Royal News Recap for Saturday, March 2 and Sunday March 3, 2024

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March 4: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

David II, King of Scots; Credit – Wikipedia

March 4, 1238 – Death of Joan of England, Queen of Scots, wife of Alexander II, King of Scots, daughter of King John of England, at Havering-atte-Bower in Essex, England; buried at Tarrant Crawford Abbey in Dorset, England
Joan was the eldest of the three daughters and the third of the five children of King John of England and Isabella of Angoulême.  Joan’s father died when she was six years old, leaving his eldest son King Henry III, a nine-year-old, to inherit his throne. Five years later, marriage negotiations were occurring for Joan. Twelve years older than Joan, Alexander II, King of Scots was the only son of William I, King of Scots (the Lion), and had become King of Scots in 1214 when he was sixteen years old. On June 21, 1221, at York Minster in York, England, eleven-year-old Joan married 23-year-old Alexander. Alexander’s court was dominated by his mother Dowager Queen Ermengarde and therefore, Joan’s position was not strong. Joan and Alexander never had any children, which left Alexander without an heir, a major issue for any king. An annulment of the marriage was risky as it could provoke a war with England. While visiting England, Joan became ill and died in the arms of her brothers King Henry III and Richard, Earl of Cornwall on March 4, 1238, at the age of 27.
Unofficial Royalty: Joan of England, Queen of Scots

March 4, 1324 – Birth of David II, King of Scots at Dunfermline Palace in Fife, Scotland
The second and last monarch of the House of Bruce, David II, King of Scots is one of the longest-reigning monarchs of Scotland, having reigned for 41 years, 260 days. He was the only surviving son of Robert I, King of Scots (also known as Robert the Bruce) and his second wife Elizabeth de Brugh. In 1328, four-year-old David married seven-year-old Joan of the Tower, the youngest daughter of King Edward II of England and Isabella of France. David’s mother had died in 1327 and upon the death of his father on June 7, 1329, five-year-old David succeeded to the Scottish throne. Joan died in 1362, at the age of 41, without giving her husband an heir. David married his mistress Margaret Drummond in 1364. He divorced her in 1370 on the grounds of infertility. However, Margaret successfully petitioned Pope Urban V to reverse the divorce because it seemed likely that David was infertile as his 34-year marriage to his first wife produced no issue. In the later years of his reign, David continued to pursue peace with England and worked to make Scotland a stronger kingdom with a more prosperous economy. David, aged 46, died unexpectedly in 1371. Because both his marriages were childless, David was succeeded by his nephew, the son of his half-sister Marjorie Bruce, who became Robert II, King of Scots, the first monarch of the House of Stewart.
Unofficial Royalty: David II, King of Scots

March 4, 1665 – Birth of Count Philip Christoph von Königsmarck, lover of Sophia Dorothea of Celle, Electoral Princess of Hanover, wife of the future King George I of Great Britain, in Stade, then part of the Swedish province of Bremen-Verden-Wildeshausen, now in Lower Saxony, Germany
The marriage of first cousins Sophia Dorothea of Celle and George, Electoral Prince of Hanover, the future King George I of Great Britain, was happy at first, but soon both George and Sophia Dorothea found affection elsewhere. George fell in love with one of his mother’s ladies-in-waiting Melusine von der Schulenburg, and Sophia Dorothea fell in love with her childhood friend Philip Christoph von Königsmarck. In 1694, Sophia Dorothea’s affair was revealed to her father-in-law and uncle Ernst August, Elector of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg. On the morning of July 2, 1694, after a meeting with Sophia Dorothea, 29-year-old Philip Christoph von Königsmarck disappeared from the Leineschloss in Hanover and was never seen again. It was widely believed he was secretly murdered that same day. Officially, Philip Christoph von Königsmarck is still a missing person.
Unofficial Royalty: Philip Christoph von Königsmarck, Lover of Sophia Dorothea of Celle, Electoral Princess of Hanover

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March 3: Today in Royal History

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Princess Maria of Greece; Credit – Wikipedia

March 3, 1542 – Death of Arthur Plantagenet, 1st Viscount Lisle, illegitimate son of King Edward IV of England, at the Tower of London in London, England; buried at the Chapel Royal of St. Peter ad Vincula at the Tower of London

Unofficial Royalty: Arthur Plantagenet, 1st Viscount Lisle, Illegitimate Son of King Edward IV of England

March 3, 1778 – Birth of Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of Ernst August, King of Hanover, Duke of Cumberland at the Altes Palais in Hanover, Kingdom of Hanover, now in Lower Saxony, Germany
Full name: Friederike Luise Caroline Sophie Alexandrine
In 1815, Frederica married her first cousin Prince Ernest Augustus of the United Kingdom, Duke of Cumberland, the son of King George III of the United Kingdom. Upon the death of Frederica’s husband’s brother King William IV of the United Kingdom, his niece succeeded to the throne as Queen Victoria. However, because the Kingdom of Hanover did not allow for female succession, Frederica’s husband succeeded him as King Ernst August I of Hanover, and she became Queen of Hanover. Frederica was only Queen of Hanover for a little less than three years. In April 1841, she fell ill and died two months later.
Unofficial Royalty: Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Hanover, Duchess of Cumberland

March 3, 1862 – Death of Augusta Reuss of Köstritz, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in Schwerin, first wife of Friedrich Franz II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, in Schwerin, Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin now in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany; buried in the Schwerin Cathedral
In 1849, Auguste married Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II, and the couple had six children including Friedrich Franz III, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Marie who married Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia. Three years after giving birth to her youngest child, Auguste, aged 39, died on March 3, 1862. The cause of Auguste’s death is unclear. At that time, there were mentions of “heart disease associated with a bronchial ailment” and “fever.” It is quite possible that she died from tuberculosis which was widespread at the time.
Unofficial Royalty: Augusta Reuss of Köstritz, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

March 3, 1876 – Birth of Princess Maria of Greece, daughter of King George I of Greece, at the Royal Palace in Athens, Greece
In 1900, Maria married a maternal cousin Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia, the son of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich of Russia and the grandson of Nicholas I, Emperor of All Russia. The couple had two daughters. The marriage was never particularly happy. Maria was not in love with her husband, despite his apparent devotion to her. She soon found excuses to leave Russia and spent more time in Greece and elsewhere in Europe. When World War I began, Maria was living in Harrogate, England with her two daughters and chose to remain there and not return to Russia. Her husband, like many in the Russian Imperial Family, was murdered by the Bolsheviks with three other Grand Dukes of Russia in January 1919, leaving Maria a widow. In 1920, Maria was able to return to Greece when her brother King Constantine I was brought back to power. She traveled aboard a Greek destroyer commanded by Admiral Pericles Ioannidis, and a romance developed. The couple married two years later in 1922. Maria, aged 64, died of a heart attack in 1940.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Maria of Greece, Grand Duchess Maria Georgievna of Russia

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Royal News Recap for Friday, March 1, 2024

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Royal News Recaps are published Mondays-Fridays and on Sundays, except for Thanksgiving in the United States, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Royal News Recap for Sundays will be a weekend recap. If there is any breaking or major news, we will add an update as necessary.

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March 2: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Nicholas I, Emperor of All Russia; Credit – Wikipedia

March 2, 1316 – Birth of Robert II, King of Scots at Paisley Abbey in Renfrewshire, Scotland
The first monarch of the House of Stewart, Robert II, King of Scots was the only child of Walter Stewart, 6th High Steward of Scotland and Marjorie Bruce, the daughter of Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots. Fortunately, Robert II’s reign was more peaceful than previous reigns. Hostilities with England were renewed in 1378 and went on intermittently for the rest of Robert II’s reign. In 1384, when Robert II became senile, he left the administration of the kingdom to his eldest son John, Earl of Carrick, who succeeded him as Robert III, King of Scots.
Unofficial Royalty: Robert II, King of Scots

March 2, 1619 – Death of Anne of Denmark, Queen of England, wife of King James I of England, at Hampton Court Palace in Richmond, England; buried at Westminster Abbey in London, England
In 1589, Anne married James VI, King of Scots, the son of Mary, Queen of Scots. In 1603, James succeeded to the English throne upon the death of Queen Elizabeth I of England as King James I of England. Anne and James had seven children but only three survived childhood: Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales who died of typhoid fever, aged 18; Elizabeth who married Frederick V, Elector Palatine whose daughter Sophia of Hanover became heiress presumptive to the British throne under the Act of Settlement 1701 (Sophia’s son was King George I) and King Charles I of England who was beheaded during the English Civil War. When Anne’s son Henry Frederick died, it was a great tragedy for Anne and the entire nation. Anne could not bear to have Henry’s death mentioned and people were advised not to give her condolences. After her son’s death, Anne’s health began to deteriorate and she withdrew from social activities. By 1617, Anne’s condition became debilitating. Her surviving son Charles was often with her and was at her bedside when Anne died at the age of 44 from dropsy (edema).
Unofficial Royalty: Anne of Denmark, Queen of England

March 2, 1681 – Death of Isabel Stuart, daughter of King James II of England and his second wife Maria Beatrice of Modena, at St. James’s Palace in London, England; buried at Westminster Abbey in London, England in the vault of her great-great-grandmother Mary, Queen of Scots

For most of her short life, Isabel was her parents’ only child and was fourth in line to the throne behind her father and her elder half-sisters Mary and Anne from her father’s first marriage. She moved down a place in the line of succession when her brother Charles Stuart, Duke of Cambridge was born in 1677. However, he lived for only one month, dying from smallpox. In 1678, Isabel was joined by another sister, Elizabeth, who was also short-lived. Isabel died on March 2, 1681, five months before her fifth birthday, at St. James’s Palace in London while her parents were still in Scotland. Her father regretted that he “could not have the satisfaction of seeing and assisting her in her sickness.”

Unofficial Royalty: Isabel Stuart

March 2, 1835 – Death of Franz I, Emperor of Austria in Vienna, Austria; buried at the Imperial Crypt in Vienna, Austria
Franz was the son of Pietro Leopoldo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany (later Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor) and Infanta Maria Luisa of Spain. Franz’s paternal grandparents were the formidable and powerful Empress Maria Theresa, who was in her own right Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary, Queen of Croatia, and Queen of Bohemia, and Francis Stephen, Holy Roman Emperor, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and Duke of Lorraine. Even though her husband was the nominal Holy Roman Emperor, Maria Theresa wielded the real power. Franz married four times but only his second wife Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily had children – a total of twelve children, before dying in childbirth. Upon the death of his father in 1794, Franz became Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor. During the Napoleonic Wars of the early 19th-century, Holy Roman Emperor Franz II feared that Napoleon could take over the personal, hereditary Habsburg lands within the Holy Roman Empire, so in 1804 he proclaimed himself Emperor Franz I of Austria. As it turned out, Franz’s move was a wise one because the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved in 1806.
Unofficial Royalty: Franz I, Emperor of Austria

March 2, 1843 – Birth of Maria Clotilde of Savoy, Princess Napoleon, daughter of King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy, at the Royal Palace of Turin in Savoy, now part of Italy
Full name: Ludovica Teresa Maria Clotilde
Maria Clotilde married Napoléon-Jérôme Bonaparte, son of Jérôme Bonaparte, the brother of Emperor Napoleon I, and Princess Catherine of Württemberg. Maria Clotilde was fifteen and Napoléon-Jérôme was 37. Maria Clotilde was not impressed by her portly, anti-clerical liberal fiancé. Her innocence, piety, and sense of duty clashed with Napoléon-Jérôme’s love of wine, women, and food. Several years after the fall of the Second French Empire in 1870, Maria Clotilde and her husband quietly separated and she returned to Turin, Italy with her daughter. Maria Clotilde continued her life of devotion and charity after her return to Italy. She spent her final years at the traditional summer residence of the Savoy family, the Castle of Moncalieri in Montcalieri, a town located just outside of Turin.
Unofficial Royalty: Maria Clotilde of Savoy, Princess Napoleon

March 2, 1854 – Death of Sir John Conroy, 1st Baronet of Llanbrynmair, Equerry to Queen Victoria’s father The Duke of Kent and Comptroller and Private Secretary to Queen Victoria’s mother The Duchess of Kent, at his home Arborfield Hall, near Reading, Berkshire, England
Conroy was a confidant and political agent to Victoria’s mother The Duchess of Kent. Together, they designed the Kensington System, an elaborate and strict system of rules for the upbringing of young Victoria, designed to make her dependent upon them in the hope of allowing them one day to wield power through her. Princess Victoria grew to hate Conroy, thanks to the oppressive system, and he was also unpopular among the rest of the British royal family. When Victoria became Queen, she immediately dismissed Conroy from her household but she could not dismiss him from her mother’s household. However, she sent both her mother and Conroy off to a distant wing of the palace and cut off personal contact with them. After Conroy’s death, the Duchess of Kent finally agreed to have her financial accounts audited and acknowledged that significant funds were missing. She admitted that Conroy had swindled her and at the same time hurt her relationship with her daughter for his own benefit.
Unofficial Royalty: Sir John Conroy, 1st Baronet of Llanbrynmair, Comptroller and Private Secretary to Queen Victoria’s mother The Duchess of Kent

March 2, 1855 – Death of Nicholas I, Emperor of All Russia in Taganrog, Russia; buried at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia
Nicholas I, Emperor of All Russia was the third of the four sons and the ninth of the ten children of Paul I, Emperor of All Russia. Because he had two, much older brothers, he was not expected to become Emperor. Nicholas’ eldest brother Alexander I, Emperor of All Russia had no surviving children and so the second brother Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich was the heir to the throne. Grand Duke Constantine morganatically married Joanna Grudzińska. However, for Alexander I to give his approval to the marriage, Constantine was required to forfeit his rights to the Russian throne in favor of his younger brother Nicholas. Nicholas married Charlotte of Prussia (Alexandra Feodorovna), had ten children including Alexander II, Emperor of All Russia.  In 1855, Nicholas caught a chill, refused medical treatment, and developed pneumonia. Knowing he was dying, Nicholas retained his composure and said goodbye to his children and grandchildren. He blessed them and reminded them that they should remain friendly with each other. In the early afternoon of March 2, 1855, Nicholas I, Emperor of All Russia died at the age of 58 at the Winter Palace.
Unofficial Royalty: Nicholas I, Emperor of All Russia

March 2, 1916 – Death of Elisabeth of Wied, Queen of Romania, wife of King Carol I of Romania; buried beside her husband at the Cathedral of the Curtea de Argeş Monastery in Romania
In 1869, Elisabeth married Prince Carol I, born Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, who had been elected Ruling Prince of the United Principalities of Romania. They had one daughter,  Maria, born in September 1870. Maria died of scarlet fever in 1874, and Elisabeth never fully recovered from the loss of her only child. In 1881, the Romanian parliament declared Romania a Kingdom, and Elisabeth’s husband became King Carol I. A  patron of the arts, Elisabeth often hosted writers, composers, and musicians, and helped promote their works. Her true passion was writing. Under the pseudonym Carmen Sylva, she wrote hundreds of poems, plays, novels, short stories, and essays, and thanks to her fluency in several languages, published numerous translations of other works.
Unofficial Royalty: Elisabeth of Wied, Queen of Romania

March 2, 2016 – Birth of Prince Oscar of Sweden, Duke of Skåne, son of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, at Karolinska Hospital in Solna, Sweden
Full name: Oscar Carl Olof
Prince Oscar’s elder sister Princess Estelle is second in the line of succession to the Swedish throne after her mother Crown Princess Victoria. In 1979, the Riksdag, the Swedish legislature, introduced an Act of Succession that changed the succession to absolute primogeniture, meaning that the eldest child of the monarch, regardless of gender, is first in the line of succession. This Act of Succession became law on January 1, 1980. The previous 1810 Act of Succession allowed only males to inherit the throne. Even after the birth of her brother Prince Oscar, Princess Estelle retains her place in the line of succession as the eldest child of Crown Princess Victoria who is the eldest child and the heir of King Carl XVI Gustaf.
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Oscar of Sweden

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Reginald de Dunstanville, Earl of Cornwall, Illegtimate Son of King Henry I of England

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Reginald’s father King Henry I of England holding a model of  Reading Abbey, which he founded and where he and his son Reginald were buried; Credit – Wikipedia

Reginald de Dunstanville, Earl of Cornwall, one of the many illegitimate children of King Henry I of England, was born circa 1110, in Dénestanville, Duchy of Normandy, then a possession of the King of England, now in France. He was the son of King Henry I and his mistress Lady Sybilla Corbet of Alcester (1077 – circa 1157), the daughter of Robert Corbet of Alcester, Constable of Warwick, and Adèle d’Alcester, Reginald’s maternal grandparents. His paternal grandparents were King William I of England (the Conqueror) and Matilda of Flanders. Reginald’s surname probably refers to the place of his birth.

King Henry I holds the record for the British monarch with the most illegitimate children, 25 or so illegitimate children who were Reginald’s half-siblings.

Reginald had four full siblings, the children of King Henry I and Lady Sybilla Corbet of Alcester:

Reginald had two royal half-siblings from his father’s marriage to Matilda of Scotland:

Reginald’s mother married Herbert FitzHerbert, Lord of Blaen Llyfni. Reginald had four half-brothers from her mother’s marriage:

  • Robert FitzHerbert (circa 1106 – 1147), unmarried
  • Henry FitzHerbert (circa 1110 – ?)
  • William FitzHerbert (1118 – 1132)
  • Herbert FitzHerbert, Lord of Blaen Llyfni, Lord Chamberlain of King Henry II of England (1125 – 1204), married Lucy FitzMiles de Gloucester and Hereford, had five children

Reginald married Beatrice FitzRichard (1114 – 1162), the daughter and heiress of William FitzRichard, Lord of Cardinham, a wealthy landowner in Cornwall, England.

Reginald and Beatrice had six children:

  • Nicholas de Dunstanville (1136 – 1175)
  • Emma de Dunstanville (died after 1208), married her cousin Guy IV de Laval, Lord of Laval, had two children
  • Hawise de Dunstanville (1138 – 1162), married Richard de Redvers, 2nd Earl of Devon, Lord of The Isle of Wight, had two sons
  • Maud de Dunstanville (1143 – 1207), married Robert II de Beaumont, Comte de Meulan, had nine children
  • Ursula de Dunstanville (circa 1145 – ?), married Walter de Dunstanville, Baron of Castlecomb, had two children
  • Sarah de Dunstanville (circa 1137 – 1206), married Aimar V, Viscount of Limoges, had six children

14th-century depiction of the sinking of the White Ship; Credit – Wikipedia

After the death of King Henry I’s only legitimate son William Ætheling in the sinking of the White Ship, King Henry I gathered his nobles at Westminster where they swore to recognize his daughter Empress Matilda and any future legitimate heir she might have as his successors. However, upon hearing of Henry I’s death on December 1, 1135, Stephen of Blois, one of Henry I’s nephews, quickly crossed the English Channel from France, seized power, and was crowned King of England on December 22, 1135. This started the terrible civil war between Stephen and his first cousin Empress Matilda known as The Anarchy.

Reginald’s half-sister Empress Matilda, Lady of the English; Credit – Wikipedia

Reginald supported his half-sister Empress Matilda over his cousin King Stephen during the eighteen-year-long civil war. It is most likely that Reginald was created Earl of Cornwall because of his support. Finally, in 1153, Stephen and Matilda’s son Henry FitzEmpress agreed upon a negotiated peace, the Treaty of Winchester, in which Stephen recognized Henry FitzEmpress as his heir. Reginald was present at the side of his nephew Henry FitzEmpress during the negotiations. After Henry FitzEmpress returned to the Duchy of Normandy, Reginald remained in England as his nephew’s official representative.

Reginald’s nephew KIng Henry II of England; Credit – Wikipedia

King Stephen died on October 25, 1154, and Henry FitzEmpress ascended the throne as King Henry II, the first Angevin King of England. During Henry II’s reign, Reginald was one of his closest advisors. Contemporary chroniclers recognized him as one the most powerful nobles in England along with Robert de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Leicester.

Reginald played an important role in the great crises during the reign of King Henry II. With Robert de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Leicester, he acted as an intermediary between Henry II and Thomas Becket. During the Revolt of 1173 – 1174, a rebellion against King Henry II by his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine, three of his sons (Henry the Young King, the future King Richard I, and Geoffrey, Duke of Brittany), and their rebel supporters, Reginald led the campaigns in England against the rebels.

Ruins of Reading Abbey; Credit – By Hugh Llewelyn from Keynsham, UK – Reading Abbey, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Reginald de Dunstanville, Earl of Cornwall died on July 1, 1175, aged about 65, in Chertsey, Surrey, England. He was buried at Reading Abbey in Reading, England, founded by his father King Henry I “for the salvation of my soul, and the souls of King William, my father, and of King William, my brother, and Queen Matilda, my wife, and all my ancestors and successors.” Upon his death in 1135, King Henry I was buried at Reading Abbey. Sadly, Reading Abbey was left in ruins in 1538 during King Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries. Hugh Faringdon, the last abbot was tried and convicted of high treason and hanged, drawn, and quartered in front of the Reading Abbey Church.

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Works Cited

  • Ashley, Mike. (1998). The Mammoth Book of British Kings and Queens. Carroll & Graf Publishers.
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2015). King Henry I of England. Unofficial Royalty.
  • Réginald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of Cornwall. geni_family_tree. (2022c, April 26).
  • Weir, Alison. (2008). Britain’s Royal Families – The Complete Genealogy. Vintage Books.
  • Wikimedia Foundation. (2023). Reginald de Dunstanville, 1. Earl of Cornwall. Wikipedia (German).,_1._Earl_of_Cornwall
  • Wikimedia Foundation. (2022). Reginald de Dunstanville, Earl of Cornwall. Wikipedia.,_Earl_of_Cornwall
  • Wikimedia Foundation. (2023b, November 10). Réginald de Dunstanville. Wikipedia (French).

Royal News Recap for Thursday, February 29, 2024

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March 1: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2024

Caroline of Ansbach, Queen of Great Britain; Credit – Wikipedia

March 1, 1683 – Birth of Caroline of Ansbach, Queen of Great Britain, wife of King George II of Great Britain, at the Residenz Ansbach in Ansbach, Margraviate of Brandenburg-Ansbach, now in Bavaria, Germany
Full name: Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline
In 1705, Caroline married George, Electoral Prince of Hanover, the future King George II of Great Britain. The couple had eight children and through their children’s marriages, George and Caroline are the ancestors of many European royal families including the British, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish Royal Families. Caroline’s father-in-law succeeded to the British throne as King George I in 1714 upon the death of Queen Anne and Caroline’s husband became heir to the throne. In 1727, King George I died and his son succeeded him as King George II. Queen Caroline played a greater role in governmental affairs than any queen consort since the Middle Ages. In 1724, during the birth of her youngest child, Caroline sustained an umbilical hernia. She ignored the condition until it became acute in November 1737. Then she was bled, purged, and operated on, without anesthetic, but there was no improvement in her condition. Gangrene set in and she died at the age of 54.
Unofficial Royalty: Caroline of Ansbach, Queen of Great Britain

March 1, 1790 – Birth of Heinrich XIX, 3rd Prince Reuss of Greiz in Offenbach, Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt, now in Hesse, Germany
Upon the death of his father in 1817, Heinrich XIX succeeded as the 3rd Prince Reuss of Greiz. He married Princess Gasparine of Rohan-Rochefort and they had two daughters. When Heinrich XIX in 1836 at the age of 46, his brother Heinrich XX became the 4th  Prince of Reuss of Greiz because he had no sons.
Unofficial Royalty: Heinrich XIX, 3rd Prince Reuss of Greiz

March 1, 1792 – Death of  Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, also Pietro Leopoldo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany, in Vienna, Austria; buried at the Imperial Crypt in Vienna, Austria
Leopold was the ninth of the sixteen children and the third but the second surviving of the five sons of Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Holy Roman Emperor and Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria, and Queen of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia in her own right. When Leopold’s father became Grand Duke of Tuscany, it was decided that the second son would inherit that title and territory. However, Karl Joseph, the second son, died from smallpox at the age of fifteen, and Leopold, the third son became the second surviving son and the heir to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. In 1764, Leopold married Infanta Maria Luisa of Spain, daughter of Carlos III, King of Spain. The couple had sixteen children. Just days after, Leopold’s wedding, his father suddenly died and Leopold became Grand Duke of Tuscany. Leopold was elected Holy Roman Emperor in 1790 after the death of his childless brother Joseph. At that time, he abdicated the throne of Tuscany in favor of his second son Ferdinand. After only seventeen months as Holy Roman Emperor, Leopold II died suddenly and unexpectedly on March 1, 1792, aged 44, in Vienna, Austria
Unofficial Royalty: Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, Pietro Leopoldo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany

March 1, 1865 – Death of Anna Pavlovna of Russia, Queen of the Netherlands, wife of King Willem III of the Netherlands, in The Hague, the Netherlands; buried at Nieuwe Kerk in Delft, the Netherlands
Anna Pavlovna was the daughter of Paul I, Emperor of All Russia and his second wife, Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg. In 1816, Anna Pavlovna married the future King Willem II of the Netherlands, then Prince of Orange. Anna and Willem had five children. Although she took an interest in Dutch history and learned to speak the language quite well, Anna was very homesick for her family and for Russia. Anna became Queen of the Netherlands in October 1840 after her father-in-law’s abdication.  Anna never really connected with the Dutch public and was not a popular queen. She founded several orphanages in the Netherlands and did not meddle in politics. Anna’s husband Willem II died in 1849 and was succeeded by his son Willem III. Anna had already disliked court life for years and during her son’s reign, she left it completely. Although she discussed returning to her native Russia, Anna stayed in the Netherlands. She died on March 1, 1865, at the age of 70.
Unofficial Royalty: Anna Pavlovna of Russia, Queen of the Netherlands

March 1, 1936 – Death of Victoria Melita of Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Grand Duchess of Russia, in Amorbach, Germany; first buried in the Ducal Mausoleum at the Glockenburg Cemetery in Coburg, Germany, in March 1995, her remains were moved to the Grand Ducal Burial Vault at the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, Russia
Victoria Melita was the daughter of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh and Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna of Russia. She married her first cousin Grand Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and by Rhine, but they divorced after seven years of marriage. After the divorce, she married her Romanov first cousin Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich. The couple had three children. Victoria Melita and Kirill escaped Russia soon after the abdication of their first cousin Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia. They lived out their lives at Villa Edinburg, which later became known as the Kirill Palace, in Coburg, now in Bavaria, Germany, and at a villa in Saint-Briac, France. In February 1936, while attending the christening of her fifth grandchild, Victoria Melita suffered a stroke, and she died on March 1, 1936, at the age of 59.
Unofficial Royalty: Victoria Melita of Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Grand Duchess of Russia

March 1, 1955 – Birth of Vice-Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence, second husband of Anne, Princess Royal, in Camberwell, London, England
Full name: Timothy James Hamilton
Timothy served on a number of Royal Navy ships as a navigating officer and then as a commander. From 1986-1989, he had his first staff appointment as Equerry to Queen Elizabeth II. An equerry must be a senior officer in the British Armed Services. Timothy also served in various posts in the Ministry of Defence. He retired from the Royal Navy in 2010 with the rank Vice Admiral. As the Queen’s Equerry, a combination secretary and personal attendant, for three years, Timothy learned the ways of the Royal Family. He often ate with the family, accompanied them on outings, cruised with them on the royal yacht, and made the formal introductions when important guests came to visit. Anne’s marriage to Mark Phillips was in trouble and Timothy caught her eye. However, it was not until 1989, when four of Timothy’s love letters were stolen from Anne’s briefcase at Buckingham Palace that the romance came to light. In the same year, Anne separated from her first husband, but the courtship with Timothy remained discreet. The couple was seldom seen together until Anne’s divorce became final in April 1992. Timothy and Anne married on December 12, 1992, at Crathie Kirk in Ballater, Scotland near Balmoral Castle, in a Church of Scotland ceremony.
Unofficial Royalty: Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence
Unofficial Royalty: Wedding of Princess Anne and Timothy Laurence

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February 29: Today in Royal History

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King Ludwig I of Bavaria; Credit – Wikipedia

February 29, 1868 – Death of King Ludwig I of Bavaria in Nice, France; buried at St. Boniface’s Abbey in Munich, Kingdom of Bavaria, now in Bavaria, Germany
In 1810, Ludwig married Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen. The wedding took place in a large outdoor space called the Theresienwiese, in Munich. Named for his bride, Theresienwiese is the site of Oktoberfest, held every year to commemorate the wedding. Ludwig became King of Bavaria upon his father’s death in 1825. However, by 1848, Ludwig’s reign was coming to an abrupt end. Facing protests and demonstrations by students and the middle classes, the King had ordered the closure of the university. Shortly after, the crowds raided the armory on their way to storm the Munich Residenz. Ludwig’s brother, Karl, managed to appease the protesters, but the damage was done. The King’s family and advisors turned against him, and he was forced to sign the March Proclamation, giving substantial concessions toward a constitutional monarchy. Unwilling to rule this way, King Ludwig I abdicated on March 20, 1848.  Ludwig spent the rest of his life in Bavaria, devoting his time to supporting and fostering the arts. He published several books of poems during his reign, as well as several translations of plays. On February 29, 1868, Ludwig died in Nice, France, aged 81, having survived his wife and five of his children.
Unofficial Royalty: King Ludwig I of Bavaria
Unofficial Royalty: Oktoberfest’s Royal Connection

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Royal News Recap for Wednesday, February 28, 2024

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