source: Daily Mail
They say that everyone loves a wedding. Well here at Unofficial Royalty, there’s nothing we like more than a Royal Wedding!
For many years, royal weddings were small private events, with only a handful of family and guests in attendance. Fortunately for us, that has all changed and royal weddings are now often State Events with carriage processions, balcony appearances and live-streaming media coverage broadcast around the world. (How many of us were awake in the wee hours of the morning to watch Lady Diana Spencer, traveling to St. Paul’s Cathedral in the Glass Coach for her wedding to The Prince of Wales?)
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And let’s not forget the hundreds of invited guests! Today, most royal weddings are a virtual “who’s who” of royalty from around the world.
With June being a popular month for weddings, we’ve decided to spend the month looking back at some of the many royal weddings. Each day this month, we’ll be featuring a different royal wedding from Europe and beyond. We’re even starting a day early because there are just so many royal weddings we want to highlight!
Be sure to check back tomorrow – and every day this month – and join in on the discussions over on our Forums. Stop by and tell us what you’re favorite wedding is!