Royal News Recap for Monday, December 9, 2024

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Princess Birgitta of Sweden – Funeral and Burial Information

Princess Birgitta of Sweden, Princess of Hohenzollern; Credit: Wikipedia

The funeral of Princess Birgitta of Sweden, Princess of Hohenzollern sister of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, will be held on Sunday, December 15, 2024, at the Royal Chapel at Drottningholm Palace in Ekerö Municipality, Sweden followed by the burial at the Royal Burial Ground in Haga Park in Solna, Sweden. In accordance with Princess Birgitta’s wishes, the funeral and burial will take place in the circle of family and special invitees.

Princess Birgitta, the second of the four elder sisters of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, died, aged 87, on December 4, 2024, in Majorca, Spain, where she lived. She is the first of the five siblings to die. Born January 19, 1937, at the Haga Palace in Solna, Sweden, Princess Birgitta was the second of the five children and the second of the four daughters of Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten and Princess Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Sadly, her father Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden, Duke of Västerbotten died in an airplane crash in 1947, when Princess Birgitta was ten years old. Princess Birgitta was the widow of Prince Johann Georg of Hohenzollern. They had three children and six grandchildren.

Nobel Peace Prize Events – Norway – December 10

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate President Barack Obama delivers his Nobel Lecture during the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony at Olso City Hall on December 10, 2009. Seated in the chairs on the right are King Harald V, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Crown Prince Haakon; Credit – Wikipedia from The Official White House Photostream

On December 10th of each year, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death in 1896, the Chairperson of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presents the Nobel Peace Prize at the Oslo City Hall in Oslo, Norway. Each recipient, known as a laureate, receives an 18-carat green gold medal plated with 24-carat gold, a diploma, and a monetary award. In attendance are the Norwegian Monarch, his/her spouse, members of the Norwegian royal family, officials of the Norwegian government, representatives of the Storting (the Norwegian legislature), and an invited audience. Later the same day, the Norwegian Nobel Committee hosts a banquet in honor of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate(s) also attended by the Norwegian royal family.


Who was Alfred Nobel?

Alfred Nobel; Credit – Wikipedia

Alfred Nobel (1833 – 1896) was a Swedish chemist, inventor, engineer, and businessman, known for inventing dynamite. His invention of dynamite in 1866 was developed with the idea of using it for mining, not for war. However, just four years later, dynamite was used by the Prussians and the French in the Franco-Prussian War (1870 – 1871). In 1891, Nobel commented about his dynamite factories, “Perhaps my factories will put an end to war sooner than your congresses: on the day that two army corps can mutually annihilate each other in a second, all civilized nations will surely recoil with horror and disband their troops.” Alfred Nobel died in 1896, so he was not alive during World War I to see how wrong his idea was.

Nobel’s friend Countess Bertha von Suttner; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1876, Austro-Bohemian Countess Bertha von Suttner became Nobel’s secretary. She left the position after a short time to marry but corresponded with Nobel until he died in 1896. During the 1880s, von Suttner began developing pacifist ideas, ideas her friend Nobel was also considering due to the effects of more powerful weapons. In 1889, von Suttner became a leading figure in the peace movement when her pacifist novel, Die Waffen Nieder! (Lay Down Your Arms!) was published. It is believed that von Suttner had a major influence on Nobel’s decision to include a peace prize among the prizes provided in his will. Bertha von Suttner was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 “for her audacity to oppose the horrors of war.”

On December 10, 1896, 63-year-old Alfred Nobel died in his villa in San Remo, Italy, from a cerebral hemorrhage. In his will, Nobel left instructions that his fortune be used to create a series of prizes for those who develop the “greatest benefit on mankind” in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature, and peace. Nobel bequeathed 94% of his total assets to establish the five Nobel Prizes. A sixth prize for Economic Sciences, endowed by Sweden’s central bank, Sveriges Riksbank, was first presented in 1969.


The Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai displays her medal and diploma during the Nobel Peace Prize awards ceremony at the City Hall in Oslo, Norway, on December 10, 2014

Alfred Nobel’s will states that the Peace Prize shall be given “to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.” Nobel’s will further state that the Nobel Peace Prize laureate will be selected by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, a five-member committee appointed by the Storting (the Norwegian legislature). Sweden administers the other Nobel Prizes. Why the Swedish Alfred Nobel decided that Norway should administer the Peace Prize is unclear. When Nobel died in 1896, Norway and Sweden were still the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway with Sweden in charge of foreign policy. There is speculation that Nobel may have considered Norway better suited to awarding the Peace Prize because it did not have the same militaristic traditions as Sweden.

Each year, the Norwegian Nobel Committee invites eligible people to submit nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation those eligible to submit nominations are:

Unlike the Nobel Prizes, the Peace Prize is occasionally awarded to an organization.


Nobel Peace Prize Ceremonies and Events

The Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony takes place at Oslo City Hall in Oslo, Norway on December 10th of each year, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. The Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presents the Nobel Peace Prize in the presence of the Norwegian monarch and the Norwegian royal family.

Several ceremonies occur on December 10 which Norwegian royal family members may attend.

Save the Children Peace Prize Party in 2015. Crown Princess Mette-Marit and her son Prince Sverre Magnus are on the right

  • Save the Children Peace Prize Party
  • December 10 at 11:00 AM
  • Location: Nobel Peace Center

The Save the Children Peace Prize Party is a show made by and for children with representatives of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate(s) as guests of honor. Children from 5th, 6th, and 7th grade are in the audience.

2023 Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony. King Harald V, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Crown Prince Haakon sit in the four chairs in the aisle.

  • Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony
  • December 10 at 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
  • Location: Oslo City Hall

The ceremony starts with musical performances, followed by the speech of the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate(s) receive their diploma and gold medal from the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee in the presence of the Norwegian monarch and the Norwegian royal family, and then they give their Nobel Lectures.

Torchlight procession from Oslo Central Station to the Grand Hotel in 2023; Credit – Wikipedia by Kimberli Mäkäräinen

The torchlight procession, organized by the Norwegian Peace Council, starts at Oslo Central Station and ends in front of the Grand Hotel, where the Nobel Peace Prize laureate(s) greet the parade from the Grand Balcony of the Nobel Suite.

2009 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama wave from the Grand Balcony of the Nobel Suite at the Grand Hotel.

Left to Right: Crown Prince Haakon, Queen Sonja, Ali Rahmani, Kiana Rahmani, King Harald V, Crown Princess Mette Marit, and Taghi Rahmani arrive at the Nobel Banquet on December 10, 2023. The 2023 Nobel Peace Prize winner Narges Mohammadi was imprisoned and was represented by her 17-year-old twin children and her husband, who live in exile in Paris. Narges Mohammadi received the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and the fight for human rights and freedom for all.

  • The Nobel Banquet
  • December 10 at 7:30
  • Location: Grand Hotel

More than 200 guests attend the Nobel Banquet at The Grand Hotel in Oslo. Seated with the laureate(s) are the Norwegian monarch and his/her spouse the President of the Storting, the Prime Minister, and members of the Nobel Committee. Other guests usually include the Crown Prince or the Crown Princess and his/her spouse, government ministers, members of the Storting, and representatives of public institutions, non-profit organizations, and cultural and commercial life.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Bertha von Suttner. (2022). Wikipedia.
  • Bidragsytere til Wikimedia-prosjektene. (2004). svensk kjemiker, ingeniør, oppfinner og filantrop.; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • Nobels Fredspris. (2021). Wikipedia.
  • Press Program for the Nobel Peace Prize Events 2023 – Nobel Peace Prize. (2023).
  • Royen, Ulrika. (2021). The Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies and Banquets –
  • ‌Royen, Ulrika. (2024). The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony 2024 –
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2019). Alfred Nobel. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2019). Nobel Peace Prize. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.


Nobel Prize Events – Sweden – December 10

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

1950 Nobel Prize medal in Physiology/Medicine awarded to researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Photograph: Erik Lindberg –  File:NobelPrize.JPG, PD-US,

Except for the Nobel Peace Prize, presented in Oslo, Norway, the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Economic Sciences are presented in Stockholm, Sweden. On December 10th of each year, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death in 1896, the Swedish monarch presents the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Economic Sciences at the Stockholm Concert Hall in Stockholm, Sweden. Each recipient, known as a laureate, receives an 18-carat green gold medal plated with 24-carat gold, a diploma, and a monetary award. The ceremony is followed by a banquet at the Stockholm City Hall for about 1,300 people, including 250 students.

Queen Silvia, Prince Daniel, King Carl XVI, and Crown Princess Victoria attend the 2023 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony

In attendance are the Swedish Monarch, his/her spouse, members of the Swedish royal family, representatives of the Swedish Riksdag (the Swedish legislature), representatives of the Swedish Government, international guests especially those who represent the sciences and cultural life, and Swedish citizens who participate in Nobel Prize-related functions.


Who was Alfred Nobel?

Alfred Nobel; Credit – Wikipedia 

Alfred Nobel (1833 – 1896) was a Swedish chemist, inventor, engineer, and businessman, known for inventing dynamite. His invention of dynamite in 1866 was developed with the idea of using it for mining, not for war. However, just four years later, dynamite was used by the Prussians and the French in the Franco-Prussian War (1870 – 1871). In 1891, Nobel commented about his dynamite factories, “Perhaps my factories will put an end to war sooner than your congresses: on the day that two army corps can mutually annihilate each other in a second, all civilized nations will surely recoil with horror and disband their troops.” Alfred Nobel died in 1896, so he was not alive during World War I to see how wrong his idea was.

On December 10, 1896, 63-year-old Alfred Nobel died in his villa in San Remo, Italy, from a cerebral hemorrhage. In his will, Nobel left instructions that his fortune be used to create a series of prizes for those who develop the “greatest benefit on mankind” in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature, and peace. Nobel bequeathed 94% of his total assets to establish the five Nobel Prizes. A sixth prize for Economic Sciences, endowed by Sweden’s central bank, Sveriges Riksbank, was first presented in 1969.


The Nobel Prizes

The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Economic Sciences, are administered by five Nobel Committees, one for each Nobel prize. These committees come from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (for the prizes in physics, chemistry, and economic sciences), the Karolinska Institute (for the prize in physiology or medicine), and the Swedish Academy (for the prize in literature).

Nomination forms are sent by the Nobel Committees to about 3,000 individuals, usually in September the year before the prizes are awarded. These individuals are generally prominent academics working in an area relevant to each Nobel Prize. The Nobel Committees prepare reports reflecting the advice of experts in the relevant fields. The reports and a list of preliminary candidates are then submitted to the prize-awarding institutions: the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for the prizes in physics, chemistry, and economic sciences, the Karolinska Institute for the prize in physiology or medicine, and the Swedish Academy for the prize in literature. Each institution then meets to choose the laureate(s) in for each Nobel Prize by a majority vote.


Nobel Prize Ceremonies and Events

The Nobel Lectures

Jon Fosse, Norwegian author, playwright, and 2023 Literature Nobel Prize Laureate, gives his Nobel Lecture at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 7, 2023.

The Nobel Foundation statutes state that each laureate is required to give a public lecture on a subject related to the topic of their Nobel Prize within six months of receiving the prize. The Nobel Lectures usually occur during Nobel Week, the week leading up to the award ceremony and banquet. The lectures are organized by the same association which selected the laureates.

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony

The Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony on December 10, 2023. Queen Silvia, King Carl XVI Gustaf, Prince Daniel, and Crown Princess Victoria can be seen on the right.

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony takes place at 4:00 PM at the Stockholm Concert Hall in Stockholm, Sweden on December 10th of each year, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. While at the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony in Oslo, Norway, the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presents the Nobel Peace Prize in the presence of the Norwegian monarch, in Sweden, the Swedish monarch presents the Nobel Prizes to the laureates.

King Carl XVI Gustaf presents the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Moungi Bawendi in 2023

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony begins with the Swedish Royal Anthem Kungssången followed by a short piece of music played by the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra while the Nobel Laureates take their seats. The Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation makes an introductory speech followed by a short piece of music.

Each of the five Nobel Prizes – Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Economic Sciences – is introduced by an academic in that field of study. The laureates then receive their diploma and gold medal from the Swedish monarch. After each Nobel Prize presentation, the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra plays a short piece of music. The ceremony ends with the playing of the Swedish National Anthem Du gamla, Du fria. As the guests leave, the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra plays a lively piece of music.

The Nobel Banquet

The Nobel Prize Banquet at Stockholm City Hall on December 10, 2023

The Nobel Banquet is held on December 10th of each year in the Blue Hall of Stockholm City Hall after the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. The Nobel Banquet is a formal affair, and for men, the dress code is white tie, and orders and decorations should be worn. Approximately 1,300 guests attend including 200 students. The Swedish royal family attends as guests of honor. The Nobel Prize laureates are usually accompanied by their entire family.

King Carl XVI Gustaf and Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Nobel Foundation and Queen Silvia and Vidar Helgesen, Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation descend the Grand Stairway into the Blue Hall of the Stockholm City Hall in 2023

The banquet begins with the entry procession of the Swedish royal family and guests of honor down the Grand Stairway and into the Blue Hall at 7:00 PM.

During the banquet, which lasts four hours, each Nobel laureate gives a speech, usually of a lighter nature. Two ceremonial toasts are given – one to the Swedish monarch and one the Swedish monarch gives in memory of Alfred Nobel. The speeches and toasts are presented by the banquet’s toastmaster, traditionally a Swedish student who holds the job for four years. Musical interludes are performed in between courses.

Golden Hall in Stockholm City Hall; Credit – Av Holger.Ellgaard – Eget arbete, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The banquet ends at around 11:00 PM. Dancing then begins in the Golden Hall of Stockholm City Hall.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Bidragsgivare till Wikimedia-projekten. (2005). Bankett Hållen i Blå Hallen i Stockholms Stadshus efter utdelningen av Nobelpriset.; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • Royen, Ulrika. (2021). The Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies and Banquets –
  • Royen, Ulrika. (2023). The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2023 –
  • Stockholm Award Ceremony Program 2023. (2023). Bawendi, M., Brus, L., & Yekimov, A. Retrieved November 21, 2024, from
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2019). Alfred Nobel. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2024). Nobel Banquet. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Wikipedia Contributors. (2018). Nobel Prize. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

December 10: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Leopold I, King of the Belgians, Credit – Wikipedia

Royal Events Today

Today in Royal History

December 10, 1756 – Birth of Friedrich Franz I, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in Schwerin, then in the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, now in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
In 1775, Friedrich Franz married Princess Luise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg and had six children. He also had numerous mistresses and fathered at least 15 illegitimate children. He maintained close contact with all of them, providing financial support and arranging for the best education possible for his sons. Friedrich Franz became the reigning Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in 1785, following the death of his childless uncle Friedrich II. After Napoleon’s defeat, Friedrich Franz was raised to Grand Duke in 1815 by the Congress of Vienna. The remaining years of his reign were focused on strengthening the education system in the Grand Duchy, as well as pushing for legal reforms and the abolishment of serfdom.
Unofficial Royalty: Friedrich Franz I, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

December 10, 1825 – Birth of Sir Henry Ponsonby, Private Secretary to Queen Victoria, in Corfu, Greece, where his father was stationed with the British Army
In 1857, Henry was appointed Equerry to Prince Albert, beginning his service in the Royal Household which would continue until just months before his death in 1895. He was Queen Victoria’s Private Secretary from 1870-1895 as well as Keeper of the Privy Purse from 1878-1895.
Unofficial Royalty: Sir Henry Ponsonby

December 10, 1861 – Birth of Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick, mistress of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, born Frances Evelyn Maynard at 27 Berkeley Square in London, England
Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick, was the mistress of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom from 1889 until 1898, while he was The Prince of Wales. A renowned social hostess, she later put much of her time and effort, and fortune into helping those less fortunate. Interestingly, Daisy was descended from King Charles II of England in several different ways, through his mistresses Nell Gwyn, Barbara Palmer, and Louise de Kéroualle.
Unofficial Royalty: Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick, mistress of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom

December 10, 1865 – Death of Leopold I, King of the Belgians at the Royal Palace of Laeken in Laeken, Brussels, Belgium; buried in the  Royal Vault at the Church of Our Lady in Laeken, Brussels, Belgium
Born Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, King Leopold was the uncle of both Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. Leopold’s first marriage in 1816 to Princess Charlotte of Wales, the heir and the only child of the future King George IV of the United Kingdom, tragically ended when Charlotte delivered a stillborn son and died of postpartum hemorrhage. In 1831, the southern provinces of the Netherlands rebelled against Dutch rule and became a new country, Belgium. Leopold agreed to become the first King of the Belgians. Leopold had to marry to provide for the Belgian succession, and so in 1832, he married Princess Louise-Marie of Orléans, daughter of Louis-Philippe I, King of the French. The couple had four children. Leopold again became a widower when Louise-Marie died in 1850, at the age of 38 from tuberculosis. Leopold helped arrange the marriage of his niece, Queen Victoria, the daughter of his sister, to his nephew, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, son of his brother. Even before she succeeded to the throne, Leopold had been advising Victoria by letter, and after her accession continued to influence her. Leopold had a twenty-year relationship with Arcadie Claret with whom he had two sons. Leopold died at the age of 74. Among his last words were “Charlotte…Charlotte.” Was he calling to his daughter Charlotte or to his beloved first wife Princess Charlotte of Wales?
Unofficial Royalty: King Leopold I of the Belgians

December 10, 1936 – King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom signs the Instrument of Abdication
King Edward VIII signed the Instrument of Abdication at Fort Belvedere, his home in Windsor Great Park, in the presence of his brothers: Prince Albert, Duke of York, the heir to the throne; Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester; and Prince George, Duke of Kent. The next day, the last act of his reign was the royal assent to His Majesty’s Declaration of Abdication Act 1936, necessary because only Parliament can change the succession to the throne. On the evening of December 11, 1936, once again His Royal Highness Prince Edward, the former king gave his famous radio speech in which he said, “I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love.”
Unofficial Royalty: King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom, Duke of Windsor

December 10, 2014 – Birth of Princess Gabriella of Monaco, Countess of Carladès and Hereditary Prince Jacques of Monaco, Marquis of Baux, children of Prince Albert II of Monaco, at the Princess Grace Hospital Center in Monaco
Full names: Gabriella Thérèse Marie and Jacques Honoré Rainier
Princess Gabriella, Countess of Carladès and Hereditary Prince Jacques of Monaco, Marquis of Baux are the twin children of Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene (born Charlene Wittstock). Gabriella was born two minutes before her twin brother, however, she is second in the line of succession to the throne of Monaco. Because the succession to the throne is male-preference cognatic primogeniture, Gabriella’s brother Jacques is ahead of her in the line of succession even though she was born first.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Gabriella of Monaco
Unofficial Royalty: Jacques, Hereditary Prince of Monaco

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Royal News Recap for Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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United Kingdom

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Disclaimer:Please be advised that any media article titles or content that appear in the Royal News which identify members of royal families with their maiden names, nicknames, incorrect style or title, etc., come directly from the media source and not from Unofficial Royalty. We encourage you to contact the media sources to express your concern about their use of the incorrect name, style, title, etc. Contact information can usually be found at the bottom of each media source’s main page.

December 9: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Pedro II, King of Portugal; Credit – Wikipedia

December 9, 1706 – Death of King Pedro II of Portugal at the Palhavã Palace in Alcântara, Portugal; buried at the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora in Lisbon, Portugal
Pedro was King of Portugal from 1683 until his death, previously serving as regent for his mentally disabled brother King Afonso VI from 1668 until his accession. Pedro not only inherited his brother’s throne but also married his widow Marie-Françoise of Savoy. After his first wife died, Pedro married again to Maria Sophia of Neuberg because he had only one daughter with his first wife and wanted sons. On December 5, 1706, he had a seizure that resulted in a stroke and he died four days later. Pedro was succeeded by was 17-year-old son João V, King of Portugal.
Unofficial Royalty: King Pedro II of Portugal

December 9, 1709 – Birth of Louise-Élisabeth of Orléans, Queen of Spain, wife of King Luis I of Spain, at the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France
Louise-Élisabeth was the daughter of Philippe II, Duke of Orléans and Françoise Marie de Bourbon, the legitimized daughter of King Louis XIV of France and his mistress Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart, Marquise de Montespan. In 1721, eleven-year-old Louise Élisabeth married the future King Luis I of Spain. The marriage was unsuccessful and resulted in no children due to Louise Élisabeth’s being young and her increasingly erratic and impulsive behavior. In 1724, King Luis I died from smallpox. Louise Élisabeth was a widow at the age of fourteen. Because the marriage of Luis I and Louise Élisabeth had not been consummated, Louise Élisabeth was to be sent back to France. She lived at the Palais du Luxembourg in Paris, away from the court of King Louis XV, her first cousin once removed. Louise Élisabeth died lonely and forgotten, seventeen years later, on June 16, 1742. She was buried in the Church of Saint-Sulpice in Paris but her tomb was desecrated and destroyed during the French Revolution.
Unofficial Royalty: Louise-Élisabeth of Orléans, Queen of Spain

December 9, 1751 – Birth of Maria Luisa of Parma, Queen of Spain, wife of King Carlos IV of Spain, in the Duchy of Parma, now in Italy
Full name: Luisa María Teresa Ana
The daughter of Felipe, Infante of Spain, Duke of Parma (founder of the House of Bourbon-Parma) and Louise Élisabeth of France, Maria Luisa married her first cousin, the future King Carlos IV of Spain in 1765. Maria Luisa had twenty-three pregnancies. Thirteen of the pregnancies resulted in live births, including a set of twins. The other ten pregnancies ended in miscarriages. Of the fourteen children who were born alive, only seven survived childhood. In 1808, after riots and a revolt, King Carlos IV was forced to abdicate in favor of his son King Fernando VII. Less than two months later, Carlos IV and his son Fernando VII were summoned to a meeting with Napoleon I, Emperor of the French where he forced them both to abdicate, declared the Bourbon dynasty of Spain deposed, and installed his brother Joseph Bonaparte as King of Spain. Napoleon kept Carlos and Maria Luisa’s son Fernando VII under guard in France for more than five years until the 1813 Treaty of Valençay provided for the restoration of Fernando VII as King of Spain. After Napoleon’s final defeat in 1815, King Fernando VII refused to allow his parents to return to Spain. Carlos IV and Maria Luisa settled in Rome at the Palazzo Barberini where they both died in 1819.
Unofficial Royalty: Maria Luisa of Parma, Queen of Spain

December 9, 1793 – Death of Gabrielle de Polastron, Duchesse de Polignac, favorite of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, in Vienna, Austria; buried in Vienna, Austria
In 1775, Gabrielle and her husband were invited to visit Versailles by her sister-in-law, Diane de Polignac, who was a lady-in-waiting to Princess Elizabeth of France, the younger sister of King Louis XVI. Gabrielle was formally presented to Queen Marie Antoinette who instantly took a liking to her and soon asked her to move permanently to Versailles. Heavily in debt, this was not a move that Gabrielle and her husband could afford. Despite their aristocratic background, there was little money for extravagance. They lived on Jules’s military salary of just 4,000 livres and were heavily in debt. Becoming aware of this, Marie Antoinette quickly arranged to settle their debts and find a better position for Jules within the royal household. In 1782, Gabrielle was appointed Governess to the children of France. Following the storming of the Bastille in July 1789, Gabrielle and her family fled France, traveling throughout Europe before eventually settling in Vienna, Austria. During this time, she remained in close contact with Marie Antoinette for the next several years. Having developed what is believed to be cancer, her health quickly began to decline. Just two months after the Queen’s execution, Gabrielle died at the age of 44. Gabrielle is an ancestor of Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco.
Unofficial Royalty: Gabrielle de Polastron, Duchesse de Polignac

December 9, 1799 – Birth of Lord Frederick FitzClarence, illegitimate son of King William IV of the United Kingdom, at Bushy House in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, England
Frederick was one of the ten illegitimate children of the future King William IV of the United Kingdom and his mistress Dorothea Jordan. Frederick married Lady Augusta Boyle, the daughter of George Boyle, 4th Earl of Glasgow, and they had two children. Frederick had a military career. His highest military rank was Lieutenant-General. Frederick, aged fifty-four, died on October 30, 1854, in Pune, Maharashtra, India in active service as Commander-in-Chief of the Bombay Army.
Unofficial Royalty: Frederick FitzClarence, Illegitimate Son of King William IV of the United Kingdom

December 9, 1806 – Death of Franz Friedrich Anton, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld in Coburg, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, now in Bavaria, Germany; buried in a mausoleum in the Coburg Court Garden in Coburg
Franz Friedrich Anton was the grandfather of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. In 1777, Franz married Augusta Reuss of Ebersdorf. They had nine children including Franz’s successor and Prince Albert’s father Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Queen Victoria’s mother Victoria, and Leopold who was the first King of the Belgians. In 1775, he began a print collection that ultimately consisted of 300,000 prints. The collection can be visited at the Veste Coburg. Because of Franz, the family’s library had an extensive collection of books. Franz conducted an extensive renovation of the family castles. Walls, ditches, and towers were demolished and replaced by gardens and other green areas. In 1805, Franz bought back Schloss Rosenau which the family had been forced to sell in 1704 due to debts. Franz Frederick Anton died, aged 56.
Unofficial Royalty: Franz Friedrich Anton, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld

December 9, 1810 – Birth of Auguste de Beauharnais, 2nd Duke of Leuchtenberg, first husband of Queen Maria II of Portugal, at the Royal Villa of Monza, just outside of Milan, Italy
Full name: Auguste Charles Eugène Napoléon
Auguste was the eldest son of Eugène de Beauharnais and Princess Augusta of Bavaria, a daughter of King Maximilian I of Bavaria. Auguste’s father Eugène was the son of the French Empress Joséphine from her first marriage, and therefore a stepson of Emperor Napoleon I. on January 26, 1835, Auguste married Queen Maria II of Portugal. Sadly, their marriage was to be very short-lived. On March 20, 1835, Auguste complained of a sore throat but refused to see a doctor. By March 23, 1835, his condition was worse and he finally consented to see a doctor. Within days, his condition became extremely grave, doctors told the family there was no hope, and Auguste was given the last rites. Auguste died on March 28, 1835, at the age of 24, most likely from diphtheria.
Unofficial Royalty: Auguste de Beauharnais, 2nd Duke of Leuchtenberg

December 9, 1963 – Birth of Empress Masako of Japan, wife of Emperor Naruhito of Japan, born Masako Owada at Toranomon Hospital in Tokyo, Japan
Masako’s father Hisashi Owada, was a former Japanese diplomat and served as Japanese Ambassador to the United Nations and as a member of the International Court of Justice, located in the Netherlands. Masako has a Bachelor’s degree in economics from Radcliffe College, part of Harvard University, and a Master’s Degree in International Relations from Balliol College, Oxford University. In 1986, Masako met her future husband, Emperor Naruhito of Japan, at a tea held in honor of Infanta Elena of Spain. She finally accepted his third proposal in December 1992.  On June 9, 1993, Naruhito and Masako were married in a traditional ceremony. The couple has one daughter Princess Aiko, born in 2001. In 2004, it was announced that she was suffering from Adjustment Disorder, although many speculate that she was dealing with clinical depression, brought on by the pressures and constraints placed upon her by the strict Imperial Household Agency. It would be many years before she would return to the public eye. In 2019, upon the abdication of his father Emperor Akihito, Masako’s husband became Emperor of Japan and she became Empress.
Unofficial Royalty: Empress Masako of Japan

December 9, 1987 – Death of Ernst August (IV), the former Hereditary Prince of Brunswick and Prince of Hanover, at Calenberg Castle in Schulenburg in Lower Saxony, Germany; buried at Marienburg Castle in Pattensen in Lower Saxony, Germany
Ernst August (IV) was the eldest son of Ernst August (III), Duke of Brunswick and Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia, the only daughter of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and King of Prussia. He was the senior male-line descendant of King George III of the United Kingdom, which made him the pretender to the former Kingdom of Hanover. He was also a great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria via his mother. In 1951, Ernst August (IV) married Princess Ortrud of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. They had six children including the present Prince Ernst August (V), the husband of Princess Caroline of Monaco. After his first wife’s death, Ernst August (IV) married Countess Monika zu Solms-Laubach. Ernst August (IV) died at the age of 73.
Unofficial Royalty: Ernst August (IV), Hereditary Prince of Brunswick and Prince of Hanover

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Royal Birthdays & Anniversaries: December 8-December 14

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Below is a select list of birthdays and wedding anniversaries for current monarchies. It does not purport to be a complete list. Please see the Current Monarchies Index in the heading above for more information on current monarchies.

Empress Masako of Japan; Credit – Wikipedia

61st birthday of Empress Masako of Japan, born Masako Owada, wife of Emperor Naruhito of Japan; born in Tokyo, Japan on December 9, 1963
Unofficial Royalty: Empress Masako of Japan


10th birthday of Princess Gabriella of Monaco, Countess of Carladès and Hereditary Prince Jacques of Monaco, Marquis of Baux, children of Prince Albert II of Monaco, born at the Princess Grace Hospital Center in Monaco on December 10, 2014
Full names: Gabriella Thérèse Marie and Jacques Honoré Rainier
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Gabriella of Monaco
Unofficial Royalty: Jacques, Hereditary Prince of Monaco


Timothy Laurence and The Princess Royal; Credit –

32nd wedding anniversary of Anne, Princess Royal and Timothy Laurence at Crathie Church in Ballater, Scotland on December 12, 1992
Unofficial Royalty: Wedding of Princess Anne and Timothy Laurence
Unofficial Royalty: Anne, Princess Royal
Unofficial Royalty: Timothy Laurence


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December 8: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

King Oscar II of Sweden; Credit – Wikipedia

December 8, 1521 – Death of Christina of Saxony, Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, wife of King Hans of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, in Odense, Denmark; buried first in the Gråbrödre Klosterkirke in Odense, after her first burial site was demolished her remains were moved in 1805 to Saint Canute’s Cathedral in Odense, Denmark
In 1478, Christina married the future King Hans of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Christina and Hans had six children. In 1501, Hans began a long-term affair with Edel Jernskjæg, one of Christina’s ladies-in-waiting. The affair caused a scandal and a de facto termination of their marriage. From that time on, the marriage of Hans and Christina was one in name only. Christina was a devout Catholic (the Reformation had not yet occurred in Denmark) and she founded convents for the nuns of the Poor Clares in Copenhagen and Odense. In 1513, King Hans died from injuries after he was thrown from his horse. Christina survived her husband by eight years, dying aged 59, and was buried wearing the habit of a Poor Clares nun.
Unofficial Royalty: Christina of Saxony, Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden

December 8, 1542 – Birth of Mary, Queen of Scots at Linlithgow Palace in Scotland
The year before Mary’s birth, her grandmother Margaret Tudor died and her father James V saw no reason to keep the peace with England. When war broke out between England and France in 1542, it was inevitable that Scotland would go to war against England because of their treaty with France. When Henry VIII of England broke from the Roman Catholic Church, he asked James V of Scotland, his nephew, to do the same. James ignored his uncle’s request and further insulted him by refusing to meet with Henry VIII at York. Furious, Henry VIII sent troops against Scotland. In retaliation for the English raid into Scotland, James raised an army and attacked England. On November 24, 1542, the Battle of Solway Moss in Cumberland, England resulted in a decisive English victory. After the Battle of Solway Moss, James V fled to Falkland Palace in Scotland where he became ill and took to his bed. Overcome with grief and shame about the Battle of Solway Moss, James V lost the will to live. The news that his wife Marie of Guise had given birth to a daughter on December 8, 1542, did nothing to raise his spirits. James V, King of Scots died at Falkland Palace in Fife, Scotland on December 14, 1542, at the age of 30, and was succeeded by his only surviving, legitimate child, six-day-old Mary.
Unofficial Royalty: Mary, Queen of Scots

December 8, 1625 – Death of Christina of Holstein-Gottorp, Queen of Sweden, second wife of King Karl IX of Sweden, at Gripsholm Castle in Mariefred, Södermanland, Sweden; buried at Strängnäs Cathedral in Strängnäs, Sweden
In 1592, Christina married the future King Karl IX of Sweden as his second wife. They had four children including Gustavus II Adolphus the Great, King of Sweden. In 1611, Christina’s husband died. Christina was co-regent for her son Gustavus II Adolphus during his short regency. Christina was considered the real power behind the throne during the early years of her son’s reign. In 1622, Christina’s younger son Karl Philip died at the age of twenty after a serious illness. Christina was heartbroken after the death of her younger son, and she retired from public life and lived in seclusion. She survived her husband by fourteen years, dying at the age of 52.
Unofficial Royalty: Christina of Holstein-Gottorp, Queen of Sweden

December 8, 1708 – Birth of Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Holy Roman Emperor at the Ducal Palace of Nancy, Duchy of Lorraine, now in France
In 1736, Francis Stephen married Maria Theresa of Austria, the only surviving child of Holy Roman Emperor Karl VI and the heir to the Habsburg empire. The couple had sixteen children but only eight survived childhood including two Holy Roman Emperors and Maria Antonia better known as Queen Marie Antoinette of France. Upon her father’s death in 1740, Maria Theresa became the sovereign ruler of the Habsburg territories in her own right of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Transylvania, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands, and Parma, and she was the only female to hold the position. However, Maria Theresa was unable to become the sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire because she was female. Maria Theresa’s right to succeed to her father was the cause of the eight-year-long War of the Austrian Succession. The Habsburgs had been elected Holy Roman Emperors since 1438, but in 1742 Karl Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria and Prince-Elector of Bavaria from the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach was elected Holy Roman Emperor Karl VII. He died in 1745 and via a treaty Maria Theresa arranged for her husband Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine to be elected Holy Roman Emperor as Franz I. Despite the snub, Maria Theresa wielded the real power and Francis Stephen was content to leave the act of reigning to his wife.
Unofficial Royalty: Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Holy Roman Emperor

December 8, 1722 – Death of Elizabeth Charlotte (Liselotte) of the Palatinate, Duchess of Orléans, second wife of Philippe, Duke of Orléans, at the Château de Saint-Cloud, near Paris, France; buried at the Basilica of Saint-Denis, near Paris, France
Elizabeth Charlotte, called Liselotte, was the daughter of Karl I Ludwig, Elector Palatine. Her paternal grandmother was Elizabeth Stuart, the daughter of King James I of England and the granddaughter of Mary, Queen of Scots. Liselotte’s paternal aunt Sophia of the Palatinate, Electress of Hanover was the heiress presumptive to Queen Anne of Great Britain in accordance with the Act of Settlement 1701 but Sophia died two months before Queen Anne died. Upon Queen Anne’s death on August 1, 1714, Liselotte’s first cousin succeeded to the British throne as King George I of Great Britain. In 1670, Liselotte’s first cousin once removed, Henrietta of England, daughter of King Charles I of England, wife of Philippe, Duke of Orléans, and sister-in-law of King Louis XIV of France, died at the age of 26. In 1671, Liselotte became the second wife of Philippe, Duke of Orléans. Philippe and Liselotte had three children including Élisabeth Charlotte d’Orléans, the paternal grandmother of Maria Antoinette, Queen of France. After Philippe died in 1701, Liselotte was concerned that she would be forced to retire to a convent as stated in her marriage contract. However, her brother-in-law Louis XIV appreciated her and allowed Liselotte to keep her apartments at all the royal residences and retain her rank. Liselotte survived Philippe by twenty-one years, dying at age 70.
Unofficial Royalty: Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, Duchess of Orléans

December 8, 1793 – Execution by guillotine of Jeanne Bécu, Countess du Barry, mistress of King Louis XV of France, at the Place de la Révolution (now the Place de la Concorde), in Paris, France; buried at the Madeleine Cemetery in Paris, France
Jeanne Bécu, Countess du Barry was the last official mistress of King Louis XV of France, from 1768 until Louis XV died in 1774. After Louis XV’s death, Jeanne was banished from court and sent to the Abbey du Pont-aux-Dames. After a year, she was permitted to leave the abbey but banned from coming within 10 miles of Versailles. During her time as the King’s mistress, Jeanne had been gifted with a slave Zamor who remained in her household. Zamor later joined the Jacobin club, and upon discovering this, Jeanne dismissed him. In retaliation, Zamor gave testimony implying that Jeanne had assisted numerous aristocrats who had fled the French Revolution. Due to this testimony, Jeanne was arrested and charged with treason. A swift trial took place and she was found guilty and sentenced to death by guillotine.
Unofficial Royalty: Jeanne Bécu, Countess du Barry, mistress of King Louis XV of France

December 8, 1818 – Birth of Charles III, Prince of Monaco in Paris, France
Charles Honoré Grimaldi was born on December 8, 1818, in Paris, France. The famous Casino de Monte-Carlo was established and the construction of the Cathedral of Monaco began during his reign. In 1846, Charles married 18-year-old Countess Antoinette de Mérode, the daughter of Belgian politician Count Werner de Mérode. Although they sometimes were in Monaco, Charles and Antoinette preferred to live in France, where Antoinette had acquired the Château de Marchais in Aisne in northern France. The Château de Marchais still belongs to the Princely Family of Monaco. Charles and Antoinette had one child Albert I, Prince of Monaco.
Unofficial Royalty: Charles III, Prince of Monaco

December 8, 1818 – Death of Karl, Grand Duke of Baden at Schloss Rastatt in Rastatt, Grand Duchy of Baden, now in Baden-Württemberg, Germany; buried St. Michael’s Church in Pforzheim, Grand Duchy of Baden, now in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Karl became Grand Duke of Baden upon the death of his grandfather Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden in 1811. In 1806, Karl had married Stéphanie de Beauharnais. They had five children but their only son died within a week of his birth. In 1817, with no living male heirs, and only one unmarried uncle to succeed him, Karl formally gave dynastic rights to his half-uncles – the sons of his grandfather Karl Friedrich from his second, morganatic, marriage. This kept the Grand Ducal throne of Baden from passing to Karl’s brother-in-law King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria. In 1818, Karl oversaw the passing of a new and much more liberal constitution.  When Karl died in 1818 at the age of 32, the throne of Baden passed to his uncle, Ludwig I. However, through his daughters, his descendants include the former Kings of Romania and Yugoslavia, the Belgian royal family, the Luxembourg grand ducal family, and the Monaco princely family.
Unofficial Royalty: Karl, Grand Duke of Baden

December 8, 1826 – Birth of John Brown, personal attendant and favorite of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, in Crathie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
John Brown served Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom as a ghillie at Balmoral (Scottish outdoor servant) from 1849 – 1861 and a personal attendant from 1861 – 1883. Prince Albert’s untimely death in 1861 was a shock from which Queen Victoria never fully recovered. In 1864, Victoria’s personal physician Sir William Jenner ordered that she ride all winter. Victoria refused to be accompanied by a stranger and so John Brown was summoned to Osborne House on the Isle of Wight with Victoria’s Highland pony. His duties soon encompassed more than leading a horse. Brown became known as “the Queen’s Highland Servant” who took his orders exclusively from the Queen. From then on, until his death nearly twenty years later, Brown was never far from Victoria’s side.
Unofficial Royalty: John Brown

December 8, 1875 – Death of Leopold III, Prince of Lippe in Detmold, Principality of Lippe, now in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany; buried in the Mausoleum at the Büchenberg in Detmold
When his father in 1851, Leopold became sovereign Prince of Lippe. A year later, he married Princess Elisabeth of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt but the couple had no children. In 1875, Leopold III, aged 54, died after suffering a stroke and was succeeded by his brother Woldemar. Leopold III had eight younger siblings. It appears that Leopold and his brother Woldemar were the only ones who married and neither had any children. This would eventually create a succession crisis. After the death of Leopold’s brother Alexander, who succeeded his brother Woldemar, and the extinction of the Lippe-Detmold line, the throne of the Principality of Lippe went to Count Leopold of Lippe-Biesterfeld who would be the last Prince of Lippe.
Unofficial Royalty: Leopold III, Prince of Lippe

December 8, 1907 – Death of King Oscar II of Sweden and Norway at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, Sweden; buried at Riddarholmen Church in Stockholm, Sweden
Oscar was the third of the four sons of King Oscar I of Sweden and Norway. In 1857, he married Princess Sophia of Nassau and the couple had four sons. Upon his father’s death in 1859, Oscar became Crown Prince and heir of his elder brother King Karl XV, who had no living male heirs. Oscar became King of Sweden and Norway when his brother died in 1872. In 1905, King Oscar II formally renounced his claim to the Norwegian throne, with Sweden finally recognizing Norway as an independent constitutional monarchy. Oscar’s great-nephew, Prince Carl of Denmark (a grandson of Oscar’s elder brother King Karl XV), was elected King of Norway, taking the name Haakon VII. Ironically, Haakon’s son Olav married the daughter of Oscar’s son Prince Carl of Sweden, and today it is Oscar’s great-grandson, King Harald V, who sits on the Norwegian throne. Through his children, Oscar II’s descendants currently occupy the thrones of Sweden, Norway, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Soon after the end of the union with Norway, King Oscar’s health began to decline. He died at the age of 78.
Unofficial Royalty: King Oscar II of Sweden

December 8, 1915 – Death of Julia Abercromby, Baroness Abercromby, Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Victoria, at Camperdown House in Dundee, Scotland
Born The Honorable Julia Haldane-Duncan, she was the eldest child of Adam Haldane-Duncan, 2nd Earl of Camperdown and married George Abercromby, 4th Baron Abercromby. In April 1874, Julia was appointed a Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Victoria and served until March 1885. She was an accomplished painter and was asked to paint the first official portrait of Queen Victoria for the National Portrait Gallery. She painted a watercolor portrait, based on an original painting by von Angeli. It was one of Queen Victoria’s favorite portraits of herself.
Unofficial Royalty: Julia Abercromby, Baroness Abercromby

December 8, 1942 – Death of Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia, son of Wilhelm II, German Emperor, at Villa Ingenheim in Potsdam, Germany; buried at the Antique Temple in Sanssouci Park, Potsdam, Germany
In 1906, Eitel Friedrich married Duchess Sophie Charlotte of Oldenburg. The couple had no children. The marriage was never a happy one as Eitel Friedrich was continually unfaithful and the couple divorced in 1926. After World War I and the end of the German Empire, Eitel Friedrich remained active in monarchist circles and supported the Stahlhelm paramilitary organization. He was later one of the founders of the Harzburg Front, a radical right-wing alliance formed to present unified opposition to the government of Chancellor Heinrich Brüning. However, Eitel Friedrich was an outspoken opponent of Hitler. When Eitel Friedrich died at the age of 59 in 1942, the Nazi regime refused to allow him any military honors at his funeral and forbade anyone to participate wearing their uniforms. Despite this, many of his former comrades, all in civilian clothes, participated in his funeral.
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia

December 8, 1956 – Death of Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein, daughter of Princess Helena of the United Kingdom and granddaughter of Queen Victoria, at 10 Fitzmaurice Place, Berkeley Square, London, England; buried at the Royal Burial Ground, Frogmore in Windsor, England
In 1890, Marie Louise married Prince Aribert of Anhalt. However, the marriage was unsuccessful. In 1900, the marriage was dissolved by Marie Louise’s father-in-law, at her husband’s insistence. It has been speculated that the marriage was never consummated and that Aribert was homosexual, and had been caught in a delicate situation by either his wife or his father. In her memoirs, Marie Louise states that even though her marriage was annulled, she maintained the vows she had made at her wedding, and would never remarry. After World War II, Marie Louise and her unmarried sister Helena Victoria moved to 10 Fitzmaurice Place in Berkeley Square, London, England. She continued participating in most family functions and remained very close to King George VI and his family. Following her sister’s death in 1952, one of her last major appearances was the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. At the suggestion of Queen Elizabeth II, she began to write her memoir, My Memories of Six Reigns, published in 1956. Soon after the book was published, Princess Marie Louise died at the age of 84.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein

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Royal News Recap for Friday, December 6, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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