Yearly Archives: 2024

Royal News Recap for Monday, September 9, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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Multiple Monarchies


United Kingdom

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Opening of the Parliamentary Session – Sweden – 2nd Tuesday of September

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Parliament House in Stockholm, Sweden; By Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas or alternatively © CEphoto, Uwe Aranas, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The Opening of the Parliamentary Session is held on the second Tuesday of September to mark the new parliamentary year. The current ceremony, first held in 1975, replaced an older ceremony known as the Solemn Opening of the Riksdag. During the ceremony, the monarch declares the new session open and the Prime Minister of Sweden makes a speech outlining the government’s plans for the upcoming year.

Storkyrkan (to the right is the Royal Palace of Stockholm); By Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0,

In the morning, the members of the Riksdag, the Swedish Parliament, meet in Parliament House for a roll call. Then they walk the short distance to the Storkyrkan, in English, the Great Church, also known as Stockholm Cathedral and Saint Nicholas Church, for a special service conducted by the Archbishop of Uppsala or the Bishop of Stockholm.

King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and  Speaker of the Riksdag Andreas Norlen lead the Swedish royal family into the Storkyrkan; Credit – Swedish Royal Court, Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

The tradition of holding a church service before the Opening of the Parliamentary Session dates back hundreds of years. Members of the Swedish royal family attend and family of the Riksdag members also attend the service.

After the church service, Riksdag members walk from Storkyrkan to the Parliament building Credit – Swedish Royal Court, Photo – Sara Friberg

After the church service, the Riksdag members walk back to Parliament House, entering through its main entrance and walking up the grand staircase.

Speaker of the Riksdag Andreas Norlen, King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Sofia, and Prince Carl Philp arrive at the opening of the Riksdag in 2022

The Swedish royal family travels from the Royal Palace of Stockholm to Parliament House in coaches escorted by the Life Guards on horses. The royal family wears black and white, harkening back to when they wore black and white court dress. A trumpet fanfare announces the royal family’s arrival and the Speaker of the Riksdag is waiting to greet them.

When the monarch enters the Riksdag chamber, the Kungssången (The King’s Song), the Swedish royal anthem, is sung. It is also sung on the monarch’s birthday and at the Nobel Prize ceremonies but is not considered the Swedish national anthem. While The King’s Song is sung, the royal family and the prime minister take their seats.

King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden addressing the Riksdag

The Speaker of the Riksdag invites the monarch to the rostrum where he/she delivers a short speech that includes topics the monarch thinks are important for the upcoming parliamentary year and words of encouragement to the Riksdag members. The monarch then declares the new session of the Riksdag open and is seated with the rest of the royal family. The Prime Minister then presents the Statement of Government Policy, outlining the policies the government intends to pursue during the coming year. During the ceremony, there are various musical performances. The Opening of the Parliamentary Session concludes with the singing of the Swedish national anthem “Du gamla, du fria” (“Thou old, Thou free”).

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Works Cited

  • HM The King opens the Parliamentary Session. (2022).
  • The opening of the Riksdag Session. (2024).
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2024). Opening of the Riksdag. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

September 10: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Tomb of Empress Elisabeth of Austria; Credit – Susan Flantzer

September 10, 1167 – Death of Empress Matilda, Lady of the English, daughter of King Henry I of England, mother of King Henry II of England, at the Abbey of Notre Dame des Prés in Rouen, Duchy of Normandy, now in France; first buried at Bec Abbey in Bec-Hellouin, Duchy of Normandy, now in France, reburied in Rouen Cathedral in Rouen
Empress Matilda lived long enough to see her son Henry II firmly established on the English throne. She spent the rest of her life in the Duchy of Normandy, often acting as Henry’s representative and presiding over the government of the Duchy of Normandy. Matilda, aged about 65, died on September 10, 1167, in Rouen, Duchy of Normandy, now in France. She was buried before the high altar of the church at Bec Abbey in Bec-Hellouin. Her epitaph read: “Great by birth, greater by marriage, greatest in her offspring: here lies Matilda, the daughter, wife, and mother of Henry”. Her tomb was damaged in a fire in 1263 and later restored in 1282, before being destroyed in 1421 by English mercenaries during the Hundred Years War between England and France. In 1684, some of her remains were found and reburied in a new coffin. Matilda’s remains were lost again after the destruction of the abbey church by Napoleon’s army but were found once more in 1846, and then reburied at Rouen Cathedral in Normandy, France.
Unofficial Royalty: Empress Matilda, Lady of the English

September 10, 1649 – Birth of Bernhard I, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen in Gotha, Duchy of Saxe-Gotha, now in Thuringia, Germany
When Bernhard’s father died in 1675, instead of passing everything to his eldest son, he chose to divide his territory among his living sons. Each received part of the duchy and was expected to rule jointly – but under the authority – of the eldest son. Bernhard received Meiningen and the surrounding area. By 1680, the brothers had formally divided their lands, each becoming the ruler of the newly established duchies. Bernhard became the first reigning Duke of Saxe-Meiningen. Having moved to Meiningen and taking up residence at the Meiningen Castle, Bernhard soon made plans to build a new official residence in the city. The Elisabethenburg Palace was built between 1682 1692 and was named for his second wife. In addition to the new palace, Bernhard also established a court orchestra in 1690, and the Schlosspark in 1692. Bernhard I, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen died in Meiningen, Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen, now in Thuringia, Germany, on April 27, 1706. He is buried in the Castle Church at Elisabethenburg Palace in Meiningen.
Unofficial Royalty: Bernhard I, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen

September 10, 1638 – Birth of Maria Theresa of Austria, Queen of France, wife of King Louis XIV of France, at the Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial near Madrid, Spain
Maria Theresa was the daughter of King Felipe IV of Spain and his first wife Elisabeth of France, daughter of King Henri IV of France. As the Spanish monarchs at the time were part of the House of Habsburg, she was styled as Archduchess of Austria, as well as Infanta of Spain and Portugal. In 1660, Maria Theresa married King Louis XIV of France. Maria Theresa and Louis were first cousins twice over – his father and her mother were siblings, and his mother and her father were siblings. They had six children but only one son survived childhood.  Intensely private and devout, Maria Theresa was humiliated by her husband’s numerous and very public affairs and his seemingly countless illegitimate children.
Unofficial Royalty: Maria Theresa of Austria, Queen of France

September 10, 1669 – Death of Henrietta Maria of France, Queen of England, wife of King Charles I of England, at Château de Colombes in Colombes, France; buried at St. Denis Basilica near Paris, France
After her husband King Charles I was executed in 1649 and the monarchy was abolished, Henrietta Maria spent the years of the Commonwealth of England with her surviving children at the court of her nephew King Louis XIV.  In 1660, when the English monarchy was restored and her son King Charles II took the throne, Henrietta Maria returned to England, where she was known as the Queen Mother. Eventually, Henrietta Maria found life in England disagreeable and the climate damaging to her health, so she returned to France where she lived in Paris at the Hôtel de la Bazinière, the present Hôtel de Chimay. She later lived at the Château de Colombes near Paris. It was there that Henrietta Maria died at the age of 59 from an overdose of opiates taken for pain on the advice of King Louis XIV’s doctor.
Unofficial Royalty: Henrietta Maria of France, Queen of England

September 10, 1864 – Birth of Charlotte of Schaumburg-Lippe, Queen of Württemberg, second wife of King Wilhelm II of Württemberg, born at Schloss Ratiborschitz in Bohemia, now in the Czech Republic
Full name: Charlotte Marie Luise Ida Hermine Mathilde
22-years-old Charlotte married the then-Crown Prince Wilhelm of Württemberg in 1886. Wilhelm had been widowed four years earlier and had a young daughter. Despite hoping that this new marriage might produce a male heir, Charlotte and Wilhelm had no children. In October 1891, Charlotte became Queen of Württemberg when her husband succeeded to the throne. Her husband would be the last King of Württemberg. When the monarchy came to an end in 1918, King Wilhelm II negotiated with the new German state to ensure that he and his wife would receive an annual income, as well as a residence for life – Schloss Bebenhausen.
Unofficial Royalty: Charlotte of Schaumburg-Lippe, Queen of Württemberg

September 10, 1898 – Stabbing death of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, born Elisabeth of Bavaria, wife of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, in Geneva, Switzerland; buried in the Imperial Crypt in Vienna, Austria
On September 10, 1898, while walking to a ferry landing on Lake Geneva in Geneva, Switzerland with her lady-in-waiting, sixty-year-old Empress Elisabeth of Austria was stabbed in the heart by twenty-five-year-old Luigi Lucheni. The puncture wound was so small that it was initially not noticed and it was thought that Elisabeth had just been punched in the chest. Elisabeth thanked all the people who had rushed to help and conversed with her lady-in-waiting about the incident. Only when onboard the ferry did Elisabeth finally collapse and then the severity of Elisabeth’s injury was realized. The ferry captain ordered the ferry back to Geneva and the empress was taken back to the hotel on an improvised stretcher. A doctor and a priest were summoned. The doctor confirmed that there was no hope and a priest administered the Last Rites. Empress Elisabeth of Austria died without regaining consciousness.
Unofficial Royalty: Assassination of Empress Elisabeth of Austria
Unofficial Royalty: Elisabeth of Bavaria, Empress of Austria

September 10, 1948 – Death of former Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria in exile in Coburg, Germany; buried at St. Augustin’s Roman Catholic Church in Coburg, Germany
Born Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Koháry, he was elected Knyaz (Prince) of Bulgaria in 1887. In 1908, Ferdinand elevated Bulgaria to a kingdom and became Tsar Ferdinand I. The Balkan War and World War I consumed much of the next ten years.  On October 3, 1918, taking full responsibility for Bulgaria’s loss in World War I, Ferdinand abdicated in favor of his son Boris. Ferdinand settled in Coburg, where he devoted his time to his favorite pastimes, art, gardening, travel, and history. In 1943, his son Tsar Boris III died, and then in 1945, Ferdinand’s other son Kyril was executed. His young grandson Simeon was deposed in 1946, and the Bulgarian monarchy was abolished. Heartbroken at the loss of his family and his kingdom, Ferdinand died in Coburg. Unable to be buried in Bulgaria at the time, his remains were temporarily placed in the crypt of St. Augustine’s Church in Coburg next to his parents. They remain there to this day.
Unofficial Royalty: Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria

September 10, 2006 – Death of King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV of Tonga at Mercy Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand; buried at Mala’e Kula, the royal cemetery, in Nuku’alofa, Tonga
In his youth, Tāufaʻāhau Tupou began competing in the pole vault, and by the age of fourteen, he held the Tonga pole vault record, a record that stood for many years. Upon graduating from university in Australia where he received both a bachelor’s degree and a law degree, Tāufaʻāhau Tupou returned to Tonga and began a career in government. His mother Queen Sālote appointed him Minister of Education in 1943, and Minister of Health in 1944, and in 1949, he was appointed Prime Minister of Tonga, a position he held until he succeeded his mother and became King of Tonga in 1965.  88-year-old King Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV of Tonga died at Mercy Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand. His funeral, which blended Christian and ancient Polynesian burial rites, was held on September 19, 2006, in the Tongan capital, Nukuʻalofa. Thousands of Tongans attended the funeral along with many foreign dignitaries.
Unofficial Royalty: King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV of Tonga

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Royal News Recap for Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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United Kingdom

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Disclaimer: Please be advised that any media article titles or content that appear in the Royal News that identify members of royal families with their maiden names, nicknames, incorrect style or title, etc., come directly from the media source and not from Unofficial Royalty. We encourage you to contact the media sources to express your concern about their use of the incorrect name, style, title, etc. Contact information can usually be found at the bottom of each media source’s main page.

September 9: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

James IV, King of Scots; Credit – Wikipedia

September 9, 1087 – Death of King William I of England (the Conqueror) at Hermentrube in Rouen, Duchy of Normandy, now in France; buried at St. Stephen Abbey in Caen, Duchy of Normandy, now in France
The House of Normandy began its rule in England in 1066 when William, Duke of Normandy invaded England and defeated the last king of the House of Wessex, Harold II Godwinson, at the Battle of Hastings. In 1087, the French garrison at Mantes made a raid into Normandy. William retaliated by sacking the town. While he was urging on his soldiers. William’s horse stumbled and he was violently flung against his saddle pommel. He received serious internal injuries, most likely a ruptured bladder. William was taken to the Priory of St. Gervais in Rouen where peritonitis developed. As he knew he was dying, William wrote a letter to Lefranc, Archbishop of Canterbury stating that Normandy should go to his eldest son Robert, England should go to his second son William Rufus, and his youngest son Henry should receive money. The youngest son later became King Henry I of England.
Unofficial Royalty: King William I of England (the Conqueror)

September 9, 1513 – Death of James IV, King of Scots at the Battle of Flodden Field; a body, thought to be his, was supposedly buried in Sheen Abbey in Surrey, England, and was lost during the Reformation
James IV married Margaret Tudor, daughter of Henry VII of England and sister of Henry VIII of England, as part of a treaty between Scotland and England. James IV and Margaret had four sons and two stillborn daughters. Only one of their children, James V, King of Scots, the father of Mary, Queen of Scots survived infancy. Despite the great hopes of peace between England and Scotland as symbolized by the marriage of Margaret and James IV, Margaret’s brother Henry VIII did not have his father’s diplomatic patience and was heading toward a war with France. James IV was committed to his alliance with France and invaded England. Henry VIII was away on campaign in France and Flanders in 1513 and he had made his wife Catherine of Aragon regent in his absence. It was up to Catherine to supervise England’s defense when Scotland invaded. Ultimately, the Scots were defeated at the Battle of Flodden near Branxton, Northumberland, England on September 9, 1513, and 30-year-old King James IV was killed in the battle. Catherine sent Henry VIII the blood-stained coat of his defeated and dead brother-in-law. James IV’s seventeen-month-old son succeeded his father as James V, King of Scots.
Unofficial Royalty: James IV, King of Scots

September 9, 1730 – Death of Charles FitzRoy, 2nd Duke of Cleveland, an illegitimate son of King Charles II of England and his mistress Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland; buried at Westminster Abbey in London, England
In 1679, Charles married Mary Wood, the only child and the heiress of Sir Henry Wood, 1st Baronet. A year later, sixteen-year-old Mary died of smallpox. After many legal maneuvers, Mary’s fortune passed to her widower 18-year-old Charles Fitzroy who remained unmarried for fourteen years. In 1694, Charles married Anne Pulteney, daughter of Sir William Pulteney, a Member of Parliament, and the couple had six children. When Charles’ mother Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland died in 1709, he became 2nd Duke of Cleveland. On September 9, 1730, 68-year-old Charles FitzRoy, 2nd Duke of Cleveland died in London, England. He was succeeded by his eldest son William FitzRoy. However, William was childless and when he died in 1774, all his titles became extinct.
Unofficial Royalty: Charles FitzRoy, 2nd Duke of Cleveland

September 9, 1813 – Death of Georg I, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont in Rhoden, Kingdom of Prussia, now in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany; buried in the Princely Mausoleum at Schloss Rhoden (link in German) in Rhoden, Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont, now in the German state of Hesse
Georg had a short reign, from September 24, 1812  to September 9, 1813.  The Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont was heavily in debt during the reign of Friedrich Karl August, Prince of Waldeck-Pyrmont, Georg’s unmarried elder brother. In 1805, Friedrich Karl August unsuccessfully attempted to sell the Pyrmont as a cost-cutting measure. Instead, he decided to divide the Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont, giving his brother Georg Pyrmont, while he kept Waldeck. In 1812, after the death of his childless elder brother, 65-year-old Georg succeeded him, and Waldeck and Pyrmont were reunited. Because of his age and perhaps illness, Georg knew that he would not be able to reign for long so he decided to stay in Pyrmont where he died.
Unofficial Royalty: Georg I, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont

September 9, 1826 – Birth of Grand Duke Friedrich I of Baden in Karlsruhe, Grand Duchy of Baden, now in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Full name: Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig
Friedrich’s father died in 1852 and was succeeded by Friedrich’s elder brother, Ludwig II. However, Ludwig was deemed mentally ill, and Friedrich was appointed Regent during his reign. When Ludwig died in 1858, Friedrich succeeded him as Grand Duke Friedrich II. Friedrich sided with Prussia in the wars against Austria and France and represented Baden at the Palace of Versailles when his father-in-law King Wilhelm I of Prussia was created German Emperor in 1871. Friedrich was a strong supporter of constitutional monarchy and was often at odds with his Prussian in-laws. His reign saw the adoption of civil marriage and free elections to the Baden parliament.
Unofficial Royalty: Friedrich I, Grand Duke of Baden

September 9, 1870 – Death of Baroness Louise Lehzen, governess, adviser, and companion to Queen Victoria, in Bückeburg, Principality of Schaumberg-Lippe, now in Lower Saxony, Germany; buried in the Jetenburger Cemetery in Bückeburg where Queen Victoria had a memorial to her erected
From 1824 – 1842, Baroness Louise Lehzen was the governess and then adviser and companion to Queen Victoria who called her Lehzen.
Unofficial Royalty: Baroness Louise Lehzen

September 9, 1882 – Birth of Henry Charles Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood, husband of Mary, Princess Royal, in London, England
Henry married Princess Mary, the only daughter of King George V of the United Kingdom at Westminster Abbey in London, England on February 28, 1922. Despite their fifteen-year age difference and despite rumors that the marriage was not happy, their elder son George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood said the marriage was a happy one. He wrote in his memoirs that they “got on well together and had a lot of friends and interests in common.” Henry and his wife enjoyed country pursuits. They both regularly rode with the Bramham Moor Hunt where Henry was Master of the Hunt. Henry was a Freemason and served as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England from 1942-1947.
Unofficial Royalty: Henry Charles Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood

September 9, 2015 – Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom becomes the longest-reigning British monarch, breaking the record of her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria
Unofficial Royalty: Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
Unofficial Royalty: Longest Reigning British Monarchs

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A View From a DKM: A Lot Can Happen in Two Years.

Man and the King's horse

Man and the King’s horse created by Bing AI

A man accuse of a crime was sentenced to death by The King. He pleaded for his life and told The King he could teach the king’s horse to talk with in two years if he would be spared. The king agreed; if the man could teach the horse to talk in the next two years, he would be pardoned. Otherwise, the original sentence would be carried out.

The man returned home to his daughter with the horse and told her his story. The daughter asked him why he was so cheerful after making a promise he couldn’t keep. The man said, “A lot can happen in two years. The king could die. I could die, the horse could die, or the horse could learn to talk.”

Distribute by for public use

Official Portrait of Charles III Distributed by for public use

Since King Charles III ascended the throne, the United Kingdom has experienced a whirlwind of significant events and changes. During his reign, the country has seen three different Prime Ministers, each bringing their own policies and challenges. Similarly, Scotland has witnessed the leadership of three different First Ministers, reflecting the dynamic political landscape. In Northern Ireland, history was made with the appointment of the first nationalist First Minister, marking a significant shift in the region’s political dynamics.

The King has also overseen his first general election, a pivotal moment that shaped the future direction of the nation. He has presided over two state openings of Parliament, ceremonial occasions that underscore the continuity and stability of the monarchy amidst political shifts.

The media landscape has not been immune to change either, with the fall of the BBC’s top news anchor, a development that sent ripples through the broadcasting world.

On a more personal note, both The King and the Princess of Wales faced health challenges, undergoing surgery within days of each other. Their subsequent announcements of cancer diagnoses within weeks of each other brought a deeply human element to their public roles, highlighting their resilience and dedication to their duties despite personal hardships.

These events, among others, illustrate the profound and rapid changes that can occur within a relatively short period. The past two years have been a testament to the enduring strength and adaptability of the monarchy and the nation. Yes, a lot can indeed happen in two years.

Royal Birthdays & Anniversaries: September 8 – 14

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Below is a select list of birthdays and wedding anniversaries for current monarchies. It does not purport to be a complete list. Please see the Current Monarchies Index in the heading above for more information on current monarchies.



87th birthday of Queen Paola of Belgium, wife of King Albert II of Belgium; born Paola Ruffo di Calabria in Forte dei Marmi, Tuscany, Italy on September 11, 1937
Unofficial Royalty: Queen Paola of Belgium


Crown Princess Akishino of Japan, Photo Credit –

58th birthday of Crown Princess Akishino, wife of Crown Prince Akishino of Japan; born Kiko Kawashima  in Shizuoka, Japan on September 11, 1966
Unofficial Royalty: Kiko, Crown Princess Akishino


September 8: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom; Credit – The Royal Family Facebook page

September 8, 1157 – Birth of King Richard I of England at Beaumont Palace in Oxford, England
Richard succeeded his father King Henry II in 1189. He spent very little time in England, perhaps as little as six months, during his ten-year reign. Rather than regarding the Kingdom of England as a responsibility requiring his presence as the king, Richard saw England as a source of revenue to support his armies. Most of his reign was spent on Crusade, in captivity, or actively defending his lands in France.
Unofficial Royalty: King Richard I of England

September 8, 1397 – Death (murder?) of Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, son of King Edward III of England, at the Prince’s Inn in the Pale of Calais, now in France; buried at the Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity in Pleshy, England, later reburied at Westminster Abbey in London, England
Thomas’ nephew King Richard II was having issues with the authority of the nobility. Thomas and other nobles wanted to depose Richard, but he was betrayed, arrested for treason, and imprisoned. He was probably murdered by a group of men led by Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk, and Sir Nicholas Colfox, presumably on the orders of King Richard II. After Thomas’ death, his confession was read to Parliament and he was declared guilty of treason. He was attainted as a traitor and his title Duke of Gloucester, goods, and estates were forfeited to the crown. Thomas’ probable murder caused an outcry among the English nobility and added to Richard II’s unpopularity. In 1399, Richard’s first cousin Henry of Bolingbroke, the eldest son of John of Gaunt, deposed Richard and succeeded to the throne as King Henry IV, the first King of the House of Lancaster.
Unofficial Royalty: Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester

September 8, 1650 – Death of Elizabeth Stuart, Princess of England, daughter of King Charles I of England, at Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight, England; buried in a small crypt under the altar at Saints Thomas Church in Newport, on the Isle of Wight, England
After the arrest of their father King Charles I of England, Elizabeth and her brother Prince Henry of England, Duke of Gloucester were unable to flee with their mother Henrietta Maria of France because they were not with her at that time. They remained in England and were placed under the care of the Parliamentarians. Elizabeth and Henry were moved from one residence to another due to the plague. After their father’s beheading, Parliament decided that they needed to be in a more secure place, far away from London. Elizabeth and Henry were moved to Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight, England. On August 23, 1650, less than a week after arriving at Carisbrooke Castle, Elizabeth began to feel ill. On September 1, she went to bed and then could no longer get up. She died on September 8, 1650, aged fourteen, probably from pneumonia.
Unofficial Royalty: Elizabeth Stuart, Princess of England

September 8, 1675 – Death of Amalia of Solms-Braunfels, Princess of Orange, wife of Frederik Hendrik, Prince of Orange, in The Hague, the Netherlands; buried at the Nieuwe Kerk in Delft, the Netherlands
Frederik Hendrik, Prince of Orange and Amalia were the parents of Willem II, Prince of Orange who married Mary, Princess Royal, eldest daughter of King Charles I of England. They had one son Willem III, Prince of Orange, later King William III of England. Amalia had influence in politics, initially as Frederik Hendrik’s adviser, and then, after 1640, when her husband became ill, she became openly involved in political life and received foreign diplomats and envoys.
Unofficial Royalty: Amalia of Solms-Braunfels, Princess of Orange

September 8, 1749 – Birth of Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe, favorite of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, born Maria Teresa Luisa of Savoy-Carignano at the Palazzo Carignano in Turin, Duchy of Savoy, now in Italy
Marie Thérèse was presented to the new Dauphine, the future Queen Marie Antoinette, upon her arrival in France in 1770. Marie Antoinette was charmed by the Princess of Lamballe, and soon the two became very close. Over the next few years, Marie Thérèse was rarely separated from Marie Antoinette and became one of her closest friends and confidantes.  In 1792, during the French Revolution, Marie Thérèse went before a tribunal that insisted she swear “hatred to the King and the Queen and to the monarchy”. Refusing to do so, she was released to the streets where an angry mob quickly killed her.
Unofficial Royalty: Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe, favorite of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

September 8, 1749 – Birth of Gabrielle de Polastron, Duchesse de Polignac, favorite of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, born Yolande Martine Gabrielle de Polastron in Paris, France
In 1775, Gabrielle and her husband were invited to visit Versailles by her sister-in-law, Diane de Polignac, who was a lady-in-waiting to Princess Elizabeth of France, the younger sister of King Louis XVI. Gabrielle was formally presented to Queen Marie Antoinette who instantly took a liking to her, and soon asked her to move permanently to Versailles. Heavily in debt, this was not a move that Gabrielle and her husband could afford. Despite their aristocratic background, there was little money for extravagance. They lived on Jules’s military salary of just 4,000 livres and were heavily in debt. Becoming aware of this, Marie Antoinette quickly arranged to settle their debts and find a better position for Jules within the royal household. In 1782, Gabrielle was appointed Governess to the children of France. Following the storming of the Bastille in July 1789, Gabrielle and her family fled France, traveling throughout Europe before eventually settling in Vienna, Austria. During this time, she remained in close contact with Marie Antoinette for the next several years.
Unofficial Royalty: Gabrielle de Polastron, Duchesse de Polignac, favorite of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

September 8, 1800 – Death of Ernst Friedrich, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, in Coburg, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, now in Bavaria, Germany; buried in the ducal crypt at Stadtkirche St. Moriz in Coburg, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, now in Bavaria, Germany
Ernst Friedrich was the great-grandfather of Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. In 1764, Ernst Friedrich succeeded his father as Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld and transferred the official residence of the duchy from Saalfeld to Coburg. Because the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld was heavily in debt, Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II appointed a debit commission headed by Prince Joseph of Saxe-Hildburghausen and then Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, to prevent the bankruptcy of the duchy. The work of the debt commission lasted over thirty years and during that time period, Ernst Friedrich was given a strict annual allowance.
Unofficial Royalty: Ernst Friedrich, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld

September 8, 1814 – Death of Maria Carolina of Austria, Queen of Naples and Sicily, wife of Ferdinando I, King of the Two Sicilies, at Hetzendorf Palace in Vienna, Austria; buried at the Imperial Crypt in the Capuchin Church in Vienna, Austria
Maria Carolina was the first wife of King Ferdinando IV of Naples and III Sicily, after her death, Ferdinando I, King of the Two Sicilies. She was the daughter of the powerful Empress Maria Theresa, who was in her own right Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary, Queen of Croatia, and Queen of Bohemia. Maria Carolina had been well educated and carefully prepared for her role as a future queen but her husband Ferdinando had never received a comprehensive education and spent his time hunting, playing pranks, and eating excessively. In 1775, after her first son was born, Maria Carolina took her place on the council of state. From then on, Maria Carolina was the de facto ruler of the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily.  Maria Carolina, aged 62, died from a stroke without seeing the final defeat of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna’s restoration of her husband’s rights to the thrones of Naples and Sicily.
Unofficial Royalty: Maria Carolina of Austria, Queen of Naples and Sicily

September 8, 2022 – Death of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, at Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland; interred in the crypt of the King George VI Memorial Chapel in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. At the same time, the coffin of her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who died in 2021, was moved from its temporary place in the Royal Vault beneath St. George’s Chapel and interred in the crypt of the King George VI Memorial Chapel. 
Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom died at the age of 96, at Balmoral Castle, her home in Balmoral, Scotland, on September 8, 2022, at 3:10 PM, more than three hours before the public was informed. The death certificate, released by the National Records of Scotland cites that she died of “old age”. Queen Elizabeth II is the longest-reigning British monarch having surpassed her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria on September 9, 2015. In May 2022, Queen Elizabeth II surpassed Prince Johann II of Liechtenstein (reigned from November 12, 1858 to February 11, 1929, for 25,658 days or 70 years, 91 days), and then in June 2022, she surpassed King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand (reigned June 9, 1946 to October 13, 2016, for 25,694 days or 70 years, 126 days) to become the second longest-reigning monarch. Only King Louis XIV of France, (reigned May 14, 1643 to September 1, 1715, for 26,407 days or 72 years, 110 days) has reigned longer. (Note: Lengths of reign are from a list of monarchs of states that were internationally sovereign for most or all of their reigns and have verifiable reigns by an exact date.)
Unofficial Royalty: Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
Unofficial Royalty: The Death and Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
Unofficial Royalty: The Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

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A View from a DKM: A Tribute

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At over 96 years old, she had been a steadfast presence on the throne for exactly 70 years and 7 months. Despite her advancing age and declining health, she remained resolute in her commitment to the promise she made at 21: to serve her people for her entire life, whether it be long or short. Her sense of duty was unwavering, and she was determined to fulfill her responsibilities until the very end.

She continued to perform her duties with grace and dignity. She received Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who came to tender his official resignation. Despite being one of the most influential leaders in the world, he had to formally present his resignation to her, underscoring her enduring significance. Following this, she awaited the arrival of the new leader of the Conservative Party, Liz Truss. When Truss arrived, she was invited to form a new government, a role Truss graciously accepted. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in British politics, but also the end of an era. These would be her final public duties, a testament to her lifelong dedication to the role.

Known formally as Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, I, and others, simply call her Elizabeth the Great.

Royal News Recap for Friday, September 6, 2024

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United Kingdom

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