Ida of Waldeck and Pyrmont, Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Ida of Waldeck and Pyrmont, Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe; Credit – Wikipedia

Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe: In 1647, the County of Schaumburg-Lippe was formed through the division of the County of Schaumburg by treaties between the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, and the Count of Lippe.  In 1808, the County of Schaumburg-Lippe was raised to a Principality and Georg Wilhelm, Count of Schaumburg became the first Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe.

At the end of World War I, Adolf II, the last Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe, was forced to abdicate on November 15, 1918, and lived out his life in exile. In 1936, Adolf and his wife were killed in an airplane crash in Mexico. Today, the land encompassing the Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe is in the German state of Lower Saxony.


Princess Ida of Waldeck and Pyrmont was the wife of Georg Wilhelm, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe. Ida Karoline Luise was born on September 26, 1796, in Rhoden, then in the County of Waldeck and Pyrmont, later in the Principality of Waldeck and Pyrmont, and now in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt. She was the eighth of the thirteen children and the third of the five daughters of Georg I, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont and Princess Augusta of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Ida’s paternal grandparents were Karl August, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont and Countess Palatine Christiane Henriette of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld. Her maternal grandparents were Prince August of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen and Princess Christine of Anhalt-Bernburg.

Ida had twelve siblings. Seven of her siblings died either in childhood or in their early twenties.

  • Christiane of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1787 – 1806), Abbess of Schaaken, died at age 19
  • Karl of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1788 – 1795), died in childhood
  • Georg II, Prince of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1789 – 1845), married Emma of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym, had five children
  • Friedrich of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1790 – 1828), morganatically married Ursula Polle who was created Countess of Waldeck, had four children
  • Christian of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1792 – 1795), died in early childhood
  • Augusta of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1793 – 1794), died in infancy
  • Johann of Waldeck- Pyrmont (1794 – 1814), died at age 20
  • Wolrad of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1798 – 1821), died at age 23
  • Mathilde of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1801 – 1825), married Duke Eugen of Württemberg, had three children, died during her fourth pregnancy
  • Karl Christian of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1803 – 1846), married Amalie of Lippe-Biesterfeld, had one child
  • Karoline Christiane of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1804 – 1806), died in early childhood
    Hermann of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1809 – 1876), married Agnes Teleki de Szék, had no children

Ida’s husband Georg Wilhelm, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe; Credit – Wikipedia

On June 23, 1816, in Arolsen, Principality of Waldeck and Pyrmont, now in the German state of Hesse, 20-year-old Ida married 32-year-old Georg Wilhelm, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe.

Ida and Georg Wilhelm had nine children whose births spanned twenty-four years:

As the Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe, Ida was concerned with social issues, arranging food for the poor, providing debt relief, and other humanitarian initiatives. Ida regularly accepted petitions from the citizens of Schaumburg-Lippe and recommended worthy causes to her husband. At Ida’s request, Georg Wilhelm had two towers, the Wilhelmsturm (link in German) and the Idaturm (link in German), built in 1847, a year of high prices and famine, for land surveying and to create jobs for the starving population. The building material was sandstone that was mined from a local quarry.

Arensburg Castle; Credit – Von Castelargus – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The medieval Arensburg Castle (link in German) had become dilapidated and was used temporarily as a warehouse for grain and other goods. Under Ida’s influence, the castle was renovated and turned into a country estate. Bückeburg Castle (link in German), the ancestral seat of the House of Schaumburg-Lippe, had not been used very much for social events during recent past reigns. Ida changed that and among other social events, revived court balls at the castle. Ida was very interested in geology and regularly sent geological objects to the Imperial and Royal Geological Institute in Vienna, Austria.

Bückeburg Castle; Credit – Von Beckstet – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Ida’s husband Georg Wilhelm, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe, aged 75, died on November 21, 1860, at Bückeburg Castle (link in German) in Bückeburg, Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe, now in the German state of Lower Saxony. He was buried in the Princely Mausoleum (link in German) at the Evangelical Lutheran St. Martini Church (link in German) in Stadthagen, Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe, now in the German state of Lower Saxony

Ida in the last years of her life; Credit – Wikipedia

After Georg Wilhelm’s death, Ida moved to the Old Princely Palace in Bückeburg. Beginning in the winter of 1868, she permanently stayed in Menton, Alpes-Maritimes, France, on the French Riviera. Ida survived her husband by nine years, dying on April 12, 1869, in Menton, Alpes-Maritimes, France at the age of 72. She was buried with her husband in the Princely Mausoleum at St. Martini Church.

St. Martini Church where Ida and her husband are buried; Credit – Von Beckstet – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Works Cited

  • Flantzer, S. (2020) Georg I, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 25 August 2023).
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2020) Georg Wilhelm, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 25 August 2023).
  • Ida zu Waldeck und Pyrmont (2023) Wikipedia (German). Available at: (Accessed: 25 August 2023).
  • Princess Ida of Waldeck and Pyrmont (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 25 August 2023).

November 4: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Mary, Princess Royal, Princess of Orange; Credit – Wikipedia

November 4, 1631 – Birth of Mary, Princess Royal, Princess of Orange, daughter of King Charles I of England, at St. James Palace in London, England
In 1642, Mary was created the first Princess Royal. Her mother Queen Henrietta Maria, daughter of King Henri IV of France wanted to imitate the way the eldest daughter of the King of France was styled Madame Royale. Holders retain the style for life, so a princess cannot receive the style during the lifetime of another Princess Royal. Mary married Willem II, Prince of Orange and was the mother of Willem III, Prince of Orange.  Willem III of Orange married his first cousin Mary, daughter of King James II of England. They jointly succeeded to the British throne as William III and Mary II after the overthrow of James II.
Unofficial Royalty: Mary, Princess Royal, Princess of Orange

November 4, 1731 – Birth of Maria Josepha of Saxony, Dauphine of France, second wife of Louis, Dauphin of France and the mother of three Kings of France, Louis XVI, Louis XVIII, and Charles X, at Dresden Castle in Dresden, Electorate of Saxony, later in the Kingdom of Saxony, now in the German state of Saxony
Full name: Maria Josepha Karolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria
Maria Josepha was the daughter of Augustus III, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania and Maria Josepha of Austria. In 1747, fifteen-year-old Maria Josepha married seventeen-year-old Louis, Dauphin of France, the son and heir apparent of his father Louis XV, King of France. They had eight children including three Kings of France. Maria Josepha’s husband Louis never succeeded to the throne, dying of tuberculosis in 1765, at the age of 36. Maria Josepha, who had cared for Louis during his last illness, also contracted tuberculosis. She died at the Palace of Versailles, on March 13, 1767, at the age of 35, and was buried with her husband.
Unofficial Royalty: Maria Josepha of Saxony, Dauphine of France

November 4, 1872 – Birth of Prince Barbu Alexandru Știrbey, lover/confidant of Queen Marie of Romania, at the Știrbey Palace in Buftea, Romania
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Barbu Alexandru Știrbey, lover/confidant of Queen Marie of Romania (Unofficial Royalty article coming soon.)

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November 3: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Emperor Meiji of Japan;  Credit – Wikipedia

November 3, 1456 – Death of Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond, father of King Henry VII of England, died of the plague in captivity at Carmarthen Castle in Wales; initially buried in the Grey Friars Church in Carmarthen, Wales; during the Dissolution of the Monasteries under the reign of his grandson King Henry VIII, Edmund Tudor remains were moved to St. David’s Cathedral in Pembrokeshire
Edmund Tudor was the father of Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch of England, and the ancestor of the British royal family and most other European royal families. He was the son of Owen ap Maredudd ap Tudor, better known as Owen Tudor, and Catherine of Valois, Dowager Queen of England, the widow of King Henry V of England. In 1455, Edmund married Lady Margaret Beaufort, a descendant of King Edward III of England through her father. The Wars of the Roses, the fight for the English throne between the House of Lancaster and the House of York, had just started and Edmund, a Lancastrian, was taken prisoner by the Yorkists less than a year later. He died of the plague in captivity at Carmarthen Castle in Wales on November 3, 1456, leaving a 13-year-old widow who was seven months pregnant with their child, the future King Henry VII.
Unofficial Royalty: Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond

November 3, 1777 – Birth of Princess Sophia of the United Kingdom, daughter of King George III of the United Kingdom, at Buckingham Palace in London, England
Full name: Sophia Matilda
Known for giving birth to an illegitimate son, Sophia was one of the three daughters of King George III who never married. Sophia’s childhood was very sheltered and she spent most of her time with her parents and sisters. The living conditions of King George’s daughters came to be known as “the Nunnery.”  Limited in exposure to eligible men, Sophia and several of her sisters became involved with courtiers and equerries. Major-General Thomas Garth, an equerry to King George III, was 56 years old, 33 years older than Sophia, and had a large purple birthmark that disfigured his face. Sophia and Garth were allegedly lovers during the winter of 1799 at Windsor Castle, resulting in a pregnancy. In the summer of 1800, Sophia went to the seaside town of Weymouth, a holiday destination for the royal family, pretending to be suffering from dropsy. Apparently, on August 5, 1800, Sophia gave birth to a son in Weymouth. The child was adopted by a local couple. Eventually, Major-General Garth adopted the boy, renamed him Thomas Garth (Tommy), had him educated at Harrow School, made him his heir, and helped him in an army career in the 15th The King’s Hussars, his old regiment.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Sophia of the United Kingdom

November 3, 1852 – Birth of Emperor Meiji of Japan at the Gosho, the palace compound, in Kyoto, Japan
Birth name: Mutsuhito
Meiji’s father Emperor Kōmei died suddenly in 1867 at the age of 36 and 14-year-old Meiji became Emperor. Since 1185, a shogun, a military dictator, had been the de facto ruler of Japan, although the shoguns were appointed by the Emperor. In 1868, the last shogun lost power, and in the name and with the support of the young emperor, a new, more Western-oriented upper class initiated the modernization of Japan known as the Meiji Restoration. Under Emperor Meiji’s reign, Japan started to become an industrial and naval power. The old feudal system was abolished and public state schools were introduced along with the Gregorian calendar. In 1890, the Emperor made the greatest contribution to the modernization of Japan with the enactment of a constitution.
Unofficial Royalty: Emperor Meiji of Japan

November 3, 1901 – Birth of Leopold III, King of the Belgians at the Palace of the Marquis d’Assche in Brussels, Belgium
Full name: Léopold Philippe Charles Albert Meinrad Hubertus Marie Miguel
Leopold III became king in 1934 after his father Albert I, King of the Belgians fell to his death while mountain climbing. In 1926, Leopold married Princess Astrid of Sweden and the couple had three children. Sadly, in August 1935, Astrid was killed in a car accident while the family was on vacation in Switzerland. In September 1941, Leopold married Lilian Baels. Following the marriage, Lilian was given the title Princess de Réthy and was not styled as Queen. It was also decided that any children would be Prince/Princess of Belgium but without any rights of succession.  Leopold and Lilian had three children. At the beginning of World War II, Leopold tried to maintain Belgian neutrality, but after the German invasion in May 1940, he surrendered his country, earning him much hostility, both in Belgium and around the world. Leopold and his family were held under house arrest before being liberated by the Americans in 1945. Leopold was banned for several years from returning to Belgium, where his brother Prince Charles had been declared regent. Leopold’s eventual return to Belgium in 1950 nearly caused a civil war, and under pressure from the government, he abdicated in favor of his son Prince Baudouin in July 1951.
Unofficial Royalty: Leopold III, King of the Belgians

November 3, 1923 – Wedding of King Gustaf Adolf VI of Sweden and Lady Louise Mountbatten at the Chapel Royal at St. James’s Palace in London, England
Gustaf Adolf was previously married to Princess Margaret of Connaught from 1905 until her death in 1920. In June 1923, Lady Louise’s great-aunt, Princess Helena (the third daughter of Queen Victoria), passed away in London. Among those attending the funeral was Gustaf Adolf. He and Louise were drawn to each other immediately, and despite her vow that she would never marry a king or a widower, fate had other plans. Their engagement was announced on July 1, 1923, by both the Swedish and British courts.
Unofficial Royalty: Wedding of King Gustaf Adolf VI of Sweden and Lady Louise Mountbatten

November 3, 1961 – Birth of David Armstrong-Jones, 2nd Earl of Snowdon, son of Princess Margaret of the United Kingdom, at Clarence House in London, England
Full name: David Albert Charles
From 1980-1982, David studied the craft of woodworking at Parnham College in Beaminster, Dorset, England. He has had a career as a furniture designer and maker and set up his own company LINLEY in 1985. David does not have an official role, but he does take part in Royal Family events, such as Trooping the Colors. In 2002, while his grandmother Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother was lying in state at Westminster Hall, David, along with his first cousins The Prince of Wales, The Duke of York, and The Earl of Wessex, stood guard around their grandmother’s coffin.
Unofficial Royalty: David Armstrong-Jones, 2nd Earl of Snowdon

November 3, 1970 – Death of King Peter II of Yugoslavia in Denver, Colorado; originally buried at St. Sava Monastery Church in Libertyville, Illinois, reburied in 2013 at the Royal Family Mausoleum in Oplenac, Serbia
After the assassination of his father King Alexander I in 1934,  11-year-old Peter ascended the throne of Yugoslavia. In 1941, Yugoslavia was occupied by Nazi forces, and the government was forced to surrender. King Peter went into exile with the government. After settling in London, Peter married Princess Alexandra of Greece, the daughter of King Alexander I of Greece, and the couple had one son.  In 1944, a Communist government was established in Yugoslavia. The following year, the monarchy was officially abolished. After World War II, Peter and Alexandra left London, living in France and Switzerland before settling in the United States in 1949. The marriage suffered from the strain of Peter’s numerous affairs and the constant struggle to find sources of income. Eventually, they went their separate ways. Peter settled permanently in the United States while Alexandra took her son and moved to Venice with her mother. Suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, King Peter II died at the age of 47, following a failed liver transplant. Per his wishes, he was interred at the Saint Sava Monastery Church in Libertyville, Illinois. To date, he is the only European monarch to be buried in the United States. He was reburied in 2013 at the Royal Family Mausoleum in Oplenac, Serbia.
Unofficial Royalty: King Peter II of Yugoslavia

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Dutch Royal Regalia

by Scott Mehl
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

The Crown of the Netherlands. source: Wikipedia

The Dutch Royal Regalia consists of five items:

  • The Crown of the Netherlands
  • The Sceptre
  • The Orb
  • The Sword of State
  • The Gonfalon (Banner) of State

Unlike several of the other European monarchies, the Dutch monarchs are not – and never have been – crowned. Upon ascending the throne, the Monarch is inaugurated in a special session of the States General of the Netherlands, held at the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. The new King or Queen takes an oath of office in which he/she swears to uphold the Charter and the Constitution of the Netherlands. Although there is no actual crowning, the Regalia is all used in the ceremony. The Crown, Sceptre and Orb are displayed on a credence table situated in front of the new Monarch, along with the Charter and the Constitution. The Sword of State and Gonfalon of State are used in the procession into the Nieuwe Kerk, and are held on the dais on either side of the Monarch during the ceremony..

Embed from Getty Images

The current regalia was commissioned by King Willem II in 1840, replacing an earlier set, made of silver, that had been commissioned by King Willem I in 1815.

The Crown of the Netherlands
The Crown of the Netherlands symbolizes the sovereignty of the Netherlands, as well as the dignity of the Monarch as Head of State. It is made of gilded silver, with eight arches, supporting a monde and cross at the top. The crown is adorned with colored stones and pearls.

The Sceptre and The Orb
The Sceptre symbolizes the Sovereign’s authority, while the Orb symbolizes the Sovereign’s territories.

The Sword of State
The Sword of State symbolizes the Sovereign’s power.

The Gonfalon of State
The Gonfalon of State is a banner made of white moiré silk, hung from a gilded wooden spear. The banner is painted with the Coat of Arms of the Netherlands, as decreed in 1815. (The arms have changed since then, but the Gonfalon retains the original arms from 1815).

Embed from Getty Images
The Crown, Sceptre and Orb displayed at the Inauguration of King Willem-Alexander, April 2013. The Gonfalon of State can be seen to the left of the dais.

November 2: Today in Royal History

© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Anne, Princess Royal, Princess of Orange; Credit – Wikipedia

November 2, 1083 – Death of Matilda of Flanders, Queen of England, wife of King William I (the Conqueror) of England, at Caen, Normandy, now in France; buried at Holy Trinity Abbey in Caen, Normandy
In 1051 or 1052, Matilda married William II, Duke of Normandy, the future King William I (the Conqueror) of England. Matilda was a direct descendant of the Anglo-Saxon king, Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, and this line of ancestry from Alfred the Great through the Counts of Flanders to Matilda was appealing to William. William and Matilda were devoted to each other and there is no evidence that William had any illegitimate children. They had four sons and at least five daughters. After William became King of England in 1066, Matilda spent most of her time in the Duchy of Normandy where she took care of affairs of the duchy. In 1083, Matilda became ill. William rushed from England to Normandy to be at her bedside when she died at the age of about 52.
Unofficial Royalty: Matilda of Flanders, Queen of England

November 2, 1470 – Birth of King Edward V of England in sanctuary at Westminster Abbey in London, England
Immortalized as one of the “Princes in the Tower,” King Edward V of England, along with disputed monarchs Empress Matilda and Lady Jane Grey, and King Edward VIII who abdicated in 1936, is one of the four British monarchs since the Norman Conquest who were never crowned. During the Wars of the Roses, from October 1470 – April 1471, when the Lancastrian King Henry VI regained power, Edward’s father King Edward IV and his uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester (later King Richard III) fled to Burgundy where they knew they would be welcomed by their sister Margaret, who was the wife of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. Edward’s mother Elizabeth Woodville and her children sought sanctuary at Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth’s first son, the future, but short-lived, King Edward V, was born there.
Unofficial Royalty: King Edward V of England

November 2, 1475 – Birth of Anne of York, Lady Howard, daughter of King Edward IV of England, at the Palace of Westminster in London, England
Anne of York was the fifth of the seven daughters and the seventh of the ten children of King Edward IV of England, the first King of England from the House of York, and Elizabeth Woodville. She was the sister of King Edward V (see above) and Richard, Duke of York, the Princes in the Tower, who were sent to the Tower of London and were never seen again. In 1495, Anne married Lord Thomas Howard, the future 3rd Duke of Norfolk, after Anne’s death. Thomas and Anne had four children but none survived childhood. Anne died after November 22 or 23, 1511, but before 1513, aged 36 – 38. She was originally buried at Thetford Priory in Thetford, Norfolk, England. During the Dissolution of the Monasteries, Anne’s husband, now Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, moved the remains of the Howard family members to the Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Framlingham, Suffolk, England. He ordered an ornate tomb for Anne with the figures of the twelve apostles around the four sides.
Unofficial Royalty: Anne of York, Lady Howard

November 2, 1549 – Birth of Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain, fourth wife of King Felipe II of Spain, in Cigales, Spain
Anna of Austria was the niece and the fourth of the four wives of Felipe II, King of Spain, King of Portugal. She was the eldest of the six daughters and the eldest of the fifteen children of first cousins Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary and Croatia, Archduke of Austria and Maria of Spain. In 1570, she married Felipe II. They had five children but only one survived childhood, Felipe II’s successor Felipe III, King of Spain. Anna died from influenza at the age of 30, in 1580, eight months after giving birth to her youngest child.
Unofficial Royalty: Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain 

November 2, 1709 – Birth of Anne, Princess Royal, eldest daughter of King George II of Great Britain, at Schloss Herrenhausen, in Hanover, Electorate of Hanover, now in Lower Saxony, Germany
In 1734, Anne married Willem IV, Prince of Orange and they had two surviving children. The Dutch Royal Family is descended from Anne. When Willem IV died at age 40 from a stroke in 1751, he was succeeded by his three-year-old son as Willem V with Anne serving as Regent. As Regent, Anne was given all the powers normally given a hereditary Stadtholder of the Netherlands, with the exception of the military duties of the office, which was entrusted to Ludwig Ernst of Brunswick-Lüneburg. Anne acted as Regent until her death from dropsy in 1759, at age 49.
Unofficial Royalty: Anne, Princess Royal, Princess of Orange

November 2, 1755 – Birth of Queen Marie Antoinette of France, wife of King Louis XVI of France; born Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria at Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria
Full name: Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna (better known by her French name Marie Antoinette)
Maria Antonia was the fifteenth of the sixteen children of Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria, and Queen of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia in her own right and Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Holy Roman Emperor. After establishing peace with France, Empress Maria Theresa agreed to a marriage between Maria Antonia and Louis-Auguste, Dauphin of France (the future King Louis XVI). Maria Antonia took the French version of her name, becoming Marie Antoinette, Dauphine of France. The following month, she arrived in her new country and met her husband for the first time. Two days later, on May 16, 1770, 15-year-old Marie Antoinette and 16-year-old Louis-Auguste were married in a grand ceremony held in the chapel of the Palace of Versailles.
Unofficial Royalty: Maria Antonia of Austria, Queen of France (Marie Antoinette)

November 2, 1767 – Birth of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, son of King George III of Great Britain, father of Queen Victoria, at Buckingham Palace in London, England
Full name: Edward Augustus
Edward was the fourth son and the fifth of the fifteen children of King George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Julie de Montgenêt de Saint-Laurent was his mistress from 1790 – 1818 and accompanied him wherever he went until when he married. In November 1817, the death in childbirth of Princess Charlotte of Wales, the only legitimate grandchild of King George III, necessitated the marriages of the unmarried sons of George III to provide an heir to the throne. Edward’s mistress Julie is said to have read the news of Edward’s engagement in the newspaper while seated at the breakfast table and reacted with violent hysterics. Edward was genuinely attached to her and deeply upset at their forced separation. On May 29, 1818, 50-year-old Edward married 32-year-old Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld at Schloss Ehrenburg in Coburg, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, now in Bavaria, Germany. The future Queen Victoria, their only child was born at Kensington Palace on May 24, 1819. Eight months later, Edward died.
Unofficial Royalty: Prince Edward, Duke of Kent

November 2, 1773 – Anna Luise Sophie von der Schulenburg, Illegitimate daughter of King George I of Great Britain in London, England; buried at Grosvenor Chapel in South Audley Street, London, England

Unofficial Royalty: Anna Luise Sophie von der Schulenburg

November 2, 1810 – Death of Princess Amelia of the United Kingdom, daughter of King George III of the United Kingdom, at Augusta Lodge at Windsor Castle in Windsor, England; buried at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, England
Born 21 years after her eldest sibling, Princess Amelia was the sixth daughter and the youngest of the fifteen children of King George III of the United Kingdom and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Like three of her six sisters, Amelia never married. Limited in exposure to eligible men, Amelia and several of her sisters became involved with courtiers and equerries. Amelia became involved with Colonel The Honorable Charles Fitzroy, an equerry to King George III and a great-great-great-grandson of King Charles II of England and his mistress Barbara Villiers. Amelia had always been sickly and by 1810, she was fatally ill with pulmonary tuberculosis. In the autumn of 1810, in addition to tuberculosis, Amelia was suffering from erysipelas, an acute skin infection. Before the advent of antibiotics, erysipelas frequently resulted in death. Amelia’s case of erysipelas was particularly severe with the rash literally from her head to her toes. Amelia died at the age of 27 with her sister Mary at her bedside. Mary wrote to Fitzroy, “My dear Fitzroy, Our beloved Amelia is no more but her last words to me were, ‘Tell Charles I die blessing him.’” Amelia’s death is partly credited to the decline in her father’s health which resulted in his final insanity and the Regency Act of 1811.
Unofficial Royalty: Princess Amelia of the United Kingdom

November 2, 1929 – Death of Olga Valerianovna Karnovich, the second, morganatic wife of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich of Russia, in Paris, France; buried at Colombes Gabriel Peri Cemetery in Colombes, France
Olga first married Major General Erich Augustinovich von Pistohlkors, an officer of the Imperial Guard and an aide to Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich. Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich often spent his evenings with him and his wife Olga, and an affair began between Paul and Olga. Olga gave birth in 1897 to a son who was then known as Vladimir von Pistohlkors because his mother was still married to Pistohlkors. Eventually, Olga divorced her husband and Paul asked for permission to marry Olga from his nephew Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia but Nicholas II denied permission. Paul made a morganatic marriage to Olga on October 10, 1902. Paul was banished from Russia, dismissed from his military commissions, and all his property was seized. Ten years later, Nicholas II relented and decided to pardon his only surviving paternal uncle. Grand Duke Paul’s titles and properties were returned and Nicholas II recognized Paul’s marriage to Olga. Olga and Paul had one son and two daughters. During the Russian Revolution, their son Prince Vladimir Pavlovich Paley was one of the five Romanovs executed on July 18, 1918, with Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. On January 28, 1919, her husband Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich along with three other Grand Dukes were executed by a firing squad in the courtyard of the Peter and Paul Fortress. In 1920, Olga settled in Paris, France where she died nine years later at the age of 64.
Unofficial Royalty: Olga Valerianovna Karnovich, Princess Paley

November 2, 1938 – Birth of Queen Sofia of Spain, wife of King Juan Carlos I of Spain, born Princess Sophia of Greece at Villa Psychiko in the suburbs of Athens, Greece
Full name: Sophia Margarita Victoria Frederika
Sofia is the daughter of King Paul of Greece and Princess Frederica of Hanover, both descendants of Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter Victoria, Princess Royal who married Friedrich III, German Emperor. It was on an August 1954 cruise aboard the Agamemnon, a 5,500-ton luxury liner owned by the Greek line Nomikes, funded by Sofia’s father and reportedly the idea of her mother, that Sofia first met her future husband Juan Carlos of Spain. Sofia and Juan Carlos met again in 1961 when Prince Edward, Duke of Kent married. A year later, Sofia and Juan Carlos were married. They had two daughters and one son, Felipe VI, the current King of Spain.
Unofficial Royalty: Queen Sofia of Spain

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Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary, King of Croatia, King of Bohemia, Archduke of Austria

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor; Credit – Wikipedia

The Holy Roman Empire was a limited elective monarchy composed of hundreds of kingdoms, principalities, duchies, counties, prince-bishoprics, and Free Imperial Cities in central Europe. The Holy Roman Empire was not really holy since, after Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1530, no emperors were crowned by the pope or a bishop. It was not Roman but rather German because it was mainly in the regions of present-day Germany and Austria. It was an empire in name only – the territories it covered were mostly independent each with its own rulers. The Holy Roman Emperor directly ruled over only his family territories, and could not issue decrees and rule autonomously over the Holy Roman Empire. A Holy Roman Emperor was only as strong as his army and alliances, including marriage alliances, made him, and his power was severely restricted by the many sovereigns of the constituent monarchies of the Holy Roman Empire. From the 13th century, prince-electors, or electors for short, elected the Holy Roman Emperor from among the sovereigns of the constituent states.

Frequently but not always, it was common practice to elect the deceased Holy Roman Emperor’s heir. The Holy Roman Empire was an elective monarchy. No person had a legal right to the succession simply because he was related to the current Holy Roman Emperor. However, the Holy Roman Emperor could and often did, while still alive, have a relative (usually a son) elected to succeed him after his death. This elected heir apparent used the title King of the Romans.

Learn more at Unofficial Royalty: What was the Holy Roman Empire?


Baptized Carolus Franciscus Josephus Wenceslaus Balthasar Johannes Antonius Ignatius, Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor was born on October 1, 1685, at Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. He was the seventh of the ten children and the third of the three sons of Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor and his third wife and second cousin Eleonore Magdalena of Neuburg. Karl’s paternal grandparents were Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and the first of his three wives who was also his first cousin, Maria Anna of Austria. His maternal grandparents were Philipp Wilhelm, Count Palatine of Neuburg and Duke of Jülich-Berg and his second wife Elisabeth Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt.

Karl had nine siblings but only four survived childhood:

Karl’s parents Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor and Eleonore Magdalena of Neuburg

Karl’s father Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor had been married twice before to Margarita Teresa of Spain and Claudia Felicitas of Austria. From these two marriages, Leopold had six children, however, all except the oldest daughter from his first wife, had died.

Karl had one surviving half-sister from his father’s first marriage to Margarita Teresa of Spain:

Prince Anton Florian, the reigning Prince of Liechtenstein, had served Karl’s father Leopold I as a member of the Imperial Privy Council and as ambassador to the papal court in Rome. Due to his extensive knowledge, in 1693, Anton Florian became Karl’s governor and was responsible for his education.

The death of the last Spanish Habsburg King, Leopold I’s childless nephew Carlos II resulted in the War of the Spanish Succession in which Leopold and then his son Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I unsuccessfully sought to give Leopold’s younger son Karl the entire Spanish inheritance, disregarding the will of the late Carlos II who had named 16-year-old Philippe of France, Duke of Anjou, the second son of Louis, Le Grand Dauphin, and the grandson of Carlos’ half-sister Maria Teresa of Austria, Infanta of Spain and her husband King Louis XIV of France, as his successor. However, Philippe of France did reign in Spain as King Felipe V, the first King of Spain from the House of Bourbon that still reigns in Spain.

Karl’s brother Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor; Credit – Wikipedia

Karl’s father Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I died in 1705, in Vienna, and his 27-year-old son Joseph succeeded him in the Habsburg hereditary lands and was elected Holy Roman Emperor. Before he died in 1705, Leopold I arranged a marriage for Karl with Princess Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, the daughter of Ludwig Rudolf, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and Princess Christine Luise von Oettingen-Oettingen. However, the Lutheran Elisabeth Christine initially opposed the marriage because she would have to convert to Roman Catholicism. She finally gave in and was tutored in Roman Catholicism by her future mother-in-law, Empress Eleonore Magdalene. Elisabeth Christine officially converted to Roman Catholicism in 1707. At the time of the wedding, Karl was fighting for his claim to the Spanish throne against the French candidate Philippe of France, Duke of Anjou, so he was living in Barcelona, Spain. Elisabeth Christine traveled to Barcelona in July 1708 and the couple was married on August 1, 1708, at the Church of Santa María del Mar in Barcelona, Spain.

Karl VI with his wife Elisabeth Christine and their three daughters in 1730; Credit – Wikipedia

Karl and Elisabeth Christine had one son who died in infancy and three daughters, with one dying in childhood:

Anton Florian, Prince of Liechtenstein, Karl’s former childhood governor and then his Chairman of the Council of State and Chief Chamberlain until Anton Florian died in 1721; Credit – Wikipedia

The reign of Karl’s brother Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I lasted just six years. During the smallpox epidemic of 1711, which killed Louis, Le Grand Dauphin of France, the only surviving child and heir of King Louis XIV of France, Joseph also became ill with smallpox and died on April 17, 1711. Upon the sudden death of his elder brother, Karl automatically succeeded to the Habsburg hereditary lands and was elected Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor. Karl’s former childhood governor, Prince Anton Florian of Liechtenstein, headed the imperial government as Chairman of the Council of State and served as Karl VI’s Chief Chamberlain until he died in 1721.

Karl had a long string of titles:

  • Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary, King of Croatia, King of Bohemia, Archduke of Austria (reigned 1711 – 1740)
  • King of Naples (reigned 1707 – 1735)
  • King of Sardinia (reigned 1708 – 1720)
  • Duke of Teschen (reigned 1711- 1722)
  • Duke of Brabant, Duke of Limburg, Duke of Lothier, Duke of Milan, Count of Namur, Count of Flanders, Count of Hainaut, Duke of Luxembourg (reigned 1714 – 1740)
  • King of Serbia (reigned 1718 – 1739)
  • King of Sicily (reigned 1720 – 1735)
  • Duke of Parma and Piacenza, Duke of Guastalla (reigned 1735 – 1740)

The fact that Karl did not have a male heir caused many problems. His father Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I had devised the Mutual Pact of Succession, a succession device secretly signed in 1703 by his elder son, the future Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I, and his younger son, the future Holy Roman Emperor Karl VI. The Mutual Pact of Succession stated that the Habsburg hereditary lands would be inherited by both the brothers’ respective male heirs. However, if one should fail to have a son, the other one would succeed him in all the Habsburg hereditary lands. If both brothers died without sons, the daughters of Joseph, the elder brother, would have absolute precedence over the daughters of Karl, the younger brother, and the eldest daughter of Joseph would ascend to the thrones of all the Habsburg hereditary lands. This meant that Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria (1699 – 1757), the elder of the two daughters of Karl’s elder brother Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I, would inherit the Habsburg hereditary lands upon the death of her uncle Holy Roman Emperor Karl VI.

When Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I died, his brother Karl succeeded him as the ruler of all the Habsburg hereditary lands with Joseph’s daughter Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria as his heir. However, Karl decided to amend the Mutual Pact of Succession. Karl VI’s Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 annulled the terms of the Mutual Pact of Succession and made his future daughters (Maria Theresa was not born until 1717) the heirs to the Habsburg hereditary lands instead of his niece Archduchess Maria Josepha.

Tomb of Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor; Credit – By Welleschik – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

On October 20, 1740, at the age of 55, Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor died at the Palais Augarten in Vienna, Austria, after a ten-day illness. Ten days earlier, Karl had eaten large amounts of a mushroom dish. The following day, he developed severe nausea, vomiting, and episodes of unconsciousness. After a few days of feeling fine, the symptoms returned, accompanied by a high fever, and eventually led to his death. The symptoms are typical of death cap mushroom poisoning but the definitive cause of Karl’s death remains unknown. Karl was interred in the Imperial Crypt at the Capuchin Church in Vienna.

Karl’s daughter Maria Theresa, circa 1744; Credit – Wikipedia

After Karl’s death, his daughter Maria Theresa succeeded to the Habsburg hereditary lands as the Queen of Hungary, Queen of Croatia, Queen of Bohemia, Archduchess of Austria in her own right, the only female to hold those sovereign positions. This led to led to the War of Austrian Succession (1740 – 1748) which led to the eventual confirmation of Maria Theresa’s Habsburg titles. However, Maria Theresa was unable to become the sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire because she was female, and so Karl Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria and Prince-Elector of Bavaria, the husband of Maria Theresa’s first cousin Maria Amalia of Austria, the younger daughter of Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, was elected Holy Roman Emperor. He was a member of the House of Wittelsbach, and his reign as Holy Roman Emperor marked the end of three centuries of uninterrupted Habsburg imperial rule. After Karl Albrecht died in 1745, Maria Theresa, via a treaty, arranged for her husband Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine to be elected Holy Roman Emperor, as Franz I. Despite the snub, Maria Theresa wielded the real power.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor (2023) Wikipedia. Available at:,_Holy_Roman_Emperor (Accessed: 24 August 2023).
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2023) Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, Archduke of Austria, King of Croatia, Duke of Teschen, King of the Romans, Archduke of Further Austria, and Prince of Transylvania, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 24 August 2023).
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2013) Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria, and Queen of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 24 August 2023).
  • Karl VI. (HRR) (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 24 August 2023).
  • Wheatcroft, Andrew. (1995) The Habsburgs. London: Viking.
  • Wilson, Peter H. (2016) Heart of Europe – A History of the Holy Roman Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Wilhelmine Luise of Nassau-Weilburg, Princess Reuss of Greiz

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Wilhelmine Luise of Nassau-Weilburg, Princess Reuss of Greiz; Credit – Wikipedia

Note about the Reuss numbering system: All males of the House of Reuss were named Heinrich plus a number. In the Reuss-Greiz, Elder Line, the numbering covered all male children and the numbers increased until 100 was reached and then started again at 1. In the Reuss-Gera, Younger Line, the system was similar but the numbers increased until the end of the century before starting again at 1. This tradition was seen as a way of honoring Holy Roman Emperor Heinrich VI (reigned 1191 – 1197) who had benefitted the family. Therefore, the Roman numerals seen after names are NOT regnal numbers.

Principality of Reuss-Greiz: The House of Reuss began their rule circa 1010. Heinrich XI, Count Reuss of Greiz, Lower-Greiz (Untergreiz) and Upper-Greiz (Obergreiz) was elevated to princely status in 1778 and then used the title of Prince Reuss, Older Line, or Prince Reuss of Greiz.

Heinrich XXIV, the last Prince Reuss of Greiz, succeeded his father in 1902 but was unable to rule because of his physical and mental disabilities as a result of an accident in his childhood. Instead, a Regent ruled the Principality of Reuss-Greiz: Heinrich XIV, 4th Prince Reuss of Gera from 1901 – 1913, and then his son Heinrich XXVII, 5th and last Prince Reuss of Gera from 1913 – 1918.

On November 11, 1918, the Regent, Heinrich XXVII, Prince Reuss of Gera (Younger Line) abdicated in the name of the disabled Heinrich XXIV, 6th Prince Reuss of Greiz. After the abdication, Heinrich XXIV retained the right of residence of the Lower Castle in Greiz and lived there until his death. The territory that encompassed the Principality of Reuss-Greiz is now in the German state of Thuringia.


The wife of Heinrich XIII, 2nd Prince Reuss of Greiz, Princess Wilhelmine Luise of Nassau-Weilburg was born on September 28, 1765, in The Hague, then in the Dutch Republic, now in The Netherlands. She was the fourth of the nine children and the second of the five daughters of Karl Christian, Duke of Nassau-Weilburg and Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau. Wilhelmine Luise’s paternal grandparents were Karl August, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg and Princess Auguste Friederike of Nassau-Idstein (link in German). Her maternal grandparents were Willem IV, Prince of Orange and Anne, Princess Royal (daughter of King George II of Great Britain).

Caroline of Orange-Nassau and her children, circa 1778; Left to Right: Karoline, Caroline of Orange-Nassau, Amalia, Karl, Wilhelmine Luise, Marie, and Friedrich Wilhelm; Credit – Wikipedia

Wilhelmine Luise had a total of eight siblings but only five survived childhood. Her sister Amalia is an ancestor of the Dutch Royal Family and her sister Henriette is an ancestor of the British House of Windsor through Queen Mary, the wife of King George V of the United Kingdom:

The family lived in The Hague, then in the Dutch Republic, now in the Netherlands, mostly because Wilhelmine Luise’s father Karl Christian, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg served in the Dutch army. However, because Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Wilhelmine Luise’s mother, was one of the four successive regents for her only surviving sibling Willem V, Prince of Orange, it was also necessary that the family stay in The Hague. Carolina and Willem V’s father Willem IV, Prince of Orange had died at age 40 and was succeeded by his son Willem (V) who was only three years old. Willem V would not reach his majority for fifteen years and until then he had four successive regents. In 1769, Wihelmine Luise’s family moved to Weilburg in her father’s Principality of Nassau-Weilburg, now in the German state of Hesse, but in 1773, Wilhelmine Luise’s father Karl Christian was appointed Governor of Maastricht in the Dutch Republic, and so the family once again returned to the Dutch Republic. In 1784, Wilhelmine Luise’s father resigned as Governor of Maastricht and the family moved back to Weilburg.

Heinrich XIII, 2nd Prince Reuss of Greiz, Wilhelmine Luise’s husband; Credit – Wikipedia

Twenty-year-old Wilhelmine Luise married thirty-eight-year-old Heinrich XIII, the heir to the throne of the Principality of Reuss-Greiz, on January 9, 1786, in Kirchheim, Principality of Nassau-Weilburg, now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

Wilhelmine Luise and Heinrich XIII had four sons:

Wilhelmine Luise’s husband Heinrich XIII served in the Austrian Army. He attained the rank of General Feldzeugmeister, commander-in-chief of the artillery, one of the highest officers in the army. Heinrich XIII was a close personal friend of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II. In 1789, Heinrich XIII represented the Holy Roman Empire at the court of the Kingdom of Prussia.

The Lower Castle in Greiz, with the Upper Castle in the background; Credit – Von Wolfgang Pehlemann Wiesbaden Germany – Selbst fotografiert, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,

Upon his father’s death in 1800, Heinrich XIII succeeded as Prince Reuss of Greiz. On April 6, 1802, a large fire destroyed much of Greiz, the capital of the Principality of Reuss-Greiz, now in the German state of Thuringia. Approximately 430 buildings were destroyed. Many other buildings were demolished to prevent the fire from spreading. Heinrich XIII oversaw the rebuilding of Greiz in the neoclassical style and moved his residence from the Obere Schloss (link in German) (Upper Castle) to the Untere Schloss (link in German) so he could be closer to the people and social life of Greiz.

Stadtkirche St. Marien in Greiz; Credit – Von Tilman2007 – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Heinrich XIII, 2nd Prince Reuss of Greiz died on January 29, 1817, aged 69, in Greiz, Principality of Reuss-Greiz. He was buried at the Stadtkirche St. Marien (link in German) now in Greiz, Thuringia, Germany. Wilhelmine Luise survived her husband by twenty years, dying on October 10, 1837, aged 72, in Greiz, Principality of Reuss-Greiz. She was buried with her husband.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Charles Christian, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg (2023) Wikipedia. Available at:,_Prince_of_Nassau-Weilburg (Accessed: 21 August 2023).
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2020) Heinrich XIII, 2nd Prince Reuss of Greiz, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 21 August 2023).
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2016) Willem V, Prince of Orange, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 21 August 2023).
  • Louise, Princess Reuss of Greiz (2023) Wikipedia. Available at:,_Princess_Reuss_of_Greiz (Accessed: 21 August 2023).
  • Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 21 August 2023).
  • Вільгельміна Луїза Нассау-Вайльбурзька (Luise of Nassau-Weilburg) (2023) Wikipedia (Ukrainian). Available at: (Accessed: 21 August 2023).

Wilhelmine Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Holy Roman Empress, wife of Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

The Holy Roman Empire was a limited elective monarchy composed of hundreds of kingdoms, principalities, duchies, counties, prince-bishoprics, and Free Imperial Cities in central Europe. The Holy Roman Empire was not really holy since, after Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1530, no emperors were crowned by the pope or a bishop. It was not Roman but rather German because it was mainly in the regions of present-day Germany and Austria. It was an empire in name only – the territories it covered were mostly independent each with its own rulers. The Holy Roman Emperor directly ruled over only his family territories, and could not issue decrees and rule autonomously over the Holy Roman Empire. A Holy Roman Emperor was only as strong as his army and alliances, including marriage alliances, made him, and his power was severely restricted by the many sovereigns of the constituent monarchies of the Holy Roman Empire. From the 13th century, prince-electors, or electors for short, elected the Holy Roman Emperor from among the sovereigns of the constituent states.

Frequently but not always, it was common practice to elect the deceased Holy Roman Emperor’s heir. The Holy Roman Empire was an elective monarchy. No person had a legal right to the succession simply because he was related to the current Holy Roman Emperor. However, the Holy Roman Emperor could and often did, while still alive, have a relative (usually a son) elected to succeed him after his death. This elected heir apparent used the title King of the Romans.

Learn more at Unofficial Royalty: What was the Holy Roman Empire?


Wilhemine Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Holy Roman Empress; Credit – Wikipedia

Wilhelmine Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg was the wife of Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor who was also Archduke of Austria, King of Bohemia, King of Croatia, and King of Hungary. Born on April 21, 1673, in Hanover, then in the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg, now in the German state of Lower Saxony, Wilhelmine Amalie was the youngest of the four daughters of Johann Friedrich, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Princess Benedicta Henrietta of the Palatinate. Her paternal grandparents were Georg, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Anna Eleonore of Hesse-Darmstadt. Wilhelmine Amalie’s maternal grandparents were Edward, Prince Palatine of the Rhine and Anna Gonzaga, from a noble Italian family. Her maternal grandfather Edward, Prince Palatine of the Rhine was a grandson of King James I of England (also James VI, King of Scots), the son of Mary, Queen of Scots.

Wilhelmine Amalie had three elder sisters but only one survived to adulthood:

Although Wilhelmine Amalie’s maternal grandfather Edward, Prince Palatine of the Rhine was born Protestant, he converted to Roman Catholicism, and so her mother Benedicta Henrietta of the Palatinate was raised Catholic. Wilhelmine Amalie’s father Johann Friedrich, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg converted to Roman Catholicism after a visit to Italy in 1651, where he met Joseph of Cupertino, an Italian Conventual Franciscan friar and mystic who was canonized a saint in 1767.

In 1679, when Wilhelmine Amalie was six-years-old, her father died without a son to succeed him. His Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg was inherited by his Protestant younger brother Ernst August who was married to Sophia of the Palatinate, Wilhelmine Amalie’s great aunt, better known as Sophia of Hanover. Ernst August and Sophia of Hanover were the parents of George I, the first King of Great Britain from the House of Hanover. Sophia of Hanover’s family was the most junior of the Stuart lines but was the most Protestant. In 1701, Parliament passed the Act of Settlement, giving the succession to the British throne to Sophia and her non-Catholic heirs. This act ensured the Protestant succession and bypassed many Catholics who had a better hereditary claim to the throne.

After her husband’s death, Benedicta Henrietta returned to Paris, France, where she had been raised, with her two surviving daughters Charlotte Felizitas and Wilhelmine Amalie, to live near her sister Anne Henriette who had married Henri Jules, Prince of Condé. Benedicta Henrietta entrusted the education of her two daughters to the nuns of the Cistercian Maubuisson Abbey, where Wilhelmine Amalie’s great aunt Louise Hollandine of the Palatinate was the Abbess. Wilhelmine Amalie did not return to her birthplace Hanover until 1693 when she was twenty years old.

Wilhelmine Amalie, who was considered beautiful, serious, and a pious Catholic, caught the eye of Eleonore Magdalena of Neuburg, Holy Roman Empress, the third wife of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I and the mother of Archduke Joseph, the future Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I. Joseph began having affairs at the age of 15 with maids and noble women. It was thought that the pious Wilhelmine Amalie, who was five years older than Joseph, would be a positive influence on Joseph and he would then stop having affairs. A marriage was proposed and accepted.

Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor; Credit – Wikipedia

On January 15, 1699, in the Duchy of Modena, where Wilhelmina Amalie and her mother were staying with her eldest sister Charlotte Felizitas, Duchess of Modena and Reggio, Wilhelmine Amalie and Archduke Joseph of Austria were married by proxy. On February 18, 1699, Wilhelmine Amalie arrived in Tulln an der Donau in the Archduchy of Austria, where she was met by Joseph. The couple were married in person on February 24, 1699, at the Augustinerkirche (Augustinian Church), in Vienna, Austria, adjacent to the Hofburg Palace, the winter palace of the Habsburgs. Wilhelmina Amalie wore a wedding dress encrusted with diamonds and the wedding celebrations continued for eight days.

Joseph and Wilhelmine Amalie had three children but their only son died from hydrocephalus before his first birthday:

Joseph did not stop his affairs, and the affairs combined with the death of his only son took a toll on his marriage. Joseph contracted a venereal disease, probably syphilis, and probably passed the disease to Wilhelmine Amalie. The venereal disease was most likely the reason for the failure of the couple to produce more children.

Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor died, aged sixty-four, on May 5, 1705, and his 27-year-old son Joseph succeeded him in the Habsburg hereditary lands and was elected Holy Roman Emperor. Joseph’s reign lasted just six years. During the smallpox epidemic of 1711, which killed Louis, Le Grand Dauphin of France, the only surviving child and heir of King Louis XIV of France, and three siblings of the future Holy Roman Emperor Franz I, Joseph also became ill with smallpox. He died, aged thirty-two, on April 17, 1711, at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna. Joseph had promised his wife that if he survived, he would stop having affairs. Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I was buried in the Imperial Crypt at the Capuchin Church in Vienna. Because Joseph did not have any sons, his brother Karl succeeded him as the ruler of the Habsburg hereditary lands and was elected Holy Roman Emperor Karl VI.

Wilhelmine Amalie as Holy Roman Dowager Empress, 1730; Credit – Wikipedia

In 1722, after both her daughters had married, Wilhelmine Amalie retired to the convent she had founded in 1717 for the Salesian nuns, the Monastery of the Visitation of Mary (link in German) in Vienna. Living in the convent did not mean that Wilhelmine Amalie gave up her social life. As Dowager Empress she participated in the social life of the imperial family and worked with many charities.

Tomb of Wilhelmina Amalie, Holy Roman Empress; Credit – By krischnig – Own work: selbst fotografiert, Copyrighted free use,

Wilhelmine Amalie survived her husband by thirty-one years, dying on April 10, 1742, eleven days before her sixty-ninth birthday, at the Monastery of the Visitation of Mary in Vienna that she had founded. She was buried in the crypt under the high altar of the monastery’s church where the Salesian nuns are buried. As per her orders, her heart was interred at the foot of her husband’s tomb in the Imperial Crypt at the Capuchin Church in Vienna.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Benedicta Henrietta of the Palatinate (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 21 July 2023).
  • Flantzer, Susan. (2023) Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Archduke of Austria, King of Croatia, King of Hungary, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 21 July 2023).
  • Salesianerinnenkirche (Wien) (2022) Wikipedia (German). Available at: (Accessed: 21 July 2023).
  • Wheatcroft, Andrew. (1995) The Habsburgs. London: Viking.
  • Wilhelmine-Amélie de Brunswick-Lunebourg (2023) Wikipedia (French). Available at: (Accessed: 21 July 2023).
  • Wilhelmine Amalie of Brunswick (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 21 July 2023).
  • Wilhelmine Amalie von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (2022) Wikipedia (German). Available at: (Accessed: 21 July 2023).
  • Вильгельмина Брауншвейг-Люнебургская (2022) Wikipedia (Russian). Available at: (Accessed: 21 July 2023).
  • Wilson, Peter H. (2016) Heart of Europe – A History of the Holy Roman Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Anna of Ysenburg and Büdingen, Princess of Lippe

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

Principality of Lippe: Originally called Lippe-Detmold, the Principality of Lippe came into existence in 1789 when it was raised from a County within the Holy Roman Empire to a Principality. Leopold I, Count of Lippe-Detmold became the first Prince of Lippe.

At the end of World War I, Leopold IV, the last Prince of Lippe, was forced to abdicate on November 12, 1918. However, Leopold negotiated a treaty with the new government that allowed his family to remain in Lippe. Today the territory that encompassed the Principality of Lippe is located in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.


Portrait of Princess Anna by Bernhard Zickendraht, 1924, displayed in Detmold Castle; Credit – Wikipedia

Princess Anna of Ysenburg and Büdingen was the second of the two wives of Leopold IV, Prince of Lippe. Anna was born on February 10, 1886, in Büdingen, then in the Grand Duchy of Hesse and by Rhine, now in the German state of Hesse. Originally, the House of Büdingen, a noble family, held control of Büdingen but in 1816, it was given to the Grand Duchy of Hessen-Darmstadt, later the Grand Duchy of Hesse and by Rhine. Anna was the youngest of the eight children and the youngest of the seven daughters Bruno, 3rd Prince of Ysenburg and Büdingen and his second wife Countess Bertha of Castell-Rüdenhausen. Her paternal grandparents were Ernst Casimir II, 2nd Prince of Ysenburg and Büdingen and his wife Countess Thekla of Erbach-Fürstenau. Anna’s maternal grandparents were Adolf, Hereditary Count of Castell-Rüdenhausen and Baroness Marie of Thüngen.

Anna had seven older siblings:

  • Princess Emma of Ysenburg and Büdingen (1870 – 1944), married Count Otto of Solms-Laubach, had four children
  • Princess Marie of Ysenburg and Büdingen (1875 – 1952), unmarried
  • Wolfgang, 4th Prince of Ysenburg and Büdingen (1877 – 1920), married Countess Adelheid of Rechteren-Limpurg, no children
  • Princess Thekla of Ysenburg and Büdingen (1878 – 1950), married Manfred V, Prince of Collalto and San Salvatore, had four children
  • Princess Mathilde of Ysenburg and Büdingen (1880 – 1947), married Cornelius, Baron Heyl of Herrnsheim, had five children
  • Princess Helene of Ysenburg and Büdingen (1881 – 1951), unmarried
  • Princess Hertha of Ysenburg and Büdingen (1883 – 1972), married Prince Albrecht of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, had one daughter Princess Ortrud of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg who married Ernst August IV, Hereditary Prince of Brunswick, Prince of Hanover – they are the parents of Prince Ernst August (V) of Hanover

Anna had two older half-sisters from her father’s first marriage to Princess Mathilde of Solms-Hohensolms-Lich:

  • Princess Hedwig of Ysenburg and Büdingen (1863 – 1925), married (1) Botho, 1st Prince of Stolberg-Rossla, had four children (2) Count Kuno of Stolberg-Rossla, no children
  • Princess Elisabeth of Ysenburg and Büdingen (1864 – 1946), married Rudolf, Baron of Thüngen, had four children

Büdingen Castle where Anna grew up; Credit – Von Sven Teschke – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 2.0 de,

On November 21, 1911, at Büdingen Castle (link in German) in Büdingen, where Anna grew up, she married Count Ernst of Lippe-Weissenfeld, son of Count Franz of Lippe-Weissenfeld and Baroness Marie von Beschwitz. Less than three years later, Ernst was killed in action at Gołdap, then in the Kingdom of Prussia, now in Poland, on the Eastern Front during World War I, on September 11, 1914.

Anna and Ernst had one daughter:

  • Princess Eleonore of Lippe-Weissenfeld (1913 – 1964), married Adolph Sweder Hubertus, Count of Rechteren-Limpurg, had two one son and one daughter

On April 26, 1922, in Büdingen, Germany, Anna became the second wife of Leopold IV, the last Prince of Lippe, the pretender to the throne of the Principality of Lippe. Following the German Empire’s defeat in World War I and the German Revolution of 1918-1919, Leopold IV was forced to renounce the throne on November 12, 1918, by the Lippe People’s and Soldiers’ Council. However, Leopold negotiated a treaty with the new government that allowed his family to remain in Lippe.

Leopold and Anna had one son Armin Leopold Ernst Bruno Heinrich Willa August:

Leopold’s first wife Princess Bertha of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld died in 1919 and upon her marriage to Leopold in 1922, Anna became the stepmother of Leopold’s five children from his first marriage:

  • Ernst, Hereditary Prince of Lippe (link in German) (1902 – 1987), married (1) Charlotte Ricken, divorced (2) Herta-Elise Weiland, had one son and one daughter
  • Prince Leopold Bernhard of Lippe (1904 – 1965), unmarried
  • Princess Karoline of Lippe (1905 – 2001), married Count Hans of Kanitz, had six daughters
  • Prince Chlodwig of Lippe (1909 – 2000), married Veronika Holl, had one daughter
  • Princess Sieglinde of Lippe (1915 – 2008), married Friedrich Carl Heldman, had two daughters and one son

During the rise of Nazism in Germany, all three of Leopold’s sons by his first wife Bertha became members of the Nazi Party. The eldest son the Hereditary Prince Ernst is reported to have been the first German prince to join the Nazi Party when he signed up in May 1928. Ernst’s brother Chlodwig joined the Nazi Party in 1931 and the other brother Leopold Bernhard joined in 1932. Hereditary Prince Ernst later became an SS-Major (Schutzstaffel Sturmbannführer) and held a high-ranking post in the SS Race and Settlement Main Office. The SS (Schutzstaffel) was the agency of security, surveillance, and terror in Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe. The SS Race and Settlement Main Office was responsible for safeguarding the racial purity of the SS within Nazi Germany. At the end of World War II, Hereditary Prince Ernst of Lippe was taken prisoner by the Allies and took part in the Nuremberg Trials as a witness. The denazification tribunal in the Detmold administrative district classified Ernst as a Lesser Offender, Category III. He was not imprisoned but rather placed on probation for two-three years with a list of restrictions.

In addition to being pro-Nazi, both Hereditary Prince Ernst and Prince Khlodwig had made unequal marriages. Due to these circumstances, Leopold rewrote his will in 1947, indicating that Armin, his only child with his second wife, would succeed him as the head of the House of Lippe and become the administrator of the princely family’s properties such as the Residenzschloss Detmold (link in German), thereby disinheriting all three of his sons from his first marriage.

Christ Church in Detmold; Credit – Von Daniel Brockpähler – Eigene Fotografie, bearbeitet mit Photoshop von Nikater, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Anna’s husband Leopold IV, the last Prince of Lippe died, aged 78, on December 30, 1949, in Detmold, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. He was buried with his first wife Bertha at the Christ Church in Detmold (link in German). Leopold’s second wife Anna survived him by thirty-one years, dying on February 8, 1980, in Detmold at the age of 94, and was also buried at Christ Church.

Anna and Leopold’s son Armin was head of the House of Lippe from 1949 until his death in 2015. Armin’s only child Stephan, Prince of Lippe (born 1959) succeeded him as head of the House of Lippe. Stephan married Countess Maria of Solms-Laubach and they had three sons and two daughters.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Bruno, Prince of Ysenburg and Büdingen (2022) Wikipedia. Available at:,_Prince_of_Ysenburg_and_B%C3%BCdingen (Accessed: 19 July 2023).
  • 2020. Leopold IV. (Lippe). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 13 October 2020].
  • 2020. Leopold IV, Prince Of Lippe. [online] Available at: <,_Prince_of_Lippe> [Accessed 13 October 2020].
  • Flantzer, S. (2023) Leopold IV, Prince of Lippe, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 19 July 2023).
  • Mehl, Scott, 2018. Lippe Royal Burial Sites. [online] Unofficial Royalty. Available at: <> [Accessed 13 October 2020].
  • Petropoulos, Jonathan, 2009. Royals And The Reich. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Princess Anna of Ysenburg and Büdingen (2022a) geni_family_tree. Available at: (Accessed: 19 July 2023).
  • Princess Anna of Ysenburg and Büdingen (2022) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 19 July 2023).

Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor

by Susan Flantzer
© Unofficial Royalty 2023

The Holy Roman Empire was a limited elective monarchy composed of hundreds of kingdoms, principalities, duchies, counties, prince-bishoprics, and Free Imperial Cities in central Europe. The Holy Roman Empire was not really holy since, after Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1530, no emperors were crowned by the pope or a bishop. It was not Roman but rather German because it was mainly in the regions of present-day Germany and Austria. It was an empire in name only – the territories it covered were mostly independent each with its own rulers. The Holy Roman Emperor directly ruled over only his family territories, and could not issue decrees and rule autonomously over the Holy Roman Empire. A Holy Roman Emperor was only as strong as his army and alliances, including marriage alliances, made him, and his power was severely restricted by the many sovereigns of the constituent monarchies of the Holy Roman Empire. From the 13th century, prince-electors, or electors for short, elected the Holy Roman Emperor from among the sovereigns of the constituent states.

Frequently but not always, it was common practice to elect the deceased Holy Roman Emperor’s heir. The Holy Roman Empire was an elective monarchy. No person had a legal right to the succession simply because he was related to the current Holy Roman Emperor. However, the Holy Roman Emperor could and often did, while still alive, have a relative (usually a son) elected to succeed him after his death. This elected heir apparent used the title King of the Romans.

Learn more at Unofficial Royalty: What was the Holy Roman Empire?


Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor; Credit – Wikipedia

Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor was also King of Bohemia, Archduke of Austria, and King of Croatia from 1705 – 1711, and King of Hungary from 1687 – 1711. Joseph Jacob Ignaz Johann Anton Eustachius was born in Vienna, then in the Archduchy of Austria, on July 26, 1678. He was the eldest of the ten children and the eldest of the three sons of Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor and his third wife and second cousin Eleonore Magdalena of Neuburg. Joseph’s paternal grandparents were Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and the first of his three wives and his first cousin, Maria Anna of Austria. His maternal grandparents were Philipp Wilhelm, Count Palatine of Neuburg and Duke of Jülich-Berg and his second wife Elisabeth Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt.

Joseph had nine siblings but only four survived childhood:

Joseph’s father Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor had been married twice before to Margarita Teresa of Spain and Claudia Felicitas of Austria. From these two marriages, Leopold I had six children, however, all except the oldest daughter from his first wife, had died.

Joseph had one surviving half-sister from his father’s first marriage to Margarita Teresa of Spain:

Joseph at the age of six; Credit – Wikipedia

Joseph was educated by Karl Theodor Otto, Prince of Salm, Leopold I’s Oberhofmeister, the head of the imperial court and household, and also the first privy councilor, a position similar to a prime minister. When Joseph succeeded his father, Karl Theodor Otto remained Oberhofmeister and first privy councilor. Joseph was studious, multi-talented, and very intelligent. In 1687, Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor gave his nine-year-old son the Kingdom of Hungary, one of the Habsburg hereditary lands, to rule over. In 1690, Joseph was elected King of the Romans, meaning he would be elected the next Holy Roman Emperor.

Joseph’s wife Wilhelmine Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg; Credit – Wikipedia

On February 24, 1699, in Vienna, Joseph married Wilhelmine Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg, daughter of Johann Friedrich, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Princess Benedicta Henrietta of the Palatinate. Joseph began having affairs at the age of 15 with maids and noble women. Wilhelmine Amalie was very pious and had received a Catholic education from her great-aunt Louise Hollandine of the Palatinate who had converted to Roman Catholicism, became a nun, and later the abbess at the Cistercian Maubuisson Abbey in France. It was thought that the pious Wilhelmine Amalie, who was five years older than Joseph, would be a positive influence on Joseph and he would then stop having affairs.

Joseph and Wilhelmine Amalie had three children but their only son died from hydrocephalus before his first birthday:

Joseph did not stop his affairs, and the affairs combined with the death of his only son took a toll on his marriage. Joseph contracted a venereal disease, probably syphilis, and probably passed the disease to his wife. The venereal disease was most likely the reason for the failure of the couple to produce more children. Without male heirs, a succession crisis developed over who would inherit the Habsburg hereditary lands of Bohemia, Austria, Croatia, and Hungary. The Holy Roman Emperor was not inherited but was elected by the prince-electors, or electors for short, from among the sovereigns of the constituent states.

Joseph’s father Holy Roman Leopold I was still alive and he devised the Mutual Pact of Succession, a succession device secretly signed by Joseph and his younger brother Karl in 1703. The Mutual Pact of Succession stated that the Habsburg hereditary lands would be inherited by the brothers’ respective male heirs. However, if one brother should fail to have a son, the other one would succeed him in all the Habsburg hereditary lands. If both brothers died without sons, the daughters of Joseph, the elder brother, would have absolute precedence over the daughters of Karl, the younger brother, and the eldest daughter of Joseph would ascend to the thrones of all the Habsburg hereditary lands.

Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor died, aged sixty-four, on May 5, 1705, in Vienna, then in the Archduchy of Austria, and his 27-year-old son Joseph succeeded him in the Habsburg hereditary lands and was elected Holy Roman Emperor. His father had left him with the War of the Spanish Succession (1701 – 1715). The death of the last Spanish Habsburg King, Leopold’s childless nephew King Carlos II of Spain resulted in the War of the Spanish Succession in which Leopold and then his son Holy Roman Joseph I unsuccessfully sought to give Leopold’s younger son Karl the entire Spanish inheritance, disregarding the will of the late Carlos II who had named 16-year-old Philippe of France, Duke of Anjou, the second son of Louis, Le Grand Dauphin of France, and the grandson of Carlos’ half-sister Maria Teresa of Austria, Infanta of Spain and her husband King Louis XIV of France, as his successor. However, Philippe of France did reign in Spain as King Felipe V, the first King of Spain from the House of Bourbon that still reigns in Spain.

Tomb of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I; Credit – By PaulT (Gunther Tschuch) – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Joseph’s reign lasted just six years. During the smallpox epidemic in 1711, which killed Louis, Le Grand Dauphin of France, the only surviving child and heir of King Louis XIV of France, and three siblings of the future Holy Roman Emperor Franz I, Joseph also became ill with smallpox. He died, aged thirty-two, on April 17, 1711, at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna. Joseph had promised his wife that if he survived, he would stop having affairs. Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I was buried in the Imperial Crypt at the Capuchin Church in Vienna. His tomb, designed by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt, is decorated with images of various battles from the War of Spanish Succession.

Joseph’s brother and successor Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor; Credit – Wikipedia

Joseph’s brother Karl succeeded him as the ruler of the Habsburg hereditary lands and was elected Holy Roman Emperor Karl VI. However, Karl’s only son had died in infancy and upon his death, the Habsburg hereditary lands should have gone to Joseph’s daughter Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria as declared in the Mutual Pact of Succession. However, Karl VI’s Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 annulled the Mutual Pact of Succession and made his daughter Maria Theresa the heir to the Habsburg hereditary lands instead of Joseph’s daughter Maria Josepha. When Karl died in 1740, Maria Theresa’s succession to the Habsburg hereditary lands led to the War of Austrian Succession (1740 – 1748), resulting in the eventual confirmation of Maria Theresa’s Habsburg titles.

This article is the intellectual property of Unofficial Royalty and is NOT TO BE COPIED, EDITED, OR POSTED IN ANY FORM ON ANOTHER WEBSITE under any circumstances. It is permissible to use a link that directs to Unofficial Royalty.

Works Cited

  • Flantzer, Susan. (2023) Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, Archduke of Austria, King of Croatia, Duke of Teschen, King of the Romans, Archduke of Further Austria, and Prince of Transylvania, Unofficial Royalty. Available at: (Accessed: 19 July 2023).
  • Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor (2023) Wikipedia. Available at:,_Holy_Roman_Emperor (Accessed: 19 July 2023).
  • Joseph I. (HRR) (2023) Wikipedia (German). Available at: (Accessed: 19 July 2023).
  • Mutual Pact of Succession (2023) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 19 July 2023).
  • Wheatcroft, Andrew. (1995) The Habsburgs. London: Viking.
  • Wilson, Peter H. (2016) Heart of Europe – A History of the Holy Roman Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.