-et-Loire, France
Using the stage name Marguerite Bellanger, she had a brief career on the Paris stage before she was noticed by Napoleon III, Emperor of the French. She was the mistress of Napoleon III from 1863 until 1870 when he was deposed and exiled. In February 1864, Marguerite gave birth to a son Charles Jules Auguste François Marie Leboeuf, who was in all likelihood, the Emperor’s son. With the Emperor’s exile in 1870, his affair with Marguerite ended. In 1872, she married William Kulbach, Baronet, a Captain in the British Army and the couple lived in England and France. Marguerite Bellanger, aged 48, died on November 23, 1886, at the Château de Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin, near Meaux, France.
Unofficial Royalty: Marguerite Bellanger, Mistress of Napoleon III, Emperor of the French

June 10, 1876 – Birth of Wilhelm Ernst, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach in Weimar, Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, now in Thuringia, Germany
Full name: Wilhelm Ernst Karl Alexander Friedrich Heinrich Bernhard Albert Georg Hermann
From 1897 until 1909, Wilhelm Ernst was also the heir presumptive to the Dutch throne. King Willem III of the Netherlands died in 1890, leaving the throne to his ten-year-old daughter Wilhelmina. As a grandson of Princess Sophie of the Netherlands, the younger sister of King Willem III, Wilhelm Ernst was the next person in the line of succession. This caused great panic in the Netherlands, where the people feared German influence or the potential of being annexed by Germany. Several attempts were made to change the succession, or limit Wilhelm Ernst to holding only one throne should he succeed in the Netherlands. The succession crisis was lessened in 1909 when Wilhelmina gave birth to her daughter, the future Queen Juliana. Wilhelm Ernst was the last Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, abdicating on November 9, 1918.
Unofficial Royalty: Wilhelm Ernst, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach

June 10, 1897 – Birth of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia, daughter of Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia, at Peterhof near St. Petersburg, Russia
Tatiana, like her sister Olga, was a good student but worked harder and was more dedicated. She had a great talent for sewing, embroidery, and crocheting. Tatiana was practical, had a natural talent for leadership and so she was nicknamed “The Governess” by her sisters. She was closer to her mother than any of her sisters and was considered by many to be Empress Alexandra’s favorite daughter. Therefore, Tatiana was the one sent as the sisters’ representative when they wanted something from their parents.
Unofficial Royalty: Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia

June 10, 1921 – Birth of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, born Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark at Villa Mon Repos in Corfu, Greece
In 1939, during Philip’s first year at the Royal Naval College Dartmouth, the British Royal Family: King George VI, his wife Queen Elizabeth, and their daughters Princess Elizabeth, and Princess Margaret, made a visit. Because of his family relationship (Elizabeth and Philip are second cousins once removed through their descent from King Christian IX of Denmark and third cousins through their descent from Queen Victoria), Philip was asked to join the party to entertain the two young princesses. Elizabeth and Philip had already met in 1934 when she was a bridesmaid at the wedding of her uncle, The Duke of Kent, to Philip’s first cousin, Princess Marina of Greece. However, it was at Dartmouth that the 13-year-old Elizabeth truly took notice of her nearly 18-year-old cousin. It is said that Elizabeth was instantly smitten with the dashing Philip and the two began a correspondence that quickly blossomed into a romance.
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

June 10, 1967 – Wedding of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and Henri de Laborde de Monpezat at the Church of Holmen in Copenhagen, Denmark
While studying at the London School of Economics in 1965, Margrethe was invited to a dinner at the French embassy. As an employee of the embassy at the time, Henri was expected to attend but was ambivalent about meeting the Danish princess by whom he was to be seated. Henri later said that to his surprise he found Margrethe interesting from their first meeting, but was a bit intimidated by her and said little during the dinner as a result. Margrethe said she had no real impression of Henri from their first meeting. Margrethe and Henri were both guests at a wedding shortly after the first dinner. The two chatted at the wedding reception and on the plane ride back to London, as they were seated together once again. Upon their return to London, Margrethe and Henri gradually began seeing more and more – and growing mutually fonder – of one another. The couple kept a low profile for more than a year, made easier by the fact that Margrethe’s anonymity in Britain. The couple was so private that upon the news that an engagement announcement was imminent, most Danes had no idea their princess had been exclusively dating anyone.
Unofficial Royalty: Wedding of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and Henri de Laborde de Monpezat

June 10, 1974 – Death of Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester at Barnwell Manor in Northamptonshire, England; buried at the Royal Burial Ground, Frogmore in Windsor, England
In 1965, while driving back to his home Barnwell Manor after attending the funeral of Winston Churchill, the Duke suffered a stroke causing a car accident. The Duchess suffered injuries to the face which required 57 stitches. Three years later, the Duke suffered another stroke which left him incapacitated. The Duchess continued to talk and read to her husband hoping he could hear and understand. She never did tell him about the death of their son in a plane crash, but she thought he understood from watching television.
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester

June 10, 1976 – Birth of Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia, current pretender to the Prussian throne, and head of the Prussian branch of the House of Hohenzollern
Full name: Georg Friedrich Ferdinand
Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia is the current pretender to the Prussian throne and head of the Prussian branch of the House of Hohenzollern. He is the direct male-line descendent of Prussia’s last King (and German Emperor), Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Unofficial Royalty: Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia

June 10, 1982 – Birth of Princess Madeleine of Sweden, daughter of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at Drottningholm Palace in Drottningholm, Sweden
Full name: Madeleine Thérèse Amelie Josephine
Madeleine is the youngest of the three children of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden. In 2013, she married Christopher O’Neill, a British-American businessman. The couple has three children. Madeleine has a very active role in the World Childhood Foundation, founded by her mother Queen Silvia in 1999 to reach and support children at risk around the world. After their marriage, Madeline and Christopher lived in New York City, and their first child was born there. In early 2015, they returned to Sweden. In August 2018, it was announced that Madeleine and her family would be moving to Florida, in the United States, where Madeleine has continued her work with the World Childhood Foundation. In March 2023, it was announced that the family would move back to Sweden in August 2023 but the move was postponed until 2024.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Madeleine of Sweden

June 10, 1993 – Wedding of King Abdullah II of Jordan and Rania al-Yasin at the Zahran Palace in Amman, Jordan
In January 1993, a friend of Rania took her to a dinner party hosted by Prince Abdullah’s sister. “The minute Rania walked in, I knew it right there and then,” said Abdullah in a 2005 interview with People magazine. “It was love at first sight.” A whirlwind courtship began. Abdullah took Rania on motorbike rides across the desert, waterskiing on the Red Sea, and flying in helicopters. After a courtship of just two months, King Hussein reportedly drove his son to the home of Rania’s parents so Abdullah could propose. With King Hussein and her family looking on, Rania accepted.
Unofficial Royalty: Wedding of King Abdullah II of Jordan and Rania al-Yasin

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