by Susan Flantzer © Unofficial Royalty 2020
On March 18, 978, 16-year-old Saint Edward the Martyr, King of the English was stabbed in the back while mounted on his horse. He fell off, but his foot caught in the stirrup and he was dragged to his death.
Saint Edward the Martyr, King of the English

Credit – Wikipedia
Edward the Martyr was the eldest son of Edgar the Peaceful, King of the English. He was born around 962 to Æthelflæd who possibly was a nun at Wilton Abbey, a Benedictine abbey in Wiltshire, England, whom Edgar seduced. It is unclear whether Æthelflæd and Edgar married.
In 975, King Edgar died and leaving his two surviving sons: Edward around 13 years of age and Edward’s half- brother Æthelred around 7 years old, the son of Edgar’s wife Ælfthryth. Both boys were too young to have played any significant role in the political maneuvering, and so it was the brothers’ supporters who were responsible for the turmoil which accompanied the choice of a successor to the throne. In the end, Edward’s supporters, mainly Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury and Oswald of Worcester, Archbishop of York, proved more powerful and persuasive, and he was crowned king before the year was out. The teenaged Edward was famous for temper tantrums and insulting influential people due to his lack of diplomatic behavior.
The Assassination
The texts in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle say that Edward was “killed” or “martyred” and that “no worse deed for the English race was done than this was.” It appears that Edward’s stepmother Ælfthryth may have been linked to his murder. Ælfthryth, the first woman known to have been crowned and anointed as Queen of England, was a powerful political figure. The legality of her marriage to King Edgar the Peaceful was not in doubt and she was the mother of the future Æthelred II the Unready, King of the English. However, Ælfthryth had a previous marriage.
Ælfthryth’s father was Ordgar, son of an ealdorman, who owned much land in Somerset. King Edgar decided to marry Ordgar’s daughter Ælfthryth and sent Æthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia to make the arrangements. Æthelwald instead took Ælfthryth for his own wife and reported back to King Edgar that she was unsuitable.
Æthelwald died in 962 and there are two versions of the story of his death. One version has King Edgar being told of Æthelwald’s deception and then killing him during a hunt. The second version comes from Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. Dunstan believed that Æthelwald was murdered by his wife Ælfthryth who then seduced King Edgar. Whatever the circumstances of Æthelwald’s death, Ælfthryth married King Edgar and by 964, her father Ordgar had been created Ealdorman of Devon. Apparently, Ordgar was one of King Edgar’s closest advisors because from 964 until his death in 971, he was a witness on almost all the charters Edgar issued.

A Victorian-era depiction of Ælfthryth putting her plan of murdering Edward the Martyr into motion; Credit – Wikipedia
It is reasonable to assume that Ælfthryth was not happy that her son Æthelred, born of a legal marriage, was not king. Furthermore, it is also reasonable to assume she might plot against Edward. On March 18, 978, 16-year-old Edward arrived at a hunting lodge probably at or near the mound on which the ruins of Corfe Castle in Dorset, England now stand. Aelfthryth had invited her stepson there and she arranged for him to be welcomed with a cup of wine. As Edward drank the wine, he was stabbed in the back while still mounted on his horse. He fell off, but his foot caught in the stirrup and he was dragged to his death.
Edward’s ten-year-old half-brother succeeded to the throne as Æthelred II the Unready, King of the English. Although Æthelred was not personally suspected of participation, it appears that the murder was committed by his supporters, and the specter of his half-brother’s murder hung over him for the rest of his life.
The Aftermath
Ælfthryth served as regent for her son Æthelred until he came of age in 984. Her reputation was tarnished because she was implicated in Edward’s murder. She founded the Benedictine Wherwell Abbey in Hampshire, England, and retired there to do penance for her part in the murders of her first husband Æthelwald and of her stepson Edward.
Edward was first buried at St. Mary’s Church in Wareham, Dorset, England. Soon people were saying miracles occurred at his burial place and he was declared a saint and a martyr. Edward is recognized as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Anglican Church, and is known as Saint Edward the Martyr.
In 981, Edward’s remains were moved to Shaftesbury Abbey, a convent founded by his great-great-grandfather Alfred the Great, and were buried there with great pomp under the supervision of Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. Many miracles were claimed to occur at the tomb of Saint Edward the Martyr, including the healing of lepers and the blind. The abbey became the wealthiest Benedictine convent in England and a major pilgrimage site.
In 1539, Edward’s remains were hidden to avoid desecration during the Dissolution of the Monasteries during the reign of King Henry VIII. In 1931, some remains were recovered by J.E. Wilson-Claridge during an archaeological excavation of Shaftesbury Abbey. Their identity was confirmed by Dr. T.E.A. Stowell, an osteologist, who said the remains were those of a young man of about 20 who had injuries that corresponded to a person being dragged backward over the pommel of a saddle and having their leg twisted in a stirrup.
In 1970, another examination performed on the remains suggested that death had been caused by the manner in which Edward supposedly had died. However, a later examination showed the remains to be from the same time period as Edward but that they belonged to a man in his late twenties or early thirties rather than a youth in his mid-teens. Nevertheless, Wilson-Claridge donated the remains to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, which interred them as King Edward the Martyr in a shrine at St. Edward the Martyr Orthodox Church in Woking, Surrey, England.

Shrine of St Edward the Martyr in St. Edward the Martyr Orthodox Church; Credit – Wikipedia
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Works Cited
- Ashley, M. (1998). The Mammoth Book of British Kings & Queens. New York: Carroll & Graf Pub.
- Cannon, J. and Griffiths, R. (1988). The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Clarke, J. (2019). St Edward the Martyr. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2019].
- Dodson, A. (2004). The Royal Tombs of Great Britain. London: Duckworth.
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- Flantzer, Susan. (2019). Edward the Martyr, King of the English. [online] Unofficial Royalty. Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2019].
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- Williamson, D. (1998). Brewer’s British Royalty. London: Cassell.