by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Grand Ducal Family on National Day 2024; Credit – ©House of the Grand Duke / Kary Barthelmey (L to R: Prince Félix, Prince Louis, Princess Alexandra and her husband Nicolas Bagory, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Grand Duke Henri, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume)
Luxembourg National Day is celebrated every year on June 23. The official birthday of the reigning Grand Duke or Grand Duchess is also celebrated on that day.
Before 1961, the date of Luxembourg National Day changed with each reign and was celebrated on the birthday of the reigning Grand Duke or Grand Duchess. When Grand Duchess Charlotte came to the throne in 1919, Luxembourg National Day was celebrated on her birthday, January 23, in the middle of winter. Her son and eventual heir Grand Duke Jean was also born in January. On December 23, 1961, by Grand Ducal decree, Grand Duchess Charlotte declared Luxembourg National Day would be permanently celebrated on June 23 when the weather would be more favorable. Celebrations begin on June 22 and continue through June 23.
What happens on Luxembourg National Day?
June 22

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie visit Esch-Uelzecht (2024); Credit – © SIP / Emmanuel Claude
The reigning Grand Duke or reigning Grand Duchess and his/her spouse make an official visit to a town in Luxembourg. The Hereditary Grand Duke or Duchess and his/her spouse make an official visit to Esch-Uelzecht, Luxembourg’s second-largest city.
At the Grand Ducal Palace in Luxembourg City, the capital and largest city in Luxembourg, there is a ceremonial changing of the guard at 4:00 PM.
In the evening, national and local associations, brass bands, and folk groups parade through the streets of Luxembourg City in a torchlight procession.
At 11:00 PM, a large firework display set off from the Adolphe Bridge in Luxembourg City.
June 23

Civil Ceremony at the Philharmonie Luxembourg (2024); Credit – © House of the Grand Duke / Kary Barthelmey
The celebrations begin with a civil ceremony at the Philharmonie Luxembourg, known officially as the Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte Concert Hall, in Luxembourg City. The reigning Grand Duke or the reigning Grand Duchess, the President of the Parliament, and the Prime Minister give speeches to an audience of government officials, foreign diplomats accredited to Luxembourg, and other dignitaries. The reigning Grand Duke or reigning Grand Duchess awards the Order of Civil and Military Merit of Adolphe of Nassau to individuals who have distinguished themselves by their loyalty and meritorious services to the Grand Duke, the Grand-Ducal House Maison, and the country.
After the ceremony at the Philharmonie Luxembourg, a 21-gun salute is fired in honor of the reigning Grand Duke or the reigning Grand Duchess.

Grand Duke Henri and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and the Chief of Staff review the troops (2024); Credit – © House of the Grand Duke / Kary Barthelmey
At noon there is a military parade on Liberty Avenue. The Grand Duke, the Hereditary Grand Duke, and the Chief of Staff review the troops, who salute them in return with a resounding triple “Vive! Vive! Vive!” (Long Live! Long Live! Long Live!). Besides the Luxembourg Armed Forces, the Grand Ducal Police, the Customs and Excise Administration, the Prison Administration, the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps, the Luxembourg Red Cross, and the Grand Duke Adolphe Union march participate in the parade.

The Grand Ducal Family attending the Te Deum (2024); Credit – Credit – © House of the Grand Duke / Kary Barthelmey
In the afternoon, the Te Deum, a religious service of blessing and thanks, is held at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
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Works Cited
- Autoren der Wikimedia-Projekte. (2005, September 6). Lëtzebuerger Nationalfeierdag.; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
- Luxemburgischer Nationalfeiertag. (2024). Wikipedia.
- News | Cour grand-ducale. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2024, from
- The National Day: Celebrations of the Grand Duke’s birthday | Cour grand-ducale. (n.d.).
- Wikipedia Contributors. (2020). Grand Duke’s Official Birthday. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.