On October 22, 2019, the Enthronement Ceremony (Sokui-Rei) of Emperor Naruhito of Japan will be held. This is the third of the four ceremonies traditionally held when a new emperor ascends the throne. Around 200 foreign heads of state and other dignitaries are expected to attend Emperor Naruhito’s Enthronement Ceremony.
Below is the information from our article Ceremonies: Abdication of Emperor Akihito and Accession and Enthronement of Emperor Naruhito involving the Enthronement Ceremony. For more information about the Imperial Family of Japan, see Unofficial Royalty: State of Japan Index.
October 22, 2019: Enthronement Ceremony (Sokui-Rei)
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Plans for the Enthronement Ceremony are expected to be similar to Emperor Akihito’s Enthronement Ceremony in 1990 which was televised. Heads of state from seventy countries and royalty from twenty countries attended the 1990 Enthronement Ceremony. Around 200 foreign heads of state and other dignitaries are expected to attend Emperor Naruhito’s Enthronement Ceremony.

The Takamikura used for the Enthronement Ceremony; Credit – Wikipedia
First, Emperor Naruhito will inform his ancestors that he has ascended the Chrysanthemum Throne. Next will come the actual enthronement. This will take place in an enclosure called the Takamikura which contains a simple chair. At the same time, Empress Masako will move to a separate enclosure beside her husband’s which also contains a simple chair where she will also be enthroned.
Emperor Naruhito will proceed to the simple chair and after being seated, two of the Three Sacred Treasures (the sword and the jewel) along with the Privy Seal of Japan and the Great Seal of Japan will be placed on stands next to him. A simple wooden scepter will then be presented to the Emperor.
The Emperor will face the Prime Minister who represents the people of Japan. The Emperor will announce his accession to the throne and call upon the Japanese people to assist him in attaining all of his aspirations. The Prime Minister will reply promising fidelity and devotion. This will be followed by three cheers of “Banzai!” from all present.