Category Archives: Spanish Royals

Pascua Militar – January 6 – Spain

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2025

King Juan Carlos I (reigned 1975 – 2014, abdicated) inspecting the troops during the 2009 Pascua Militar; Credit – By Fermín R.F. – Pascua Militar – Rey Juan Carlos IUploaded by ecemaml, CC BY 2.0,

The Pascua Militar is an annual military event that takes place every January 6. It marks the beginning of the military year and Epiphany, a Spanish national and Christian religious holiday that celebrates the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child. Epiphany is also called El Día de Reyes (Three Kings Day) in Spanish-speaking countries.


King Carlos III of Spain; Credit – Wikipedia

King Carlos III of Spain (reigned 1759 – 1788) established this holiday to commemorate the recapture from the British of the island of Minorca in the Mediterranean Sea. The recapture was carried out from August 19, 1781 to February 5, 1782 by a French-Spanish fleet of 52 ships and the Spanish Navy Marines.

As a celebration of joy over the victory, King Carlos III ordered the Viceroys, Captain Generals, Governors, and military commanders to gather their forces on January 6, 1783, the Feast of the Epiphany, and offer congratulations on his behalf. Over the years, Pascua Militar has evolved from a historical event to a solemn and important military event, summing up the military events of the previous year and setting the course for the next year. Military decorations given to civilians and members of the Armed Forces are awarded on this day.

What Happens?

The Princess of Asturias, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia

On January 6, 2024, King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, and the heir to the throne, Infanta Leonor, The Princess of Asturias presided over the ceremonies related to Pascua Militar. This was the first time Leonor attended the Pascua Militar. She attended not just as the heir to the Spanish throne but also as a member of the Armed Forces. In 2023, after Leonor graduated from the UWC Atlantic College in the Llantwit Major, Wales, she started her military training at the General Military Academy in Zaragoza in preparation for her future role as Spain’s commander-in-chief. In August 2024, Leonor started her naval training at the Naval Military Academy in Marín.

King Felipe VI wore the Lieutenant Colonel Uniform with the Neck Badge of the Order of the Golden Fleece, the Sash of the Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild, and his other honors. The Princess of Asturias wore a uniform with the Badge of the Order of the Golden Fleece and the Sash of the Order of Carlos III.

The Princess of Asturias, Queen Letizia, and King Felipe are greeted by officials. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is on the left.

The Spanish monarch, his/her spouse, and other royal family members are greeted by the Prime Minister of Spain and the Chiefs of the Spanish Army, the Spanish Air and Space Force, the Spanish Navy, the Spanish Royal Guard, and the Spanish Military Emergencies Unit in the courtyard of the Royal Palace in Madrid.

King Felipe V reviewing the troops

After the Spanish National Anthem and a 21-gun salute, the Spanish monarch reviews the troops in formation accompanied by the Chief of Defense Staff, the Chief of the Military Quarter, and the Chief Colonel of the Royal Guard.

The Princess of Asturias, King Felipe VI, and Queen Letizia greet people in the Throne Room

In the Throne Room of the Royal Palace, the Spanish Monarch awards military honors and then gives a speech. On January 6, 2024, King Felipe VI said:

“This celebration is not just another one for the Crown. It is the 10th Pascua Militar that I have the honor of presiding over and it happily coincides with the fact that for the first time, the Princess of Asturias accompanies us, who, as a Cadet of the General Military Academy, has started her military training plan this year. So along with the Queen and the Princess, and as Supreme Commander, I am happy to convey my congratulations and annual recognition to the members of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard, to the members of the National Intelligence Center, and to the group of men and women, civil and military, who, in the Ministry or in any field, serve the Defense and National Security. The year 2023 has proven to be a very demanding period, in which, together with the development of the permanent missions with which you ensure the sovereignty and independence of Spain, you have continued to carry out a long list of tasks within the strategic objectives established in international missions. The sincere and deep affection of the Crown towards those of you who are part of the Armed Forces, the Civil Guard, and the National Intelligence Center, because, by offering a life of sacrificial and selfless service to others, you are a good reflection of the nobility of the Spanish people.”

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Ceremonia militar española celebrada anualmente en la que el Rey recibe a altos cargos militares. (2007).; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • El País. (2024). La Pascua Militar 2024 con los Reyes y la Princesa Leonor, en imágenes. El País.
  • Enfrentamiento entre una coalición hispano-francesa contra las tropas inglesas que poseían la isla de Menorca. (2009).; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • Inicio – Actividades y Agenda – Pascua Militar. (2019).
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2024). Invasion of Minorca (1781). Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2024). Pascua Militar. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Spain – Solemn Opening of the Cortes Generales, Spain’s Legislature

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

The Palacio de las Cortes in Madrid, Spain decorated for the Solemn Opening of the Cortes Generales; Credit – Wikipedia

The Solemn Opening of the Cortes Generales, the legislature of Spain, occurs approximately two weeks after the investiture of the Prime Minister of Spain, after the holding of general elections and the formation of a new government. It takes place at the Palacio de las Cortes in Madrid Spain, the meeting place in the chamber of the Congress of Deputies, the lower house of the Cortes Generales, the Spanish legislature. The newly elected members of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate of Spain, the upper house, are summoned to attend. Also attending are the members of the Constitutional Court of Spain and the General Council of the Judiciary, regional presidents, the Presidents of the legislative assemblies of the Autonomous Communities, and the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps.

The Spanish Monarch, wearing the Gold Medal of the Senate and the Gold Medal of the Congress of Deputies, his or her spouse, and members of the Spanish royal family attend the Solemn Opening of the Cortes Generales. They are accompanied to the Palacio de las Cortes by the Royal Escort Squadron, the cavalry unit of the Spanish Royal Guard.

Embed from Getty Images
Infanta Leonor, The Princess of Asturias (heir presumptive to the throne), King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, and Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez stand during the National Anthem as they arrive for the Solemn Opening of the Cortes Generales on November 29, 2023, in Madrid, Spain

The official ceremony begins with the welcoming of the Spanish Monarch, his or her spouse, and members of the Spanish royal family by the Prime Minister and the Chief of the Defense Staff. The national anthem is played and the Spanish Monarch receives military honors and reviews the troops.

The Spanish monarch and his/her spouse and members of the Spanish royal family approach the steps of the Palacio de las Cortes where they are greeted by the Speakers of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate and other legislative officials. After entering the Palacio de las Cortes through the Puerta de los Leones (Doors of the Lions), used on only solemn occasions, the royal party and the government officials make their way to the Chamber of Congress of the Deputies.

All stand during the playing of the national anthem. In the middle, left to right are King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, and their elder daughter Infanta Leonor, The Princess of Asturias, the heir presumptive to the throne of Spain; Credit – Spanish Royal House

After the Spanish monarch, his/her spouse, royal family members, and those accompanying them arrive in the Chamber of Congress of the Deputies, the national anthem is played. The President of the Congress of Deputies gives a speech.

King Felipe VI giving his speech at the 2023 Solemn Opening of the Cortes Generales; Credit – Wikipedia

Next, the Spanish monarch gives his/her speech and then declares that the Cortes Generales is open. Finally, official photos are taken with the Spanish monarch and government leader, and guests are greeted. Outside the Palacio de las Cortes, a military parade caps off the day’s events.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Casa Real pide la apertura solemne de las Cortes antes del 6-D para blindar el Día de la Constitución. (2023). Vozpópuli.
  • Edificio en Madrid, sede del Congreso de los Diputados. (2005).; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • Solemn Opening of the Parliament of Spain. (2024). In Wikipedia.
  • Solemne Apertura de las Cortes Generales del Reino.  (2016).; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • The King of Spain presides over the solemn opening of the XV legislature – Jose A Martin – United States Press Agency News (USPA News). (2023). United States Press Agency News (USPA News).

Accession to the Throne – Spain

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Throne Room in the Royal Palace of Madrid; Credit – Wikipedia

The last accession to the Spanish throne occurred when King Juan Carlos I abdicated in favor of his son King Felipe VI on June 19, 2014. On June 18, 2014, King Juan Carlos I signed the law granting the abdication which would take effect just after midnight. King Felipe VI was sworn in and proclaimed King of Spain on June 19, 2014, in a ceremony in the Palacio de las Cortes in Madrid Spain, the meeting place of the Congress of Deputies, the lower house of the Cortes Generales, the Spanish legislature. After the abdication, the former king and his wife retained their titles, His Majesty King Juan Carlos and Her Majesty Queen Sofia.


A tapestry showing the wedding of Isabella and Ferdinand; Credit – Wikipedia

The crowns of the Kingdom of Castile and the Kingdom of Aragon were united for hereditary purposes by the 1469 marriage of their monarchs, Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon. Although some consider this union as the formation of the Kingdom of Spain, the two kingdoms continued to exist separately for more than two centuries. It was not until the Nueva Planta Decrees of 1707 and 1716 signed by Felipe V, the first Bourbon King of Spain, that the two kingdoms were formally merged into a single state.

No monarch of Spain or any part of Spain that previously was an independent kingdom has been crowned since King Ferdinand I of Aragon in 1414, Queen Isabella I of Castile in 1474, and Queen Catherine of Navarre in 1494. After the 17th century, all Spanish monarchs were proclaimed and acclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church. Since the 18th century, all Spanish monarchs have been proclaimed before the Cortes Generales, the Spanish legislature. During these ceremonies, the Spanish royal regalia was displayed but not worn.

What Happens?

The Captain General’s Sash

King Juan Carlos placing the red sash of the Captain General of the Armed Forces on his son King Felipe VI

At 9:30 AM on June 19, 2014, in the Audience Room of the Zarzuela Palace in Madrid, King Juan Carlos placed the red sash of the Captain General of the Armed Forces on his son King Felipe VI. The new king assumed supreme command of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Several members of the Royal Family, the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the Defense Staff, the Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and the Director General of the Civil Guard were present.

The Oath Before the Cortes Generales

The Palace of the Cortes, home of the Congress of Deputies, the lower house of the Spanish Legislature, where the Proclamation Ceremony took place; Credit – De Luis García, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Title 2 Article 61 of the Spanish Constitution states that the Spanish monarch “on being proclaimed before the Cortes Generales, shall take an oath to discharge their duties faithfully, to abide by the Constitution and the law and ensure that they are abided by, and to respect the rights of citizens and the Autonomous Communities.”

King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, their elder daughter Infanta Leonor, now heir presumptive to the throne with the title The Princess of Asturias, and their younger daughter Infanta Sofía arrived at the Palace of the Cortes in Madrid, home of the Congress of Deputies, the lower house of the Spanish legislature at 10:30 AM. Regarding Infanta Leonor being the heir presumptive and not the heir apparent, currently, Spain’s succession law is male-preference cognatic primogeniture. This means that Leonor, as the elder of King Felipe’s two daughters, is first in line to inherit the throne, and she is the heir presumptive. However, if her parents have a son, which seems unlikely at this point, he would be the heir apparent and Leonor would forfeit the title of Princess of Asturias and the other titles to her brother. There have been discussions of changing the succession law to absolute primogeniture, where the eldest child, regardless of gender, inherits the throne, but no legislation has been forthcoming. If Leonor ascends to the throne, she will be Spain’s first queen regnant since Queen Isabella II, who reigned from 1833 to 1868.

King Felipe VI receives military honors with his wife Queen Letizia and his daughters (left to right) Infanta Sofia and Leonor, Princess of Asturias; Credit – By Ministry of the Presidency. Government of Spain, Attribution,

The King, Queen, and their daughters were received by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Chief of the Defense Staff Admiral General Fernando García Sánchez. They were then given military honors, the national anthem was played and the King reviewed the troops present.

Jesús Posada, President of the Congress of Deputies (left), and Pío García-Escudero Márquez, 4th Count of Badarán, President of the Senate (right) greet the King, the Queen, and their two daughters

At the entrance to the Palace of the Cortes, the King, the Queen, and their two daughters were greeted by Jesús Posada, President of the Congress of Deputies, and Pío García-Escudero Márquez, 4th Count of Badarán, President of the Senate. After entering the Palace of the Cortes through the Puerta de los Leones (Doors of the Lions), used on only solemn occasions, the King, the Queen, and their two daughters were greeted by Francisco Pérez de los Cobos (in Spanish), President of the Constitutional Court, Carlos Lesmes Serrano President of the General Council of the Judiciary, and leaders of the Government.

Members of the Congress of Deputies (the lower house) and the Senate (the upper house) were gathered in the chamber. Former Prime Ministers of Spain, Presidents of the Autonomous Communities, and other government officials were in the guest gallery.

Also present were relatives of King Felipe VI: his mother Queen Sofia, his eldest sister Infanta Elena and her son Felipe de Marichalar, his paternal aunt Infanta Pilar, his paternal aunt Infanta Margarita and her husband Carlos Zurita y Delgado, Duke of Soria, his maternal uncle the former King Constantine II of Greece and his wife Queen Anne-Marie (born a Princess of Denmark), his second cousin once removed Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Infante of Spain, Duke of Calabria and his wife Princess Anne of Orléans. Queen Letizia’s family also attended.

The Spanish Regalia; Credit – Wikipedia

During the ceremony, the Spanish regalia were displayed but not worn. Jesús Posada, President of the Congress of Deputies began by offering thanks to the previous monarch King Juan Carlos and his wife Queen Sofia, and expressed his hopes that the new reign would be fruitful.

King Felipe VI of Spain takes the oath before the Cortes Generales during the proclamation ceremony at the Palacio de las Cortes in Madrid; Credit – Wikipedia

Jesús Posada, President of the Congress of Deputies then proceeded to swear in King Felipe VI, who said the following oath: “I swear to faithfully carry out my duties, to uphold and ensure the upholding of the Constitution and the laws, and to respect the rights of citizens and autonomous communities.”

King Felipe VI giving his speech during the proclamation ceremony

Jesús Posada, President of the Congress of Deputies then made the proclamation: “In compliance with the Constitution, Don Felipe de Borbón y Grecia is hereby proclaimed King of Spain and will reign under the name of Felipe VI. Long live the King! Long live Spain!” After the proclamation, the new King was cheered and the national anthem was played. King Felipe VI then gave a speech to the Cortes General, ending the speech by giving thanks in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, and Galician.

Other Events Relating to the Accession

Left to Right: King Juan Carlos, The Princess of Asturias, King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, Infanta Sofia, and Queen Sofia greet wellwishers from the balcony of the Royal Palace

Outside the Palace of the Cortes, a military parade was held in honor of the new King of Spain. King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia traveled by car through the streets of Madrid, lined with thousands of people. Upon arriving at the Royal Palace, King Felipe, Queen Letizia, King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofia, and members of the royal family went out onto the central balcony of the Royal Palace to greet the people. Afterward, King Felipe and Queen Letizia held a reception for 2,000 guests.

During previous proclamations, a crucifix and the Book of the Gospels had been displayed but this was not done during King Felipe VI’s proclamation. The traditional Mass of the Holy Spirit was not celebrated in the Church of San Jerónimo el Real. However, a few days later a Mass was celebrated in the chapel of the Zarzuela Palace, attended by King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, King Juan Carlos, and Queen Sofia.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Acto de proclamación del rey de España el 19 de junio de 2014. (2014).; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • King Felipe VI calls for “New Spain” as he is sworn in. (2014, June 19). BBC News.
  • Spain’s New King Felipe VI swears Oath. (2014, June 19). Syracuse.
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2024). Felipe VI. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2019). Monarchy of Spain. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Spain – Princess of Asturias Awards – Mid to Late October

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

2015 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony at the Teatro Campoamor, a performing arts theater in Oviedo, the capital of the Principality of Asturias in Spain; By Ruben Ortega – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The Princess of Asturias Awards (or the Prince of Asturias Awards if the heir to the throne is male) are annual monetary prizes awarded by the Princess of Asturias Foundation (or the Prince of Asturias Foundation if the heir is male) in mid to late October. The prizes are awarded in several categories.


Who is the Prince or Princess of Asturias?

Leonor, Princess of Asturias; Credit – Wikipedia

Prince or Princess of Asturias is a title used by the heir apparent or heir presumptive to the throne of the Kingdom of Spain. The Principality of Asturias is an autonomous community and province in northwest Spain. The title originated in 1388 when King Juan I of Castile granted the title and the jurisdiction over the territory of Asturias to his first-born son, the future King Enrique III of Castile.

The current holder of the title is Infanta Leonor of Spain (born on October 31, 2005), the elder of the two daughters of King Felipe VI of Spain. Leonor is the heir presumptive to the Spanish throne. Infante (male) and Infanta (female) is the title given in Spain (including the former Kingdoms of Aragon, Castile, Navarre, and León) and in the former Kingdom of Portugal to the sons and daughters of the reigning monarch.

Currently, Spain’s succession law is male-preference cognatic primogeniture. This means that Leonor, as the elder of King Felipe VI’s two daughters, is first in line to inherit the throne, and she is the heir presumptive. However, if her parents have a son, which seems unlikely at this point, he would be the heir apparent and Leonor would forfeit the title of Princess of Asturias to her brother. There have been discussions of changing the succession law to absolute primogeniture, where the eldest child, regardless of gender, inherits the throne, but no legislation has been forthcoming. If Leonor ascends to the throne, she will be Spain’s first queen regnant since Queen Isabella II, who reigned from 1833 to 1868.


What are the Princess of Asturias Awards?

King Felipe VI as Prince of Asturias giving a speech at the creation of the Prince of Asturias Foundation in 1980; Credit – Facebook page of the Princess of Asturias Foundation

The Princess of Asturias Awards are given to individuals, entities, and organizations from around the world who made notable scientific, technical, cultural, social, and humanistic achievements. Spanish journalist Graciano García, who was born in Asturias, originated the idea of the awards to establish a link between the Principality of Asturias and the heir to the Spanish throne, who holds the title of Prince or Princess of Asturias, as well as rewarding scientific, technical, cultural, social, and humanistic accomplishments. The Prince of Asturias Awards were established on September 24, 1980, with the creation of the Prince of Asturias Foundation, in a ceremony presided over by King Felipe VI of Spain, then Prince Felipe, Prince of Asturias, the heir to the throne of Spain, in the presence of his parents King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia.

In 2014, after King Felipe VI acceded to the Spanish throne when his father King Juan Carlos I abdicated, it was announced that the foundation and the awards would be renamed using “Princess of Asturias” to reflect the new heiress presumptive to the Spanish throne, Leonor, Princess of Asturias. Beginning in 2019, Leonor attended the awards ceremony, handed out the awards, and delivered a speech. However, King Felipe VI continued to preside over the awards ceremony until Leonor turned 18 on October 31, 2023.


What are the categories of the Princess of Asturias Awards?

Currently, the Princess of Asturias Awards have eight categories. Click on this link, Wikipedia: Categories and Laureates, to see all the winners, who come from all over the world.

  • Award for Communication and Humanities: Awarded since 1981, “aimed at the work of cultivating and perfecting the sciences and disciplines considered as humanistic activities and those related to the mass media in all its expressions.”
  • Award for Social Sciences: Awarded since 1981, “aimed at creative and/or research work in history, law, linguistics, pedagogy, political science, psychology, sociology, ethics, philosophy, geography, economics, demography and anthropology, as well as the disciplines corresponding to each of these areas.”
  • Award for the Arts: Awarded since 1981, “dedicated to the work of cultivating and perfecting cinematography, theatre, dance, music, photography, painting, sculpture, architecture and other artistic manifestations.”
  • Award for Literature: Awarded since 1981, “dedicated to the work of cultivating and perfecting literary creation in all its genres.”
  • Award for Scientific and Technical Research: Awarded since 1981, “aimed at the work of cultivating and perfecting research, discovery and/or invention in mathematics, astronomy and astrophysics, physics, chemistry, life sciences, medical sciences, Earth and space sciences and technological sciences, as well as the disciplines corresponding to each of these fields and the techniques related to them.”
  • Award for International Cooperation: Awarded since 1981, “aimed at individual or collective work, with another or others, to develop and promote public health, universal education, the protection and defense of the environment and the economic, cultural and social advancement of peoples.”
  • Award for Concord: Awarded since 1986, “destined to the work of defending and generalizing human rights, the promotion and protection of peace, freedom, solidarity, world heritage and, in general, the progress of humanity.”
  • Award for Sports: Awarded since 1987, “aimed at those careers that, through the promotion, development and improvement of sport and through solidarity and commitment, have become an example of the possibilities that the practice of sport brings to the benefit of human beings.”


How are the winners of the Princess of Asturias Awards determined?

All previous winners of the Prince/Princess of Asturias Awards, people and institutions invited by the Princess of Asturias Foundation, Spanish embassies, diplomatic representations in Spain, members of the juries for the other awards, and prestigious people and institutions may submit proposals for candidates for the Princess of Asturias Award. Award juries meet during April to June at the Hotel de la Reconquista in Oviedo, the capital of the Principality of Asturias, in Spain.


Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony

Teatro Campoamor; Credit – By Denissf – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The awards are presented by Leonor, Princess of Asturias in mid/late October in a ceremony at Teatro Campoamor, a performing arts theater in Oviedo, the capital of the Principality of Asturias in Spain. People from the cultural, business, and sporting worlds of Spain and Spanish government officials attend the awards ceremony. Leonor’s parents, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, and her younger sister Infanta Sofia often attend the awards ceremony.

Leonor, Princess of Asturias delivers a speech at the 2023 awards ceremony

Awards week begins a few days before the awards ceremony, always on a Friday, when the award winners arrive at the Hotel Reconquista in Oviedo. On the days before the ceremony, the winners participate in public events – talks and meetings in cultural centers, universities, schools, sports centers, etc. – in towns in Asturias. The night before the awards ceremony, the Principality of Asturias’s Symphony Orchestra presents a concert in the Oviedo Auditorium.

Sculptures designed by Joan Miró waiting to be awarded to winners of the Princess of Asturias Award; Credit – Wikipedia

At the awards ceremony, each winner is presented with a diploma, a badge with the coat of arms of the Princess of Asturias Foundation, a sculpture designed by Joan Miró (1893 – 1983), a Catalan-Spanish painter, sculptor, and ceramist, and a cash prize of 50,000 Euros. If a prize is shared, each winner receives a proportional share of the prize. If a winner does not attend the awards ceremony, they will not receive either the prize money or the sculpture, even if the absence is due to reasons beyond his control.

Princess of Asturias Foundation Coat of Arms; Credit – By Buho07 – [1], CC BY-SA 4.0,

A diploma given to Claudio Magris, an Italian writer in 2004; Credit – By Kippelboy – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Fundación Princesa de Asturias. (2024).
  • ‌Premios Princesa de Asturias. (2003).; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • Princess of Asturias Awards. (2022). Wikipedia.
  •  Princess of Asturias Awards. (2022) The Princess of Asturias Foundation.

Spain – National Day – October 12

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Columbus taking possession of what is now Guanahani in the Bahamas in the name of the Catholic Monarchs, Queen Isabella I of Castile and her husband King Ferdinand II of Aragon, on October 12, 1492; Credit – Wikipedia

The National Day of Spain (Fiesta Nacional de España) is celebrated on October 12, the day in 1492, when Christopher Columbus went ashore at Guanahaní, an island in the Bahamas, that Columbus called San Salvador. The discovery of the Americas on October 12, 1492, has been considered an important historical day because contact between America and Europe began, transforming the world views and lives of both Europeans and the indigenous peoples of the Americas, and the European colonization of the Americas began. Christopher Columbus always believed that he had reached what we now call Asia without suspecting that he had stumbled upon a new continent. Explorer Amerigo Vespucci claimed to have understood in 1501 that Brazil was part of a fourth continent unknown to Europeans, which he named the “New World”. October 12 symbolizes Spain’s common heritage with today’s Latin American countries, which made up the Spanish Empire, the first global power in world history.


Our Lady of the Pillar appearing to Saint James and his disciples by Francisco Goya; Credit – Wikipedia

The first celebration in Spain of the discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus was in 1642 when the city of Zaragoza (also known in English as Saragossa) in Aragon, Spain designated Our Lady of the Pillar as a symbol of Hispanidad (Hispanicity) on the date of Columbus’ arrival in the New World. Our Lady of the Pillar (Spanish: Nuestra Señora del Pilar) is the name given to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the context of the traditional belief that Mary, while living in Jerusalem, supernaturally appeared to the Apostle James the Greater in 40 AD while he was preaching on the banks of the Ebro River at Caesaraugusta, now Zaragoza, Spain. In 1730, the religious feast day of Our Lady of the Pillar was declared a holiday throughout the Spanish Empire.

Our Lady of the Pillar wooden statue at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain; By CARLOS TEIXIDOR CADENAS – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

This title is also associated with a wooden statue commemorating Mary’s apparition, enshrined at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain. The traditional belief is that the Blessed Virgin Mary gave James the Greater a column of jasper and instructed him to build a church in her honor: “This place is to be my house, and this image and column shall be the title and altar of the temple that you shall build.” The wooden statue at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar depicts Mary and the Child Jesus with a dove sitting on his left palm. The statue is 15 inches/39 centimeters tall and stands on a pillar of jasper 5.9 feet/1.8 meters tall.

Maria Christina of Austria, Queen of Spain; Credit – Wikipedia

On September 23, 1892, Queen Maria Cristina, the widow of King Alfonso XII of Spain who died in 1885, and the Regent for her six-year-old son King Alfonso XIII of Spain, issued a royal decree declaring October 12, 1892, a one-time national day in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ discovery.

The Discovery of America and Hispanidad has been celebrated as a national day since 1918 under different names like “Día de la Hispanidad” or “Dia de la Raza” due to changes in political regimes in Spain during the 20th century. Spanish National Day emphasizes Spain’s ties with the Hispanidad, the international Hispanic community, and Spain’s legacy to the world. In 1981, a royal decree issued by King Juan Carlos I established the Fiesta Nacional y Día de la Hispanidad as a national holiday. In 1987 the name was changed to Fiesta Nacional de España and October 12 became one of two national celebrations, along with Constitution Day on December 6. The removal of Hispanidad aimed to avoid any controversy regarding the conquest, influence, and rule of the Americas by Spain.

October 12 is also an official holiday in much of Latin America under different names, celebrating the historical and cultural ties among Hispanic American countries, ties with Spain, and their common Hispanic and pre-Hispanic indigenous American heritage. However, in some Latin American countries, the emphasis has been removed from the “discovery of America” that many see as causing the abuse and genocide of the indigenous people of the Americas. In the United States, on the second Monday in October, Columbus Day, a federal holiday, is celebrated. Similar to the sentiment in some Latin American countries, a number of places in the United States instead celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

The controversy regarding the Spanish conquest of the indigenous peoples of the Americas continues. In 2019, Mexico’s president Andrés Manuel López Obrador wrote to King Felipe VI of Spain and Pope Francis, calling for them to apologize for the abuses committed by the Kingdom of Spain and the Roman Catholic Church during the Spanish conquest and the colonial period. In 2024, Mexico’s president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum refused to invite King Felipe VI of Spain to her inauguration because he failed to apologize for crimes committed against Mexico’s indigenous people during the Spanish conquest 500 years ago.

What Happens?

Leonor, Princess of Asturias (heir presumptive to the throne), King Felipe VI, and Queen Letizia attend the National Day Military Parade in Madrid, Spain on October 12, 2023

Official and cultural celebrations take place throughout Spain on National Day. Despite Día de la Hispanidad (Day of Hispanicity) being removed from the holiday’s name, the tradition of celebrating Hispanicity is still observed in Spain and celebrated by Hispanic people worldwide. The main celebrations take place in Madrid, the capital of Spain. Since 2000, October 12 has also been Spain’s Day of the Armed Forces, celebrated each year with a military parade in Madrid.

Military Parade

The Military Parade, 2014 Fiesta Nacional de España; Credit – WIkipedia

The Spanish Armed Forces and the State Security Forces (law enforcement) participate in a parade in Madrid, attended by the Spanish Royal Family, the Prime Minister of Spain, leaders of the Cortes Generales (the Spanish legislature), members of the Supreme Court of Spain, members of the cabinet, other representatives of the central government and the governments of the autonomous communities of the state. Thousands of Spaniards gather along the parade route. At 9:00 AM, the Royal Guards Honors Battalion forms up at the front of the royal dais where the military and governmental members have assembled, awaiting the Spanish Royal Family’s arrival.

The Royal Family of Spain and dignitaries on the dais watching the military parade in 2008. Credit – By Ministry of the Presidency. Government of Spain, Attribution, Link

At 10:00 AM, the Royal Family arrives. The Royal Guards Band plays the Marcha Real, the Spanish national anthem, one of four national anthems without lyrics. The Royal Guard Battalion presents arms and a 21-gun salute is fired. The Spanish monarch and his/her spouse inspect the Royal Guards Honors Battalion while the band plays music. The Spanish monarch and his/her spouse proceed to the dais to meet the gathered government leaders. The Chief of Defense Staff asks the Spanish monarch for permission to begin the ceremony.

Embed from Getty Images

The Spanish Air and Space Force Aerobatics Parachute Unit performs a jump from an aircraft while carrying a massive Spanish flag, landing in front of the Spanish royal family sitting on the dais. The tribute to the national flag follows, with its raising while the national anthem, the “Marcha Real,” is performed

Spanish Air and Space Force’s aerobatics team, the Patrulla Águila; Credit – Nils van der Burg from Madrid, Spain 12 Oct 2009 – Día de la Hispanidad

A tribute is paid to the soldiers who have given their lives for Spain, followed by the military parade, ending with a flypast display by the Spanish Air and Space Force’s aerobatics team, the Patrulla Águila.

Spanish Culture

Throughout Spain, there are many public and private events honoring Spain’s heritage, history, society, and people. People can be seen dressed in traditional regional and historic dress. Folk, classical, and modern music concerts, and street shows are well attended. Latin American communities in Spain participate in parades, displaying their national flags and wearing their countries’ historic dress while their countries’ folk music is played. Museums and historical sites have an Open Doors Day, allowing all to enter free.

Religious Aspect

October 12 is the feast day of both Our Lady of the Pillar (explained above) and Our Lady of Guadalupe in Extremadura, names given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Because their feast days are on October 12, they have become related to Christopher Columbus and the National Day of Spain.

Our Lady of the Pillar is the Patroness of Aragon, Spain and its capital Zaragoza, Patroness of the Hispanic people, Patroness of the Hispanic world, and Patroness of the Spanish Civil Guard. The Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar is in Zaragoza, Spain. A nine-day festival known as Fiestas del Pilar is celebrated in Zaragoza, Spain every year in her honor, beginning on the weekend preceding October 12.

Offering of flowers to the Virgin Mary in front of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza, Spain; Credit – By Ecelan – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

On October 12, many people from other Spanish regions go to Zaragoza, where the traditional “Ofrenda de flores a la Virgen” (Offering of flowers to the Virgin Mary), a large parade with many participants including from Latin American communities, takes place all day long.

National Day of Spain celebrations at the Our Lady of Guadalupe in Extremadura. Spain; Credit – Wikipedia

Our Lady of Guadalupe in Extremadura is a shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe in Cáceres, Spain. A statue of Mary is reputed to have been carved by Saint Luke the Evangelist and given to Saint Leander, Archbishop of Seville by Pope Gregory I. According to local legend, in 712, during the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula, when Seville was defeated, a group of priests fled and buried the statue in the hills near the Guadalupe River in Extremadura, Spain. In the early 14th century, the Blessed Virgin Mary reputedly appeared to a cow herder named Gil Cordero while he was searching for a missing cow in the mountains. Cordero claimed that Mary ordered him to ask priests to dig at the place of her apparition. The priests discovered the hidden statue and built a small shrine which became the nucleus of the present monastery.

The statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Extremadura; Credit – Wikipedia

The statue was carved from cedar wood and is two feet high. It is a Black Madonna, a statue or painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus, where both are depicted with dark skin. Since the late 14th century, the statue has been clothed in embroidered and brocaded clothing, leaving only the faces and hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus visible.

There is a connection to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Extremadura and Christopher Columbus. Queen Isabella I of Castile and her husband King Ferdinand II of Aragon signed the documents that authorized the first voyage of Columbus to the Americas at the Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe. Upon his return to Spain, Columbus went to the monastery to give thanks for a safe voyage.

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Works Cited

  • Colaboradores de los proyectos Wikimedia. (2006). fiesta nacional de España.; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • National Day of Spain. (2021). Wikipedia.
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2019). Columbus Day. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2024). Our Lady of Guadalupe in Extremadura. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2024). Our Lady of the Pillar. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Margarita Teresa of Spain, Holy Roman Empress, first wife of Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Margarita Teresa of Spain, Holy Roman Empress; Credit – Wikipedia

Margarita Teresa of Spain was the first of the three wives of her uncle and first cousin Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, Archduke of Austria, King of Croatia, Duke of Teschen, King of the Romans, Archduke of Further Austria, and Prince of Transylvania. Born on July 12, 1651, at the Royal Alcazar in Madrid, Spain, Margarita Teresa was the eldest of the five children and the elder of the two daughters of Felipe IV, King of Spain and his second wife Mariana of Austria, who were uncle and niece, an example of inbreeding. Margarita Teresa’s paternal grandparents were Felipe III, King of Spain and Margarete of Austria, who were both children of parents who were an uncle and his niece, and were first cousins once removed and second cousins. Her maternal grandparents were Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and his first wife Maria Anna of Spain who were first cousins.

Margarita Teresa had four siblings but only one survived childhood:

Margarita Teresa had eight half-siblings from her father’s first marriage to Elisabeth of France who died in 1644, at the age of forty-one, after miscarrying a son. Only one half-sister survived to adulthood, Maria Theresa, who married King Louis XIV of France.

  • Maria Margarita of Austria, Infanta of Spain (born and died 1621)
  • Margarita Maria Catalina of Austria, Infanta of Spain (born and died 1623)
  • Maria Eugenia of Austria, Infanta of Spain (1625 – 1627)
  • Isabella Maria of Austria, Infanta of Spain (born and died 1627)
  • Balthasar Carlos of Austria, Infante of Spain, Prince of Asturias (1629 – 1646), died at age 16 from smallpox
  • Francisco Fernando of Austria, Infante of Spain (born and died 1634)
  • Maria Ana Antonia of Austria, Infanta of Spain (born and died 1636)
  • Maria Theresa of Austria, Infanta of Spain (1638 – 1683), married King Louis XIV of France, had six children but only one son survived childhood

Las Meninas (Spanish for ‘The Ladies-in-Waiting), 1656 by Diego Velázquez – Five-year-old Margarita Teresa is surrounded by her entourage of maids of honor, a chaperone, a bodyguard, two dwarfs, and a dog in a room in the Royal Alcazar of Madrid; Credit – Wikipedia

Margarita Teresa was raised in the chambers of her mother Margarete of Austria at the Royal Alcazar in Madrid, surrounded by numerous ladies-in-waiting and servants. Brought up with the strict etiquette of the Spanish court, she received an excellent education.

The House of Habsburg, which then ruled in Spain, Holy Roman Empire, and the various hereditary Habsburg lands, was notorious for its inbreeding. The Habsburgs had built their empire by marriage and wanted to keep the land they amassed all in the family, so they began to intermarry more frequently among themselves. Seven of Margarita Teresa’s eight great-grandparents were descended from Juana I, Queen of Castile and León and Aragon and her husband Philip of Habsburg, Duke of Burgundy.  While a person in the fifth generation normally has thirty-two different ancestors, Margarita Teresa had only ten different ancestors in the fifth generation.

King Carlos II of Spain, Margarita Teresa’s brother who had serious health issues and disabilities due to inbreeding; Credit – Wikipedia

Although Margarita did not develop the serious health issues and disabilities that her younger brother King Carlos II of Spain had shown since his birth (she did have the Habsburg jaw as did her husband Leopold), the inbreeding could have been a cause of the early deaths of three of her four children and the three children of her only surviving child. Margarita’s brother Carlos was a weak, sick child from birth. He did not learn to talk until he was four years old and could not walk until he was eight years old. Like many of the Habsburg family, Carlos had the Habsburg jaw (mandibular prognathism), a disfiguring genetic disorder in which the lower jaw outgrows the upper jaw. However, Carlos’ very pronounced Habsburg jaw was so severe that he swallowed his food without thoroughly chewing. Carlos’ condition showed clear signs of the long-time inbreeding of the House of Habsburg.

Margarita Teresa’s husband Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor; Credit – Wikipedia

On April 6, 1663, twelve-year-old Margarita Teresa was betrothed to her 23-year-old uncle and first cousin Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, the son of Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and the first of his three wives who was also his first cousin Maria Anna of Austria. It was felt that Leopold and Margarita Teresa’s marriage between the Spanish and Austrian branches of the House of Habsburg was needed to strengthen the position of both countries, especially against the Kingdom of France. The marriage between Leopold and Margarita Teresa was delayed because of the bride’s age. The couple was married by proxy in Madrid, Spain on April 25, 1666, with the groom represented by Antonio de la Cerda, 7th Duke of Medinaceli.

Three days later, Margarita Teresa began her journey from Madrid to Vienna via ship and then over land. At each stop, where Margarita Teresa spent time resting, there were celebrations in her honor. On November 25, 1666, in Schottwien, twelve miles from Vienna, Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I came to receive his bride. Margarita Teresa formally entered Vienna on December 5, 1666, and 26-year-old Leopold and 15-year-old Margarita, first cousins, uncle and niece, were married seven days later. Despite the age difference, the couple had a happy marriage. Margarita Teresa always called her husband “Onkel”, German for uncle, and Leopold called her “Gretl”, a German diminutive of Margarita. Margarita Teresa and Leopold had many common interests, especially in art and music.

Margarita Teresa and her only surviving child Maria Antonia; Credit – Wikipedia

Margarita Teresa and Leopold had four children but only one survived to adulthood:

  • Archduke Ferdinand Wenzel of Austria (1667 – 1668), died in infancy
  • Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria (1669 – 1692), married Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria, had three sons, none survived childhood
  • Archduke Johann Leopold of Austria (born and died 1670), died on the day of his birth
  • Archduchess Maria Anna Antonia of Austria (born and died 1672), died fourteen days after her birth

Margarita Teresa was very religious and was the driving force behind Leopold’s expulsion of the Jews from Vienna in 1670. She blamed the Jews for her two miscarriages, the early deaths of her two sons, and the fire in the newly built Leopoldine wing of the Hofburg Palace. During her marriage, Margarita Teresa kept her Spanish customs, was surrounded almost exclusively by her Spanish retinue, and hardly learned the German language. Due to the aloofness and arrogance of the Spanish retinue, an anti-Spanish mood spread at court, which also turned against Margarita Teresa. The courtiers unashamedly expressed their hope that Margarita Teresa, who was often ill, would soon die so that Leopold could marry someone more acceptable to them.

Tomb of Margarita Teresa; Credit – Von krischnig – selbst fotografiert, Bild-frei,

Weakened from six pregnancies in six years (four living childbirths and two miscarriages), and four months into her seventh pregnancy, Margarita Teresa died at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, then in the Archduchy of Austria, on March 12, 1673, at the age of 21, and was buried in the Imperial Crypt at the Capuchin Church in Vienna. Despite his grief and because he had no male heir, several months later, Leopold married Archduchess Claudia Felicitas of Austria, from the Tyrol branch of the House of Habsburg. After giving birth to two daughters who did not survive infancy, Claudia Felicitas died from tuberculosis three years after her marriage. Leopold’s third wife Eleonore Magdalene of Neuberg finally provided him with male heirs, two sons who both became Holy Roman Emperors.

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Works Cited

  • Flantzer, Susan. (2022) Felipe IV, King of Spain, Filipe III, King of Portugal, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 10 July 2023).
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2023) Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 10 July 2023).
  • Margaret Theresa of Spain (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 10 July 2023).
  • Margarita Theresa von Spanien (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 10 July 2023).
  • Wheatcroft, Andrew. (1995) The Habsburgs. London: Viking.
  • Wilson, Peter H. (2016) Heart of Europe – A History of the Holy Roman Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Ancestors of Infanta Leonor of Spain, Princess of Asturias

compiled by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Infanta Leonor 2023

Infanta Leonor of Spain, Princess of Asturias is the elder of the two daughters of Felipe VI, King of Spain. Leonor is the heir presumptive to the Spanish throne, not the heir apparent. Currently, Spain’s succession law is male-preference cognatic primogeniture. This means that Leonor, as the elder of King Felipe’s two daughters, is first in line to inherit the throne, and she is the heir presumptive. However, if her parents had a son, which seems unlikely at this point, he would be the heir apparent and Leonor would forfeit the title of Princess of Asturias to her brother who would be Prince of Asturias. There have been discussions of changing the succession law to absolute primogeniture, where the eldest child, regardless of gender, inherits the throne, but no legislation has been forthcoming. If Leonor ascends to the throne, she will be Spain’s first queen regnant since Isabella II, who reigned from 1833 to 1868.

Through her father King Felipe VI, Leonor has a stellar royal pedigree. Her father is the only current European monarch to be descended from Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom via three of his grandparents. Leonor’s paternal grandfather King Juan Carlos I of Spain is descended from Queen Victoria’s youngest child Princess Beatrice whose daughter Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg married King Alfonso XIII of Spain. Leonor’s paternal grandmother Queen Sofia, born Princess Sophia of Greece, is descended from Queen Victoria’s eldest child Victoria, Princess Royal via both her parents King Paul of Greece and Princess Frederica of Hanover. Among Infanta Leonor’s ancestors in the last six generations are the monarchs of Denmark, the German Empire, Greece, Prussia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. If we go back a couple more generations, there are monarchs of Austria, France, the Holy Roman Empire, and Russia.

Leonor’s mother Queen Letizia was born Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano in Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. She is of Spanish, Filipino, French, and Occitan descent. Occitan is an ethnic group that originated in the historical region of Occitania, located in southern France, northeastern Spain, northwestern Italy, and Monaco. Letizia’s paternal grandmother María del Carmen “Menchu” Álvarez del Valle was a famous radio broadcaster in Asturias, Spain for over forty years.

Parents, Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, Great-Great-Grandparents, and Great-Great-Great-Grandparents of Infanta Leonor of Spain, Princess of Asturias (born October 31, 2005)

The links below are from Unofficial Royalty,  WikipediaLeo’s Genealogics WebsiteThe Peerage, or Geni.


King Felipe VI of Spain and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, parents; Credit – By Ministry of the Presidency, Government of Spain, Attribution,


King Juan Carlos of Spain and Princess Sophia of Greece, paternal grandparents; Credit – Wikipedia


King Paul of Greece and Princess Frederica of Hanover, great-grandparents; Credit – Wikipedia


King Alfonso XIII of Spain and Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, great-great-grandparents; Credit – Wikipedia


Friedrich III, Emperor of Germany and Victoria, Princess Royal, great-great-great-grandparents by Hills & Saunders, albumen carte-de-visite, circa 1870, NPG Ax132839 © National Portrait Gallery, London

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Maria Anna of Austria, Holy Roman Empress, 1st wife of Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Maria Anna of Spain, Holy Roman Empress; Credit – Wikipedia

The Holy Roman Empire was a limited elective monarchy composed of hundreds of kingdoms, principalities, duchies, counties, prince-bishoprics, and Free Imperial Cities in central Europe. The Holy Roman Empire was not really holy since, after Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1530, no emperors were crowned by the pope or a bishop. It was not Roman but rather German because it was mainly in the regions of present-day Germany and Austria. It was an empire in name only – the territories it covered were mostly independent each with its own rulers. The Holy Roman Emperor directly ruled over only his family territories, and could not issue decrees and rule autonomously over the Holy Roman Empire. A Holy Roman Emperor was only as strong as his army and alliances, including marriage alliances, made him, and his power was severely restricted by the many sovereigns of the constituent monarchies of the Holy Roman Empire. From the 13th century, prince-electors, or electors for short, elected the Holy Roman Emperor from among the sovereigns of the constituent states.

Frequently but not always, it was common practice to elect the deceased Holy Roman Emperor’s heir. The Holy Roman Empire was an elective monarchy. No person had a legal right to the succession simply because he was related to the current Holy Roman Emperor. However, the Holy Roman Emperor could and often did, while still alive, have a relative (usually a son) elected to succeed him after his death. This elected heir apparent used the title King of the Romans.


The first of the three wives of her first cousin Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, Maria Anna of Austria, Infanta of Spain and Portugal was born at the Palace of El Escorial, near Madrid on August 18, 1606. Although a Spanish Infanta, she was known as Maria Anna of Austria, as the Spanish monarchs at the time were members of the House of Habsburg. She was the fourth of the eight children and the third of the four daughters of Felipe III, King of Spain (also Filipe II, King of Portugal) and Archduchess Margarete of Austria. Maria Anna’s paternal grandparents were Felipe II, King of Spain and his fourth wife and niece Anna of Austria. Her maternal grandparents were Karl II, Archduke of Inner Austria and his niece Maria Anna of Bavaria.

Maria Anna with her brother Carlos who was one year younger, 1612; Credit – Wikipedia

Maria Anna had seven siblings:

Maria Anna was raised at the Royal Alcazar of Madrid in Spain in a very close and loving family. She was given a very strong religious upbringing and often visited convents and churches. After her mother’s death in childbirth in 1611, Maria Anna’s eldest sister Anna became a surrogate mother to her younger siblings. Before she was thirteen years old, Maria Anna was betrothed to marry Archduke Johann Karl of Austria, at that time, the eldest surviving son of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. However, in 1619, Archduke Johann Karl suddenly died.

Before Maria Anna’s father died in 1621, he and King James I of England tried to arrange a marriage between James’ eldest son and heir, the future King Charles I, then the Prince of Wales, and Maria Anna. This possible marriage was known as the “Spanish Match” and caused a political crisis in both England and Scotland. In 1623, the Prince of Wales visited Madrid to meet Maria Anna. As it turned out there was no marriage. Charles refused to convert to Catholicism, and Maria Anna refused to marry a Protestant. Maria Anna’s brother, the new King of Spain, Felipe IV, was unwilling to enter into a dynastic marriage with the House of Stuart for political reasons.

Maria Anna’s husband Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1626, Maria Anna was betrothed to her first cousin, then Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, the younger brother of her deceased first fiance, and now the heir of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, Archduke of Inner Austria, King of Bohemia, King of Hungary and Croatia. Maria Anna’s mother Margarete of Austria was her fiance’s paternal aunt.

In December 1629, Maria Anna left Madrid, Spain to travel to Vienna, a journey that took more than a year. Because of an epidemic of the plague, Maria Anna’s ship was unable to dock in several ports. Finally, on January 26, 1631, Maria Anna arrived in the port city of Trieste (now in Italy), where she was greeted by Ferdinand’s brother Archduke Leopold Wilhelm. A proxy marriage was held that day with Leopold Wilhelm standing in for his brother. Leopold Wilhelm then escorted Maria Anna to Vienna.

Ferdinand did not trust the portraits that he had seen of Maria Anna and wanted to secretly see her before the in-person wedding. His Lord Chamberlain asked for an audience with Maria Anna, accompanied by some nobles, including her groom Ferdinand. Immediately pleased by what he saw, Ferdinand revealed himself and began to converse with Maria Anna in Spanish. The in-person marriage was held on February 20, 1631, in Vienna.

Maria Anna with her eldest child Ferdinand, 1634; Credit – Wikipedia

Maria Anna and Ferdinand had six children:

  • Ferdinand, King of the Romans (1633 – 1654), unmarried, died from smallpox
  • Archduchess Mariana of Austria (1634 – 1696), married (second wife) her maternal uncle Felipe IV, King of Spain, had five children but only two survived childhood including Carlos II, King of Spain who had serious physical and mental conditions probably caused by the continued inbreeding of the House of Habsburg
  • Archduke Philipp August of Austria (1637 – 1639), died in early childhood
  • Archduke Maximilian Thomas of Austria (1638 – 1639), died in infancy
  • Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (1640 – 1705), married (1) his first cousin Margaret Theresa of Spain, had four children, only one survived childhood (2) Claudia Felicitas of Austria, had two children, both died in childhood (3) Eleonor Magdalene of Neuburg, had ten children, five survived childhood (Unofficial Royalty articles coming soon)
  • Archduchess Maria of Austria (born and died 1646), died in infancy

Maria Anna’s father-in-law Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor passed to his son Ferdinand the Habsburg hereditary lands in 1621, the crowns of Hungary and Croatia in 1625, and the crown of Bohemia in 1627. In 1636, Ferdinand II arranged for his son to be elected King of the Romans, ensuring he would be the next Holy Roman Emperor as Ferdinand III. On February 15, 1637, at the age of fifty-eight, Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor died and his son was elected Holy Roman Emperor and Maria Anna became Holy Roman Empress.

Maria Anna brought Spanish fashion, theatre, dance, and music to the imperial court in Vienna. She collected artwork by Italian, Spanish, and Flemish masters of the late Renaissance and early Baroque periods. Maria Anna was active in politics, acted as an adviser to her husband, and was an important mediator between her husband and her Spanish relatives. During Ferdinand III’s absences from the court in Vienna, Maria Anna served as regent.

Tomb of Maria Anna & her infant daughter; Credit – By krischnig –, CC0,

Pregnant with her sixth child, 39-year-old Empress Maria Anna suddenly fell ill with a fever, had heavy bleeding, and died on May 13, 1646, at Linz Castle in Linz, Austria. Immediately after her death, the unborn child, a girl, was delivered by Cesarean section. She was named Maria after her mother but lived only a few hours. Both mother and daughter were placed in the same coffin and interred in the Imperial Crypt at the Capuchin Church in Vienna.

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Works Cited

  • Flantzer, S. (2023) Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, Archduke of Lower and Inner Austria, King of Bohemia, King of Hungary and Croatia, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 26 June 2023).
  • Maria Anna of Spain (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 26 June 2023).
  • Мария Анна Испанская (2023) Wikipedia (Russian). Available at: (Accessed: 26 June 2023).
  • Wheatcroft, Andrew. (1995) The Habsburgs. London: Viking.
  • Wilson, Peter H. (2016) Heart of Europe – A History of the Holy Roman Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain, Dauphine of France

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain, Dauphine of France; Credit – Wikipedia

Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain, Dauphine of France was the first wife of Louis, Dauphin of France, the son of Louis XV, King of France. Neither Maria Teresa Rafaela nor Louis lived long lives. Maria Teresa Rafaela, aged twenty, died due to childbirth complications after giving birth to her only child, a daughter who died before her second birthday. Louis married again, had eight children – five survived childhood and three of the five were Kings of France – but he died from tuberculosis, at the age of thirty-six. Louis, Dauphin of France predeceased his father and so he never became King of France.

Maria Teresa Rafaela’s parents Felipe V, King of Spain and Elisabeth Farnese of Parma; Credit – Wikipedia

Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain was born on June 11, 1726, at the Royal Alcazar in Madrid, Spain. She was the fourth of the six children and the second of the three daughters of Felipe V, King of Spain and his second wife Elisabeth Farnese of Parma. Maria Teresa Rafaela’s father was born Philippe of France, Duke of Anjou, the grandson of Louis XIV, King of France. He became King of Spain when the Spanish House of Habsburg became extinct because his paternal grandmother Maria Teresa, Infanta of Spain was the daughter of Felipe IV, King of Spain. Maria Teresa Rafaela’s paternal grandparents were Louis, Le Grand Dauphin, the heir apparent to the throne of France who died before his father Louis XIV, King of France, and Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria. Her maternal grandparents were Odoardo Farnese, Hereditary Prince of Parma and Dorothea Sophie of Neuburg.

Family of Felipe V, King of Spain by Louis-Michel van Loo – Maria Teresa Rafaela is fourth from the right; Credit – Wikipedia

Maria Teresa Rafaela had five siblings:

Maria Teresa Rafaela had four siblings from her father’s first marriage to Maria Luisa of Savoy:

Louis, Dauphin of France, Maria Teresa Rafaela’s husband; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1725, the Spanish court had been greatly insulted by the French when the engagement of Louis XV, King of France and Infanta Mariana Victoria of Spain, the elder sister of Maria Teresa Rafaela, had been called off. The marriage of Maria Teresa Rafaela and Louis, Dauphin of France marked the reconciliation of Spain and France. The betrothal was announced in August 1739, however, Maria Teresa Rafaela’s mother would not allow her thirteen-year-old daughter to go to France until she was older.

Marriage of Louis, Dauphin of France and Maria Teresa Rafaela, Infanta of Spain; Credit – Wikipedia

Maria Teresa Rafaela and Louis, Dauphin of France were married by proxy in Madrid, Spain on December 18, 1744. She left Spain to travel to France in January 1745 and arrived at the Palace of Versailles on February 21, 1745. Two days, later Maria Teresa Rafaela and Louis, Dauphin of France were married in person in the Chapel Royal at the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France. The marriage was not immediately consummated and this caused great embarrassment to Maria Teresa Rafaela because of the court’s gossip that Louis was impotent. Her shy nature further isolated her from the court. Finally, the marriage was consummated in September 1745, ending court gossip. The couple became very close and devoted to each other spending most of their time together.

Maria Teresa Rafaela soon became pregnant, with the baby due in July 1746. On July 9, 1746, her father, Felipe V, King of Spain, died of a stroke but Maria Teresa Rafaela was not told of his death because of her advanced pregnancy. On July 19, 1746, she gave birth to a daughter, named Marie-Thérèse by her husband in honor of his adored wife. Maria Teresa Rafaela initially recovered from childbirth but then her condition deteriorated quickly and she died on July 22, 1746, aged 20, at the Palace of Versailles. The sorrow of Louis, Dauphin of France was so intense that his father King Louis XV had to physically drag his son away from Maria Teresa Rafaela’s deathbed. Louis and Maria Teresa Rafaela’s daughter did not survive to her second birthday, dying on April 27, 1748. Maria Teresa Rafaela was buried at the Basilica of Saint-Denis near Paris, the traditional burial site of the French royal family.

In 1747, nineteen-year-old Louis, Dauphin of France reluctantly married fifteen-year-old Maria Josepha of Saxony. Louis was still grieving for Maria Teresa Rafaela but Maria Josepha was patient and won his heart a little at a time. Louis and Maria Josepha of Saxony had eight children including three Kings of France: Louis XVI, Louis XVIII, and Charles X. Louis never succeeded to the French throne. He died of tuberculosis at the Château de Fontainebleau in France on December 20, 1765, at the age of 36. According to Louis’ last wishes, he was buried at the Cathedral of Saint-Étienne in Sens, France, but his heart was buried at the Basilica of Saint-Denis, near the grave of his first wife Maria Teresa Rafaela.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Flantzer, Susan. (2019) Felipe V, King of Spain, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 29 July 2023).
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2019) Louis, Dauphin of FranceUnofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 29 July 2023).
  • María Teresa Rafaela of Spain (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 29 July 2023).
  • Marie-Thérèse d’Espagne (2023) Wikipedia (French). Available at: (Accessed: 29 July 2023).
  • María Teresa Rafaela de España (2023) Wikipedia (Spanish). Available at: (Accessed: 29 July 2023).

Maria of Spain and Austria, Holy Roman Empress

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Maria of Spain and Austria, Holy Roman Empress; Credit – Wikipedia

The Holy Roman Empire was a limited elective monarchy composed of hundreds of kingdoms, principalities, duchies, counties, prince-bishoprics, and Free Imperial Cities in central Europe. The Holy Roman Empire was not really holy since, after Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1530, no emperors were crowned by the pope or a bishop. It was not Roman but rather German because it was mainly in the regions of present-day Germany and Austria. It was an empire in name only – the territories it covered were mostly independent each with its own rulers. The Holy Roman Emperor directly ruled over only his family territories, and could not issue decrees and rule autonomously over the Holy Roman Empire. A Holy Roman Emperor was only as strong as his army and alliances, including marriage alliances, made him, and his power was severely restricted by the many sovereigns of the constituent monarchies of the Holy Roman Empire. From the 13th century, prince-electors, or electors for short, elected the Holy Roman Emperor from among the sovereigns of the constituent states.

Frequently but not always, it was common practice to elect the deceased Holy Roman Emperor’s heir. The Holy Roman Empire was an elective monarchy. No person had a legal right to the succession simply because he was related to the current Holy Roman Emperor. However, the Holy Roman Emperor could and often did, while still alive, have a relative (usually a son) elected to succeed him after his death. This elected heir apparent used the title King of the Romans.


Maria’s powerful father Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain, Archduke of Austria, Lord of the Netherlands, Duke of Burgundy, among other titles; Credit – Wikipedia

Maria, Infanta of Spain, Archduchess of Austria was the wife of her first cousin Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor. Born on June 21, 1528, at the Royal Alcázar of Madrid, Kingdom of Spain, Maria was the second of the five children and the elder of the two daughters of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (also Carlos I, King of Spain; Karl I, Archduke of Austria; Charles II, Lord of the Netherlands, Duke of Burgundy, among many other titles) and Isabella of Portugal. Maria’s father was Charles was one of the most powerful ever monarchs and had a large number of titles due to his vast inheritance of the Burgundian, Spanish, and Austrian realms from his parents, Maria’s paternal grandparents, Philip of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, the ruler of the vast and wealthy Burgundian State, and Juana, Queen of Castile and León and Queen of Aragon The Kingdoms of Castile, León, and Aragon were combined into the Kingdom of Spain under Maria’s father. Maria’s maternal grandparents were Manuel I, King of Portugal and his second of three wives Maria of Aragon, her namesake.

Maria had four siblings but only two survived childhood:

Maria’s mother Isabella of Portugal; Credit – Wikipedia

The main residence of Maria’s parents Charles and Isabella was in Spain as the Spanish nobles had insisted that their children be raised in Spain. Charles was often away from his family to lead military campaigns and administer his other realms, and Isabella was appointed Regent of Spain in his absence. Isabella supervised her children’s education and taught them Portuguese. In 1539, when Maria was 11 years old, her mother Isabella developed a fever causing her to miscarry during the third month of her seventh pregnancy. The fever caused her condition to worsen and Isabella died two weeks later on May 1, 1539, aged thirty-five. Maria’s father Charles was so grief-stricken that he shut himself up in a monastery for two months where he prayed and mourned for Isabella in solitude. He never recovered from her death, dressed in black for the rest of his life, and despite being only thirty-nine, never remarried.

Maria’s husband Maximilian, circa 1544; Credit – Wikipedia

On September 13, 1548, Maria married her first cousin Archduke Maximilian of Austria (the future Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II), the son of her paternal uncle Ferdinand I, Archduke of Austria (the future Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I) and Anna of Bohemia and Hungary. With this marriage, Maria’s father intended to strengthen the ties between the Austrian Habsburgs and the Spanish Habsburgs. While Maria’s father Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was occupied with the affairs of his other realms, Maria and Maximilian acted as regents of Spain from 1548 to 1551, during the absence of Maria’s brother, the future King Felipe II of Spain. In 1552, the couple moved to live at the court of Maximilian’s father in Vienna, Archduchy of Austria.

Maria and her husband Maximilian with their three eldest surviving children Anna, Rudolf, and Ernst; Credit – Wikipedia

Maximilian and Maria had fifteen children:

Physically exhausted after forty years of ruling, Maria’s father Charles abdicated in 1555 and retired to the peace of the Monastery of Yuste in Extremadura, Spain where he died in 1558. Upon Charles’s abdication, his younger brother, Ferdinand, the father of Maria’s husband, who had already been given Charles’ Austrian lands in 1521, became the Holy Roman Emperor. The Spanish Empire, including the possessions in the Netherlands, Italy, and the New World, was inherited by Charles’ son and Maria’s brother who reigned as Felipe II, King of Spain. In December 1562, Ferdinand had his eldest son and Maria’s husband Maximilian elected King of the Romans, meaning that he would become Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor. In addition, Ferdinand passed the crown of Hungary to his son in 1563. Plagued by fever attacks during the last years of his life, Ferdinand died in Vienna, Archduchy of Austria, now in Austria, on July 25, 1564, aged 61. Maria’s husband Maximilian was now Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, King of Hungary and Croatia, and Archduke of Austria.

Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1569; Credit – Wikipedia

During his reign, Maria’s husband Maximilian II had to deal with the effects of the 1555 Peace of Augsburg. The Peace of Augsburg officially ended the religious struggle between Lutherans and Catholics, and made the legal division of Christianity permanent within the Holy Roman Empire, allowing the rulers of the constituent kingdoms, principalities, duchies, counties, prince-bishoprics of the Holy Roman Empire to choose either Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism as the official religion of their state.

During her life in Austria as Holy Roman Empress, Maria, a devout Catholic, was ill at ease with the Lutheran religion and surrounded herself with a circle of devout Catholic courtiers, many of whom were from native Spain. Her court was organized by her Spanish chief lady-in-waiting Margarita Folc de Cardona i Requesens in a Spanish manner.

There has been much debate about the nature of the religious beliefs of Maria’s husband Maximilian. There was a pro-Protestant contingent among the nobility at the court in Vienna. Johann Sebastian Pfauser, Maximilian’s court chaplain, had originally been Roman Catholic but converted to Lutheranism. Through his influence, Maximilian abandoned purely Catholic customs, read Protestant literature, and refused to receive Communion according to the Catholic rite. He once told his father that worshiping saints was meaningless and idolatrous. Maria frequently disagreed with her religiously ambiguous husband about his religious tolerance. However, Maximilian remained Roman Catholic and never converted to Lutheranism.

In 1572, Maximilian II passed the crown of Hungary to his son Rudolf, and in 1575, Rudolf was also granted the crowns of Bohemia and the Habsburg hereditary territories. Rudolf was elected King of the Romans in 1575, ensuring that he would succeed his father as Holy Roman Emperor. Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor died, aged forty-nine, in the Imperial City of Regensburg, now in the German state of Bavaria, on October 12, 1576. On his deathbed, Maximilian refused to receive the Last Rites of the Roman Catholic Church.

Maria in retirement at the Monastery of Santa Clara de las Descalzas Reales in Madrid, Spain, 1600; Credit – Wikipedia

After Maximilian’s death, Maria remained in Vienna for six years and had great influence over her sons Rudolf and Matthias, both Holy Roman Emperors. She returned to Spain in 1582, rejoicing to live in “a country without heretics.” Maria retired to the Monastery of Santa Clara de las Descalzas Reales in Madrid, Spain, founded in 1559 by her younger sister Juana when she was left a young widow and where she lived until she died in 1573. This was the same convent where Maria’s daughter Margaret became a nun after refusing to marry her uncle King Felipe II of Spain after his fourth wife, Maria’s eldest daughter Anna, died. At the convent, Maria lived half as a nun in devout prayer, and half as a princess, still exerting influence on the Spanish court.

The Monastery of Santa Clara de las Descalzas Reales in Madrid, Spain where Maria lived the last years of her life, died, and was buried; Credit – By Luis García, CC BY-SA 3.0,

In 1587, Maria’s brother King Felipe II of Spain sent Father Tomás Luis de Victoria, a Catholic priest and the most famous Spanish composer of the Renaissance, to the Monastery of Santa Clara de las Descalzas Reales as his sister’s chaplain. Father de Victoria remained at the convent for 24 years, serving as Maria’s chaplain until her death, and then as the convent organist. One of his most famous works is his Officium Defunctorum, a requiem mass composed for Maria’s funeral. On February 26, 1603, Maria died and was buried at the Monastery of Santa Clara de las Descalzas Reales in Madrid, Spain, aged seventy-four, having survived her husband by twenty-seven years.

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Works Cited

  • Flantzer, Susan. (2022) Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain, Archduke of Austria, Lord of the Netherlands, Duke of BurgundyUnofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 29 May 2023).
  • Flantzer, S. (2022) Isabella of Portugal, Queen of Spain, Holy Roman Empress, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 29 May 2023).
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2023) Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, King of Hungary and Croatia, Archduke of Austria. Available at: (Accessed: 29 May 2023).
  • Maria of Austria, Holy Roman Empress (2023) Wikipedia. Available at:,_Holy_Roman_Empress (Accessed: 29 May 2023).
  • Maria von Spanien (1528–1603) (2021) Wikipedia (German). Available at: (Accessed: 29 May 2023).
  • Wheatcroft, Andrew, 1995. The Habsburgs. London: Viking.
  • Wilson, Peter, 2016. Heart of Europe: A History of the Holy Roman Empire. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.