Category Archives: British Royals

Mary Tudor, Queen of France, Duchess of Suffolk

by Susan Flantzer © Unofficial Royalty 2016

Mary Tudor, Queen of France, Duchess of Suffolk; Credit – Wikipedia

Mary Tudor was born on March 18, 1496, at Richmond Palace, then in Surrey, England. She was the third daughter and the fifth of the seven children of King Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York, the eldest child of King Edward IV of England.

Mary had seven siblings, but only three survived early childhood:

Henry VII’s family: At left, Henry VII, with Arthur, Prince of Wales behind him, then Henry (later Henry VIII), and Edmund, who did not survive early childhood. To the right is Elizabeth of York, with Margaret, then Elizabeth who didn’t survive childhood, Mary, and Katherine, who died shortly after her birth; Credit – Wikipedia

Mary was raised with her older siblings Margaret and Henry at Eltham Palace in Greenwich, London, England, and was taught French, Latin, music, dancing, and embroidery. In 1501, Mary’s elder brother Arthur, Prince of Wales married Catherine of Aragon, the youngest daughter of Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon. Five months later, on April 2, 1502, 15-year-old Arthur was dead, probably of sweating sickness, and his family was devastated. Shortly after Arthur’s death, Mary’s mother Elizabeth became pregnant again and hoped for a son. On February 2, 1503, she gave birth to a daughter, Katherine. Shortly after giving birth, Elizabeth became ill with puerperal fever (childbed fever) and died on February 11, 1503, her 37th birthday. Little Katherine died on February 18, 1503. In June of 1503, just a few months after her mother’s death, Mary’s sister Margaret left England to begin her married life in Scotland with her husband James IV, King of Scots. By the age of eight, Mary had already dealt with much loss.

In December of 1507, 11-year-old Mary was betrothed to four-year Charles, the future Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, the eldest son of Philip the Handsome and Queen Joanna I of Castile. A month after her 13th birthday, Mary’s father King Henry VII died and her brother became King Henry VIII. Henry VIII was interested in a more permanent alliance with France. He initially considered marrying his now-widowed sister Margaret to the widowed King Louis XII of France. To his chagrin, Margaret secretly married Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus. Henry VIII broke off Mary’s engagement to Charles. Then he negotiated a peace treaty with France that included the marriage of 18-year-old Mary and the 52-year-old twice-married Louis XII who was eager to have a son to succeed him. Mary was not thrilled at the prospect of marrying a sick old man, especially since she was already in love with Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk who had been brought up with Henry VIII in the court of King Henry VII. Mary made her brother promise that if she should survive Louis XII, she could choose her second husband.

King Louis XII of France by Jehan Perréal, circa 1514; Credit – Wikipedia

There was a proxy marriage on August 19, 1514, at Greenwich Palace with Claude d’Orléans, Duke of Longueville standing in for Louis XII. Mary left for France on October 2, 1514. Louis XII met Mary on a rainy day at Abbeville, France near the mouth of the River Somme. They married in person at Abbeville on October 9, 1514. However, the marriage did not last long. Louis XII died on January 1, 1515, just three months after the wedding. As he had no son, he was succeeded by his son-in-law François d’Angoulême from the House of Valois -Angoulême as King François I of France.

Mary was aware that the new King of France would like her to marry a Frenchman to keep her dowry in France. However, she confided in King François I that she wished to marry Charles Brandon and he agreed to help her. First, Mary had to follow the French royal custom of a widowed queen observing a 40-day mourning period. She spent the mourning period at the Hôtel de Cluny in Paris with darkened windows and candlelight. She was also observed to see if she was pregnant with the future heir to the throne.

On March 3, 1515, Mary secretly married Charles Brandon at the Hôtel de Cluny in the presence of ten people including King François I. Mary and Brandon returned to England to face the wrath of her brother. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey managed to calm Henry VIII although some members of the Privy Council wanted Brandon imprisoned or executed. Mary and Brandon had to pay a £24,000 fine, approximately £7,200,000 today. Henry VIII later reduced the fine. The couple was married again in the presence of Henry VIII at the Grey Friar’s Church in Greenwich on May 13, 1515.

Mary Tudor and Charles Brandon by Jan Gossaert, circa 1515; Credit – Wikipedia

Mary and Brandon had four children:

Mary and Brandon spent most of their time at Westhorpe Hall in Suffolk, England. Brandon’s daughters from his marriage to Anne Browne, Lady Anne Brandon, and Lady Mary Brandon, also lived there at Mary’s insistence. Mary got along well with her brother Henry VIII. However, in the late 1520s, their relationship became strained because Mary opposed Henry’s attempt to obtain an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boleyn. Mary had known Catherine for many years and had a great fondness for her, but had developed a strong dislike for Anne Boleyn when she served as one of her maids of honor in France.

Mary’s health began to suffer around the time Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn married. There were rumors that the coronation of Anne Boleyn on June 1, 1533, broke Mary’s heart. Mary died at Westhorpe Hall on June 25, 1533, at the age of 37, and was originally buried in the Abbey at Bury St. Edmunds.  In 1538, when the Abbey at Bury St. Edmunds was dissolved during the Dissolution of the Monasteries, Mary’s coffin was brought to St. Mary’s Church in Bury St. Edmunds where it still rests in the crypt. The original grave slab survives and is in the sanctuary near the altar. There is also a later inscription and insignia on the wall and a marble curb given by King Edward VII which can be seen in the photo below.  In the Lady Chapel, there is a stained glass window given by Queen Victoria that depicts Mary’s life.

Original grave slab of Mary Tudor; Credit –

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Works Cited
Abrufstatistik. “Mary Tudor (Frankreich).” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.
De Lisle, Leanda. Tudor. Philadelphia: Perseus Books Group, 2013. Print.
“Mary Tudor, Queen of France.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Oct. 2016. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.
Susan. “Margaret Tudor. Queen of Scots.” English Royals. Unofficial Royalty, 29 Nov. 2016. Web.
Williamson, David. Brewer’s British Royalty. London: Cassell, 1996. Print.

Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots

by Susan Flantzer  by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2016

Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots; Credit – Wikipedia

The highborn and noble princess Lady Margaret, known better as Margaret Tudor, was born at the Palace of Westminster in London, England on November 28, 1489. She was the eldest daughter and the second of the eight children of King Henry VII of England, the first Tudor monarch, and Elizabeth of York, the eldest child of King Edward IV of England. When the Tudor line died out with the death of Queen Elizabeth I of England in 1603, Margaret’s great-grandson James VI, King of Scots succeeded to the English throne as King James I. Margaret is the ancestor of many European royal families, past and present.

Margaret was christened the day after her birth at St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster. Her godparents were:

Margaret had six siblings. Unlike her older brother Arthur, Prince of Wales, who lived in his own household, Margaret spent most of her childhood with her siblings.

Henry VII’s family: At left, Henry VII, with Arthur, Prince of Wales behind him, then Henry (later Henry VIII), and Edmund, who did not survive early childhood. To the right is Elizabeth of York, with Margaret, then Elizabeth who didn’t survive childhood, Mary, and Katherine, who died shortly after her birth; Credit – Wikipedia

On January 24, 1502, England and Scotland concluded the Treaty of Perpetual Peace, agreeing to end the warfare between England and Scotland that occurred over the previous two hundred years. As part of the treaty, a marriage was arranged between 28-year-old James IV, King of Scots and twelve-year-old Margaret Tudor. A proxy marriage was held on January 25, 1503, at Richmond Palace with Patrick Hepburn, 1st Earl of Bothwell standing in for James IV. Margaret was exactly the same age as her paternal grandmother Margaret Beaufort had been when she married Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond. Margaret Beaufort was determined that her granddaughter not consummate her marriage at such an early age and insisted that Margaret must remain in England until she was older. After the proxy marriage, Margaret was officially Queen of Scotland and received the precedence and honor due to a Queen.

In 1501, Margaret’s elder brother Arthur, Prince of Wales married Catherine of Aragon, the youngest daughter of Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon. Five months later, on April 2, 1502, 15-year-old Arthur was dead, probably of sweating sickness, and his family was devastated. Shortly after Arthur’s death, Margaret’s mother Elizabeth became pregnant again and hoped for a son. Elizabeth spent that year preparing her daughter Margaret for her role as Queen of Scots. In early 1503, Elizabeth spent her confinement at the Tower of London. On February 2, 1503, she gave birth to a daughter, Katherine. Shortly after giving birth, Elizabeth became ill with puerperal fever (childbed fever) and died on February 11, 1503, her 37th birthday. Little Katherine died on February 18, 1503.

James IV, King of Scots and Margaret Tudor; Credit – Wikipedia

In June 1503, just a few months after her mother’s death, Margaret left London with her father to begin her journey to Scotland. Her formal court farewell was held at her paternal grandmother’s home Collyweston Palace near Stamford, Northamptonshire, England. After two weeks of celebrations, Margaret rode out to her new life with only one relative, Sir David Owen, the illegitimate son of her great-grandfather Owen Tudor. On August 3, 1503, at Dalkeith Castle in Midlothian, Scotland, Margaret first met King James IV. The couple was married in person on August 8, 1503, at Holyrood Abbey in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Margaret and James had four sons and two stillborn daughters. Only one of their children survived infancy.

James IV, King of Scots; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1509, Margaret’s father King Henry VII of England died and was succeeded by his son as King Henry VIII. Despite the great hopes of peace between England and Scotland as symbolized by the marriage of Margaret and James IV, Margaret’s brother Henry VIII did not have his father’s diplomatic patience and was heading toward a war with France. James IV was committed to his alliance with France and invaded England. Henry VIII was away on campaign in France and Flanders in 1513 and he had made his wife Catherine of Aragon regent in his absence. It was up to Catherine to supervise England’s defense when Scotland invaded. Ultimately, the Scots were defeated at the Battle of Flodden near Branxton, Northumberland, England on September 9, 1513, and 30-year-old King James IV was killed in the battle. Catherine sent Henry VIII the blood-stained coat of his defeated and dead brother-in-law.

Margaret and James IV’s only surviving child  James V, King of Scots; Credit – Wikipedia

Margaret’s seventeen-month-old son succeeded his father as James V, King of Scots. Under the terms of James IV’s will, Margaret was the regent for her son as long as she did not remarry. On April 30, 1514, Margaret gave birth to James V’s posthumous son Alexander Stewart, Duke of Ross who died on December 18, 1515. While the Scottish Parliament had confirmed Margaret as regent, many were unhappy with an English female regen,t and wanted Margaret replaced with John Stewart, 2nd Duke of Albany, grandson of James II, King of Scots, the closest male relative of the infant king, and the heir presumptive to the throne after the death of young son Alexander Stewart, Duke of Ross.

Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus; Credit – Wikipedia

Margaret sought an ally with the pro-English House of Douglas. On August 6, 1514, Margaret secretly married Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus. The marriage stirred up the Scottish nobles and opposition to the faction supporting French influence in Scotland. Civil war broke out, and Margaret lost the regency to John Stewart, Duke of Albany. Margaret and Douglas escaped to England where she gave birth to their only child at Harbottle Castle in Northumberland, England. While in the north of England, Margaret learned of the death of her son Alexander, Duke of Ross.

Daughter of Margaret and Archibald Douglas:

Lady Margaret Douglas, Margaret Tudor’s daughter; Credit – Wikipedia

Sometime after the birth of her daughter, Margaret and her husband went to London where they were well treated by her brother King Henry VIII, and lived in Scotland Yard, the traditional residence of the Scottish diplomats and Scottish kings when they visited English royalty. Margaret returned to Scotland in 1517, hoping to regain her dower, a provision accorded by law to a wife for her support if she should survive her husband, and also to regain access to her son James V, but she was unsuccessful in both pursuits. After returning to Scotland, it soon became clear that Margaret’s marriage with Archibald Douglas was on the rocks. He lived openly with his mistresses, gave them gifts paid for with Margaret’s money, and separated Margaret from her daughter. On March 11, 1527, Pope Clement VII granted Margaret a divorce from Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus.

On March 3, 1528, Margaret married Henry Stewart, 1st Lord Methven to the consternation of her brother King Henry VIII who insisted that marriage was “divinely ordained” and protested against the “shameless sentence sent from Rome.” Ironically, a few years later Henry VIII would seek to end his marriages with Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn. Margaret and Stewart had one daughter who died young. Stewart was even worse husband than Margaret’s second husband in his desire for other women and Margaret’s money. Margaret tried to divorce Stewart, but her son James V blocked the proceedings and Margaret felt that Stewart had bribed her son. Margaret often wrote to her brother Henry VIII about her plight, but he never helped her. In 1537, Margaret tried to escape to England but was brought back to Methven Castle where she lived until her death.

Methven Castle; By Arthur Bruce, CC BY-SA 2.0,

After suffering a stroke, Margaret died at Methven Castle on October 18, 1541, at the age of 51. On her deathbed, Margaret asked her second husband Archibald Douglas to forgive her for having divorced him, telling him that he was her lawful husband and that their marriage was valid. It is not clear whether her motivation was regret or an attempt to ensure the legitimacy of her daughter Margaret Douglas to preserve her position in the line of succession to the English throne. Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots was buried at the Carthusian Charterhouse in Perth, Scotland. Her tomb was destroyed and her remains were burned on May 11, 1559, when a mob of Calvinists attacked and destroyed the Charterhouse.

Monument marking the site of the Perth Charterhouse; Credit – Wikipedia

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Works Cited
Abrufstatistik. “Margaret Tudor.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 2006. Web. 15 Oct. 2016.
De Lisle, Leanda. Tudor. Philadelphia: Perseus Books Group, 2013. Print.
“James IV of Scotland.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 8 Oct. 2016. Web. 15 Oct. 2016.
“Margaret Tudor.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 8 Oct. 2016. Web. 15 Oct. 2016.
Williamson, David. Brewer’s British Royalty. London: Cassell, 1996. Print.

Elizabeth Stuart, Electress Palatine of the Rhine

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2016

Elizabeth Stuart, Electress Palatine of the Rhine; Credit – Wikipedia

It was through Elizabeth that the Hanovers inherited the British throne.  The first Hanover monarch, King George I, was her grandson. The eldest daughter and second child of King James I of England and Anne of Denmark, Elizabeth Stuart was born on August 19, 1596. Sources differ on her birthplace, either Dunfermline Palace or Falkland Palace, both in Scotland. At the time of her birth, Elizabeth’s father, the son of Mary, Queen of Scots, was King James VI of Scotland. In 1603, upon the death of Queen Elizabeth I of England, James succeeded to the English throne as King James I of England. The infant princess was baptized on December 28, 1596, at the Chapel Royal, Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh, Scotland. She was named after Queen Elizabeth I of England.

Elizabeth had six siblings, but only two survived childhood:

by Charles Turner, published by Samuel Woodburn, after Willem de Passe, mezzotint, published 1814

‘James I and his royal progeny’ by Charles Turner, published by Samuel Woodburn, after Willem de Passe mezzotint, published 1814 NPG D9808 © National Portrait Gallery, London

As was customary for princesses, Elizabeth was not raised by her parents, but by a noble family loyal to the Scottish royal family. Her early years were spent at Linlithgow Palace in the care of Alexander Livingstone, 1st Earl of Linlithgow, 7th Lord Livingstone and his Catholic wife, Eleanor (Helen) Hay, eldest daughter of Andrew Hay, 8th Earl of Erroll. A Protestant princess being raised by the Catholic Lady Livingstone was controversial. Lord and Lady Livingstone remained guardians of Elizabeth until the accession of Elizabeth’s father to the English throne in 1603. Elizabeth then accompanied her mother and her brother Henry, Prince of Wales to England.

Elizabeth, aged seven, by Robert Peake the Elder, 1603; Credit – Wikipedia

Elizabeth was placed in the care of John Harington, 1st Baron Harington of Exton and his wife Anne at Coombe Abbey near Coventry, England.  Although being the guardians of Elizabeth was a heavy financial burden, Lord and Lady Harrington diligently took care of Elizabeth and provided her with an excellent education. In 1605, the conspirators of the unsuccessful Gunpowder Plot intended to use the nine-year-old princess as part of the plot. After blowing up Parliament during the State Opening, the plotters had planned to seize Elizabeth and proclaim her Queen of England. Lord Harrington was warned of the plot and brought Elizabeth to a safe place in Coventry. The plot failed when the conspirators were betrayed. Before he could light the bomb intended to blow up Parliament, King James I’s soldiers caught Guy Fawkes. In 1612, Elizabeth suffered great sorrow when her elder brother Henry, Prince of Wales died of typhoid fever. She was not allowed to see him during his illness for fear she would be exposed to the disease and her brother’s last words were said to be, “Where is my dear sister?”

As the daughter of a reigning king, Elizabeth’s hand in marriage was sought after by several suitors including Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden (later King Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden); Frederic Ulric, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel; Prince Maurice of Nassau; Henry Howard, 1st Earl of Northampton; Theophilus Howard, 2nd Earl of Suffolk; Otto, Hereditary Prince of Hesse and Victor Amadeus, Prince of Piedmont (later Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy). However, after careful consideration, Friedrich V, Elector Palatine of the Rhine was chosen. Friedrich and Elizabeth were the same age. Friedrich was a descendant of the kings of Aragon and Sicily, the landgraves of Hesse, the dukes of Brabant and Saxony, and the counts of Nassau and Leuven. He was a senior prince of the Holy Roman Empire and a staunch defender of the Protestant faith. Elizabeth and Friedrich, both 16 years old, were married on February 14, 1613, at the Chapel Royal at the Palace of Whitehall.

The couple had thirteen children:

Friedrich V, Elector Palatine by Michiel Janszoon van Mierevelt, 1613; Credit – Wikipedia

Elizabeth Stuart by Marcus Gheeraerts, 1612; Credit – Wikipedia

In August 1619, Friedrich was elected King of Bohemia and was crowned in Prague on November 4, 1619. Elizabeth, who was in late pregnancy with her son Rupert, was crowned two days later. The crown of Bohemia had been in Habsburg hands for a long time and the Habsburg heir, Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor refused to accept Friedrich as King of Bohemia. Friedrich’s reign ended with his defeat by Ferdinand at the Battle of White Mountain, one of the early battles of the Thirty Years’ War, on November 8, 1620. Friedrich and Elizabeth are called the Winter King and the Winter Queen referring to their short reign as King and Queen of Bohemia.

Friedrich as King of Bohemia by Gerard van Honthorst; Credit – Wikipedia

Elizabeth as Queen of Bohemia by Gerard van Honthorst; Credit – Wikipedia

The couple sought refuge in Berlin but had to leave in January 1621 when Friedrich was forced to give up the Palatinate and was banished from the Holy Roman Empire. Elizabeth, Friedrich, and their family were given refuge in The Hague by Maurits, Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of all the provinces of the Dutch Republic except for Friesland. The last eight of their thirteen children were born in The Hague. In January 1632, their last child was born, and later that same month, Friedrich left The Hague to fight alongside King Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden in the Thirty Years’ War. Elizabeth never saw him again. Beginning in October 1632, Friedrich suffered from an infection that continually worsened. Doctors determined nothing could be done and Friedrich died on November 29, 1632, at the age of 36.

Elizabeth as a widow by Gerard van Honthorst, 1642; Credit – Wikipedia

Elizabeth was devastated by Friedrich’s death. Her brother King Charles I of England invited her to return to England, but she refused as she felt she had to fight for the rights of her eldest son Karl Ludwig. She raised a small army on his behalf, and finally, in 1648, the Palatinate was restored to him. Between her husband’s death in 1632 and her death in 1662, Elizabeth suffered the death of four of her children and the execution of her brother King Charles I of England in 1649. In 1660, Elizabeth’s nephew King Charles II was restored as King of England and Elizabeth decided to visit England. She arrived in England on May 26, 1661, and by July, she was determined to remain there. She first lived in Drury House on Wych Street in London. In January 1662, she moved to Leicester House on the north side of present-day Leicester Square. On February 13, 1662, Elizabeth died of bronchitis at the age of 65 and was buried in the Henry VII Chapel at Westminster Abbey near her brother Henry, Prince of Wales.

Through her daughter Sophia, Electress of Hanover whose son succeeded to the British throne as King George I after the Protestant Stuarts died out, Elizabeth is the ancestor of the British royal family and most other European royal families, including those of Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Sweden, as well as the former royal families of Greece, Romania, Prussia, and Russia.

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Works Cited
Abrufstatistik. “Elisabeth Stuart.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.
“Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Sept. 2016. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.
“Frederick V, Elector Palatine.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Sept. 2016. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.
Williamson, David. Brewer’s British Royalty. London: Cassell, 1996. Print.

Margaret Rhodes: One of Queen Elizabeth II’s “Strathmore Cousins”

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Unofficial Royalty: The Strathmore Cousins

In 2006, one of our columnists, The Laird o’Thistle, wrote an article entitled “The Strathmore Cousins” about the first cousins of Queen Elizabeth II from the Bowes-Lyon side of her family. We have revised the article as many people are currently interested in The Queen’s Bowes-Lyon cousins due to the recent death of The Honorable Margaret Rhodes, one of Queen Elizabeth II’s Strathmore Cousins.

Born Margaret Elphinstone in 1925, Margaret Rhodes was the youngest daughter of Sidney Elphinstone, 16th Lord Elphinstone and his wife Lady Mary Bowes-Lyon, sister of The Queen Mother. She was one of Queen Elizabeth II’s bridesmaids and was considered to be the best friend of The Queen.

BBC: Queen’s cousin Margaret Rhodes dies

Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2021

by Isaac Oliver, circa December 1610; Credit – Wikipedia

Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales was the eldest of the seven children of King James I of England/VI of Scotland and his wife Anne of Denmark, daughter of King Frederik II of Denmark and Norway. He was born at Stirling Castle in Stirling, Scotland on February 19, 1594, and was named after his grandfathers, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley and King Frederik II of Denmark. At the time of his birth, his father was only King James VI of Scotland, having succeeded to the throne as an infant when his mother Mary, Queen of Scots was forced to abdicate. From birth, Henry was styled Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Lord of the Isles, the traditional titles for the heir apparent to the Scots throne. Upon the death of Queen Elizabeth I of England on March 24, 1603, Henry’s father became King James I of England and Henry automatically became Duke of Cornwall, traditionally held by the eldest son of the reigning English (now British) monarch. On June 10, 1610, Henry was created Prince of Wales.

Henry Frederick by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger, circa 1603; Credit – Wikipedia

Henry had six siblings, but only two survived childhood:

by Charles Turner, published by Samuel Woodburn, after Willem de Passe, mezzotint, published 1814

‘James I and his royal progeny’ by Charles Turner, published by Samuel Woodburn, after Willem de Passe mezzotint, published 1814 NPG D9808 © National Portrait Gallery, London

Henry’s parents had a major argument over the transfer of his custody to John Erskine, Earl of Mar at Stirling Castle, in keeping with Scottish royal tradition. This led to estrangement and a competition for the custody of Henry. Henry remained in the Earl of Mar’s custody until 1603 when his father became King of England. Later that year, Henry accompanied his mother to England. Henry had an aptitude for learning and excelled at sports. He was so unlike his younger brother Charles (the future King Charles I) who was frail and late in development, possibly from rickets, At the age of three, Charles could not yet walk or talk, so he was left behind in Scotland when the rest of his family left for England in 1603.  Charles overcame his early physical problems, although he grew no taller than five feet four inches, and learned to ride, shoot, and fence. However, he was no physical match for his stronger and taller elder brother Henry, Prince of Wales, whom he adored.

Henry, Prince of Wales with Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex in the Hunting Field by Robert Peake the Elder, circa 1605; Credit – Wikipedia

Once in England, Henry and his sister Elizabeth were granted their own separate residence complete with servants and retainers. From an early age, they were treated with significant respect. In June 1603, Henry was invested with the Order of the Garter which found favor with his family’s new English subjects. In 1605, Henry began attending Magdalen College, Oxford where he proved capable in debates and arguments. Negotiations began for a bride for Henry and princesses from Spain, France, and Savoy were in the running. By the time Henry was 18 years old, he was physically mature, well-educated, an independent thinker, and ready to assume some government responsibility. He was on his way to making an excellent and popular king.

Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales by Robert Peake the Elder, circa 1610-1612; Credit – Wikipedia

Except for frequent nosebleeds when he was young, Henry’s health was excellent. However, on October 12, 1612, Henry began to have fevers but continued his physical activities. Over the next two weeks, Henry did not sleep well and continued to have fevers and developed gastrointestinal symptoms. On October 25, 1612, he played tennis and then felt much worse. He dined with his father that night, but his physicians noted that he had a fast pulse, a fever, a red face, a swollen stomach, gastrointestinal symptoms, and was very thirsty. By October 29, 1612, Henry had a continuous fever, and two days later he was delirious. On November 2, 1612, he alternated between sleeping and being confused and shouting. His servants had difficulty keeping him in bed. His condition worsened on November 4. He sang in his sleep and had violent convulsive movements. On November 6, 1612, the last day of his life, Henry was delirious, clammy, cold, and sweaty. His pulse weakened and he died. It was suspected that Henry had been poisoned, but a post-mortem found no evidence of poisoning. The cause of his death was said to be “a fever.” With modern medical knowledge, it is now suspected that Henry died from typhoid fever.

Henry’s death caused immense grief across England and Scotland and in his family. King James was too distraught to attend the funeral. Months later, in the middle of a meeting, he broke down, crying, “Henry is dead, Henry is dead.”  His mother Queen Anne could not bear to have Henry’s death mentioned and people were advised not to give her condolences.  After her son’s death, Anne’s health began to deteriorate and she withdrew from social activities. Charles, who was now the heir to the throne, felt the loss deeply and insisted until the end of his life that Henry had been poisoned. We can only wonder how different English history might have been if Henry Frederick had been King instead of his brother King Charles I who was ultimately beheaded.

Henry’s body lay in state at St. James’s Palace for four weeks. On December 7, 1612, two thousand people followed Henry’s funeral cortege to Westminster Abbey to hear a two-hour sermon delivered by George Abbot, the Archbishop of Canterbury. A magnificent hearse had been built upon which his richly dressed effigy was placed. Henry was buried in the vault of his grandmother Mary, Queen of Scots in the south aisle of the Henry VII Chapel. He has no monument.

Hearse of Henry Frederick Prince of Wales 1612, after Sandford

Effigy of Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales; Credit –

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Works Cited
“Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Oct. 2016. Web. 4 Oct. 2016.
Holmes, Frederick. The Sickly Stuarts. Thrupp: Sutton Publishing, 2003. Print.
Levy, Imogen, and Duck Soup. Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales. 2016. Web. 4 Oct. 2016.
Susan. “Anne of Denmark, Queen of Scots, Queen of England.” British Royals. Unofficial Royalty, 27 Jan. 2016. Web. 4 Oct. 2016.
Williamson, David. Brewer’s British Royalty. London: Cassell, 1996. Print.

Mary, Princess Royal, Princess of Orange

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2016

by Gerard van Honthorst, circa 1647; Credit – Wikipedia

Born on November 4, 1631, at St. James Palace in London, Mary, Princess Royal was the eldest daughter and the third of the nine children of King Charles I of England and Henrietta Maria of France. The newborn princess was not expected to live, so she was immediately christened with the names Mary Henrietta. Her godparents were:

In 1642, Mary was created the first Princess Royal. Her mother Queen Henrietta Maria, daughter of King Henri IV of France wanted to imitate the way the eldest daughter of the King of France was styled Madame Royale.  Holders retain the style for life, so a princess cannot receive the style during the lifetime of another Princess Royal. Since then, there have been seven Princesses Royal.

Princess Mary by Anthony van Dyck, circa 1637; Credit – Wikipedia

Mary had eight siblings:

Charles and Henrietta Maria’s five eldest children in 1637: Left to right: Mary, James, Charles, Elizabeth and Anne; Credit – Wikipedia

King Charles I wanted Mary to marry one of the sons of King Felipe IV of Spain or her first cousin Karl I Ludwig, Elector Palatine, but both marriage prospects failed. Instead, Mary was betrothed to Willem, Hereditary Prince of Orange, son of Frederik Hendrik, Prince of Orange and Amalia of Solms-Braunfels.  On May 2, 1641, at the Chapel Royal of the Palace of Whitehall, nine-year-old Mary married William, who would have his 15th birthday in a few weeks. Because of Mary’s young age, the marriage was not consummated for several years.

William III, Prince of Orange and Mary, Princess Royal; Credit – Wikipedia

In February 1642, Mary, accompanied by her mother, sailed from England to The Hague in the Dutch Republic. Once in The Hague, Mary was warmly greeted by her in-laws, her paternal aunt Elizabeth Stuart, Electress Palatine, and some of her children. A second marriage ceremony was held in The Hague on November 4, 1643.

The Prince and Princess of Orange; Credit – Wikipedia

Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange died in 1647 and his son became William II, Prince of Orange and Stadtholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Mary’s two brothers, the future King Charles II and King James II, exiled because of the English Civil War, were welcomed to William and Mary’s court in 1648. In 1650, Mary was pregnant with her first child when her husband William fell ill with smallpox. He died on November 6, 1650, at the age of 24. Eight days later, on November 14, 1650, Mary gave birth to her only child William.

Willem III, Prince of Orange in 1654; Credit – Wikipedia

Mary’s fatherless son William was the sovereign Prince of Orange from birth. His 19-year-old widowed mother wanted to name her son Charles after her brother (King Charles II of England), but her mother-in-law insisted that her grandson be named William Henry (in Dutch Willem Hendrik), and she got her way. During William’s minority as Prince of Orange, his mother had to share his guardianship with his paternal grandmother Amalia of Solms-Braunfels and Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, whose wife Louise Henriette of Nassau, was the elder sister of William’s father. In 1658, Mary became the sole regent of the Principality of Orange but was opposed by the mayor. Her first cousin King Louis XIV of France came to her aid militarily so she could consolidate her position.

Mary as a widow; Credit – Wikipedia

In May 1660, Mary watched as her brothers, now King Charles II, and the future King James II sailed away from The Hague, returning to England upon the restoration of the English monarchy. Mary returned to her birth country in September 1660. Although the court was in mourning for her brother Henry, Duke of Gloucester who had died of smallpox, her brothers Charles and James traveled down the River Thames to meet her.

Sadly, Mary did not have much time to celebrate her brother’s accession to the English throne. On December 20, 1660, Mary fell ill with smallpox, and by the next day, she was dangerously ill. Mary died on December 24, 1660, at the Palace of Whitehall in London, England at the age of 29. She was buried in the Henry VII Chapel at Westminster Abbey in London, England. Her son William was just ten years old and had lost both parents to smallpox. William’s wife and co-ruler Queen Mary II would also die of smallpox at the age of 32.

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Works Cited
Abrufstatistik. “Maria Henrietta Stuart.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 4 Oct. 2016.
“Maria Henriëtte Stuart.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 4 Jan. 2016. Web. 4 Oct. 2016.
“Mary, princess royal and princess of Orange.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 21 July 2016. Web. 4 Oct. 2016.
Williamson, David. Brewer’s British Royalty. London: Cassell, 1996. Print.

Cardinal Henry Benedict Stuart

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2016

Cardinal Henry Benedict Stuart; Credit – Wikipedia

Henry Benedict Stuart was born at the Palazzo Muti in Rome, Italy on March 6, 1725. He was baptized on the day of his birth by his godfather Pope Benedict XIII and given a long string of names: Henry Benedict Thomas Edward Maria Clement Francis Xavier. Henry was the younger of the two sons of James Francis Edward Stuart, The Old Pretender, the son of the exiled King James II of England/VII of Scotland, and Maria Clementina Sobieska, the granddaughter of King Jan III Sobieski of Poland. After his grandfather James II lost his throne, the Jacobite (from Jacobus, the Latin for James) movement formed. The goal of the Jacobites was to restore the Roman Catholic Stuart King James II of England/VII of Scotland and his heirs to the thrones of England and Scotland. From birth, Henry was styled Duke of York, the traditional title of the British sovereign’s second son.

After the failure of the 1715 Jacobite Rising, Henry’s father, James Francis Edward, (henceforth called James) lived in Avignon, then a Papal territory, now in France. In 1717, Pope Clement XI offered James the Palazzo Muti in Rome as his residence. James then organized a Jacobite court in Rome. Further efforts to restore the Stuarts to the British throne in 1719 and 1722 were unsuccessful. On September 3, 1719, James Francis Edward Stuart married Maria Clementina Sobieska. Their two sons, Charles Edward and Henry, grew up in Italy where they were educated by Scottish tutors.

Henry had one elder brother:

Henry Benedict Stuart; Credit – Wikipedia

Five years younger than his brother, Henry was more affected by his parents’ turbulent marriage. When he was eight months old, his mother Maria Clementina Sobieska retired to the convent of Santa Cecilia in Rome because she disagreed with her husband about their sons’ upbringing and was convinced that her husband had an affair. Maria returned two years later and put Henry in the care of a governess, Winifred Maxwell, Countess of Nithsdale. Thereafter, Maria lived separately from her husband, devoted herself to a life of piety and good deeds, and spent much of her time praying, fasting, and participating in Catholic ascetic rituals. In 1735, she died at the age of 32 when Henry was ten years old.

His mother’s piety and religious fervor affected Henry. In 1742, his tutor James Murray, Earl of Dunbar noted that Henry spent much of his time in prayer and sometimes attended up to four masses each day. He further noted that Henry was in a constant state of agitation, watching the clock so he would not miss any religious rituals. After the final, disastrous Jacobite Rising of 1745, Henry felt free from any military and political obligations and decided to pursue a religious life. His father, who always tried to downplay the Roman Catholicism of his family, was much displeased and said his son’s decision was “like a dagger in my heart.” Many Jacobites bitterly criticized Henry for choosing a church career instead of marrying and begetting Stuart heirs.

On June 30, 1747, Henry received the tonsure, the practice of cutting or shaving some or all of the hair on the scalp, as a sign of religious devotion, from his godfather Pope Benedict XIII. He was then created Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Portico in a special consistory held on July 3, 1747. Henry was a Cardinal for fifty-six years and is the longest-serving Cardinal in Roman Catholic Church history.  However, in modern times it is virtually impossible to become a Cardinal at the age of 22 as Henry did. He was addressed as “Your Royal Highness and Eminence” and was known as Cardinal Duke of York.

On September 1, 1748, Henry was ordained a priest and then made a Cardinal-Priest.  He was created Cardinal-Bishop of the Diocese of Frascati near Rome on July 13, 1761. Henry became Dean of the College of Cardinals, who is often, but not necessarily, the longest-serving member of the whole College of Cardinals on September 26, 1803.

by Hugh Douglas Hamilton, pastel, circa 1786

Henry Benedict Maria Clement Stuart, Cardinal York by Hugh Douglas Hamilton, pastel, circa 1786 NPG 378 © National Portrait Gallery, London

When his elder brother Charles Edward Stuart in 1788, Henry assumed the style “King Henry IX”, but no government considered him the legal King. After the French Revolution, Henry lost the funds the French royal family had been paying his exiled family and any French property he owned, causing him financial problems. In 1800, King George III granted Henry a pension of £4,000 per year. For many years the British government had promised to return the dowry of his grandmother Maria Beatrice of Modena but never did. Henry considered the £4,000 per year an installment on money legally owed him.

Henry Benedict Stuart died at the Episcopal Palace at Frascati on July 13, 1807, at the age of 82. With Henry’s death, the male line of the Royal House of Stuart was extinct. The Jacobite line of succession passed to King Carlo Emanuele IV of Sardinia through the line of Henrietta of England, Duchess of Orléans, the youngest child of King Charles I of England. The Jacobite line of succession has proceeded over the years to the House of Savoy, the House of Austria-Este, and the House of Wittelsbach. It appears in the future, that it will proceed to the House of Liechtenstein.

Henry was buried in the crypt at St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican where his father and his brother were also buried.  Besides the tombs in the crypt, in the left aisle of St. Peter’s Basilica is a monument to the Royal Stuarts, commemorating the last three members of the Royal House of Stuart: James Francis Edward Stuart, his elder son Charles Edward Stuart, and his younger son, Henry Benedict Stuart.

Tomb of James Francis Stuart and his two sons Charles Edward Stuart and Henry Benedict Stuart; Credit – Wikipedia

Monument to the Royal Stuarts in St. Peter’s Basilica; Credit – Wikipedia

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited
Abrufstatistik. “Henry Benedict Stuart.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
Stuart, Henry Benedict, and Catholic-H. “Henry Benedict Stuart.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Sept. 2016. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
Susan. “Charles Edward Stuart.” British Royals. Unofficial Royalty, 18 Nov. 2016. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
Susan. “James Francis Edward Stuart.” British Royals. Unofficial Royalty, 13 Nov. 2016. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
Williamson, David. Brewer’s British Royalty. London: Cassell, 1996. Print.

Charles Edward Stuart, The Young Pretender, Bonnie Prince Charlie

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty

Charles Edward Stuart; Credit – Wikipedia

Fans of Diana Gabaldon‘s novels of The Outlander series and the television series of the same name know that the Battle of Culloden in 1746 resulted in a decisive defeat of the Jacobite forces that wanted to restore the heirs of Roman Catholic Stuart King James II of England/ VII of Scotland to the throne. Charles Edward Stuart was the instigator of the Jacobite rising of 1745, culminating in the Battle of Culloden.

Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie, The Young Pretender) was born at the Palazzo Muti in Rome, Italy on December 31, 1720. He was baptized on the day of his birth and given a long string of names: Charles Edward Louis John Casimir Sylvester Severino Maria. Charles was the elder of the two sons of James Francis Edward Stuart, The Old Pretender, who was the son of the exiled King James II of England/VII of Scotland. Charles’ mother was Maria Clementina Sobieska, the granddaughter of King Jan III Sobieski of Poland. After his grandfather James II lost his throne, the Jacobite (from Jacobus, the Latin for James) movement formed. The goal of the Jacobites was to restore the Roman Catholic Stuart King James II of England/VII of Scotland and his heirs to the thrones of England and Scotland. As the first-born son of the titular King James III of England/VIII of Scotland, Charles was styled as Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall from birth.

Charles had one younger brother:

After the failure of the 1715 Jacobite Rising, Charles’ father, James Francis Edward, (henceforth called James) lived in Avignon, then a Papal territory, now in France. In 1717, Pope Clement XI offered James the Palazzo Muti in Rome as his residence. James then organized a Jacobite court in Rome. Further efforts to restore the Stuarts to the British throne in 1719 and 1722 were unsuccessful. On September 3, 1719, James Francis Edward Stuart married Maria Clementina Sobieska. Their two sons grew up in Italy and were educated by Scottish tutors. When Charles was just 14, he took part in the War of the Polish Succession.  He was an observer at the 1734 Siege of Gaeta during the war, his first exposure to war. In the following years, he spent much time in France trying to gain support for the Jacobite cause.

Charles Edward Stuart as a teenager; Credit – Wikipedia

In December 1743, Charles’ father appointed him Prince Regent, giving Charles the authority to act on his father’s behalf. Eighteen months later, Charles began an uprising, attempting to gain the English and Scottish thrones for his father. Charles Edward led the Jacobite forces in the Jacobite Rising of 1745-1746 against the British forces which were led by the second son of King George II of Great BritainPrince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, who is known by the nicknames “The Butcher of Culloden” and “Butcher Cumberland.”

On July 23, 1745, Charles landed at Eriskay, an island in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland with seven companions hoping for the support of a French fleet. However, the French fleet, damaged in a storm, was blocked by the British Royal Navy and was forced to turn back to France. Charles was then forced to raise an army in Scotland. Many of the Highland clans, both Catholic and Protestant, supported Charles and the Jacobite cause. He was able to raise sufficient troops to march on Edinburgh, which surrendered quickly. Next, Charles defeated the British Army at the Battle of Prestonpans on September 21, 1745.

Then Charles decided to march on London, and on December 4, 1745, reached Derby, 130 miles/200 kilometers from London, which he took without a shot being fired. When the news about Derby reached London, there was much panic and King George II had the royal yacht prepared to take the royal family to France just in case. Only 300 English Jacobites had joined Charles’ army and his generals considered it dangerous to proceed any further from the Scottish border. After much discussion, Charles gave in to his generals and began his retreat to Scotland with the army of Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland in pursuit.

On January 8, 1746, the Jacobite army seized control of Stirling, Scotland, but failed to take Stirling Castle. The Jacobites had their last victory on January 17, 1746, at the Battle of Falkirk Muir. Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland and his army arrived in Edinburgh on January 30, 1746, and then proceeded to Inverness, where they made their headquarters. The Jacobite army marched to Nairn, 16 miles from Inverness, in a snowstorm. By the time the Jacobite army reached Nairn, it was an ill-fed, sorry sight due to Charles’ indecisive leadership and his failure to delegate authority to Lord George Murray, the second-in-command.

Photo Credit – © Susan Flantzer

Culloden Moor, the site of the Battle of Culloden; Photo Credit – © Susan Flantzer

The two armies met at Culloden Moor (which this writer has visited) near Inverness, Scotland at dawn on April 16, 1746. The exhausted Jacobite forces consisted of about 5,000 men while the British forces numbered 9,000 well-trained troops. The superior British forces needed just 25 minutes to defeat the Jacobite forces in the Battle of Culloden. Between 1,500 and 2,000 Jacobites were killed or wounded while the British losses were much lighter, with 50 dead and 259 wounded. William Augustus’ severity and brutality in pursuing the Jacobites after the battle earned him the nicknames “The Butcher of Culloden” and “Butcher Cumberland.” He ordered his troops to go through the battlefield and stab to death any wounded Jacobite troops and non-combatants. Towns suspected to be rebellious were burned and the livestock was confiscated. The captured Jacobites were hanged. Men and women suspected of being Jacobite sympathizers were arrested and shipped to London for trial. The conditions on the ships were horrible and many died en route. In Scotland, his name is still infamous. After the Battle of Culloden, there were no further Jacobite uprisings.

The Battle of Culloden by David Morier, 1746; Credit – Wikipedia

After the Battle of Culloden, there was a £30,000 price (about £4,210,000 today) on Charles’ head and he was forced into hiding. Disguised as a woman, Charles wandered for five months in the West Highlands and the Outer Hebrides, escorted by several companions. Charles eventually escaped with the help of Jacobite heroine Flora MacDonald, who took him to the Isle of Skye in a small boat disguised as her Irish maid Betty Burke. The escape is commemorated in the song “The Skye Boat Song.”  Flora MacDonald was imprisoned in the Tower of London for her part in helping Charles escape, but she was eventually released under the Act of Indemnity of 1747.

Flora MacDonald by Allan Ramsay; Credit – Wikipedia

Charles Edward Stuart circa 1747; Credit – Wikipedia

With the Jacobite cause lost, Charles took refuge first in France, where he had many affairs. His most prominent mistresses were:

Charlotte Stuart circa 1785-1786; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1766, Charles’s father James Francis Edward died. Pope Clement XIII had recognized James as King of England and Scotland as “James III and VIII”, but did not give Charles the same recognition. Charles was still unmarried and his only sibling was a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. Charles decided to find himself a bride so the Stuart line could be continued. On March 28, 1772, 52-year-old Charles married 20-year-old Princess Louise of Stolberg-Gedern by proxy in Paris. The couple met for the first time on April 14, 1772, when they married in person in Macerata, Italy. Charles and Louise settled in Florence, Italy, but there was no child and in 1780, Louise left Charles due to his drinking and physical abuse. The couple separated but did not divorce since no such legal procedure existed in the Papal States. Louise was given permission to live separately from her husband.

Louise of Stolberg-Gedern 1793; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1784, Charles’ daughter Charlotte Stuart went to her father’s home in Florence where she found her alcoholic father living in a disgusting state. Charlotte enlisted the help of her uncle Cardinal Henry Benedict Stuart to get Charles back to his birthplace and boyhood home, the Palazzo Muti in Rome. Charlotte remained her father’s caretaker and companion and did her best to make his life bearable.

Charles Edward Stuart circa 1785; Credit – Wikipedia

67-year-old Charles Edward Stuart died of a stroke on January 31, 1788, at the Palazzo Muti in Rome. He was initially buried in the Cathedral of San Pietro in Frascati, Italy where his brother Henry Benedict Stuart was Cardinal Bishop. When Henry died in 1807, Charles’ remains were transferred to the crypt in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican where his father and Henry were buried.  Besides the tombs in the crypt, in the left aisle of St. Peter’s Basilica is a monument to the Royal Stuarts, commemorating the last three members of the Royal House of Stuart: James Francis Edward Stuart, his elder son Charles Edward Stuart, and his younger son, Henry Benedict Stuart. With their deaths, the male line of the British Royal House of Stuart became extinct.

The Jacobite line of succession to the British throne passed to King Carlo Emanuele IV of Sardinia through the line of Henrietta of England, Duchess of Orléans, the youngest child of King Charles I of England. The Jacobite line of succession has proceeded over the years to the House of Savoy, House of Austria-Este, and to the House of Wittelsbach. It appears in the future, that it will proceed to the House of Liechtenstein.

Tomb of James Francis Stuart and his two sons Charles Edward Stuart and Henry Benedict Stuart; Credit – Wikipedia

Monument to the Royal Stuarts in St. Peter’s Basilica; Credit – Wikipedia

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Abrufstatistik. “Charles Edward Stuart.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation.
  • “Charles Édouard Stuart.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation.
  • “Charles Edward Stuart.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 
  • Fraser, Flora. (2023). Flora Macdonald: Pretty Young Rebel: Her Life and Story. Alfred A. Knopf.
  • “Flora MacDonald.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation.
  • “Jacobitism.” Wikipedia.Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Riding, Jacqueline. (2017). Jacobites: A New History of the ’45 Rebellion. Bloomsbury.
  • Williamson, David. (1996). Brewer’s British Royalty. London: Cassell

Louisa Maria Teresa Stuart

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2016

Louisa Maria Teresa Stuart, circa 1705; Credit – Wikipedia

Louisa Maria Teresa Stuart was born June 28, 1692, at the Château of Saint-Germain-en-Laye in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, west of Paris, France.  Her parents were the deposed King James II of England and his second wife Maria Beatrice of Modena.  In 1688, her Catholic father was overthrown during the Glorious Revolution in favor of his Protestant daughter Queen Mary II and her husband and paternal first cousin Willem III, Prince of Orange who reigned jointly with his wife as King William III.  King Louis XIV of France, her father’s first cousin, provided the Chtâeau of Saint-Germain-en-Laye as a residence for exiled James II and his family.   The infant was baptized at the Chtâeau of Saint-Germain-en-Laye ‘s Sainte Chapelle.   Her godparents were her father’s first cousin King Louis XIV of France and Elisabeth Charlotte of the Palatine, Duchess of Orléans, the second wife of Louis XIV’s younger brother Philippe I, Duke of Orléans.

Château of Saint-Germain-en-Laye; Credit – Wikipedia

Louisa Maria Teresa had two surviving elder half-sisters from King James II’s first marriage to Lady Anne Hyde:

Between 1674 and 1684, James II’s second wife Maria Beatrice had 10 pregnancies and gave birth to five live children, all of whom died young. Maria Beatrice’s pregnancies:

      • Unnamed child (March 1674), miscarriage
      • Catherine Laura Stuart (born and died 1673), died of convulsions
      • Unnamed child (October 1675), stillborn
      • Isabel Stuart (1676 – 1681)
      • Charles, Duke of Cambridge (born and died 1677), died of smallpox
      • Elizabeth Stuart (born and died 1678) died immediately after birth
      • Unnamed child (February 1681), stillborn
      • Charlotte Maria Stuart  (born and died 1682), died of convulsions
      • Unnamed child (October 1683), stillborn
      • Unnamed child (May 1684), miscarriage
      • James Francis Edward Stuart (James III and VIII to the Jacobites) (1688 – 1766) married Maria Clementina Sobieska, had children, including Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender
      • Louisa Maria Teresa Stuart (1692 – 1712), unmarried, died of smallpox

Louisa Maria Teresa with her brother James Francis Edward, 1695; Credit – Wikipedia

James II regarded his daughter as a consolation sent to him in his exile and Louisa Maria Teresa became known as “La Consolatrice“.  During the summer of 1701, James II was seriously ill and had been away from Saint Germain with his wife, seeking medical treatment.  James and Maria Beatrice returned to the Château of Saint-Germain-en-Laye in time for the June birthdays of their two children.   In early September, James II suffered a stroke but was still able to talk when his children visited him for the last time. His last words to nine-year-old Louisa were: “Adieu, my dear child. Serve your creator in the days of your youth. Consider virtue as the greatest ornament of your sex. Follow close the great pattern of it, your mother, who has been, no less than myself, over-clouded with calumny. But time, the mother of truth, will, I hope, at last make her virtues shine as bright as the sun.”  James II died on September 16, 1701, at St. Germain. His remains were buried at the Chapel of Saint Edmund in the Church of the English Benedictines in the Rue  St. Jacques in Paris.

Louisa was educated by an English Roman Catholic priest, Father Constable, who taught her Latin, history, and religion, and by her governess, the Countess of Middleton (born Lady Catherine Brudenell, daughter of Robert Brudenell, 2nd Earl of Cardigan), the wife of Charles Middleton, 2nd Earl of Middleton, Jacobite 1st Earl of Monmouth.  At the age of 13, Louisa was introduced at the court of Versailles where she enjoyed dancing and attending the opera and became quite popular. Soon she had some potential marriage candidates, including Louis XIV’s grandson Charles, Duke of Berry and the future King Karl XII of Sweden, but nothing happened with either possibility.

Louisa Maria Teresa Stuart, 1704; Credit – Wikipedia

In April 1712, Louisa and her brother James Francis Edward fell ill with smallpox.  Her brother recovered, but Louisa’s condition became steadily worse.  She died at the age of 19 on April 18, 1712, at the Château of Saint-Germain-en-Laye.  Louisa was buried with her father at the Chapel of Saint Edmund in the Church of the English Benedictines in the Rue  St. Jacques in Paris.  In October 1793, the Chapel of Saint Edmund and all the English Benedictines buildings were destroyed by a mob along with the remains of King James II and his daughter Louisa Maria Teresa. Some of their remains were discovered after the French Revolution and reburied in 1824 at the Parish Church of Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited
“Louisa Maria Stuart.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Aug. 2016. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.
“Louise Marie Thérèse Stuart.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 28 June 1692. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.
Williamson, David. Brewer’s British Royalty. London: Cassell, 1996. Print.

James Francis Edward Stuart, The Old Pretender

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2016

James Francis Edward Stuart circa 1720; Credit – Wikipedia

On February 6, 1685, King Charles II of England died after converting to Roman Catholicism on his deathbed. Although he had at least fourteen illegitimate children, he had no legitimate children. The throne passed to his brother who reigned as King James II, who had converted to Roman Catholicism in the 1670s. Catholic King James II was tolerated because he had two surviving, married daughters via his first marriage with Lady Anne Hyde who had been raised in the Church of England, and no surviving children with his second Catholic wife Maria Beatrice of Modena. It was expected that his elder Protestant daughter Mary would succeed him.

However, King James II set upon a course of restoring Catholicism to England. He issued a Declaration of Indulgence removing restrictions imposed on those that did not conform to the Church of England. England might very well have continued tolerating King James II knowing that his heirs were the Protestant daughters of his first wife. However, on June 10, 1688, the childless Queen Maria Beatrice gave birth to a Roman Catholic son. Immediately, false rumors swirled that the infant had been smuggled into the queen’s chambers in a warming pan.

Thus, James Francis Edward Stuart, created Prince of Wales on July 4, 1688, came into the world at St. James Palace in London. The infant’s father, King James II of England, was the son of the beheaded King Charles I of England and the first cousin of King Louis XIV of France.   King James II’s mother was Henrietta Maria of France, daughter of the assassinated King Henri IV of France.

James Francis Edward with his mother Maria Beatrice of Modena; Credit – Wikipedia

James Francis Edward had two surviving elder half-sisters from King James II’s first marriage to Lady Anne Hyde:

Between 1674 and 1684, James II’s second wife Maria Beatrice had ten pregnancies and gave birth to five live children

    • Unnamed child (March 1674), miscarriage
    • Catherine Laura Stuart (born and died 1673), died of convulsions
    • Unnamed child (October 1675), stillborn
    • Isabel Stuart (1676 – 1681)
    • Charles, Duke of Cambridge (born and died 1677), died of smallpox
    • Elizabeth Stuart (born and died 1678) died immediately after birth
    • Unnamed child (February 1681), stillborn
    • Charlotte Maria Stuart (born and died 1682), died of convulsions
    • Unnamed child (October 1683), stillborn
    • Unnamed child (May 1684), miscarriage
    • James Francis Edward Stuart (James III and VIII to the Jacobites) (1688 – 1766) married Maria Clementina Sobieska, had issue, including Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender
    • Louisa Maria Teresa Stuart (1692 – 1712), unmarried, died of smallpox

James Francis Edward and his sister Louisa Maria Teresa in 1695; Credit – Wikipedia

On November 5, 1688, William III, Prince of Orange, the nephew and son-in-law of King James II, landed in England vowing to safeguard the Protestant interest. He marched to London, gathering many supporters. James II panicked and sent his wife and infant son to France. He tried to flee to France about a month later but was captured. William III, Prince of Orange had no desire to make his uncle a martyr, so he allowed him to escape. James II was received in France by his first cousin King Louis XIV, who offered him a palace and a pension.

Back in England, Parliament refused to depose James II but declared that having fled to France, James II had effectively abdicated the throne and the throne had become vacant. James II’s elder daughter Mary was declared Queen Mary II and she was to rule jointly with her husband William, who would be King William III.  At that time, William, the only child of King James II’s elder sister Mary, Princess Royal was third in the line of succession after his wife and first cousin Mary and her sister Anne. This overthrow of King James II is known as the Glorious Revolution.

Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye; Photo Credit – Wikipedia

James II, his wife, and his son settled at the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye,  provided by King Louis XIV of France, where a court in exile, composed mainly of Scots and English Catholics, was established. James II was determined to regain the throne and landed in Ireland with a French force in 1689. He was defeated by his nephew William at the Battle of the Boyne on July 1, 1690, and was forced to withdraw once again to France. James II spent the rest of his life in France, planning invasions that never happened. In 1692, Maria Beatrice gave birth to a daughter Louisa Maria Teresa. James II died from a stroke on September 16, 1701, at St. Germain.

James Francis Edward Stuart; Credit – Wikipedia

Upon his father’s death, James Francis Edward (henceforth called James) was recognized by King Louis XIV of France as the rightful heir to the English and Scottish thrones. Spain, the Vatican, and Modena recognized him as King James III of England and VIII of Scotland and refused to recognize William III, Mary II, or Anne as legitimate sovereigns. As a result of James claiming his father’s lost thrones, he was attainted for treason in 1702 and his titles were forfeited under English law. After James II lost his throne, the Jacobite (from Jacobus, the Latin for James) movement formed. The goal of the Jacobites was to restore the Roman Catholic Stuart King James II of England/VII of Scotland and his heirs to the thrones of England and Scotland.

In 1708, James, with the support of King Louis XIV, attempted to land in Scotland, but the British Royal Navy intercepted the ships and prevented the landing. In 1713, the Treaty of Utrecht forced King Louis XIV of France to recognize the British 1701 Act of Settlement settling the succession on the Electress Sophia of Hanover (a granddaughter of James VI of Scotland and I of England) and her non-Roman Catholic heirs. Upon the death of Queen Anne in August of 1714, George, Elector of Hanover (son of Electress Sophia of Hanover) ascended the British throne as King George I. With the death of King Louis XIV in 1715, the French government found James an embarrassment and he was no longer welcome in France. In 1715, Scottish Jacobites started “The ‘Fifteen” Jacobite Rising, an unsuccessful attempt aimed at putting “James III and VIII” on the throne.

After the failure of the 1715 Rising, James lived in Avignon, then a Papal territory, now in France. In 1717, Pope Clement XI offered James the Palazzo Muti in Rome as his residence.  James then organized a Jacobite court in Rome. Further efforts to restore the Stuarts to the British throne in 1719 and 1722 were unsuccessful.

On September 3, 1719, James Francis Edward Stuart married Maria Clementina Sobieska, granddaughter of King Jan III Sobieski of Poland, in the chapel of the episcopal palace of Montefiascone, Italy, in the Cathedral of Santa Margherita.

Wedding of James Francis Edward Stuart and Maria Clementina Sobieska; Credit – Wikipedia

The couple had two sons:

Charles Edward Stuart in 1745; Credit – Wikipedia

Cardinal Henry Benedict Stuart circa 1750; Credit – Wikipedia

After James’ failures to regain the throne, attention fell upon his son Charles Edward, The Young Pretender, whose Jacobite Rising of 1745 culminated in the final devastating loss for the Jacobites at the Battle of Culloden.  James Francis Edward Stuart died at his home, the Palazzo Muti in Rome, on January 1, 1766, and was buried in the crypt of St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. Besides the tombs in the crypt, in the left aisle of St. Peter’s Basilica is a monument to the Royal Stuarts, commemorating the last three members of the Royal House of Stuart: James Francis Edward Stuart, his elder son Charles Edward Stuart, and his younger son, Henry Benedict Stuart. With their deaths, the male line of the British Royal House of Stuart became extinct.

Tomb of James Francis Stuart and his two sons; Photo Credit – Wikipedia

Monument to the Royal Stuarts in St. Peter’s Basilica; Credit – Wikipedia

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Works Cited
Abrufstatistik. “James Francis Edward Stuart.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.
“James Francis Edward Stuart.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Sept. 2016. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.
Susan. “King James II of England.” British Royals. Unofficial Royalty, 7 Mar. 2016. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.