Catherine II (the Great), Empress of All Russia

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2018

Catherine II (the Great), Empress of All Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

Never destined at birth to be a monarch or even married to a monarch, Princess Sophie Auguste Friederike of Anhalt-Zerbst achieved both. She was born on May 2, 1729 (New Style), in Stettin, Pomerania, Kingdom of Prussia (now Szczecin, Poland) where her father, a general in the Prussian Army, served as Governor of the city of Stettin. Sophie’s father was Prince Christian August, who reigned the Principality of Anhalt-Dornburg (now in Germany) jointly with his four brothers from 1704 – 1742. In 1742, Christian August and his surviving brother Johann Ludwig inherited the Principality of Anhalt-Zerbst upon the death of a childless cousin. Today, the territories of both principalities are located in the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Sophie’s father, Christian August, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst; Credit – Wikipedia

Sophie’s mother was Princess Johanna Elisabeth of Holstein-Gottorp, a daughter of Christian August of Holstein-Gottorp, Prince of Eutin. Even before Sophie’s birth, there already was a connection between the House of Holstein-Gottorp and the House of Romanov. Prior to his death in 1725, Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia had arranged the betrothal of his daughters, his only surviving children, Anna Petrovna and Elizabeth Petrovna to two cousins from the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp.  Anna Petrovna married Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp in 1725. Three years later, Anna Petrovna died as a result of childbirth complications shortly after the birth of her only child Carl Peter Ulrich, the future Peter III, Emperor of All Russia, who would marry his second cousin Sophie Auguste Friederike of Anhalt-Zerbst. Elizabeth Petrovna, the future Elizabeth I, Empress of All Russia, was due to marry Karl August of Holstein-Gottorp, the brother of Sophie’s mother Johanna Elisabeth, but he died before the wedding could be held.

Johanna of Holstein-Gottorp, Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst; Credit – Wikipedia

Sophie was the eldest of her parents’ five children and had four younger siblings but only one survived childhood:

Sophie’s governess Elizabeth Cardel, a French Huguenot known as Babet, oversaw her education. Babet instilled in Sophie a lifelong love of the French language and gave her encouragement and affection. Sophie’s fervent Lutheran father chose a strict Lutheran army chaplain, Pastor Wagner, to serve as his daughter’s teacher in religion, geography, and history. When Sophie was eight-years-old, her mother began taking her along on her travels to let the other minor German royalty know there was another princess available for marriage.

In 1739, Johanna’s brother Adolf Friedrich (the future King Adolf Frederik of Sweden) was appointed the guardian to the new Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, eleven-year-old Carl Peter Ulrich, Sophie’s future husband. As the mother of an eligible daughter and with her brother as guardian of a potential groom, Johanna took Sophie on a visit to see the new Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. Even at ten-years-old, Sophie knew that her mother and her aunts were whispering about a potential marriage between the two second cousins. In 1742, 14-year old Carl Peter Ulrich’s life dramatically changed when his unmarried maternal aunt Elizabeth I, Empress of All Russia, the surviving daughter of Peter I (the Great) Emperor of All Russia and the younger sister of Carl Peter Ulrich’s deceased mother Anna Petrovna, declared him her heir and brought him to St. Petersburg, Russia. Later that year, Carl Peter Ulrich Peter converted from Lutheranism to Russian Orthodoxy, was given the name Peter Feodorovich, the title Grand Duke and officially named the heir to the Russian throne.

A young Catherine shortly after arriving in Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

It was important to Empress Elizabeth that Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich, the grandson of Peter the Great, marry so that the Romanov dynasty could be continued. Whether it was a coincidence or a remembrance that she would have married Sophie’s uncle if he had not died, Empress Elizabeth picked Sophie to marry her nephew. On New Year’s Day of 1744, Sophie received an invitation to come to Moscow. Sophie was accompanied by her mother and the two immediately their journey began from Zerbst to Russia via Berlin, where they visited Friedrich II (the Great) King of Prussia, to Riga, Tallinn, Saint Petersburg, and finally to Moscow, where they arrived in February 1744.

Sophie wanted to become fully acquainted with Russia which she considered her new homeland and so she immediately began to study the Russian language, history and customs, and the Russian Orthodox religion. Among her teachers were Archbishop Simeon Feodorovich Theodorsky, a famous theologian, translator, and teacher, who instructed her in the Russian Orthodox religion and Vasily Evdokimovich Adadurov, the author of the first Russian grammar book, who instructed her in the Russian language.

Sophie’s interest and studies in things Russian greatly pleased Empress Elizabeth. She often studied at night, sitting at an open window in the frosty air. Soon she fell ill with a serious upper respiratory illness and her condition became so serious that her mother suggested bringing a Lutheran pastor. Sophie, however, refused the Lutheran pastor and instead sent for her religious instructor Archbishop Simeon Feodorovich Theodorsky. This incident greatly added to her popularity at the Russian court. On June 28, 1744, Sophie formally converted to Russian Orthodoxy and received the name Ekaterina (Catherine) Alexeievna, the same name and patronymic as Empress Elizabeth’s mother Catherine I, Empress of All Russia. The next day Catherine was formally betrothed to Peter.

Peter and Catherine; Credit – Wikipedia

Catherine and Peter were married on August 21, 1745, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan in St. Petersburg. A magnificent wedding banquet and ball were held at the Winter Palace. Later in the evening, Catherine and Peter were taken to their bedchamber and put to bed. The marriage was not consummated that night and many historians doubt that the marriage was ever consummated.

Peter and Catherine’s marriage was not happy but Catherine did have one son, the future Emperor Paul, and one daughter Anna Petrovna, who died in early childhood. Both children were taken by Empress Elizabeth to her apartments immediately after their births to be raised by her. Peter took Elizabeth Romanovna Vorontsova as his mistress and Catherine had affairs. Later Catherine claimed that her son and successor Paul was not the son of Peter and that they had never consummated their marriage.  It is quite possible that Paul’s father was Sergei Vasilievich Saltykov, and, if this is true, then all subsequent Romanovs were not genetically Romanovs.

Children born during the marriage of Peter and Catherine:

The future Paul I, Emperor of All Russia as a child; Credit – Wikipedia

After their wedding, Peter and Catherine were granted the possession of two palaces, Oranienbaum near St. Petersburg and Lyubertsy near Moscow. While Catherine reveled in all things Russian, Peter did not. Peter’s tutors had considered him capable but lazy and never had much success with him. Peter never attempted to gain more knowledge about Russia, its people, and its history. He neglected Russian customs, behaved inappropriately during church services, and did not observe fasts and other rites. He spoke Russian poorly and infrequently. Empress Elizabeth did not allow Peter to participate in government affairs. Peter openly criticized the activities of the government, and during the Seven Years’ War publicly expressed sympathy for Friedrich II (the Great), King of Prussia.

Catherine and Peter’s palace at Oranienbaum; Photo Credit – Автор: IzoeKriv – собственная работа, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Meanwhile, Catherine became friends with Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova, the sister of Peter’s mistress, who introduced Catherine to several powerful political groups that opposed her husband Peter. Peter’s temperament became quite unbearable for those who resided in the palace. Catherine spent much time in her private boudoir to hide away from Peter’s abrasive personality.

Empress Elizabeth was often ill and was reluctant to show herself in public because of her ill health. In 1757, she suffered a stroke at a well-attended church service, and then her health situation became well-known. A difficult problem for her was the succession. She was childless and the Romanov dynasty had been extinct in the male line since the death of Peter II in 1730. Elizabeth did not love her nephew Peter and his political views did not suit her because he was an admirer of her enemy Friedrich II (the Great), King of Prussia. The sicker Elizabeth became, the more the courtiers turned away from her and tried to please the heir to the throne.

Empress Elizabeth; Credit – Wikipedia

On January 3, 1762, Elizabeth had a massive stroke and the doctors agreed she would not recover. Peter, Catherine, and others close to her gathered around her bed in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Elizabeth, alert and clear-headed, showed no signs of wishing to change the succession. She asked Peter to look after little Paul, whom she dearly loved. Peter quickly promised to do so, knowing that Elizabeth could change the succession with a single word. On January 5, 1762, Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia died at the age of 52 and her nephew became Peter III, Emperor of All Russia and Catherine became the Empress Consort.

Catherine in mourning clothes at the coffin of Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

As the death of Empress Elizabeth was announced to the court, the room was filled with moans and weeping. Peter was unpopular and few were looking forward to his reign. Later that day, when high government officials and military officers gathered to take the oath of allegiance to the new emperor, Peter insisted they wear bright, colorful clothing. After the oath, Peter gave a gala banquet for over a hundred guests. During the religious ceremonies for the lying-in-state of the deceased empress, Peter, according to Princess Dashkova “made faces, acted the buffoon, and imitated poor old ladies.” Peter did little to win the support of Empress Elizabeth’s friends and courtiers.

Peter’s foreign policy also did little to win supporters. At the time of Elizabeth’s death, Russia was on the verge of defeating Prussia in the Seven Years’ War. Instead, because Friedrich II (the Great), King of Prussia was his idol, Peter withdrew Russian troops from Berlin and marched against the Austrians, Russia’s ally. As Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, Peter planned war against Denmark to restore parts of Schleswig to his Duchy. This war would not benefit Russia and even the Prussian king advised Peter against taking this action. The Danish war was planned for June but never happened.

The last straw for Peter may have been the way he treated the Russian army. Peter abolished “the guard within the guard”, a group within the Preobrazhensky Regiment, created by Empress Elizabeth as her personal guard in remembrance of their support in the coup which brought her to the throne. He replaced “the guard within the guard” with his own Holstein guard and often spoke about their superiority over the Russian army.

Meanwhile, Catherine’s position deteriorated along with the position of three groups – the clergy, senior statesmen, and the Imperial Guard, the Preobrazhensky Regiment. Peter began to think about divorcing Catherine and marrying his mistress. Wisely, Catherine quietly aligned herself with the three groups. She remained calm and dignified even when Peter grossly insulted her in public. The devotion of the Preobrazhensky Regiment to Catherine was never in doubt because her lover Grigory Orlov and his four brothers were all members of the Guard.

Alexei and Grigory Orlov in the 1770s; Credit – Wikipedia

A conspiracy to overthrow Peter was planned and centered around the five Orlov brothers. On July 9, 1762 (June 29 in Old Style, the feast day of St. Peter and Paul), at Peterhof Palace, a celebration on Peter’s name day was planned. It was no coincidence that the conspirators chose this time for their attack. The day before, Peter was to travel from Oranienbaum to Peterhof. The brothers Alexei Orlov and Grigory Orlov made preparations during the weeks before the planned celebration. With threats and bribes of vodka and money, the brothers set up the guards against Peter.

Peter was late leaving Oranienbaum due to a hangover and his daily habit of reviewing his Holstein troops. He was to meet Catherine at Peterhof but when he arrived, she was not there. Eventually, Peter and the few advisers he had with him began to suspect what was happening. Peter sent members of his entourage to St. Petersburg to find out what was happening but none returned. He learned that Catherine had proclaimed herself Empress and that senior government officials, the clergy, and all the Guards supported her. Peter ordered his Holstein guards to take up defensive positions at Peterhof. They did so but were afraid to tell Peter they had no cannonballs to fire. Peter thought about fleeing but was told there were no horses available because his entourage had all arrived in carriages. Learning that Catherine and the Guards were approaching Peterhof, Peter made a desperate decision to sail Kronstadt, a fortress on an island. Upon arrival, Peter was refused admittance because all those in the fortress had sworn allegiance to Catherine. Peter rejected the advice of his advisors to go to the Prussian army and returned to Oranienbaum.

Peter and his Holstein guards were behind the gates at Oranienbaum and Alexei Orlov and his men had surrounded Oranienbaum. Peter sent a message that he would renounce the throne if he, his mistress Elizabeth Romanovna Vorontsova,  and his favorite Russian general would be allowed to go to Holstein. Catherine sent Grigori Orlov with a Russian general to Oranienbaum insisting that Peter must write out a formal announcement of abdication in his handwriting. Orlov was to deal with the abdication and the general was to lure Peter out of Oranienbaum and back to Peterhof to prevent bloodshed. Orlov rode back to Peterhof with the signed abdication announcement and the general convinced Peter to go to Peterhof and beg Catherine for mercy. Upon arrival at Peterhof, Peter was arrested and taken by Alexei Orlov to Ropsha, a country estate outside of St. Petersburg.

Catherine II on a balcony of the Winter Palace on 28 June 1762, the day of the coup; Credit – Wikipedia

Catherine had to deal with the same dilemma that Empress Elizabeth had to deal with regarding Ivan VI who she had deposed – keeping a former emperor around was a threat to her throne. Catherine intended to send Peter to Shlisselburg Fortress where Ivan VI had been imprisoned for more than twenty years. However, Catherine did not have to live with a living deposed emperor for long. The true circumstances of Peter’s death at the age of 34 on July 17, 1762, are unclear. It is possible that Peter was murdered by Alexei Orlov. Another story is that Peter had been killed in a drunken brawl with one of his jailers. At the time, the official cause was “an acute attack of colic during one of his frequent bouts with hemorrhoids.” It is doubtful that Catherine played any role in Peter’s death. On July 19, 1762, Peter was buried without honors in the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg.

Catherine’s coronation portrait by Vigilius Erichsen, circa 1765; Credit – Wikipedia

Catherine II, Empress of All Russia crowned herself at the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin on September 22, 1762. The Imperial Crown of Russia was created for her coronation and was used at the coronation for each subsequent Romanov emperor. The crown survived the Russian Revolution and the Soviet regime and is now displayed in the Moscow Kremlin Armory Museum. A photo of a copy of the crown is below.

Photo Credit – By Shakko – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

During Catherine’s reign, Russia grew larger and stronger and was recognized as one of the great powers of Europe. The borders of the Russian Empire were significantly extended to the west and the south. Catherine reformed the government administration and many new cities and towns were founded on her orders. An admirer of Peter the Great, Catherine continued to modernize Russia along Western European lines. The economy continued depending on serfdom and the increasing demands of the state and private landowners led to increased reliance on serfs. This was one of the main reasons behind several rebellions during Catherine’s reign.

Russia finally became one of the great European cultural powers, promoted by Catherine herself. She was fond of literary activity, collecting masterpieces of painting and corresponding with French Enlightenment writers like Voltaire. The world-renowned Hermitage Museum, now occupying the whole Winter Palace, began as Catherine’s personal collection. The Smolny Institute, the first state-financed higher education institution for women in Europe, was established.

Prince Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin, Catherine’s great love; Credit – Wikipedia

Catherine never remarried and during her lifetime she had twelve lovers. After her disastrous marriage to her unbearable husband, Catherine wanted to love and be loved. Most long-term relationships ended after a few years. Only a few of her lovers were allowed to interfere in governmental affairs, although the others often tried. None of her lovers were persecuted or punished after their affairs were over. On the contrary, most of them received generous gifts from Catherine. Catherine gave birth to at least three children (listed above) and to a possible four others.

Catherine’s twelve lovers:

  • Count Sergei Vasilievich Saltykov was Catherine’s first lover and probably the father of her son Paul.  Their affair lasted from 1752 – 1754 while Catherine was still a Grand Duchess.
  • Stanisław August Poniatowski became King of Poland through Catherine’s support. He was probably the father of her daughter Anna. Catherine’s affair with Poniatowski was from 1755 – 1757 while she was still a Grand Duchess.
  • Count Grigory Grigoryevich Orlov was, along with his brother Alexei, instrumental in the fall of Catherine’s husband. He gave Catherine the famous Orlov Diamond which was used in the scepter of the Romanov rulers and was the father of at least one of Catherine’s children, Alexei Grigorievich Bobrinsky. Catherine and Orlov had a long-time relationship from 1759 – 1774, spanning the time Catherine was a Grand Duchess and Empress.
  • Alexander Semyonovich Vasilchikov had a short relationship with Catherine from 1772 – 1774. After the affair, Vasilichikov said that he felt that he was treated like a male prostitute. Despite how he felt, he was given a substantial sum of money and several properties.
  • Prince Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin had a career in the civil service, was a member of the Imperial Council and president of the War College. Potemkin built the Black Sea Fleet and founded the cities of Sevastopol and Kherson. He is considered Catherine’s great love and the two could have secretly married.  After a period of exclusivity, Grigory and Catherine worked out a new relationship that preserved their affection toward each other and their political collaborations but allowed each of them to choose other sexual partners. Their relationship lasted from 1774 until Potemkin’s death in 1791.
  • Peter Vasilievich Zavadovsky was one of a series of short-term lovers Catherine had during the period she was still involved with Potemkin. He was Catherine’s lover from 1776-1777.  Zavadovsky was jealous and demanded that Catherine give him exclusive intimacy. Potemkin, who had initially approved of Zavadovsky, asked for his removal. To make his point, he stayed away from Catherine’s birthday celebrations. Eventually, Potemkin got his way. In the summer of 1777, Zavadovsky was asked to leave the palace.
  • Semyon Gavrilovich Zorich was introduced into the Russian court by Grigory Potemkin as a foil against Peter Zavadovsky. Zorich was another short-term lover from 1777 – 1778.
  • Ivan Nikolaevich Rimsky-Korsakov was another short-term lover (1778 – 1779) introduced to Catherine by Potemkin  In 1779, Catherine caught him being unfaithful with one of her ladies-in-waiting. Rimsky-Korsakov and the lady-in-waiting both lost their places at court.
  • Alexander Dmitrievich Lanskoy was an aide-de-camp of Grigory Potemkin in 1779 and was introduced by Potemkin to Catherine in 1780.  Lanskoy’s relationship with Catherine lasted until his death from diphtheria in 1784.
  • Alexander Petrovich Yermolov was Catherine’s lover from 1785 – 1786. He was also introduced by Grigory Potemkin. Yermolov lost his position after unsuccessfully collaborating with enemies of Potemkin to have him removed.
  • Count Alexander Matveyevich Dmitriev-Mamonov was Catherine’s lover from 1786 to 1789. Potemkin introduced Dmitriev-Mamonov to Catherine, hoping that he would care for her during his frequent absences due to government business. Dmitriev-Mamonov fell out of favor when he began an affair with a sixteen-year-old lady-in-waiting but Catherine treated him kindly until her death.
  • Prince Platon Alexandrovich Zubov was Catharine’s last lover and the most powerful man in Russia during the last years of her reign. He was only 29-years-old at the time of Catherine’s death, 38 years younger than her. Their relationship lasted from 1789 until Catherine’s death in 1796.

Catherine and her son and heir, the future Paul I, maintained a distant relationship throughout her reign. Paul had been taken by his great-aunt Empress Elizabeth and raised under her supervision. Even after the death of Empress Elizabeth, Paul’s relationship with Catherine hardly improved. Paul’s early isolation from his mother created a distance between them which later events would reinforce. She never considered inviting him to share her power in governing Russia. Once Paul’s son Alexander (the future Alexander I, Emperor of All Russia) was born, it appeared that Catherine had found a more suitable heir. It is possible that Catherine intended to bypass Paul and name her grandson Alexander as her successor.

Catherine II; Credit – Wikipedia

On November 4, 1796, Catherine attended an evening assembly but left early because she felt slightly ill. The next day she seemed better and met with some of her counselors and her lover Zubov. She excused herself to use the toilet in her dressing room. When she did not return, her valet went to check on her and found her unconscious on the floor. Her face appeared purplish, her pulse was weak, and her breathing was shallow and labored. The court physician determined that Catherine had suffered a stroke. Despite all attempts to revive her, she fell into a coma from which she never recovered. Catherine II (the Great), Empress of All Russia died on November 6, 1796, at the age of 67 and after a reign of 34 years.

Immediately after the death of Catherine II, on the orders of her son and successor Paul I, Emperor of All Russia, the remains of Catherine’s husband, the deposed and murdered Peter III, Emperor of All Russia, were transferred first to the Grand Church of the Winter Palace and then to the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the burial site of the Romanovs. 60-year-old Alexei Orlov, who had played a role in deposing Peter III, was made to walk in the funeral procession, holding the Imperial Crown as he walked in front of the coffin. Peter III was reburied in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg at the same time as the burial of his wife Catherine II. Peter III had never been crowned so at the time of his reburial, Paul I personally performed the coronation ritual on Peter III’s remains. Ironically, Paul I, Emperor of All Russia suffered a fate similar to Peter III. Paul’s reign lasted five years, ending with his assassination by conspirators.

In 1767, five years after she came to the throne, the Legislative Assembly voted to name her Catherine the Great but she refused. Later in her reign, when she was again called Catherine the Great, she replied, “I beg you no longer to call me Catherine the Great because my name is Catherine II.” After her death, Russians began speaking of her as Catherine the Great and we still call her that today.

After the death of her lover Prince Grigory Potemkin in 1791, Catherine wrote the following idealized and modest epitaph for herself:


  • Born in Stettin on April 21, 1729.
  • In the year 1744, she went to Russia to marry Peter III. At the age of fourteen, she made the threefold resolution to please her husband, Elizabeth, and the nation. She neglected nothing in trying to achieve this. Eighteen years of boredom and loneliness gave her the opportunity to read many books.
  • When she came to the throne of Russia she wished to do what was good for her country and tried to bring happiness, liberty, and prosperity to her subjects.
  • She forgave easily and hated no one. She was good-natured, easy-going, tolerant, understanding, and of a happy disposition. She had a republican spirit and a kind heart.
  • She was sociable by nature.
  • She had many friends.
  • She took pleasure in her work.
  • She loved the arts.

The tombs of Catherine II and Peter III (back row) at the Peter and Paul Cathedral; Photo Credit – Автор: Deror avi – собственная работа, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Works Cited

  • (2018). Catherine the Great. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jan. 2018].
  • (2018). Catherine II. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jan. 2018].
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. (1981). The Romanovs: Autocrats of  All the Russias. New York, NY.: Doubleday
  • Massie, R. (2016). Catherine the Great. London: Head of Zeus.
  • (2018). Екатерина II. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jan. 2018].

Peter III, Emperor of All Russia

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2018

Peter III, Emperor of All Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

Peter III, Emperor of All Russia (Pyotr Feodorovich) had the shortest reign of all the Romanov rulers – just six months. Originally Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp, he was born February 21, 1728, at Kiel Castle in Kiel, then in the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp, now in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. His father was Karl Friedrich, reigning Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. His mother was Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna of Russia, the elder of the two surviving daughters of Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia and his second wife, born Marta Helena Skowrońska, the daughter of an ethnic Polish peasant, renamed Catherine (Ekaterina) Alexeievna, and later the successor to her husband Peter the Great as Catherine I, Empress of All Russia. Peter was his parents’ only child. His mother died at the age of 20, three months after his birth.

Peter’s parents; Credit – Wikipedia

Peter’s father never married again and his son was left in the care of the Holstein household guards who put sergeant’s stripes on Peter’s sleeve and let him drill with them. Peter lacked a serious education and any training in governing. Knowing nothing else but what the guards taught him, Peter became passionate about military drilling. In 1739, Peter’s father died, and at the age of eleven, he became Duke of Holstein-Gottorp.

Peter as Duke of Holstein-Gottorp; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1742, Peter’s life dramatically changed when his unmarried maternal aunt, his mother’s younger sister, Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia, declared him her heir and brought him to St. Petersburg, Russia. His arrival in Russia was of great interest to the nobility who were anxious to see the grandson of Peter the Great. However, Jacob von Stäehlin who had been appointed to be his tutor noted that Peter appeared very pale, weak, and skinny. His aunt Elizabeth had a similar reaction – she was struck by his ignorance, his skinny, sickly appearance, and his unhealthy complexion.

Within weeks of his arrival in St. Petersburg, Peter traveled with Empress Elizabeth to Moscow for her coronation. He was in a specially arranged place of honor near Empress Elizabeth during her coronation at the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin on May 6, 1742. After the coronation, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky Guards and colonel of the First Life Guards Regiment. Every day, he dressed in the uniform of the Preobrazhensky Guards and received monthly reports regarding the two regiments.

Peter’s Preobrazhensky Guards uniform in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg; Photo Credit – Автор: shakko – собственная работа, CC BY-SA 3.0,

His tutor Jacob von Stäehlin, who considered Peter capable but lazy, was not having much success with his pupil. It appeared to his tutor that Peter had not been taught anything in Holstein except some French which greatly surprised and concerned Empress Elizabeth. Stäehlin simplified instruction for Peter using books with pictures, mathematical models, and coins and medals when teaching Peter Russian history. Twice a week, Stäehlin read newspapers to Peter and explained the history of European states while showing him their location on a globe. Peter often could not sit still and when he walked back and forth around the room, Stäehlin joined him and attempted to occupy him with a useful conversation. Peter much preferred playing with tin soldiers, hunting, and playing the violin.

Peter’s aunt, Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

Isaak Pavlovich Veselovsky, a diplomat who had taught Elizabeth and Peter’s mother French, was charged with teaching Peter the Russian language. Peter was instructed in the Russian Orthodox religion by Archbishop Simeon Feodorovich Theodorsky. On November 17, 1742, Peter converted from Lutheranism to Russian Orthodoxy, was given the name Peter Feodorovich, the title Grand Duke, and was officially named the heir to the Russian throne.

In 1743, Jacob von Stäehlin had more success with Peter’s education. By the end of the year, Peter knew the main points of Russian history and geography and knew all the Russian rulers from Rurik who ruled in the 800s to Peter the Great. Once at the dinner table, Peter corrected a Russian Field Marshal during a discussion concerning ancient Russian history. Empress Elizabeth cried with joy and on the next day gave orders to officially thank Peter’s tutor Jacob von Stäehlin.

It was important to Empress Elizabeth that Peter marry so that the Romanov dynasty would be continued. Elizabeth arranged for Peter to marry his second cousin, Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst (later Catherine II the Great), daughter of Christian August, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst and Johanna Elisabeth of Holstein-Gottorp. Sophie converted to Russian Orthodoxy, took the name Ekaterina (Catherine) Alexeievna, and married Peter on August 21, 1745, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan in St. Petersburg.

Peter and Catherine; Credit – Wikipedia

After their wedding, Peter and Catherine were granted the possession of two palaces, Oranienbaum near St. Petersburg and Lyubertsy near Moscow. Jacob von Stäehlin was dismissed from his duties as tutor and Peter’s education was entrusted to the Russian General, Prince Vassili Anikititch Repnin. Peter was able to influence Repnin to ignore anything educational so that Peter could continuously engage in military games and drilling. Empress Elizabeth was much displeased with this and replaced Repnin with Nikolai Naumovich Choglokov who kept much better, but not complete, control of Peter.

Peter’s palace at Oranienbaum; Photo Credit – Автор: IzoeKriv – собственная работа, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Peter and Catherine’s marriage was not happy but Catherine gave birth to one son, the future Emperor Paul, and one daughter Anna Petrovna, who died in early childhood. Both children were taken by Empress Elizabeth to her apartments immediately after their births to be raised by her. Peter took Elizabeth Romanovna Vorontsova as his mistress and Catherine had affairs with Sergei Saltykov, Grigory Orlov, Alexander Vasilchikov, Grigory Potemkin, and Stanisław August Poniatowski. Later, Catherine claimed that Peter was not the father of her son and successor Paul, and that they had never consummated their marriage.

Children born during the marriage of Peter and Catherine:

The future Paul I, Emperor of All Russia as a child; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1754, General Christian von Brockdorff arrived from Holstein (Peter was still Duke of Holstein-Gottorp) and became the Chamberlain of Peter’s court at Oranienbaum Palace. Brockdorff encouraged Peter’s militaristic habits and his communication with Friedrich II (the Great), King of Prussia. Soon after Brockdorff’s arrival, a detachment of Holstein soldiers arrived. By 1758, the number of Holstein soldiers had risen to about 1,500. Peter and Brockdorff spent most of their time with the Holstein soldiers doing military exercises and maneuvers. Peter had a fortress built for his Holstein troops at Oranienbaum called Peterstadt Fortress.

Peterstadt Fortress, Peter’s pink palace can be seen on the right – Credit – Автор: Chezenatiko – собственная работа, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Peter never attempted to gain more knowledge about Russia, its people, and its history. He neglected Russian customs, behaved inappropriately during church services, and did not observe fasts and other rites. He spoke Russian poorly and infrequently. Empress Elizabeth did not allow Peter to participate in government affairs. Peter openly criticized the activities of the government, and during the Seven Years’ War publicly expressed sympathy for Friedrich II (the Great), King of Prussia.

Meanwhile, Peter’s wife Catherine became friends with Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova, the sister of Peter’s mistress, who introduced Catherine to several powerful political groups that opposed her husband Peter. Peter’s temperament became quite unbearable for those who resided in the palace. Catherine spent much time in her own private boudoir to hide away from Peter’s abrasive personality.

Catherine’s friend, Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova; Credit – Wikipedia

Empress Elizabeth was often ill and reluctant to show herself in public because of her ill health. In 1757, she suffered a stroke at a well-attended church service, and then her health situation became well-known. A particularly difficult problem for her was the succession. She was childless and the Romanov dynasty had been extinct in the male line since the death of Peter II in 1730. Elizabeth did not love her nephew Peter and his political views did not suit her because he admired her enemy Friedrich II (the Great), King of Prussia. The sicker Elizabeth became, the more the courtiers turned away from her and tried to please the heir to the throne.

On January 3, 1762, Elizabeth had a massive stroke and the doctors agreed she would not recover. Peter, Catherine, and others close to her gathered around her bed in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Elizabeth, alert and clear-headed, showed no signs of wishing to change the succession. She asked Peter to look after little Paul, who she dearly loved. Peter quickly promised to do so, knowing that Elizabeth could change the succession with a single word. On January 5, 1762, Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia died at the age of 52 and her nephew became Peter III, Emperor of All Russia.

Catherine in mourning clothes at the coffin of Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

As the death of Empress Elizabeth was announced to the court, the room was filled with moans and weeping. Peter was unpopular and few were looking forward to his reign. Later that day, when high government officials and military officers gathered to take the oath of allegiance to the new emperor, Peter insisted that they wear bright colorful clothing. After the oath, Peter gave a gala banquet for over a hundred guests. During the religious ceremonies for the lying-in-state of the deceased empress, Peter, according to Princess Dashkova “made faces, acted the buffoon and imitated poor old ladies.” Peter did little to win the support of Empress Elizabeth’s friends and courtiers.

Peter’s foreign policy also did little to win supporters. At the time of Elizabeth’s death, Russia was on the verge of defeating Prussia in the Seven Years’ War. Instead, because Friedrich I (the Great), King of Prussia was his idol, Peter withdrew Russian troops from Berlin and marched against the Austrians, Russia’s ally. As Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, Peter planned war against Denmark to restore parts of Schleswig to his Duchy. This war would bring no benefit to Russia and even the Prussian king advised Peter against taking this action. The Danish war was planned for June but never happened.

The last straw for Peter may have been how he treated the Russian army. Peter abolished “the guard within the guard”, a group within the Preobrazhensky Regiment, created by Empress Elizabeth as her personal guard in remembrance of their support in the coup which brought her to the throne. He replaced “the guard within the guard” with his own Holstein guard and often spoke about their superiority over the Russian army.

Meanwhile, Catherine’s position deteriorated along with the position of three groups – the clergy, senior statesmen, and the Imperial Guard, the Preobrazhensky Regiment. Peter began to think about divorcing Catherine and marrying his mistress. Wisely, Catherine quietly aligned herself with the three groups. She remained calm and dignified even when Peter grossly insulted her in public. The devotion of the Preobrazhensky Regiment to Catherine was never in doubt because her lover Grigory Orlov and his four brothers were all members of the Guard.

Alexei and Grigory Orlov in the 1770s; Credit – Wikipedia

A conspiracy to overthrow Peter was planned and centered around the five Orlov brothers. On July 9, 1762 (June 29 in Old Style, the feast day of St. Peter and Paul), at Peterhof, a celebration of Peter’s name day was planned. It was no coincidence that the conspirators chose this time for their attack. The day before, Peter was to travel from Oranienbaum to Peterhof. The brothers Alexei Orlov and Grigory Orlov made preparations during the weeks before the planned celebration. With threats and bribes of vodka and money, the brothers set up the guards against Peter.

Peter was late leaving Oranienbaum due to a hangover and his daily habit of reviewing his Holstein troops. He was to meet Catherine at Peterhof but she was not there when he arrived. Eventually, Peter and the few advisers he had with him began to suspect what was happening. Peter sent members of his entourage to St. Petersburg to find out what was happening but none returned. Eventually, he learned that Catherine had proclaimed herself Empress and that senior government officials, the clergy, and all the Guards supported her. Peter ordered his Holstein guards to take up defensive positions at Peterhof. They did so but were afraid to tell Peter they had no cannonballs to fire. Peter thought about fleeing but was told no horses were available because his entourage had all arrived in carriages. Learning that Catherine and the Guards were approaching Peterhof, Peter made a desperate decision to sail Kronstadt, a fortress on an island. Upon arrival, Peter was refused admittance because all those in the fortress had sworn allegiance to Catherine. Peter rejected the advice of his advisors to go to the Prussian army and returned to Oranienbaum.

Peter and his Holstein guards were behind the gates at Oranienbaum and Alexei Orlov and his men had surrounded Oranienbaum. Peter sent a message that he would renounce the throne if he, his mistress Elizabeth Romanovna Vorontsova,  and his favorite Russian general would be allowed to go to Holstein. Catherine sent Grigori Orlov and a Russian general to Oranienbaum insisting that Peter write a formal announcement of abdication in his own handwriting. Orlov was to deal with the abdication and the general was to lure Peter out of Oranienbaum and back to Peterhof to prevent any bloodshed. Orlov rode back to Peterhof with the signed abdication announcement and the general convinced Peter to go to Peterhof and beg Catherine for mercy. Upon arrival at Peterhof, Peter was arrested and taken by Alexei Orlov to Ropsha, a country estate outside of St. Petersburg.

Catherine had to deal with the same dilemma that Empress Elizabeth had to deal with regarding Ivan VI who she had deposed – keeping a former emperor around was a threat to her throne. Catherine intended to send Peter to Shlisselburg Fortress where Ivan VI had been imprisoned for more than twenty years. However, Catherine did not have to live with a living deposed emperor for long. The true circumstances of Peter’s death at the age of 34 on July 17, 1762, are unclear. It is possible that Peter was murdered by Alexei Orlov. Another story is that Peter had been killed in a drunken brawl with one of his jailers. At the time, the official cause was “an acute attack of colic during one of his frequent bouts with hemorrhoids.” It is doubtful that Catherine played any role in Peter’s death.

On July 19, 1762, Peter was buried without honors in the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg. In 1796, immediately after the death of Catherine II, on the orders of her son and successor Paul I, Peter’s remains were transferred first to the Grand Church of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia, and then to the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the burial site of the Romanovs. 60-year-old Alexei Orlov was made to walk in the funeral cortege, holding the Imperial Crown as he walked in front of the coffin. Peter III was reburied in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg at the same time as the burial of his wife Catherine II. Peter III had never been crowned so at the time of his reburial, Paul I personally performed the ritual of coronation of his father’s remains.

The tombs of Catherine II and Peter III (back row) at the Peter and Paul Cathedral; Photo Credit – Автор: Deror avi – собственная работа, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Works Cited

  • (2018). Peter III. (Russland). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018].
  • (2018). Peter III of Russia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018].
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. (1981). The Romanovs: Autocrats of  All the Russias. New York, NY.: Doubleday
  • Massie, R. (2016). Catherine the Great. London: Head of Zeus.
  • (2018). Пётр III. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018].

Elizabeth I, Empress of All Russia

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2018

Credit – Wikipedia

Elizabeth I, Empress of All Russia (Elizaveta Petrovna) was the only one of Peter the Great’s fifteen children to reign over Russia. Born on December 29, 1709, at Kolomenskoye near Moscow, Russia, she was the third daughter and the fifth of the twelve children of Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia and his second wife Catherine (Ekaterina) Alexeievna, born Marta Helena Skowrońska, the daughter of an ethnic Polish peasant, later Catherine I, Empress of All Russia.

Peter the Great and Catherine I’s daughters Anna and Elizabeth; Credit – Wikipedia

Elizabeth had eleven siblings, all of whom died in childhood except Anna:

  • Pyotr Petrovich born 1704, died in infancy
  • Pavel Petrovich born 1705, died in infancy
  • Catherine Petrovna (1706 – 1708)
  • Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna (1708 – 1728), married Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, had one son Carl Peter Ulrich, the future Peter III, Emperor of All Russia, Anna died of childbirth complications
  • Maria Petrovna of Russia (1713–1715)
  • Margarita Petrovna (1714 – 1715)
  • Pyotr Petrovich (1715 – 1719)
  • Pavel Petrovich (born and died 1717)
  • Grand Duchess Natalia Petrovna (1718 – 1725), died from the measles a month after her father’s death
  • Pyotr Petrovich (born and died 1723)
  • Pavel Petrovich (born and died 1724)

Elizabeth had two half-siblings from Peter the Great’s first marriage to Eudoxia Feodorovna Lopukhina:

Although no official record exists, Elizabeth’s parents, Peter the Great and Catherine, secretly married between October 23 and December 1, 1707, in St. Petersburg. They married officially on February 19, 1712, at St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia. Their daughters Anna and Elizabeth were the bridal attendants and were legitimized on the same day as the wedding.

Elizabeth Petrovna, 1712 – 1713; Credit – Wikipedia

Elizabeth’s early years were spent at her birthplace, Kolomenskoye near Moscow. Her parents were mostly absent, so Elizabeth and her older sister Anna were under the care of Russian and Finnish nannies. Later, Anna, Elizabeth, and their younger sister Natalia were placed in the household of Praskovia Feodorovna Saltykova, the widow of Ivan V, Tsar of All Russia (older half-brother of Peter) and the mother of Anna I, Empress of All Russia. While living in the household of Praskovia Feodorovna, Elizabeth developed the strict fasting, constant prayer, and pilgrimages which became part of her normal routine.

When she was eight years old, Elizabeth’s formal education started. Peter the Great employed foreign tutors to teach his children but Elizabeth and her two sisters remained highly uneducated, mainly learning foreign languages in order to be prepared for life at a foreign court. The idea of a Russian-French marriage for one of his daughters first came to Peter the Great when he visited Paris in 1717.  In 1721, negotiations began for a marriage between the future King Louis XV of France and Elizabeth. However, the marriage negotiations were unsuccessful because of religious issues, Elizabeth’s birth before her parents’ marriage, and her mother’s humble origin.

Elizabeth Petrovna in the 1720s; Credit – Wikipedia

On February 8, 1725, Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia died at the age of 52 without naming a successor. A coup arranged by Peter’s best friend Prince Alexander Menshikov proclaimed Elizabeth’s mother Catherine the ruler of Russia. During the two-year-reign of Catherine I, Empress of All Russia, the real power was held by Menshikov and members of the Supreme Privy Council.

Prior to his death, Peter had arranged, in 1724, the betrothal of his daughters Anna and Elizabeth to two cousins from the German Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp. Anna Petrovna married Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp on May 21, 1725, at Trinity Cathedral in St Petersburg, Russia. Three years later, Anna would die as a result of childbirth complications giving birth to her only son Carl Peter Ulrich, the future Peter III, Emperor of All Russia.

Elizabeth was due to marry Karl Friedrich’s first cousin Karl August of Holstein-Gottorp but he died on May 31, 1727, before the wedding could be held. Tragically, Elizabeth’s mother Catherine I, Empress of All Russia had died on May 17, 1727, at the age of 43, just two weeks before Elizabeth’s fiancé died. Catherine I had named Peter Alexeievich, the only grandson of Peter the Great and the son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, as her heir. In 1718, Alexei Petrovich, who was the heir to the Russian throne, was suspected of plotting to overthrow his father Peter the Great. Alexei was tried, confessed under torture, convicted, and sentenced to be executed. The sentence could be carried out only with the emperor’s signed authorization, but Alexei died in prison because his father hesitated in making the decision. Alexei’s death most likely resulted from injuries suffered during his torture.

The eleven-year-old Peter Alexeievich succeeded to the throne as Peter II, Emperor of All Russia. Two and a half years later, Peter II died from smallpox. After the death of Peter II, there were five possible candidates for the throne, four adult females and one two-year-old male: the three surviving daughters of Peter the Great’s half-brother Ivan V who were all in their 30s: Ekaterina IvanovnaAnna Ivanovna, and Praskovia Ivanovna, the only surviving child of Peter the Great and Catherine I: 20-year-old Elizabeth Petrovna, and Peter the Great’s grandson: two-year-old Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp, son of Anna Petrovna, who died due to childbirth complications. The Supreme Privy Council selected Anna Ivanovna, the daughter of Ivan V, to be the new Empress of All Russia.

Empress Anna had been married in 1710, was widowed in 1711, and had not married again. Elizabeth’s marriage prospects had dried up. There was no love lost between the cousins Elizabeth Petrovna and Empress Anna. Five years into her reign, Empress Anna announced that the throne would be inherited in the male line of her niece, born Elisabeth of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, the daughter of Empress Anna’s sister Ekaterina Ivanovna and Karl Leopold, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. This was an attempt to secure the future of the Russian throne for the descendants of Ivan V, Tsar of All Russia instead of the descendants of his half-brother Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia – namely Elizabeth Petrovna and her nephew Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp, her sister’s son.

The German-born granddaughter of Ivan V, Tsar of All Russia, Elisabeth of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, converted to Russian Orthodoxy and was given the title and name Grand Duchess Anna Leopoldovna. In 1739, Anna Leopoldovna married Anton Ulrich of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and the next year, the couple had a son, Ivan Antonovich. Empress Anna adopted the infant Ivan Antonovich and proclaimed him heir to the Russian throne. Within several weeks, Empress Anna was dead at the age of 48 and Russia had an infant ruler, Ivan VI, Emperor of All Russia.

During the ten-year reign of her cousin Anna, Elizabeth had been gathering support in the background. After the infant Ivan became Emperor, a conspiracy soon arose with the aim of obtaining the Russian throne for Elizabeth Petrovna, the only surviving child of Peter the Great. A coup took place during the night of December 5-6, 1741 with financial support from France and military support from the Preobrazhensky Regiment. Elizabeth Petrovna arrived at the regiment’s headquarters wearing armor over her dress asking, “Who do you want to serve, me, your natural sovereign, or those who have stolen my inheritance?” The Preobrazhensky Regiment marched to the Winter Palace and arrested the infant Emperor Ivan VI and his parents. It was a daring coup and succeeded without bloodshed. The new 32-year-old Empress of All Russia, Elizabeth Petrovna, vowed that she would not sign a single death sentence, a promise which she kept throughout her 20-year-reign.

The Preobrazhensky Regiment soldiers proclaim Elizabeth the Empress of Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

Now that she had the throne, Elizabeth had a problem. A living Emperor, a great-grandson of her father’s half-brother Ivan V, and his mother, a granddaughter of Ivan V, remained in St. Petersburg. They were both threats to her throne. Even though 15-month-old Ivan did not know he had been Emperor, his image was on coins used throughout Russia and prayers had been said for him in all Russian churches. Elizabeth originally planned to send Ivan, his mother Anna Leopoldovna, his father Anton Ulrich, and his sister Catherine Antonovna somewhere in Europe so she sent them to Riga (now in Latvia) as the first stage of their journey. However, once the family arrived in Riga, Elizabeth had second thoughts – perhaps it would be a better idea to keep her young, dangerous prisoner under guard in Russia.

Ivan was separated forever from his parents and his sister and classified as a secret state prisoner. He spent the next 23 years imprisoned before being murdered during the reign of Catherine II (the Great). Ivan’s parents spent the rest of their lives imprisoned and with the exception of his sister Catherine, all of his other three siblings were born while their parents were imprisoned. His four siblings remained imprisoned until 1780 when, in their 30s, they were released into the custody of their maternal aunt Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Queen Dowager of Denmark.

Elizabeth’s coronation outfit on display at the Catherine Palace, Tsarskoye Selo; Credit – © Susan Flantzer

The coronation of Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia was held on May 6, 1742. At the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, Elizabeth crowned herself, which no Russian ruler had dared to do. On November 18, 1742, Empress Elizabeth named Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp, the 14-year-old son of her sister Anna Petrovna, her successor. Elizabeth’s nephew converted to Russian Orthodoxy and was given the name and title Grand Duke Peter Feodorovich. It was important to Elizabeth that Peter marry so that the Romanov dynasty could be continued. Elizabeth arranged for Peter to marry his second cousin, Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst, later Catherine II (the Great), Empress of All Russia. Sophie converted to Russian Orthodoxy, took the name Ekaterina (Catherine) Alexeievna, and married Peter on August 21, 1745. The marriage was not a happy one but Catherine did have one son, the future Paul, Emperor of All Russia, and one daughter Anna Petrovna who died in early childhood. Both children were taken by Empress Elizabeth to her apartments immediately after their births to be raised by her. Catherine took numerous lovers as did Peter. She later claimed that Paul was not fathered by Peter and that they had never consummated the marriage.

Peter and Catherine; Credit – Wikipedia

Elizabeth’s first concern was to address the Russo-Swedish War.  The Treaty of Åbo was negotiated in August 1743. Sweden had to relinquish a few smaller territories to Russia and Russia agreed to evacuate its army from Finland on the condition that Adolf Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp – the uncle of Elizabeth’s heir apparent and the brother of her dead fiancé – was named as the heir to the throne of Sweden. However, relatively soon after her rise to power, Elisabeth lost interest in government business and often left the affairs of government to her advisers.

Alexei Grigorievich Razumovsky; Credit – Wikipedia

Empress Elizabeth never married but she did have a long-term relationship with and was possibly morganatically married to Alexei Grigorievich Razumovsky, born Alexei Rozum to a Ukrainian-born Cossack. Originally a shepherd, Razumovsky had a beautiful voice and sang in the choir at the village church. In 1731, one of Empress Anna’s courtiers passed through Razumovsky’s village, heard him sing, and brought him back to St. Petersburg where he was renamed Alexei Grigoriev and joined the choir at the palace chapel. He eventually became Elizabeth’s favorite and played a role in the coup deposing Ivan VI. After the coup, Razumovsky was appointed as Chamberlain with the rank of Lieutenant-General. In 1744, Razumovsky was made a Count of Russia and in 1756 he received the rank of Field Marshal. Razumovsky’s apartments adjoined Elizabeth’s apartments and he had constant access to her.

Elizabeth at the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe, painting by Eugene Lanceray (1905); Credit – Wikipedia

Elizabeth was responsible for having three of the most important Romanov palaces – the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, and Peterhof near St. Petersburg – renovated and refurbished. Elizabeth’s court was very lavish and her reign is remembered as a period of luxury and excess. Elizabeth set the tone and was a trendsetter. After her death, it was discovered that her wardrobe included 15,000 dresses and several thousand pairs of shoes. The court regularly held balls and masquerades, including the so-called “metamorphosis,” when women dressed up in men’s clothes and men wore women’s clothes. Only at the end of life, because of illness and obesity, did Elizabeth withdraw from court entertainment.

As she grew older, Elizabeth relished loneliness, slept through the day, and was awake at night, often praying on her knees for hours in front of her icons. She thought of abdication and had the Smolny Resurrection Monastery built in St Petersburg, where she wanted to retire as a nun. Elizabeth was often ill and was reluctant to show herself in public because of her ill health. In 1757, she suffered a stroke at a well-attended church service in Tsarskoye Selo and then her health situation became well known.

Elizabeth in her later years; Credit – Wikipedia

A particularly difficult problem for her was the succession. She was childless and the Romanov dynasty had been extinct in the male line since the death of Peter II in 1730. Elizabeth’s nephew Peter Feodorovich, who she had appointed as her successor, was often ill. Elizabeth did not love her nephew and his political views did not suit her because he was an admirer of her enemy Friedrich II (the Great), King of Prussia. The sicker Elizabeth became, the more the courtiers turned away from her and tried to please the heir to the throne.

On January 3, 1762, Elizabeth had a massive stroke and the doctors agreed she would not recover. Peter, Catherine, and others close to her gathered around her bed in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Elizabeth, alert and clear-headed, showed no signs of wishing to change the succession. She asked Peter to look after little Paul, who she dearly loved. Peter quickly promised to do so, knowing that Elizabeth could change the succession with a single word. On January 5, 1762, Elizabeth asked her priest to read the Orthodox prayer for the dying. She blessed everyone in the room and asked each one for forgiveness. At about 4 PM, Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia died at the age of 52 at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia. She is buried at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg next to her mother, who is buried next to her father.

The reign of Peter III, Emperor of All Russia lasted only six months. He was deposed by his wife, born Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst, who reigned as Catherine II (the Great), Empress of All Russia.

Peter and Paul Cathedral – Row 1 left to right: Tombs of Elizabeth I, Catherine I, Peter I; Row 2 left to right: Tombs of Catherine II, Peter III, Anna I; Photo Credit – © Susan Flantzer

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Romanov Resources at Unofficial Royalty

Works Cited

  • (2018). Elisabeth (Russland). [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2018].
  • (2018). Elizabeth of Russia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2018].
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. (1981). The Romanovs: Autocrats of  All the Russias. New York, NY.: Doubleday
  • Massie, R. (2016). Catherine the Great. London: Head of Zeus.
  • (2018). Елизавета Петровна. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2018].

Ivan VI, Emperor of All Russia

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2018

Ivan VI, Emperor of All Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

The story of Ivan VI and his family is one of the most tragic stories in royal history. Ivan VI, Emperor of All Russia (Ivan Antonovich) succeeded to the throne at the age of two months. A little more than a year later, Ivan was deposed and spent the next 23 years imprisoned before being murdered during the reign of Catherine II (the Great). His parents spent the rest of their lives imprisoned and except for his sister Catherine, all his other siblings were born while their parents were imprisoned. His siblings remained imprisoned until 1780.

Ivan had four younger siblings.

Silhouettes of Ivan’s siblings, done after their release from imprisonment; Credit – Wikipedia

Ivan was the oldest of the five children of Elisabeth of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Anton Ulrich of Brunswick-Lüneburg. Elisabeth was the daughter of Ekaterina Ivanovna of Russia and Karl Leopold, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Ekaterina Ivanovna was the eldest of the three surviving daughters of the five daughters of Ivan V, Tsar of All Russia and Praskovia Feodorovna Saltykova.  Ekaterina’s father Ivan V was co-ruler of Russia with his younger half-brother Peter I (the Great)  until Ivan V died in 1696. However, Ivan V had serious physical and mental disabilities, possibly caused by Down’s Syndrome or a consequence of a disease. He was unable to participate in ruling Russia so Peter ruled alone. Upon Ivan’s death, there was no question about the succession because all his children were daughters. Peter I (the Great) became the sole Tsar of All Russia and in 1721, Emperor of All Russia.

When Ekaterina’s uncle Peter the Great died in 1725, Peter’s second wife succeeded to the throne as Catherine I, Empress of All Russia.  However, she died two years later and was succeeded by Peter the Great’s 11-year-old grandson, the only remaining male Romanov, as Peter II, Emperor of All Russia.  In 1730, 14-year-old Peter II died of smallpox. With Peter II’s death, the direct male line of the Romanov dynasty ended. He had left no descendants and had not named an heir.

There were five possible candidates for the throne, four adult females and one two-year-old male: the three surviving daughters of Peter the Great’s half-brother Ivan V who were all in their 30s: Ekaterina IvanovnaAnna Ivanovna, and Praskovia Ivanovna, and the only surviving child of Peter the Great and Catherine I: 20-year-old Elizabeth Petrovna (the future Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia), and lastly, Peter the Great’s grandson: two-year-old Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp (the future Peter III, Emperor of All Russia), the only child of Peter’s daughter Anna Petrovna, who died due to childbirth complications, and her husband Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. The Supreme Privy Council selected Ivan V’s daughter Anna Ivanovna to be the new Empress of All Russia.

Empress Anna had married when she was a teenager but her husband died two months after the wedding and Anna never remarried. Because her marriage was unhappy, Anna’s sister Ekaterina Ivanovna and her daughter Elisabeth returned to Russia in 1722. In 1732, Empress Anna Ivanovna announced that the throne would be inherited in the male line of her niece, born Elisabeth of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, the daughter of Anna’s sister Ekaterina Ivanovna and Karl Leopold, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. This was an attempt to secure the future of the Russian throne for the descendants of Ivan V, Tsar of All Russia instead of the descendants of his half-brother Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia.

In 1733, Elisabeth of Mecklenburg-Schwerin converted to Russian Orthodoxy and was given the name Anna Leopoldovna and the title Grand Duchess. Six years later, Anna Leopoldovna married Anton Ulrich of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, son of Ferdinand Albrecht II, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Anton had lived in Russia since 1733 so the couple could get to know each other. On August 23, 1740, Anna Leopoldovna gave birth to a son, Ivan Antonovich. Empress Anna adopted the infant Ivan Antonovich on October 5, 1740, and proclaimed him heir to the Russian throne. Twenty-three days after proclaiming the infant Ivan Antonovich her heir, Anna I, Empress of All Russia died at the age of 48, and two-month-old Ivan Antonovich was Ivan VI, Emperor of All Russia.

Ivan’s father, Anton Ulrich of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel; Credit – Wikipedia

Before Empress Anna died, she had agreed that her longtime lover and advisor Ernst Johann von Biron would serve as regent until Ivan came of age. The Russian nobility had enough of Biron during Empress Anna’s reign. Biron was regent for three weeks and on November 19, 1740, he was seized and banished to Siberia. Ivan’s mother Grand Duchess Anna Leopoldovna was named regent. Little Ivan was never crowned.

Ivan’s mother, Grand Duchess Anna Leopoldovna in 1740; Credit – Wikipedia

22-year-old Anna Leopoldovna was not qualified to be the regent. She did as little as possible concerning state affairs and argued with her advisers. A conspiracy soon arose intending to obtain the Russian throne for Elizabeth Petrovna, the only surviving child of Peter the Great. A coup occurred during the night of December 5-6, 1741 with financial support from France and military support from the Preobrazhensky Regiment. Elizabeth Petrovna arrived at the regiment’s headquarters wearing armor over her dress asking, “Who do you want to serve, me, your natural sovereign, or those who have stolen my inheritance?” The Preobrazhensky Regiment marched to the Winter Palace and arrested the infant Emperor Ivan and his parents. It was a daring coup and succeeded without bloodshed. The new 32-year-old Empress of All Russia, Elizabeth Petrovna, vowed that she would not sign a single death sentence, a promise she kept throughout her 20-year reign.

The Preobrazhensky Regiment soldiers proclaim Elizabeth the Empress of Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

Now that she had the throne, Elizabeth had a problem. A living Emperor, great-grandson of her father’s half-brother Ivan V, and his mother, granddaughter of Ivan V, remained in St. Petersburg. They were both threats to her throne. Even though 15-month-old Ivan did not know he had been Emperor, his image was on coins used throughout Russia and prayers had been said for him in all Russian churches. Elizabeth originally planned to send Ivan, his mother Anna Leopoldovna, his father Anton Ulrich, and his sister Catherine Antonovna somewhere in Europe so she sent them to Riga (now in Latvia) as the first stage of their journey. However, once the family arrived in Riga, Elizabeth had second thoughts – perhaps it would be a better idea to keep her young, dangerous prisoner under guard in Russia. Ivan was separated forever from his parents and his sister and classified as a secret state prisoner.

Ivan was first sent to Kholmogory, where, seeing no one other than his jailer, he remained for the next twelve years. Eventually, news of Ivan’s whereabouts began to be known. He was then secretly transferred to the Fortress of Shlisselburg where he was under heavy guard and not even the commandant of the fortress knew his true identity. Although instructions had been given not to educate him, Ivan had been taught his letters and could read his Bible. He also seemed aware of his former imperial status and always called himself Gosudar (Sovereign).

Fortress of Shlisselburg; Photo Credit – Wikipedia

Empress Elizabeth died in 1762 and her nephew succeeded her as Peter III, Emperor of All Russia. Ivan’s situation improved a bit and Peter III even visited him. However, Peter III’s reign lasted only six months. He was deposed by his wife, born Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst, who reigned as Catherine II (the Great), Empress of All Russia.

Peter III visits Ivan Antonovich at the Fortress of Shlisselburg; Credit – Wikipedia

Catherine II ordered Ivan to be placed in manacles and further ordered that if any attempt were made to free the prisoner, he was to be put to death immediately. Ivan’s presence at the Fortress of Shlisselburg could not remain concealed forever. In 1764, Vasily Mirovich, one of the men guarding Ivan, learned his identity and formulated a plan for freeing and proclaiming him Emperor. At midnight on July 16, 1764, Mirovich and his supporters attempted to free Ivan. However, another guard immediately murdered Ivan, following Catherine II’s orders. Mirovich and his supporters were executed. Ivan VI’s burial place is unknown but it is commonly believed that he was buried in the Fortress of Shlisselburg.

Vasily Mirovich Standing over the Corpse of Ivan VI (1884). by Ivan Tvorozhnikov; Credit – Wikipedia

The fate of the rest of Ivan’s family is nearly as grim. His parents were imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Anna Leopoldovna and Anton Ulrich had three additional children while imprisoned, born between 1743 – 1746. On March 18, 1746, Anna Leopoldovna died during childbirth at the age of 27. In 1762, Catherine II offered Anton Ulrich permission to leave Russia with the condition he would leave his children behind but he declined. At the age of 59, Anton Ulrich died in prison on March 19, 1776, after spending 36 years in captivity.

In 1780, Ivan’s four siblings, ranging in age from 34 – 39, were released into the custody of their maternal aunt, born Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel but then the Queen Dowager of Denmark. The four siblings had spent their entire lives imprisoned. They lived under house arrest in Horsens in Jutland, Denmark under the guardianship of Juliana Maria and at the expense of Catherine II. Although they were really prisoners, they lived in relative comfort and had a small court of between 40 and 50 people, all Danish except for their Russian Orthodox priest. The siblings were unhappy in Denmark because they were not used to their new freedom and their new environment and were surrounded by people whose language they could not understand.

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Works Cited

  • (2017). Anna Leopoldovna. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2017].
  • (2017). Ivan VI of Russia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2017].
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. (1981). The Romanovs: Autocrats of  All the Russias. New York, NY.: Doubleday
  • Massie, R. (2016). Catherine the Great. London: Head of Zeus.
  • (2017). Иван VI. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2017].

Anna I, Empress of All Russia

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2018

Credit – Wikipedia

Anna I, Empress of All Russia was the fourth of the five daughters of Ivan V, Tsar of All Russia and Praskovia Feodorovna Saltykova. She was born at the Terem Palace in the Moscow Kremlin on February 7, 1693. Anna’s father Ivan V was co-ruler of Russia with his younger half-brother Peter I (the Great) until Ivan’s death in 1696. However, Ivan had serious physical and mental disabilities which may have been caused by Down’s Syndrome or a consequence of a disease, and was unable to participate in ruling Russia so Peter ruled alone. Upon Ivan’s death, there was no question about the succession because all his children were daughters. Peter became the sole Tsar of All Russia and later Emperor of All Russia.

Anna had three older sisters and one younger sister. Only two of her sisters survived to adulthood.

After the death of her father, three-year-old Anna and her two surviving sisters, five-year-old Ekaterina Ivanovna and two-year-old Praskovia Ivanovna, along with their mother Praskovia Feodorovna, were moved from the Moscow Kremlin to the Izmaylovo Estate, a Romanov country residence outside of Moscow. From an early age, the sisters were taught reading, mathematics, geography, French and German, and dancing.

The Izmaylovo Estate where Anna and her sisters grew up; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1708, Anna’s mother Praskovia Feodorovna and her three daughters, by order of Peter the Great, moved to the new city of St. Petersburg where Peter gifted her with a home on the banks of the Neva River.  She had great respect for her brother-in-law Peter I and often served as the first lady, welcoming visitors to the Russian court. Praskovia Feodorovna understood the need for the changes Peter was making in Russia, and raised her daughters and held her court in a modern Western manner, which made her well-regarded by Peter.

In 1710, Peter the Great made a diplomatic deal related to the Great Northern War to marry 17-year-old Anna to 17-year-old Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Courland and Semigallia (now part of Latvia).  This marriage was important to Peter the Great.  Anna was the first Russian princess to marry a foreign prince in two hundred years. The marriage signaled Europe’s acceptance of Russia’s new status in the world and that Russian princesses could be used in diplomacy. The wedding took place on November 11, 1710, in St. Petersburg at the palace of Prince Alexander Menshikov, a close friend of Peter the Great. The next day, Menshikov hosted a spectacular banquet in honor of the couple. The newlyweds spent two months in Russia before heading to Courland. Just twenty miles outside of Moscow, Friedrich Wilhelm died on January 21, 1711, probably due to excessive drinking while in Russia.

Anna’s short-lived husband, Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Courland and Semigallia; Credit – Wikipedia

After her husband’s death, Anna continued to Courland, where from 1711 to 1730, Anna acted as reigning Duchess of Courland using a local Russian resident Peter Bestuzhev as her advisor, and perhaps also as a sometime lover. Anna decided not to remarry after her husband’s death but had a long-term relationship with Ernst Johann von Biron, a prominent courtier.

Meanwhile in Russia, upon the death of Anna’s uncle, Peter the Great died in 1725, Peter’s second wife succeeded to the throne as Catherine I, Empress of All Russia.  However, she died two years later and was succeeded by Peter the Great’s 11-year-old grandson as Peter II, Emperor of All Russia.  In 1730, 14-year-old Peter II died of smallpox. With Peter II’s death, the direct male line of the Romanov dynasty ended. He had left no descendants and had not named an heir.

There were five possible candidates for the throne, four adult females and one two-year-old male: the three surviving daughters of Peter the Great’s half-brother Ivan V who were all in their 30s: Ekaterina Ivanovna, Anna Ivanovna, and Praskovia Ivanovna, and the only surviving child of Peter the Great and Catherine I: 20-year-old Elizabeth Petrovna, and Peter the Great’s grandson: two-year-old Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp, son of Anna Petrovna, who died due to childbirth complications, and her husband Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. (Note: Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp was later Peter III, Emperor of All Russia.) The Supreme Privy Council selected Anna Ivanovna, the daughter of Ivan V, to be the new Empress of All Russia.

Anna was chosen because the Supreme Privy Council thought she would be easy to manipulate and was too conservative to restore Peter the Great’s reforms. To become Empress, Anna had to sign “The Conditions” which gave substantial power to the Supreme Privy Council. None of the following powers could be exercised by Anna without the approval of the Supreme Privy Council: declaring war, signing treaties, imposing new taxes, appointing officers to ranks higher than Colonel, depriving and granting estates, appointing to the court ranks, and using public revenues. However, when Anna returned to Russia from Courland, she revoked her approval of “The Conditions” and dissolved the Supreme Privy Council. The members of the Council were removed from the government and some were exiled to Siberia, allowing Anna to become an absolute monarch like her uncle Peter the Great.

Empress Anna ripping up “The Conditions”; Credit – Wikipedia

The coronation of Anna, Empress of All Russia took place on April 28, 1730. Anna’s reign, which lasted ten years, left the Russians with a bitter memory and was considered more Germanic than Russian. Her favorite Ernst Johann von Biron and his wife, who was Anna’s lady-in-waiting, moved with her to Russia where he was appointed Great Chamberlain, was made a Count of the Russian Empire, and had much influence at court. Biron surrounded himself with German ministers and generals who were driven by greed.

Coronation Portrait; Credit – Wikipedia

Anna continued Peter the Great’s Westernization plans including the continued building of St. Petersburg and the canals for seafaring ships and the expansion of the navy. She founded the Cadet Corps, a school for young boys who started at the age of eight being trained for the military. Anna also continued to fund the Russian Academy of Science which Peter the Great had founded to allow for the development of science in Russia.

In 1732, Empress Anna announced that the throne would be inherited in the male line of her niece, born Elisabeth of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, the daughter of Anna’s sister Ekaterina Ivanovna and Karl Leopold, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. This was an attempt to secure the future of the Russian throne for the descendants of Ivan V, Tsar of All Russia instead of the descendants of his half-brother Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia.

Ekaterina Ivanovna’s marriage was unhappy and she returned to Russia in 1722 with her surviving daughter. The couple never divorced and never saw each other again. In 1733, Elisabeth converted to Russian Orthodoxy and was given the name Anna Leopoldovna and the title Grand Duchess. Six years later, Anna Leopoldovna married Anton Ulrich of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, son of Ferdinand Albrecht II, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Anton had lived in Russia since 1733 so the couple could get to know each other. On August 23, 1740, Anna Leopoldovna gave birth to a son, Ivan Antonovich. Empress Anna adopted the infant Ivan Antonovich on October 5, 1740, and proclaimed him heir to the Russian throne.

Empress Anna; Credit – Wikipedia

Suffering from an ulcer on her kidney and repeated attacks of gout, Empress Anna was not in good health. On October 16, 1740, Anna sat down to dine with her favorite Ernst Johann von Biron. Suddenly, she felt ill and became unconscious. Doctors deemed her condition to be serious. The question of succession to the throne had previously been solved, but it remained to decide who would be the regent for the young Ivan Antonovich. Biron was able to secure enough votes to be named regent. Anna I, Empress of All Russia died on October 28, 1740, at the age of 48, apparently from gout and a very painful kidney stone. She was buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

Anna’s two-month-old great-nephew succeeded her as Ivan VI, Emperor of All Russia. However, a little more than a year later, Peter the Great’s surviving daughter Elizabeth Petrovna sat upon the throne as Empress of All Russia, and little Ivan was imprisoned until his murder 22 years later during the reign of Catherine II (the Great), Empress of All Russia.

Anna’s tomb is located directly behind the tomb of her uncle Peter the Great; Photo Credit – By Ludushka – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Romanov Resources at Unofficial Royalty

Works Cited

  • (2017). Anna of Russia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Dec. 2017].
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. (1981). The Romanovs: Autocrats of  All the Russias. New York, NY.: Doubleday
  • Massie, Robert K. (1980). Peter The Great: His Life and World. New York, NY.: Alfred A. Knopf

Peter II, Emperor of All Russia

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2018

Credit – Wikipedia

A child emperor who ruled for less than three years, Peter II, Emperor of All Russia (Pyotr Alexeievich) was born in St. Petersburg, Russia on October 23, 1715. He was the only son and the second of the two children of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, the heir to the Russian throne, and Princess Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Lüneburg and the grandson of Peter I (the Great), Emperor of Russia and his first wife Eudoxia Feodorovna Lopukhina.

Peter had one elder sister:

Peter, age 8, and Natalia, age 9; Credit – Автор: Луи Каравак – [1], Общественное достояние,

Alexei and Charlotte Christine’s marriage went well for about six months but then things began to go downhill. Alexei was drunk constantly, complained about his wife’s appearance, and had mistresses. During her pregnancy with Peter, Charlotte Christine suffered from rheumatic pains. When she was seven months pregnant, she fell down the stairs. In severe pain, she was forced to spend the last weeks of her pregnancy in bed. After giving birth to Peter, the new mother felt well until the third day after the birth when abdominal pain, fever, and delirium developed. Ten days after Peter’s birth, on November 1, 1715, 21-year-old Charlotte Christine died from puerperal fever (childbed fever).

Three years later, Peter and his sister Natalia were orphans. In 1718, Peter’s father Tsarevich Alexei was suspected of plotting to overthrow his father, Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia. Alexei was tried, confessed under torture, convicted, and sentenced to be executed. The sentence could be carried out only with the emperor’s signed authorization, but Alexei died in prison because his father hesitated in making the decision. Alexei’s death most likely resulted from injuries suffered during his torture.

At the time of Alexei’s death in 1718, Peter the Great had only one living son, two-year-old Peter Petrovich, the son of his second wife Catherine Alexeievna, born Marta Helena Skowrońska, the future Catherine, Empress of All Russia. All of Peter’s other sons, except Alexei, had died in infancy. Peter the Great put a lot of stock in little Peter Petrovich but he too died a year later. One more son would be born but he died the day of his birth. Out of Peter the Great’s fourteen children, only three reached adulthood: Tsarevich Alexei by his first wife and two daughters by his second wife: Anna who would die as a result of childbirth complications after the birth of Peter III, Emperor of All Russia and the future Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia.

In 1722, Peter the Great had issued a decree stating that the reigning emperor should appoint a successor during his lifetime and that anyone may be named as his heir. It may be that he had his wife Catherine in mind as his successor when he had her crowned as Empress and named co-ruler on May 18, 1724.

Alexei’s son Peter had been basically ignored by his grandfather Peter the Great but now because of the succession issue, little Peter received a little more attention. Besides his grandfather, he was the only living male Romanov. His grandfather ordered his best friend Prince Alexander Menshikov to find tutors for Grand Duke Peter. The tutors Menshikov picked were of low quality for a reason – Menshikov supported Peter the Great’s second wife Catherine as his successor.

Peter II; Credit – Wikipedia

During the last two years of his life, Peter the Great suffered from urinary tract problems. During the illness of his grandfather, Peter Alexeievich met Ivan Dolgorukov, his future favorite. Peter often visited the Dolgorukovs’ home where his rights to the Russian throne were explained to him. The young Peter vowed to crush the favorite of his grandfather Prince Alexander Menshikov, who led the opposition to the old noble families who had not been in favor of the Westernizing reforms of Peter the Great. However, there was strong opposition to Peter succeeding his grandfather. Peter was the son of the disgraced Alexei and the grandson of the conservative Eudoxia Feodorovna Lopukhina and this would give the opponents of the reforms hope that the old order would be restored.

On February 8, 1725, Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia died at the age of 52 from a bladder infection without naming a successor. A coup arranged by Prince Alexander Menshikov proclaimed Catherine, Peter’s second wife, the ruler of Russia. During the two-year reign of Catherine I, Empress of All Russia, the real power was held by Menshikov and members of the Supreme Privy Council.

During Catherine I’s reign, Peter was mostly ignored although Menshikov replaced his tutors with Count Andrey Ivanovich Osterman. Osterman did teach Peter history, geography, mathematics, and foreign languages but Peter was not much of a student. His favorite occupations were hunting and feasting.

Catherine I’s reign was only two years and even before her death, it was clear that the inheritance of Peter the Great’s grandson could not be denied. Menshikov began to see this during the end of Catherine I’s reign. Through his efforts, Peter was named Catherine’s heir apparent, even though Catherine had two daughters of her own. Catherine also gave her consent to the betrothal of Peter to Menshikov’s daughter Maria.

On May 17, 1727, 43-year-old Catherine I, Empress of All Russia died of tuberculosis and 11-year-old Peter became Emperor of All Russia. Menshikov took the young emperor into his home and had full control over all of his actions. The old nobility, represented by the Dolgorukovs and the Galitzines, united to overthrow Menshikov. He was deprived of all his dignities, offices, and wealth, expelled from St. Petersburg, and banished to Siberia with his entire family. The Senate, the Supreme Privy Council, and the emperor’s guards took an oath of allegiance to Peter II, and German mathematician Christian Goldbach was appointed as his tutor.

Peter’s grandmother Eudoxia Feodorovna Lopukhina who had been banished to a convent by Peter the Great and then to Shlisselburg Fortress by Catherine I, was brought to Moscow by her grandson. She lived first in the Ascension Convent in the Moscow Kremlin, and then at the Novodevichy Convent. The Supreme Privy Council issued a decree restoring to her the honor and dignity of Tsaritsa.

Grand Duchess Natalia Alexeievna; Credit – Wikipedia

Peter’s coronation took place in Moscow on January 9, 1728. Later that year, on November 22, 1728, Peter’s elder sister Grand Duchess Natalia Alexeievna died of tuberculosis at the age of 14. Natalia was a kind and intelligent girl and was very close to her brother.

Peter was much too young to deal with government issues. His main favorites were Prince Alexei Dolgorukov and his son Ivan, who had great influence over him. Ivan Dolgorukov was a bad influence on Peter, encouraging him to spend time feasting, playing cards, drinking, and enjoying the company of women. Peter moved the court back to Moscow which was annoying to the nobles as they had to move from St. Petersburg.

Ekaterina Alexeievna Dolgorukova; Credit – Wikipedia

Because of the Dolgorukov influence, 14-year-old Peter became betrothed to 18-year-old Ekaterina Alexeievna Dolgorukova, the daughter of Prince Alexei Dolgorukov. The wedding was due to take place on January 30, 1730.

On January 17, 1730, a frigid day, Peter II attended a parade. When he returned to the palace, he had a fever that developed into smallpox. Ivan Dolgorukov, forced by his relatives, forged Peter’s will with the goal of elevating his sister Ekaterina Alexeievna, Peter’s fiancee, to the throne. On January 30, 1730, which was supposed to be his wedding day, the delirious Peter ordered his sleigh to be readied so he could go see his sister Natalia who had died a little more than a year earlier. Peter died a few minutes later. With Peter’s death, the direct male line of the Romanov dynasty ended. He had left no descendants and had not named an heir.

Peter II, Emperor of All Russia was buried at the Cathedral of the Archangel in the Moscow Kremlin. Peter II and Ivan VI, who was murdered at Shlisselburg Fortress and probably buried there, are the only Romanov rulers after Peter the Great who were not buried at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

After the death of Peter II, the Supreme Privy Council did not accept the will the Dolgorukovs had forged.  There were five possible candidates for the throne, four adult females and one two-year-old male: the three surviving daughters of Peter the Great’s half-brother Ivan V who were all in their 30s: Ekaterina IvanovnaAnna Ivanovna, and Praskovia Ivanovna, the only surviving child of Peter the Great and Catherine I: 20-year-old Elizabeth Petrovna, and Peter the Great’s grandson: two-year-old Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp, son of Anna Petrovna, who died due to childbirth complications, and her husband Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. (Note: Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp was later Peter III, Emperor of All Russia.) The Supreme Privy Council selected Anna Ivanovna, the daughter of Ivan V, to be the new Empress of All Russia.

Tomb of Peter II; Photo Credit – By Shakko – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Romanov Resources at Unofficial Royalty

Works Cited

  • (2017). Peter II of Russia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Dec. 2017].
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. (1981). The Romanovs: Autocrats of  All the Russias. New York, NY.: Doubleday
  • Massie, Robert K. (1980). Peter The Great: His Life and World. New York, NY.: Alfred A. Knopf
  • (2017). Пётр II. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Dec. 2017].

Catherine I, Empress of All Russia

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2018

Catherine I, Empress of All Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

Catherine I, Empress of All Russia was the second wife of Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia. She succeeded her husband upon the Russian throne, a very unexpected occurrence considering her meager beginnings. Her early background is very sketchy. Marta Helena Skowrońska is said to have been born on April 15, 1684, in Jakobstadt, Semigallia, Duchy of Courland and Semigallia. Today Jakobstadt is known as Jēkabpils and it is in Latvia. At the time of Catherine’s birth, the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia was a vassal state of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Her parents were Samuel Skowroński, an ethnic Polish Roman Catholic peasant, and Dorothea Hahn, who both died of the plague around 1689, leaving their five children orphans.

Catherine had four siblings. When she became Empress of All Russia in 1725, she brought them to St. Petersburg, Russia, and created them Count/Countess:

  • Krystyna Skowrońska (1687 – 1729), renamed Christina Samuilovna Skavronskaya, married Simon Heinrich <surname unknown>, their descendants became the Counts Gendrikov
  • Anna Skowrońska, renamed Anna Samuilovna Skavronskaya, Michael-Joachim <surname unknown>, their descendants became the Counts Efimovsky
  • Karol Skowroński, renamed Karel Samuilovich Skavronsky, married a Russian woman Maria Ivanovna <surname unknown>, created Count of the Russian Empire, male line died out in 1793
  • Fryderyk Skowroński, renamed Feodor Samuilovich Skavronsky, married (1) an unknown Lithuanian woman (2) Ekaterina Rodionovna Saburova, created Count of the Russian Empire, no children from either marriage

Five-year-old Marta was sent by her uncle to the household of Johann Ernst Glück, a Lutheran pastor, the first to translate the Bible into Latvian. Marta served as a maid, was not taught to read, and remained illiterate for her entire life. At the age of 17, Marta was married to a Swedish dragoon named Johann Raabe during the Great Northern War. A few days after the wedding, Marta’s husband left with his regiment which departed for the war and was never heard of again.

Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

After the Russian army invaded her town, Marta was either a maid or the mistress of the Russian general, and she traveled back to the Russian court with the army. She became part of the household of Prince Alexander Menshikov, the best friend of Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia. Peter met Marta while visiting Menshikov. By 1704, Marta was well established in Peter’s household as his mistress and given birth to a son. In 1705, she converted to Russian Orthodoxy from Roman Catholicism and took the name of Catherine (Ekaterina) Alexeievna. Although no official record exists, Peter and Catherine secretly married between October 23 and December 1, 1707, in St. Petersburg. They married publically on February 19, 1712, at St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Their daughters Anna and Elizabeth were the bridal attendants.

Catherine and Peter’s daughters Anna and Elizabeth; Credit – Wikipedia

Catherine and Peter had twelve children, all of whom died in childhood except Anna and Elizabeth:

In 1703, Peter started building the new city of St. Petersburg. While the city was being built, he lived in a three-room log cabin with Catherine, where she did the cooking and cared for the children, and he tended a garden, as though they were an ordinary couple. The relationship was the most successful of Peter’s life and many letters exist demonstrating the strong affection between Catherine and Peter.  Catherine was very energetic, compassionate, charming, and always cheerful. She was the only one able to calm Peter in his frequent rages.

The cabin where Peter and Catherine lived while St. Petersburg was being built; Photo Credit – © Susan Flantzer

Previously titled Tsar of All Russia, Peter was officially proclaimed Emperor of All Russia on October 22, 1721.  In 1724, all of Peter’s sons were dead and the only other surviving male Romanov besides Peter was his young grandson Peter Alexeievich, the future Peter II, Emperor of All Russia. In 1722, Peter issued a decree stating that the reigning emperor should appoint a successor during his lifetime and that anyone may be named as his heir. Perhaps he had Catherine in mind as his successor when he had her crowned as Empress and named co-ruler on May 18, 1724, at the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. Even though Catherine had the title of Empress, Peter remained Russia’s actual ruler.

On February 8, 1725, Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia died at the age of 52 from a bladder infection without naming a successor. Catherine never left Peter’s bedside during his final illness and he died in her arms. A coup arranged by Peter’s best friend Prince Alexander Menshikov proclaimed Catherine the ruler of Russia. During the two-year reign of Catherine I, Empress of All Russia, the real power was held by Menshikov and members of the Supreme Privy Council.

During her short reign, Catherine was happy to leave the job of governing to her advisers. She was interested only in issues regarding the navy as Peter’s love for the sea had also touched her. Catherine spent much time at Tsarskoye Selo (Tsar’s Village), 15 miles/24 kilometers outside St. Petersburg. The estate had originally belonged to a Swedish noble. Peter gave it to Catherine in 1708 and Catherine started to develop Tsarskoye Selo as a royal country residence. In 1717, Catherine hired German architect Johann-Friedrich Braunstein to construct a summer palace that was named after her, the Catherine Palace. Her daughter Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia later remodeled the palace into the one we see today.

Catherine Palace; Photo Credit – © Susan Flantzer

Catherine’s health was adversely affected by living a difficult life, giving birth to twelve children, having a venereal disease that she contracted from Peter, and her heavy drinking after Peter’s death. On May 17, 1727, 43-year-old Catherine I, Empress of All Russia died of tuberculosis at the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoye Selo. She was buried in a tomb next to her husband’s tomb at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Later their daughter, Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia was buried next to Catherine.

Peter and Paul Cathedral – Row 1 left to right: Tombs of Elizabeth I, Catherine I, Peter I; Row 2 left to right: Tombs of Catherine II, Peter III, Anna I; Photo Credit – © Susan Flantzer

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Romanov Resources at Unofficial Royalty

Works Cited

  • (2017). Catherine I of Russia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Dec. 2017].
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. (1981). The Romanovs: Autocrats of  All the Russias. New York, NY.: Doubleday
  • Massie, Robert K. (1980). Peter The Great: His Life and World. New York, NY.: Alfred A. Knopf
  • (2017). Екатерина I. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Dec. 2017].

July 1918: Royalty and World War I

by Susan Flantzer

  • Romanov Executions
  • Timeline: July 1, 1918 – July 31, 1918
  • A Note About German Titles
  • July 1918 – Royals/Nobles/Peers/Sons of Peers Who Died In Action


Romanov Executions

Burial place of Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia and his family at the Peter and Paul Cathedral at the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, Russia; Photo Credit – Susan Flantzer

One hundred years ago, in July 1918, thirteen members of the Romanov family were executed. The previous month, on June 13, 1918, Emperor Nicholas II’s brother 39-year-old Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich and Nicholas Johnson, his British secretary, were taken to the woods outside Perm in Siberia, Russia and shot. Their bodies have never been found.


On July 17, 1918, Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia, his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, their five children, along with three of their most loyal servants and the court doctor, were shot to death by firing squad in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, Siberia, Russia.

All seven of the Romanov family plus the family physician Dr. Eugene Botkin and three servants (maid Anna Demidova, cook Ivan Kharitonov, and footman Alexei Trupp) were escorted to a basement room. Chairs were brought in for Nicholas, Alexandra, and Alexei. The family believed they were being evacuated to a new location.

Eight members of the firing squad entered the basement room along with Yakov Yurovsky, the commandant of the Ipatiev House. A few minutes later Yurkovsky informed the prisoners that they were about to be executed. Nicholas arose in shock but was quickly shot down. Chaos ensued as the executioners gunned down the family members and their servants.

Alexandra and her daughters had sewn jewels into their clothing to provide money if the family was sent into exile and these jewels acted for a time as shields against the bullets. Anna Demidova carried a pillow also sewn with jewels. Eventually, the soldiers brought out bayonets to kill the last remaining survivors. After several minutes of ricocheting bullets and stabbings, all eleven members of the party were dead.

Those executed were:

  • Emperor Nicholas II, 50 years old
  • Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 46 years old
  • Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, 23 years old
  • Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, 21 years old
  • Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, 19 years old
  • Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna, 17 years old
  • Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, 14 years old
  • Dr. Eugene Botkin, physician for Nicholas II and his family
  • Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov (cook)
  • Alexei Yegorovich Trupp (footman)
  • Anna Stepanovna Demidova (maid)


On July 18, 1918, the day after the execution of Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia and his family, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, elder sister of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, who had started a convent and became a nun, and five other Romanovs along with Varvara Alexeievna Yakovleva, a nun from Elizabeth’s convent, and Feodor Semyonovich Remez, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich’s secretary, were executed by the Bolsheviks. They were taken to an abandoned mine shaft outside of Alapayevsk in Siberia, Russia that was partially filled with water, were then hit in the head and thrown into the mine shaft. When Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich resisted, he was shot in the head and thrown down the mine shaft. When it was obvious that the prisoners were not dead, grenades were thrown down the mine shaft. All was quiet but after a short time, talking was heard and more grenades were thrown down the mine shaft. The prisoners then started singing the prayer “Lord, Save Your People.” This terrified the executioners. They had no more grenades and it was necessary for them to finish their job. The executioners set fire to wood and threw it down the shaft. The hymns and prayers continued for a while and then stopped. The mission was accomplished.

The Romanovs executed were:

  • Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, widow of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, sister of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 53 years old
  • Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, grandson of Emperor Nicholas I, 48 years old
  • Prince Ioann Konstantinovich, son of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich who was a grandson of Tsar Nicholas I, 32 years old
  • Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich, son of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich who was a grandson of Tsar Nicholas I, 27 years old
  • Prince Igor Konstantinovich, son of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich who was a grandson of Emperor Nicholas I, 24 years old
  • Prince Vladimir Paley, son of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, 21 years old


In addition, four more Romanovs were executed in January 1919.

On January 28, 1919, four Grand Dukes were taken to the courtyard of the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, Russia and then escorted towards a ditch that had been dug in the courtyard. As they passed the Peter and Paul Cathedral where their ancestors were buried, they each made the sign of the cross. Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, who was ill, was carried out on a stretcher. The three Grand Dukes who had walked out were lined up before the ditch, in which there were already bodies. Grand Duke Paul was shot on his stretcher. Grand Dukes Nicholas, George, and Dmitry were all killed by the same blast, causing them to fall into the ditch.

The Grand Dukes executed were:

  • Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich, grandson of Emperor Nicholas I, 59 years old
  • Grand Duke George Mikhailovich, grandson of Emperor Nicholas I and brother of Nicholas above, 55 years old
  • Grand Duke Dmitri Konstantinovich, grandson of Emperor Nicholas I, 58 years old
  • Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, son of Emperor Alexander II, 58 years old


Timeline: July 1, 1918 – July 31, 1918

Postcard showing ruins of a village after the Second Battle of the Marne; Photo Credit – Wikipedia

  • July 4 – Battle of Hamel in Le Hamel, Somme, France
  • July 12 – Haiti declares war on Germany
  • July 14 – Battle of Abu Tellul in Palestine
  • July 15 – August 6 – Second Battle of the Marne and last German offensive on the Western Front which fails when the Germans are counterattacked by the French
  • July 15 – 17 – Champagne-Marne Offensive (consisting of the Fourth Battle of Champagne and the Battle of the Mountain of Reims), a phase of the Second Battle of the Marne. last phase of the Spring Offensive and last German offensive of World War I
  • July 17 – Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia and his family are executed by the Bolsheviks out of fear that they might be released by Czechoslovak and White troops (see above)
  • July 18 – Execution of Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna and five other Romanovs (see above)
  • July 18 – Battle of Chateau-Thierry, a phase of the Second Battle of the Marne
  • July 18 – 22 – Battle of Soissons, a phase of the Second Battle of the Marne
  • July 19 – Battle of Tardenois, a phase of the Second Battle of the Marne
  • July 19 – Honduras declares war on Germany


A Note About German Titles

Many German royals and nobles died in World War I. The German Empire consisted of 27 constituent states, most of them ruled by royal families. Scroll down to German Empire here to see what constituent states made up the German Empire.  The constituent states retained their own governments, but had limited sovereignty. Some had their own armies, but the military forces of the smaller ones were put under Prussian control. In wartime, armies of all the constituent states would be controlled by the Prussian Army and the combined forces were known as the Imperial German Army.  German titles may be used in Royals Who Died In Action below. Refer to Unofficial Royalty: Glossary of German Noble and Royal Titles.

24 British peers were also killed in World War I and they will be included in the list of those who died in action. In addition, more than 100 sons of peers also lost their lives, and those that can be verified will also be included.


July 1918 – Royals/Nobles/Peers/Sons of Peers Who Died In Action

The list is in chronological order and does contain some who would be considered noble instead of royal. The links in the last bullet for each person is that person’s genealogical information from Leo’s Genealogics Website or to The Peerage website If a person has a Wikipedia page or a website page with biographical information, their name will be linked to that page.

Friedrich Franz, Graf von Hohenau


Alexander, Graf von Salm-Hoogstraeten


Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna of Russia, Duchess of Holstein-Gottorp

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2018

Anna Petrovna of Russia, Duchess of Holstein-Gottorp; Credit – Wikipedia

Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna was one of three of the fourteen children of Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia to survive childhood. Anna was the fourth of the twelve children of Peter the Great and his second wife, Catherine (Ekaterina) Alexeievna, born Marta Helena Skowrońska, the daughter of an ethnic Polish peasant, later Catherine I, Empress of All Russia. She was born in Moscow on February 7, 1708.

Peter the Great’s daughters Anna and Elizabeth; Credit – Wikipedia

Anna had eleven siblings, all of whom died in childhood except Elizabeth:

  • Pyotr Petrovich born 1704, died in infancy
  • Pavel Petrovich born 1705, died in infancy
  • Catherine Petrovna (1706 – 1708)
  • Elizabeth, Emperor of All Russia (1709 – 1762), unmarried
  • Maria Petrovna of Russia (1713–1715)
  • Margarita Petrovna (1714 – 1715)
  • Pyotr Petrovich (1715 – 1719)
  • Pavel Petrovich (born and died 1717)
  • Grand Duchess Natalia Petrovna (1718 – 1725), died from measles a month after her father’s death
  • Pyotr Petrovich (born and died 1723)
  • Pavel Petrovich (born and died 1724)

Anna had two half-siblings from Peter the Great’s first marriage to Eudoxia Feodorovna Lopukhina:

Peter I; Catherine I; Alexei, Tsarevich of Russia; Anna behind her sister Elizabeth and Peter Petrovich (1715 – 1719); Credit – Wikipedia

Although no official record exists, Anna’s parents, Peter the Great and Catherine, secretly married between October 23 and December 1, 1707, in St. Petersburg, Russia. They married officially on February 19, 1712, at St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Their daughters Anna and Elizabeth were the bridal attendants and were legitimized on the same day as the wedding.  Anna’s early years were spent at Kolomenskoye near Moscow. Her parents were mostly absent, so Anna and her younger sister Elizabeth were under the care of Russian and Finnish nannies. Later, Anna, Elizabeth, and their younger sister Natalia were placed in the household of Praskovia Feodorovna Saltykova, the widow of Ivan V, Tsar of All Russia (older half-brother of Peter I) and the mother of Anna I, Empress of All Russia. Peter the Great employed foreign tutors to teach his children but Anna and her two sisters remained highly uneducated, mainly learning foreign languages to prepare her for life at a foreign court.


Anna Petrovna, around 1716; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1721, Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp came to Russia hoping that Peter the Great would help him regain the territory of Schleswig from Denmark. Peter declined to help him but Karl Friedrich returned to his duchy with the hope that he would marry one of Peter’s daughters. In May 1724, Peter the Great agreed to the marriage of Anna and Karl Friedrich, and a marriage contract was signed in November 1724. The marriage contract stipulated that Anna could retain her Russian Orthodox religion and that any daughters would be raised as Russian Orthodox while any sons were to be raised in the Lutheran religion of their father. Anna and her husband renounced any claim to the Russian crown for themselves and their descendants. However, Peter the Great inserted a secret clause that reserved the right to proclaim a son from their marriage as the heir to the Russian throne. Peter had earlier proclaimed a succession decree stating that the reigning emperor could appoint a successor during his lifetime and that anyone may be named as his heir.

Peter the Great died two months after the marriage contract was signed without naming a successor. While Peter was dying, he asked for Anna Petrovna to tell her his last wishes. By the time Anna arrived, Peter could no longer speak. Some historians speculate that Peter the Great wanted to declare Anne Petrovna as his heir. A coup arranged by Peter’s best friend Prince Alexander Menshikov proclaimed Peter the Great’s second wife (and Anna’s mother) Catherine the ruler of Russia. During the two-year reign of Catherine I, Empress of All Russia, the real power was held by Menshikov and members of the Supreme Privy Council.

Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp; Credit – Wikipedia

On May 21, 1725, Anna Petrovna and Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp were married in St. Petersburg. Both the wedding ceremony and the banquet afterward were extravagant affairs. Anna’s mother Catherine I, Empress of All Russia made her son-in-law Karl Friedrich a lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky Regiment and gave him a place on the Supreme Privy Council and his own court, palace, and income. Anna and Karl Friedrich stayed in Russia for two years, until the death of Catherine I in 1727 changed their situation. Through the efforts of Prince Alexander Menshikov, Peter Alexeievich, the only son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, Peter the Great’s deceased son from his first marriage, had been named by Catherine I as her heir. The 11-year-old boy reigned for three years as Peter II, Emperor of All Russia before he died from smallpox.

Anna Petrovna; Credit – Wikipedia

With a power shift to Menshikov, a quarrel between Karl Friedrich and Menshikov, Anna and her husband left Russia and went to Kiel, the capital of Karl Friedrich’s Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp. They arrived in Kiel in August 1727 and Anna was already pregnant with her first child. On February 21, 1728, at Kiel Castle in Kiel, then in the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp, now in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, Anna gave birth to a son named Karl Peter Ulrich. Sadly, Anna died three months later, on May 4, 1728, at the age of 20. Before her death, Anna expressed her desire to be buried at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Anna’s coffin was taken by boat to St. Petersburg, where it was buried across from her parents’ tomb at the Peter and Paul Cathedral on November 23, 1728.

Anna’s son Karl Peter Ulrich succeeded her younger sister Elizabeth, Empress of All Russia as Peter III, Emperor of All Russia. However, the reign of Peter III lasted only six months. He was deposed by his wife, born Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst, who reigned as Catherine II (the Great), Empress of All Russia.

Tomb of Anna Petrovna; Photo Credit – Wikipedia

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • (2018). Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna of Russia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jan. 2018].
  • (2018). Anna Petrovna de Russie. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jan. 2018].
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. (1981). The Romanovs: Autocrats of  All the Russias. New York, NY.: Doubleday
  • (2018). Анна Петровна. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jan. 2018].

Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia

by Susan Flantzer  © Unofficial Royalty 2018

Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia, heir to the Russian throne, was the elder of the two sons of Peter I (the Great), Emperor of All Russia and his first wife Eudoxia Feodorovna Lopukhina. He was born on February 28, 1690, at Preobrazhensky, a village east of Moscow where the Romanov tsars had a summer residence. Peter was very proud of his son’s birth and celebrated it with banquets and fireworks.

Alexei had one younger brother who lived to be only seven months old:

  • Alexander Petrovich (1691 – 1692)

Alexei had twelve half-siblings from his father’s second marriage to Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya, renamed Catherine (Ekaterina) Alexeievna, and Peter I’s successor on the Russian throne as Catherine I, Empress of All Russia. All of Alexei’s half-siblings died in childhood except Anna and Elizabeth:

Alexei’s mother EudoxiaFeodorovna Lopukhina; Credit – Wikipedia

The marriage of Alexei’s parents was a disaster from the start. Eudoxia was brought up staunchly Russian Orthodox, basically uneducated, and with a strong dislike of anything foreign. Peter I was the complete opposite. Peter had an insatiable curiosity. He was not religious and chose what he wanted to learn about – Russian history, battles, heroes, foreign cities, blacksmithing, carpentry, printing, sailing, and shipbuilding – anything that interested him. By the time Alexei’s younger brother died, Peter was so estranged from Eudoxia that he did not attend his son’s funeral. Peter abandoned his wife for a mistress, Anna Mons, the daughter of a Dutch wine merchant. Their relationship lasted twelve years until Peter met Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya, first his mistress, then his second wife, and finally his successor on the Russian throne as Catherine I, Empress of All Russia.

Alexie’s father, Peter the Great; Credit – Wikipedia

As Alexei grew up, Peter spent less and less time with him as he was absorbed by his many activities and his mistress Anna Mons. Because of his negative relationship with Eudoxia, Peter avoided her and therefore, also avoided Alexei. Even as a young boy, Alexei sensed the breach between his parents and understood that in his father’s mind, he was associated with his mother. Alexei began to see Peter as disapproving and even as a threat. He took his mother’s side and adopted her ways. When Alexei was six years old, Nikifor Kondratievich Vyazemsky became his tutor. Because Eudoxia did not believe in Peter’s Western reforms, Alexei’s education consisted of Bible readings and other religious lessons.

In 1697, Peter traveled incognito to Western Europe on an 18-month tour called the “Grand Embassy”.  During his journey, Peter instructed his uncle Lev Naryshkin and Eudoxia’s confessor to persuade Eudoxia to enter a convent and become a nun. Eudoxia did not agree, insisting that her seven-year-old son Alexei needed her. When Peter returned to Russia in August 1698, he continued his relationship with Anna Mons. More dramatically, Peter decided to force Eudoxia into a convent. In September 1698, Eudoxia was finally banished to the Intercession Convent of Suzdal and their marriage was over.

Alexei was placed in the care of Peter’s unmarried sister Tsarevna Natalya Alexeievna, a playwright and founder of the first public theater in Russia. His education now was more in line with his father’s Western reforms. Alexei learned French, German, Latin, mathematics, history, and geography. He read foreign newspapers and exercised by fencing, dancing, riding, and playing ball games.

In 1702, Alexei began his military training. All of Alexei’s teachers had high opinions of his intellect. His father expected Alexei to completely serve the new, reformed Russia and demanded much from his son. Peter’s duties kept him busy and away from Alexei. It was inevitable that the relationship between father and son would become strained. Alexei was often left among nobles and priests who did not like Peter’s reforms and encouraged Alexei to hate his father.

In 1703, it was proposed that Alexei marry Princess Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Lüneburg.  Four years younger than Alexei, Charlotte Christine was the second of the three surviving children (all daughters) of Ludwig Rudolf, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Princess Christine Luise of Oettingen-Oettingen. Her elder sister Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel married Karl VI of Austria, Holy Roman Emperor, and was the mother of Empress Maria Theresa and the grandmother of Maria Antonia of Austria, better known as Queen Marie Antoinette of France.

Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Lüneburg; Credit – Wikipedia

Charlotte Christine was brought up in Dresden in the Electorate of Saxony at the court of Augustus II, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony. Augustus’ wife Christiane Eberhardine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth was Charlotte Christine’s godmother. In 1709, Alexei was sent to Dresden to finish his education and there he met Charlotte Christine for the first time. Peter I thought that Charlotte Christine was a good diplomatic match because of her sister’s marriage to the Holy Roman Emperor, whose support he would need in his upcoming war with the Turks. On October 25, 1711, 21-year-old Alexei married 17-year-old Charlotte Christine in Torgau, Saxony. The bride was allowed to remain Lutheran but any children would be brought up in the Russian Orthodox religion.

Alexei and Charlotte Christine had two children:

Peter, age 8, and Natalia, age 9; Credit – Автор: Луи Каравак – [1], Общественное достояние,

Alexei and Charlotte Christine’s marriage went well for about six months but then things began to go downhill. Alexei was drunk constantly, complained about his wife’s appearance, and had mistresses. During her second pregnancy, Charlotte Christine suffered from rheumatic pains. When she was seven months pregnant, she fell down the stairs. In severe pain, she was forced to spend the last weeks of her pregnancy in bed. On October 23, 1715, Charlotte Christine gave birth to a son Peter Alexeivich, the future Peter II, Emperor of All Russia. The new mother felt well until the third day after the birth when abdominal pain, fever, and delirium developed. On November 1, 1715, 21-year-old Charlotte Christine died from puerperal fever (childbed fever).

In 1715, Peter became dissatisfied with Alexei’s lack of enthusiasm and his lackluster performance of his duties as heir to the throne. Peter sent Alexei a stern letter, urging him to take interest in the affairs of the state and threatening to cut him out of the succession. Alexei, in reply, offered to renounce the succession in favor of his infant son. Peter would agree but only on the condition that Alexei would remove himself as a dynastic threat and become a monk.

While Alexei was deciding what to do, he received a letter from his father in August 1716 ordering him to report to Peter and the army without delay if he wished to remain the heir to the throne. Instead, Alexei fled to Vienna and placed himself under the protection of his brother-in-law Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor, who was married to the sister of Alexei’s deceased wife Charlotte Christine. Peter felt insulted. The flight of the Tsarevich of Russia to a foreign monarch was a scandal. Peter ordered Alexei brought back to Russia at all costs.

Peter the Great interrogating his son Alexei about his plotting; Credit – Wikipedia

Alexei was returned to Russia in January 1718 and Peter began an inquisition regarding Alexei’s behavior. Under torture, Alexei confessed to being involved in a plot to overthrow his father and implicated most of his friends. Alexei’s mother Eudoxia was dragged from her monastery and publicly tried for alleged adultery and transferred to the Ladoga Uspensky Monastery where she lived for seven years under strict supervision until Peter I’s death. Anyone who had befriended Alexei was brutally executed including Eudoxia’s brother Abram Fedorovich Lopukhin.

Alexei was tried, convicted, and sentenced to be executed. The sentence could be carried out only with Peter’s signed authorization but Peter hesitated in making the decision. On July 7, 1718, 28-year-old Alexei died at the Fortress of St. Peter and Paul in St. Petersburg. His death most likely resulted from injuries suffered during his torture. Alexei was buried next to Charlotte Christine at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

Graves of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, his wife Charlotte Christine, and aunt Tsarevna Maria Alexeievna; Credit – Wikipedia

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • (2017). Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia. [online] Available at:,_Tsarevich_of_Russia [Accessed 21 Dec. 2017].
  • (2017). Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Lüneburg. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec. 2017].
  • Lincoln, W. Bruce. (1981). The Romanovs: Autocrats of  All the Russias. New York, NY.: Doubleday
  • Massie, Robert K. (1980). Peter The Great: His Life and World. New York, NY.: Alfred A. Knopf
  • (2017). Алексей Петрович. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec. 2017].
  • (2017). Шарлотта Кристина Брауншвейг-Вольфенбюттельская. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec. 2017].