Monthly Archives: August 2024

September 1: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Alexandra of Edinburgh, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg; Credit – Wikipedia

September 1, 1651 – Birth of Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina, Tsaritsa of All Russia, second wife of Alexei, Tsar of All Russia and the mother of  Peter I “the Great”, Emperor of All Russia, in Moscow, Russia
Natalya was brought up in the Moscow home of her distant relative, the Western-influenced statesman, diplomat, and reformer Artamon Sergeyevich Matveev. Mateev even married a Western woman, Eudoxie Hamilton from Scotland. Because of Mateev’s influence, Natalya Kirillovna’s upbringing was freer and more Western than that of other Russian women of that time period. Natalya’s upbringing certainly had an influence on her son Peter the Great who was greatly influenced by Western advisers and implemented major reforms to modernize Russia.
Unofficial Royalty: Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina, Tsaritsa of All Russia

September 1, 1711 – Birth of Willem IV, Prince of Orange born in Leeuwarden, Friesland, Dutch Republic, now in the Netherlands
Full name: Willem Karel Hendrik Friso
Six weeks before Willem’s birth, his 23-year-old father Johan Willem Friso, Prince of Orange drowned when the ferry he was traveling on across a wide river capsized. From the day of his birth, Willem was Prince of Orange. He also succeeded to his father’s elective offices as Stadtholder of Friesland and as Stadtholder of Groningen under the regency of his mother Marie Luise until he reached his majority in 1731. Willem married Anne, Princess Royal, eldest daughter of King George II and the couple had three children.
Unofficial Royalty: Willem IV, Prince of Orange

September 1, 1715 – Death of King Louis XIV of France at the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France; buried at the Basilica of Saint-Denis near Paris, France
King Louis XIV was the longest-reigning French monarch, reigning from 1643 until he died in 1715, 72 years and 100 days. Louis XIV outlived most of his immediate legitimate family. His last surviving legitimate son Louis, Le Grand Dauphin died in 1711. Barely a year later, Louis, Duke of Burgundy, Le Petite Dauphin, the eldest of the Dauphin’s three sons and then heir to Louis XIV, followed his father in death. Burgundy’s elder surviving son Louis, Duke of Brittany joined them a few weeks later. Thus, on his deathbed, Louis XIV’s heir was his five-year-old great-grandson, Louis, Duke of Anjou, Burgundy’s younger son, who succeeded his great-grandfather as King Louis XV.
Unofficial Royalty: King Louis XIV of France

September 1, 1821 – Birth of Leopold III, Prince of Lippe in Detmold in the Principality of Lippe, now in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Full name: Paul Friedrich Emil Leopold
Leopold III had eight younger siblings. Leopold and his brother Woldemar were the only ones who married and neither had any children. This would eventually create a succession crisis. After the death of Leopold’s brother Alexander and the extinction of the Lippe-Detmold line, the throne of the Principality of Lippe went to Count Leopold of Lippe-Biesterfeld who would be the last Prince of Lippe.
Unofficial Royalty: Leopold III, Prince of Lippe

September 1, 1878 – Birth of Alexandra of Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg,  granddaughter of Queen Victoria, at Edinburgh Palace in Coburg, Grand Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, now in Bavaria, Germany
Full name: Alexandra Louise Olga Victoria
Alexandra was the daughter of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh and Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia. In 1896, Alexandra married Prince Ernst of Hohenlohe-Langenburg.  Alexandra and Ernst were second cousins – their grandmothers, Queen Victoria and Princess Feodora of Leiningen were half-sisters.
Unofficial Royalty: Alexandra of Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg

September 1, 1922 – Death of Helena of Waldeck and Pyrmont, Duchess of Albany, wife of Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, at Hinterris, Tyrol, Austria; buried near the Chapel at Hinterriss
In 1882, Helena married Queen Victoria’s hemophiliac son Prince Leopold. The couple had one child and Helena was pregnant with their second child when Leopold slipped and fell on a staircase, injuring his knee and his head. His injuries, exacerbated by his hemophilia, caused Leopold to die from a cerebral hemorrhage. Helena and her children continued to live at Claremont House near Esher in Surrey, England, which Queen Victoria had bought for Leopold upon his marriage. Helena devoted the rest of her life to her children, grandchildren, and charitable work. She died of a heart attack at the age of 61 in Hinterriss, Austria where she was visiting her son.  At her request, Helena was buried in the beautiful countryside of Hinteriss.
Unofficial Royalty: Helena of Waldeck and Pyrmont, Duchess of Albany

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Royal Birthdays & Anniversaries: September 1 – 7

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Below is a select list of birthdays and wedding anniversaries for current monarchies. It does not purport to be a complete list. Please see the Current Monarchies Index in the heading above for more information on current monarchies.


Prince Hisahito; Credit – Imperial Household Agency

18th birthday of Prince Hisahito of Japan, son of Prince Akishino of Japan; born at Aiiku Hospital in Tokyo, Japan on September 6, 2006
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Hisahito of Japan


Royal News Recap for Friday, August 30, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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United Kingdom

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August 31: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Diana, Princess of Wales; Photo Credit –

August 31, 1422 – Death of King Henry V of England at Bois-de-Vincennes, France, buried at Westminster Abbey in London, England
On June 2, 1420, King Henry V married Catherine of Valois. In June 1421, Henry V returned to France to continue his military campaigns. Catherine was already several months pregnant and gave birth to a son, the soon-to-be King Henry VI of England.  Henry V never saw their child. The warrior king, the victor against the French at the Battle of Agincourt, determined to conquer France once and for all, succumbed to dysentery, a disease that killed more soldiers than battle, at the age of 35, leaving a nine-month-old son to inherit his throne.
Unofficial Royalty: King Henry V of England

August 31, 1602 – Birth of Amalia of Solms-Braunfels, Princess of Orange, wife of Frederik Hendrik, Prince of Orange, at Schloss Braunfels in Braunfels, County of Solms-Braunfels now in Hesse, Germany
Amalia was the mother of Willem II, Prince of Orange who married Mary, Princess Royal, eldest daughter of King Charles I of England. They had one son Willem III, Prince of Orange, later King William III of England. Amalia had influence in politics, initially as Frederik Hendrik’s adviser, and then, after 1640, when her husband became ill, she became openly involved in political life and received foreign diplomats and envoys.
Unofficial Royalty: Amalia of Solms-Braunfels, Princess of Orange

August 31, 1724 – Death of King Luis I of Spain in Madrid, Spain; buried at Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo El Real in Spain
After the abdication of his father, Luis I, King of Spain had a very short reign, from January 14, 1724 to August 31, 1724. In 1722, Luis married Princess Louise Élisabeth of Orléans. The marriage was not successful and resulted in no children due to the young age of Louise Élisabeth and because she became increasingly known for her erratic and impulsive behavior. On January 14, 1724, Luis’s father King Felipe V abdicated the Spanish throne in favor of Luis for reasons that are still unclear. Perhaps it was because Felipe suffered from mental instability and did not wish to reign due to his increasing mental decline. King Luis I contracted smallpox in July 1724. His wife Louise Élisabeth was his only company because his parents, fearful of the illness, left the Palacio del Buen Retiro in Madrid, Spain. Luis’s smallpox was complicated by pneumonia. Fourteen-year-old Louise Élisabeth cared for and remained with her seventeen-year-old husband until his death, on August 31, 1724. She also contracted smallpox but recovered from the illness.
Unofficial Royalty: King Luis I of Spain

August 31, 1871 – Birth of Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg in Altenburg, Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg, now in Thuringia, Germany
Full name: Ernst Bernhard Georg Johann Karl Friedrich Peter Albrecht
In 1898, Ernst married Princess Adelheid of Schaumburg-Lippe and the couple had four children. Ernst became Duke following his uncle’s death in 1908. He was a popular ruler who made efforts to be close to his subjects. He would hold audiences for any and all who wanted to meet with him. He also pursued his interests in science and technology, opening an airfield in 1911, and owning one of the first cars in the duchy. Ernst was the last reigning Duke of Saxe-Altenburg, abdicating on November 13, 1918, following the end of World War I. He was the only former German ruler who was a citizen of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), and the last surviving sovereign from the German Empire. The East German government expropriated his beloved Schloss Fröhliche Wiederkunft in 1946, but Ernst was given the use of the residence for the remainder of his life. At the age of 83, Ernst died at Schloss Fröhliche Wiederkunft on March 22, 1955.
Unofficial Royalty: Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg

August 31, 1872 – Birth of Mathilde Feliksovna Kschessinskaya, mistress of Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia before his marriage, mistress of Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich of Russia, and mistress and wife of Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich of Russia, in Ligovo, Peterhof, Russia
Mathilde Feliksovna Kschessinskaya was one of the most famous ballerinas of the Maryinsky Ballet (now the Kirov Ballet) in St. Petersburg, Russia. She was awarded the title prima ballerina assoluta, traditionally reserved only for the most exceptional ballerinas of their generation.  Mathilde, who was ambitious, used her connections with the Romanovs to promote her career. Mathilde and Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich escaped from Russia after the Russian Revolution and married in 1921. Mathilde had previously had one son whose father was either Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich’s or Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich’s. In 1926, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, Head of the Romanov Family, gave Mathilde and her son Vladimir the title and surname of the Prince/Princess of Krasinsky. In 1935, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich gave Mathilde and her son the surname Romanovsky-Krasinsky, and so they were formally styled Princess Maria Romanovsky-Krasinsky and Prince Vladimir Andreievich Romanovsky-Krasinsky. Mathilde opened a ballet studio in Paris and trained some of the most famous ballet dancers of the 20th century. She lived a long life dying in 1971, at the age of 99.
Unofficial Royalty: Mathilde Feliksovna Kschessinskaya

August 31, 1879 – Birth of Emperor Taishō of Japan at Tōgū Palace in Tokyo, Japan
Birth name: Yoshihito
Emperor Taishō’s mother, Lady Naruko Yanagihara, a concubine to his father Emperor Meiji, and the daughter of imperial chamberlain Mitsunaru Yanagihara, was the last concubine to give birth to a Japanese emperor. Three weeks after his birth, Yoshihito suffered from cerebral meningitis and this affected his health and his mental capacity, including a speech disorder and difficulty walking, for the rest of his life. In 1900, Taishō married Lady Sadako Kujō (Empress Teimei), daughter of Prince Michitaka Kujō, the head of the five senior branches of the Fujiwara clan. Because of Taishō’s diminished mental capacity, Emperor Meiji wanted an intelligent, articulate, and dignified wife for his son, and he found those qualities in Sadako. The couple had four sons including Hirohito, Emperor Shōwa. In 1912, Taishō succeeded his father as Emperor of Japan. He was kept out of public view as much as possible because of his mental incapacity.  It soon became apparent that he could not carry out any public functions, participate in daily government matters, or make decisions. This was all left to his ministers and his son Crown Prince Hirohito.
Unofficial Royalty: Emperor Taishō of Japan

August 31, 1880 – Birth of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands at Noordeinde Palace  in The Hague, the Netherlands
Full name: Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Marie
Queen Wilhelmina holds the record for the longest-reigning Dutch monarch, 58 years. Her reign spanned World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II. Queen Wilhelmina’s father, King Willem III, was the third monarch of the Netherlands and had married his cousin Sophie of Württemberg in 1839. The couple had three sons,  all of whom predeceased their father without any legitimate children. Queen Sophie died in 1877 and Willem was eager to remarry. After considering some other princesses, the 62-year-old Willem married Princess Emma of Waldeck and Pyrmont who was 21 years old. 19 months later, Willem and Emma’s only child Wilhelmina was born on August 31, 1880, at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. At the time of her birth, Wilhelmina was third in the line of succession after her half-brother Alexander and her great-uncle Prince Frederick of the Netherlands. By the time Wilhelmina was four years old, both men had died and Wilhelmina was the heir presumptive.
Unofficial Royalty: Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands

August 31, 1970 – Birth of Queen Rania of Jordan, wife of King Abdullah II of Jordan, born  Rania Al-Yasin in Kuwait City, Kuwait
In January 1993, Rania met Prince Abdullah of Jordan, the eldest son of King Hussein I of Jordan and his second wife Princess Muna, at a dinner party hosted by mutual friends. Quickly smitten, he proposed just two months later and the couple was married on June 10, 1993. At the time, neither likely suspected that they would one day become King and Queen of Jordan. Queen Rania and King Abdullah II have four children.
Unofficial Royalty: Queen Rania of Jordan

August 31, 1985 – Birth of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, son of King Salman of Saudi Arabia, born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Since the founding of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932 by Abdulaziz “Ibn Saud”, the first King of Saudi Arabia, all six of his successors have come from among his 45 sons. In Saudi Arabia, there is no clear line of succession. Crown Princes have been appointed according to male line seniority from among the sons of Abdulaziz “Ibn Saud”. If Crown Prince Mohammad, a grandson of Abdulaziz “Ibn Saud”, becomes king, he will be the first king of the next generation.
Unofficial Royalty: Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia

August 31, 1997 – Death of Diana, Princess of Wales at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, France; buried at Althorp in Northamptonshire, England
After her divorce, Diana had a relationship with Dr. Hasnat Khan, a British-Pakistani heart surgeon, which ended in June 1997. She then became involved with Dodi Fayed, son of Mohamed Al-Fayed, the owner of Harrods and the Ritz Hotel in London. Diana and her sons joined the Fayed family in the south of France for a vacation that summer where she and Dodi reportedly began their romance. Following a trip to Bosnia, Diana again joined Dodi Fayed on a private cruise aboard the Fayed’s yacht, returning to Paris on August 30. Later that night, hounded by paparazzi, the couple left the Ritz to go to Dodi’s apartment in Paris. Just minutes later, their car crashed in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel, killing Dodi and the car’s driver, Henri Paul, instantly. Diana was critically injured and eventually taken to the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital. Diana, Princess of Wales was pronounced dead at 4 am.
Unofficial Royalty: Diana, Princess of Wales
Unofficial Royalty: Death of Diana, Princess of Wales
Unofficial Royalty: In Memoriam – Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997)
Unofficial Royalty: Tragedy in the British Royal Family at the End of August

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Anna Luise Sophie von der Schulenburg, Illegitimate daughter of King George I of Great Britain

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Anna Luise Sophie von der Schulenburg; Credit –

The early kings from the British House of Hanover did not publicize their illegitimate children. King George I had three illegitimate daughters with his long-term mistress Melusine von der Schulenburg before he became King of Great Britain. At the time of Anna Luise Sophie’s birth her father, the future King George I of Great Britain, was the heir of his father Ernst August, Elector of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Prince of Calenberg. George succeeded to those titles when his father died in 1698.

Anna Luise Sophie’s father King George I of Great Britain; Credit – Wikipedia

The British House of Stuart failed to provide a legitimate Protestant heir as required by the Act of Settlement of 1701. When Queen Anne of Great Britain died on August 1, 1714, George, Elector of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Prince of Calenberg was the closest Protestant heir to the British throne. George’s mother was Sophia of the Palatinate, commonly called Electress Sophia of Hanover. Sophia was the daughter of Elizabeth Stuart, the second child and eldest daughter of King James VI of Scotland/King James I of England. Therefore, the Protestant, German-born George, Elector of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Prince of Calenberg became King George I of Great Britain, the first monarch of the British House of Hanover, bypassing dozens of Catholics with a better hereditary claim to the British throne.

Anna Luise Sophie von der Schulenburg was born in January 1692, in Hehlen, then in the Electorate of Hanover, now in the German state of Lower Saxony, the daughter of the future King George I of Great Britain and his mistress Melusine von der Schulenburg. The family of her mother Melusine von der Schulenburg owned Hehlen Castle, so Anna Luise Sophie was probably born there. Anna Sophia’s paternal grandparents were Ernst August, Elector of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Sophia of the Palatinate. Her maternal grandparents were Gustavus Adolphus, Freiherr (Baron) von der Schulenburg (link in German) and his first wife Petronella Ottilie von Schwencken.

Anna Luise Sophie’s mother Melusine von der Schulenburg; Credit – Wikipedia

Anna Luise Sophie’s mother Melusine von der Schulenburg came from an old Brandenburg noble family. Her father served as a member of the Brandenburg Privy Council. Melusine’s mother died in childbirth along with her last child. In 1690, Melusine became a maid of honor to Electress Sophia of Hanover, the mother of the future King George I. A year later, Melusine became George’s mistress. In 1694, George annulled his marriage to Sophia Dorothea of Celle after she fell in love with the Swedish Count Philip Christoph von Königsmarck, an officer in the Hanoverian army. Königsmarck disappeared and it was widely believed that George ordered Königsmarck’s death. Sophia Dorothea was banished to the Castle of Ahlden in her father’s territory of the Principality of Celle now in Lower Saxony, Germany. She was not allowed to remarry, would never again see her children, and was kept as a prisoner at the Castle of Ahlden until she died in 1727. George did not marry again and Melusine remained his mistress until he died, also in 1727.

Anna Luise Sophie had two younger full sisters:

Anna Luise Sophie had two half-siblings from her father’s marriage to Sophia Dorothea of Celle:

Melusine’s daughters were never openly acknowledged as George’s children. Instead, two of Melusine’s sisters and their husbands officially acknowledged them. Anna Luise and Petronilla, known as Melusina, were raised by Melusine’s sister Margarete Gertrud and her husband and distant cousin Friedrich Achaz von der Schulenburg. Margarethe was raised by Melusine’s sister Sophie Juliane and her husband Rabe Christoph, Count (Graf) von Oeynhausen.

In 1714, King George I made his state entry into London accompanied by his mistress Melusine von der Schulenburg, nicknamed “the Maypole” by the British because of her tall thin appearance. Melusine became a naturalized British citizen in 1716 and in the same year was created Duchess of Munster, Countess and Marchioness of Dungannon, and Baroness of Dundalk for life. In 1719, she was further created Duchess of Kendal, Countess of Feversham, and Baroness of Glastonbury and Somerset for life.

Prince House (Fürstenhaus); Credit – By Recherche, Scans, Arbeitsleistung gestiftet von: Bernd Schwabe in Hannover – eigenes “Werk” mit Hilfe einer dankenswerterweise geliehenen Kamera, CC BY 3.0,

On December 31, 1707, Anna Luise Sophie married Ernst August Philipp von dem Bussche zu Ippenburg but the marriage was unhappy and childless. In 1716, Anna Luise Sophie’s husband caught her in bed with another man and divorced her. However, Anna Luise Sophie’s father remained fond of her. In 1720, King George I built the Prince House (Fürstenhaus), a small palace on the grounds of Herrenhausen Gardens in Hanover, now in Germany, for Anna Luise Sophie. King George II also arranged for Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor to grant Anna Luise Sophie the title Grafin von Delitz (Countess of Delitz) in 1722. Eventually, Anna Luise Sophie sold the Prince House and bought a house in the Paddington section of London. However, the Prince House is still owned by the German Hanover family.

Grosvenor Chapel where Anna Luise Sophie is buried with her mother; Credit – By GrindtXX – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

On November 2, 1773, 81-year-old Anna Luise Sophie died at her home in London. She requested to be buried with her mother at Grosvenor Chapel in South Audley Street, London, England. Her sister Melusina was buried at Grosvenor Chapel when she died in 1778.

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Works Cited

  • Beauclerk-Dewar, Peter & Powell, Roger. (2006). Right Royal Bastards – The Fruits of Passion. Burke’s Peerage & Gentry LLC.
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2015). King George I of Great Britain. Unofficial Royalty.
  • ‌Flantzer, Susan. (2020). Melusine von der Schulenburg, Duchess of Kendal, Mistress of King George I of Great Britain. Unofficial Royalty.
  • Melusine von der Schulenburg, Duchess of Kendal. (2024, July 16). Wikipedia.
  • Weir, Alison. (2008). Britain’s Royal Families – The Complete Genealogy. Vintage Books.

Royal News Recap for Thursday, August 29, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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Multiple Monarchies




United Kingdom

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August 30: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Mathilde Karoline of Bavaria, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine; Credit – Wikipedia

August 30, 1813 – Birth of Mathilde Karoline of Bavaria, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine, daughter of King Ludwig I of Bavaria and wife of Ludwig III, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine, in Augsburg, Kingdom of Bavaria, now in Bavaria, Germany
Full name: Mathilde Karoline Friederike Wilhelmine Charlotte
The eldest daughter of King Ludwig I of Bavaria, Mathilde Karoline married the future Ludwig III, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine but the couple had no children. Mathilde Karoline died of cancer at the age of 48 in 1862. Because she had remained Catholic after her marriage into the Grand Ducal family who was Lutheran, she is buried at St. Ludwig’s Catholic Church in Darmstadt.
Unofficial Royalty: Mathilde Karoline of Bavaria, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine

August 30, 1831 – Death of Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the divorced wife of Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, in Paris, France; buried at the Ducal Family Mausoleum, Glockenburg Cemetery in Coburg, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, now in Bavaria, Germany
Louise was the mother of Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband. Although her marriage to Ernst was initially happy, the couple soon grew apart due to Ernst’s infidelities. In 1823, Louise had an affair with Gottfried von Bülow, the court chamberlain, and in 1824, she had an affair with Alexander von Hanstein, one of her husband’s equerries. At midnight on September 2, 1824, Louise was forced into exile and permanently cut off from her children. Louise and von Hanstein married but had no children. In 1831, Louise traveled with her husband to see doctors in Paris, France because of the deterioration of her health. Unfortunately, incurable cervical cancer was diagnosed. Louise died on August 30, 1831, in Paris at the age of 30.
Unofficial Royalty: Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

August 30, 1870 – Birth of Alexandra of Greece and Denmark, born Grand Duchess Alexandra Georgievna of Russia, daughter of King George I of Greece, wife of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich of Russia, at the Mon Repos villa on the Greek island of Corfu
Alexandra was the eldest of the three daughters of King George I of Greece and Grand Duchess Olga Konstantinovna of Russia. She was named after her paternal aunt Alexandra of Denmark, the future Queen Alexandra of the United Kingdom, wife of King Edward VII. Alexandra married Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, the youngest child of Alexander II, Emperor of all Russia. The couple had two children but sadly, Alexandra died after giving premature birth to her second child.
Unofficial Royalty: Alexandra of Greece and Denmark, Grand Duchess Alexandra Georgievna of Russia

August 30, 1915 – Birth of Princess Lilian of Sweden, Duchess of Halland, wife of Prince Bertil of Sweden, Duke of Halland, born Lilian May Davies in Swansea, Wales
Lilian and Prince Bertil, who was serving as a naval attaché at the Swedish Embassy in London, first met at a cocktail party in 1943. At that time Bertil was third in the line of succession to the Swedish throne. By the time his father came to the throne in 1950, Bertil was now second in the line of succession. His elder brother Gustaf Adolf had been killed in a plane crash in 1947, leaving an infant son, Carl Gustaf, the future King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, the heir to the throne. With the likelihood of Bertil being called to serve as Regent for his young nephew, he and Lilian chose not to marry so that he could retain his position in the Royal Family. Bertil’s father died in 1973, and Bertil’s nephew became King Carl XVI Gustaf. The rules, as well as the times, were beginning to change. The King married in June 1976 to a commoner, Sylvia Sommerlath, and soon after, he granted his formal permission for Bertil and Lilian to marry.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Lilian of Sweden, Duchess of Halland

August 30, 1917 – Birth of Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia, son of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of Russia and Princess Victoria Melita of Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, in Porvoo, Grand Duchy of Finland, Russian Empire, now in Finland
Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia was the pretender to the throne of Russia from 1938 – 1992.
Unofficial Royalty: Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia

August 30, 1946 – Birth of Queen Anne-Marie of Greece, wife of former King Constantine II of Greece, daughter of King Frederick IX of Denmark, born Anne-Marie of Denmark at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark
Full name: Anne-Marie Dagmar Ingrid
Six months after his accession to the Greek throne, on September 18, 1964, King Constantine married 18-year-old Anne-Marie.  Upon marriage, she became Queen of the Hellenes and relinquished her place in the line of succession to the Danish throne. Before the wedding, Anne-Marie converted to Greek Orthodoxy. Anne-Marie and Constantine are third cousins twice, sharing both King Christian IX of Denmark and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom as common ancestors. The couple had five children. Unfortunately, her tenure as Queen did not last very long. Following a coup in 1967, the Greek royal family went into exile, living in Rome for several years before moving to Denmark and then finally settling in the United Kingdom. While in exile, King Constantine was deposed and the monarchy was formally abolished in 1974. In 2013, Anne-Marie and Constantine were able to return permanently to Greece, where Constantine died in 2023.
Unofficial Royalty: Anne-Marie of Denmark, Queen of Greece

August 30, 1963 – Death of Alexandra of Hanover and Cumberland, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, wife of Friedrich Franz IV, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, at Glücksburg Castle in Glücksburg, Germany; buried at New Cemetery in Glücksburg, Germany
Alexandra’s husband was the last Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. At the end of World War I, following her husband’s abdication on November 14, 1918, the family was forced to leave Mecklenburg. They traveled to Denmark at the invitation of Queen Alexandrine, Friedrich Franz’s sister, and stayed for a year. The following year, they were permitted to return to Mecklenburg and recovered several of their properties. At the end of World War II, with the Soviet Army approaching Mecklenburg, the family was again forced to flee. Intending to return to Denmark, they traveled to Glücksburg Castle, in Glücksburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, the home of their youngest daughter where they both lived the rest of their lives.
Unofficial Royalty: Alexandra of Hanover and Cumberland, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

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Royal News Recap for Wednesday, August 28, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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August 29: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Astrid of Sweden, Queen of the Belgians; Credit – Wikipedia

August 29, 1298 – Death of Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar, daughter of King Edward I of England, wife of Henri III, Count of Bar, in Ghent, County of Flanders, now in Belgium; buried at Westminster Abbey in London, England
Eleanor married Henri III, Count of Bar. The Duchy of Bar was a sovereign state located in what is now northeast France. An alliance with Henri against King Philippe IV of France could provide a significant military advantage. Eleanor and Henri had one son and one daughter. Eleanor and Henri’s marriage lasted a little less than five years. On August 29, 1298, 29-year-old Eleanor died in Ghent, County of Flanders, now in Belgium, of unknown causes. Possibly, she died in childbirth (along with the baby), which at the end of the 13th century was a frequent cause of premature death of women.
Unofficial Royalty: Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar

August 29, 1763 – Death of Karl August, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont in Arolsen, Principality of Waldeck and Pyrmont, now in Hesse, Germany; buried at the Stadt-Kirche Bad Wildungen in Bad Wildungen, Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont, now in the German state of Hesse
In 1728, upon the death of his elder brother, Karl August then became the reigning Prince of Waldeck-Pyrmont. Karl August had been left a great deal of debt due to his father’s ambitious building projects and he tried to limit the debt burden in his small country. However, he and his wife had the Residenzschloss Arolsen redesigned and expanded in the Rococo style. Karl August issued letters of protection to Jewish families provided they could prove that they had assets of at least 1,000 thalers, thereby allowing the immigration of Jewish residents into the Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont.
Unofficial Royalty: Karl August, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont

August 29, 1790 – Birth of Leopold I, Grand Duke of Baden, in Karlsruhe, Grand Duchy of Baden, now in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
As his parents’ marriage was morganatic, Leopold and his siblings were not titled Prince/Princess of Baden, nor were they initially in the line of succession. They were styled as Baron/Baroness of Hochberg, and later as Count/Countess of Hochberg. Leopold’s father had always intended that his younger children would be eligible for succession if there were no heirs left from his elder sons. In 1817,  the Hochberg children were raised to Prince and Margrave of Baden and formally given succession rights by the government the following year. Leopold became Grand Duke of Baden in 1830, upon the death of his unmarried brother.
Unofficial Royalty: Leopold I, Grand Duke of Baden

August 29, 1923 – Death of Nancy Stewart Worthington Leeds, Princess Anastasia of Greece and Denmark, first wife of Prince Christopher of Greece, at Spencer House in London, England; buried in the Leeds mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx, New York
Nancy had married two wealthy men who both died, leaving her a very wealthy widow. While visiting Biarritz, France in 1914 Nancy met Prince Christopher, the youngest child of King George I of Greece. The two quickly fell in love and decided to marry. Their engagement was first announced in 1914, but it would be six years before they actually married. There was much reservation within the Greek royal family over the bride being an American and already married twice. Finally, the couple was married on February 1, 1920, and several days after the marriage, Nancy converted to Greek Orthodoxy and took the name Anastasia. Not long after her marriage, Anastasia was diagnosed with the cancer that caused her death.
Unofficial Royalty: Nancy Stewart Worthington Leeds, Princess Anastasia of Greece and Denmark

August 29, 1935 – Death of Queen Astrid of the Belgians, born Astrid of Sweden, wife of King Leopold III of the Belgians, in a car accident near their villa at Küssnacht am Rigi in Schwyz, Switzerland; buried at the Church of Our Lady in Brussels, Laeken, Belgium
In August 1935, Leopold, Astrid, and their children were on holiday in Switzerland. On August 29, 1935, having sent the children ahead, Leopold and Astrid decided to take one last outing before returning to Belgium. On a drive in the mountains near Lake Lucerne, with King Leopold at the wheel, and Astrid beside him, the king was distracted by something Astrid pointed out to him and lost control of the car. The convertible went off the road and down a steep slope, crashing into a tree. Both of them were thrown from the car, but Leopold was not seriously injured. Astrid, who was pregnant, was thrown into another tree and died from her injuries. She was just 29 years old. Later, a chapel and memorial were built in her honor in Küssnacht am Rigi, at the scene of the accident. Astrid was the mother of two Belgian kings, Baudouin and Albert II, and Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte of Luxembourg.
Unofficial Royalty: Astrid of Sweden, Queen of the Belgians

August 29, 1966 – Death of Augusta Victoria of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, wife of King Manuel II of Portugal, in Münchhöf, Baden, Germany; buried at Langenstein Castle in Baden, Germany
In 1912, Augusta Viktoria met the former King Manuel II of Portugal while both were visiting Switzerland. Manuel had become King in 1908 following the assassinations of his father and elder brother but was deposed two years later when the Portuguese First Republic was declared. The couple married in 1913 and lived at Fulwell Park, Manuel’s home outside London, England. Augusta Viktoria and Manuel had no children. Manuel died in 1932, and in 1939, Augusta Viktoria married Count Robert Douglas, head of the Swedish comital house of Douglas, a branch of the Scottish Clan Douglas. The couple lived at Langenstein Castle in Orsingen-Nenzingen Baden, Germany, and had no children.
Unofficial Royalty: Augusta Victoria of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen

August 29, 1968 – Wedding of King Harald V of Norway and Sonja Haraldsen at Olso Cathedral in Oslo, Norway
In June 1959, Crown Prince Harald attended a party hosted by a friend, Johan Stenersen where he met another friend of Johan Stenersen, Sonja Haraldsen. The relationship between the Crown Prince and Sonja was controversial as many people, including politicians and journalists, felt the Crown Prince should marry a princess and not a Norwegian commoner. The controversy continued for years as did the relationship despite the media’s attempts to promote a royal marriage with either of the Greek princesses Sophia and Irene. Crown Prince Harald made it clear to his father, King Olav V, that he would remain unmarried if he could not marry Sonja. This would have resulted in a succession crisis as Harald was the sole heir to the throne. At that time, Norway did not allow female succession, so his two sisters Ragnhild and Astrid were not in the line of succession. Finally, in 1968, when King Olav felt the position of the Norwegian people had changed to favor Sonja, he consulted with parliamentary leaders and other government leaders and gave his consent for the Crown Prince to marry a commoner.
Unofficial Royalty: Wedding of King Harald V of Norway and Sonja Haraldsen

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Royal News Recap for Tuesday, August 27, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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